Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Professor James Moriarty on August 29, 2014, 01:17:44 PM

Title: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 29, 2014, 01:17:44 PM
Hi , I own but I am considering going into couple more ventures and invest in some others so this is getting a little bit more like a small conglomerate :D

 So I thought I should get a brand name and make it something cool ( doesn't really need to be attached to bitcoin or have something like that in the name).

Long story short I will open up like 5 websites and invest in 3-4 others, if I make profit rather than loss , I will reinvest those profits into more business' and keep doing that until I have no more bitcoins to reinvest :D Since most of them are irrelevant to each other and even couple of them are not even bitcoin related , I am not sure what to name it. I am also horrible with creativity.

Not sure when contest ends , would decide by either what you guys say when it should end or maybe it will end whenever I like one :D

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Malin Keshar on August 29, 2014, 01:46:56 PM
About what exactly the business you want name will be about? I think it might be of some importance we know before going into sugestions

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 29, 2014, 02:07:38 PM

 Well it can be about anything , as long as there is a .com available so redgate is out of questions .

 It doesn't have to be connected to my business since there will be a porn business a faucet a faucet rotator a real estate , a landscape and hopefully a bitcoin minning simulation game , so these are just what I have in mind right now , 3 non-bitcoin related and 3 bitcoin related , so what I am trying to say that it doesn't have to be a bitcoin related name , it can be something like redgate but must be .com domain ready as well.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 29, 2014, 03:18:55 PM

 Well it can be about anything , as long as there is a .com available so redgate is out of questions .

 It doesn't have to be connected to my business since there will be a porn business a faucet a faucet rotator a real estate , a landscape and hopefully a bitcoin minning simulation game , so these are just what I have in mind right now , 3 non-bitcoin related and 3 bitcoin related , so what I am trying to say that it doesn't have to be a bitcoin related name , it can be something like redgate but must be .com domain ready as well.

What kind of things do you like? Most people name their businesses after something, or related to something in either their business or life. Know what I mean?

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: bittown on August 29, 2014, 03:21:56 PM
ScriptaManent should be fine, it is the first part of an old but popular Latin proverb: Scripta manent verba volant

It means the written things (scripta) remain forever (manent), the oral words (verba) fly away (volant).

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: mnporter2001 on August 29, 2014, 03:25:47 PM
As long as it dosn't involve a Genie lol

PM me some plans you have, I may be interested in getting involved :)


Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 29, 2014, 06:07:27 PM

 Well I enjoy cryptocurrencies , games and porn :D ahahah , I am a very different person than many people here right :D
 All kidding aside ScriptaManent was the first good thing , lets hear more like that , don't think about anything like what I would want or anything , just tell me whatever comes to your mind.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 29, 2014, 09:05:38 PM

 Is this in the wrong place? Should I put this somewhere else ?

 Shameless up btw.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 30, 2014, 01:02:46 AM
Okay how about Omnia-Businesses, if you like latin. Since you seem to be into all sorts of stuff. Omnia is basically "it all" or "all".

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Taras on August 30, 2014, 02:58:40 AM
Pipeline to Satoshi
Perhaps simply Moriarty will do?

Imagine suffixing your name with LLC or something, gives almost anything a professional look
I wouldn't put Co at the end if I were you I just don't trust anything beginning or ending with Co
That means you, Coca Cola

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 30, 2014, 03:02:00 AM

 Latin thinks do look good so I will be honest and say do look for latin I guess but that doesn't mean non-latin names are bad , if you find a great one that would be the winner.

