Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RoloTonyBrownTown on April 16, 2012, 11:47:38 PM

Title: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: RoloTonyBrownTown on April 16, 2012, 11:47:38 PM
Apologies if this has already been mentioned.  I did a quick search but nothing showed up.

I've been a VIP member of NZBMatrix long before I was into Bitcoin, but was signing a friend up last night and noticed that Bitcoin is an option for payment for VIP Upgrades :)

I can't grab a screenshot as the option disappears once you've signed up, but if you want to check it out just create a free account, then click on the VIP Upgrade button.  It's on the Donation page as well:

Pretty big site in the world of NZB's (possibly the biggest since Newzbin 1 died, but I haven't really checked out Newsbin 2 so can't comment there).  It's not going to change the world with regards to Bitcoin adoption, but it's nice that the option is there regardless.  The more the merrier :)

Announcement (

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: GoWest on April 17, 2012, 12:34:48 AM
That appears to be the third biggest website ( to ever accept Bitcoins.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: triplehelix on April 17, 2012, 01:14:44 AM
i believe the filesharing economy is a major low hanging fruit for bitcoin to increase commercial usage.  seedboxes, torrent sites donations/vip purchase, vpns, hosting sites, etc.  it increases anonymity of a services users eliminating the money trail, which now is a major chink in the armor.

torrentfreak just published an article about vpns and one of the items is about bitcoin use:

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: finway on April 17, 2012, 01:52:57 AM

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: Seal on April 17, 2012, 06:50:40 AM
Whats NZBMatrix? Some kind of file distribution network? It wont let you see anything without signing up.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: RoloTonyBrownTown on April 17, 2012, 07:08:41 AM
Whats NZBMatrix? Some kind of file distribution network? It wont let you see anything without signing up.

Basically a Usenet indexing site.   Think a private torrent site, but with Usenet instead of Bittorrent :)

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: proudhon on April 17, 2012, 01:36:26 PM
Wow.  Very cool.  I've been an NZBMatrix member for almost 5 years now, but I just might throw a few bitcoins their way for adopting the currency.  NZBMatrix + SABnzb + SickBeard = best media experience ever.  It'd be great if other biggish service providers in this particular niche would adopt bitcoins.  I'm specifically thinking of btguard and Astraweb, for example.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: RoloTonyBrownTown on April 18, 2012, 03:41:25 AM
Wow.  Very cool.  I've been an NZBMatrix member for almost 5 years now, but I just might throw a few bitcoins their way for adopting the currency.  NZBMatrix + SABnzb + SickBeard = best media experience ever. 

Agreed.  And Couchpotato :)

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: Red Emerald on December 02, 2012, 06:38:07 AM
Wow.  Very cool.  I've been an NZBMatrix member for almost 5 years now, but I just might throw a few bitcoins their way for adopting the currency.  NZBMatrix + SABnzb + SickBeard = best media experience ever. 

Agreed.  And Couchpotato :)

Thread rez!

I've been tinkering with my newsgroup setup and saw your post about NZBMatrix accepting coin, so I sent them some.  I also noticed that couchpotato accepts bitcoin donations, too!

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: bitcon on December 02, 2012, 09:19:34 AM
now if only giganews would accept bitcoins!  :D

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: rchapoteau on December 02, 2012, 01:53:15 PM
Since Newsbin 2 died NZBMatrix is probably the way to go.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: c_k on December 02, 2012, 06:06:22 PM
Can be used in conjunction with ;)

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: Red Emerald on December 02, 2012, 07:43:37 PM
Can be used in conjunction with ;)

Who runs bitusenet? Their page is lacking a privacy policy and information like if it's their own index or if they just resell.  I guess I should send them an email.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: proudhon on December 09, 2012, 03:24:56 PM
This ( is a real bummer.

The End...

It is with our regret to announce that NZBMATRIX has closed.

We have had to make this decision due to a very large takedown request from a company called Wiggin LLC. These represent the following: Federation Against Copyright Theft Limited ("FACT"), Paramount Home Entertainment International Limited; Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Limited; The Walt Disney Company Limited; Twentieth Century Fox Film Company Limited; Universal Pictures (UK) Limited; Warner Bros. Entertainment UK Limited.

As everyone is aware we are DMCA/Takedown notice compliant, and always have been.
Once this notice is completed we are left with an impossible task of policing our indexing bots.  Even then it won't stop there, there will be follow-up notices etc.

Coupled with this is problems with payment providers, we have been through pretty much everyone out there, in the end they all pull out.
There are massive server/bandwidth costs to pay, with the payments in-stability this is a very hard task.

NZBMATRIX has never been the subject of any legal issues or threats.

Also the Usenet Indexing scene is going through some changes, with content being removed from pretty much every provider its making the existence of an indexer irrelevant if the content does not even exists anymore.

So it's time for us to bow out...

Their bitcoin adoption was simply too late to be helpful.  Everyone who used the site had already paid with paypal or whatever.  On the bright side, paypal et al. are, I think, helping turn bitcoin into a moment.  What I mean is that they're building a strong case for a decentralized digital medium of exchange that will eventually reach a point where using it is so obvious and necessary there will be a powerful surge to its adoption.

Also, would there be a way to use the bitcoin model for nzbs hosting and sharing?  Something like namecoin but for nzbs?  Just talking out loud here.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: kwukduck on December 10, 2012, 01:16:38 AM
Filesharing in a 'blockchain'?

Oh.. you mean a distributed datastore (

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: SAC on December 10, 2012, 03:17:06 AM
Something like namecoin but for nzbs?  Just talking out loud here.

Yeah namecoin is the idea for all this BS no way to screw over the domains if they start blocking IPs then all that is needed is a change in the record in namecoin by the holder of it. What is really needed though is to break the lock the content mafia have on the channel of distribution itself. In other words a reboot of the internet on a P2P distributed network with something like namecoin running the domains end to end encrypted by default.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: salfter on December 10, 2012, 04:06:46 AM
Wow.  Very cool.  I've been an NZBMatrix member for almost 5 years now, but I just might throw a few bitcoins their way for adopting the currency.  NZBMatrix + SABnzb + SickBeard = best media experience ever.  It'd be great if other biggish service providers in this particular niche would adopt bitcoins.  I'm specifically thinking of btguard and Astraweb, for example. should especially be useful for Astraweb and other NNTP service providers, as they're the ones making the most money off of file downloads.

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: QuantumQrack on December 10, 2012, 04:12:32 AM

Title: Re: NZBMatrix accepting Bitcoins
Post by: Shermo on December 10, 2012, 07:37:31 PM
That really sucks, I only donated them some bitcoins a few days ago... really lame! is another site I use, its currently hit and miss as there servers are taking a real hammering lately with lots of other sites closing down. They've also had several bitcoin donations from me, I'm all for supporting sites I use.