 Moriarty won't do because of that SoB scammer moriarty , my name is now assosicated with a scammer :/

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 30, 2014, 03:03:01 AM
I like Omnia-Businesses ;)

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Taras on August 30, 2014, 03:06:12 AM
I like Omnia-Businesses ;)
I think it'd technically be Omnibusiness, but that's probably taken by something already :-\
Lots of latin to choose from, could make for an interesting name :)


Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 30, 2014, 06:49:16 AM

 For further help of how a conglomerate name looks like ;

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: xaznarrac on August 30, 2014, 06:55:19 AM
SinkBit/BitSink <--- get it?  ;D
Coinpeers <--- Willing to sell domain

Hopefully you like any of them

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: cxboyminer on August 30, 2014, 09:59:57 AM

I have that domain so you can buy it off me in dirt cheap price.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 30, 2014, 05:43:48 PM
 Shameless Bump :D

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 30, 2014, 05:45:49 PM
Omnia Businesses is not a taken name, there are lots of companies with a similar name but none are like that. I vote for Omnia Businesses! Because you're into everything, omnia=all

Come on it's great ;d

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 30, 2014, 05:53:39 PM

 Thats a good suggestion that is on the list for sure, looking for much more , I am open for ways to look for one as well , the problem about searching a name online is they tell you to give them a word and they derive from that , I dont have word , I am looking for something brand new :D

 I am considering omnia negotium tough :D not omnia business :D

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: galbros on August 30, 2014, 06:45:54 PM
I was going to suggest something tied to Moriarty.. like Bane of Sherlock or something like that.  However, the availability of the .com may be a problem or give legal issues.

Good Luck!

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: marcotheminer on August 30, 2014, 08:39:33 PM
How come you have a custom title? Looks so cool haha

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 30, 2014, 08:48:12 PM
Good job on getting that negative trust taken care of c:

Do I get half bounty if you pick Omnia-Negotium? :p

I think Omnia is a cool sounding word.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 30, 2014, 09:03:45 PM

 If I select Omnia Negotium you will get the full reward bro :D

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 30, 2014, 09:05:05 PM

 If I select Omnia Negotium you will get the full reward bro :D

That would be cool c: you should select it!!!!!

Just incase..


Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 30, 2014, 09:19:20 PM

 There is another suggestion I should write here,

 He was an old poster here by name 'Bitshire Hashaway' , like berkshire hathaway :D

 If I can get his account + address , than that will be the name , if not the contest goes on until I feel like it :D ahah since I dont have a rush its fine.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Jaaawsh on August 30, 2014, 09:25:22 PM
Lol I'm always made to wait for things :c and I might not even get it xD

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 31, 2014, 02:12:08 PM

 Shameless self bump

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: SwingFirst on August 31, 2014, 02:21:44 PM
I think evalve ( could be something good. It's an e-valve, you know.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 31, 2014, 08:44:02 PM

 I will give you one hint about why I am not using this name , check other posts on this topic...

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: KC6TTR on August 31, 2014, 08:54:33 PM
Hmmm.... Ok... You like tortoises?

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: justbtcme on August 31, 2014, 08:56:43 PM
Business name = justBTCme

Website name =

Business motto = "Everything you need! JUSTBTCME!"

BTCtalk username = justbtcme (strategic partners?)

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 31, 2014, 09:27:42 PM

 It is weird how you can put words on a picture but fail to read the topic. Congratz on that.

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: KC6TTR on August 31, 2014, 09:42:27 PM
It is more weird how you can ask for a brand name (the public representation of your multiple ventures) that you would/should be proud of but fail to look at the big picture and weed out the names that will make you look like just another fly-by-night interwebs venture. Congratz on that.

By the way, you're welcome. I will remember not to waste my much more valuable time in the future.  :o


Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: xaznarrac on August 31, 2014, 09:46:02 PM
Bitcast/Faucast/Hashcast/Cryptocast/Cryptcast/Coincast == like comcast
Bitwarner/cryptwarner/ =Time Warner
General Faucet = GM
Cryptoeing = boeing

Just some more ideas having the reqs from the OP

Title: Re: [Contest] Name my Business and get 0.01 (5$)
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on August 31, 2014, 09:47:02 PM
 I have no idea how you feel what you said is even remotely revelant to what you did but to put this right in front of you that you wouldn't miss the big picture.


 Is this clear enough for you ? Is this better ? Can you read it now?