Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: eoakland on September 05, 2014, 12:41:51 AM

Title: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 05, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
I am the victim of a Paypal chargeback and the buyer never returned my HP ProBook 6560b i7 laptop. At the time the computer was worth about $700. I sold it for $400. The buyer filed a dispute with paypal...the buyer and I resolved it, and I gave him a partial refund. 2 months later the buyer filed a 2nd chargeback, only this time with his credit card. He received his original $400 back on top of the partial refund, and to compound things he never returned my laptop.

If you are keeping score, I paid to ship the laptop, i gave him his purchase price back, he also got a partial refund on top of his purchase price....and the bastard kept the laptop. he is wining like a motherfucker..right ?

I have asked the seller several times to return the laptop and he has failed to do so. With that said, I am putting this out there. I will pay $100 for the recovered laptop to be "collected" or the "collector" can keep the laptop--(but i will not pay the $100)...consider the free laptop your payment. I do not want the scammer to keep the laptop. I live in CA, he lives in Orlando, FL.

I can provide all documentation to verify this information as well (please view picture)

I will make this super easy, I am giving his name, address, and contact information. feel free to show up to his residence to collect.

His name and address:
Rahul K Sharma
2012 Gloria Oak Ct
Orlando FL. 32820

should any interested "collector" have any questions feel free to contact me.

Thank you

verified chargeback info from paypal: (

stock photo of the laptop: (

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 05, 2014, 04:50:30 PM
anyone live near that area ?

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: viking02 on September 05, 2014, 10:20:33 PM
Are you sure thats the persons real name though?

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 06, 2014, 01:28:15 AM
Are you sure thats the persons real name though?

100% confirmed it is his real name.  paypal verified account and the property records for the home he bought indicate it.  the guy will not respond to any of my messages.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: MultipliedCombo on September 07, 2014, 08:09:51 AM
If someone does end up going to pick it up, remember to bring a camera. Would like to see how it goes down! XD

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: haploid23 on September 07, 2014, 08:44:59 AM
Ouch, sorry to hear for your loss. Very similar thing happened to me on where scumbag filed a chargeback with his bank, I lost the money and item. What was his reason for the paypal dispute, and why did you give him a partial refund? You need to give all evidence to paypal, they will pass that on to his bank because you have absolutely no way to deal directly with his bank.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: AcoinL.L.C on September 07, 2014, 02:25:16 PM
Ouch, sorry to hear for your loss. Very similar thing happened to me on where scumbag filed a chargeback with his bank, I lost the money and item. What was his reason for the paypal dispute, and why did you give him a partial refund? You need to give all evidence to paypal, they will pass that on to his bank because you have absolutely no way to deal directly with his bank.

Paypal doesn't care about evidence provided. They always side with the consumer, and if the credit card gets charge backed they have no option but to charge it to the seller, since paypal loses that money. Its a huge scam. Thats why you shouldn't use paypal unless you absolutely have to, never keep any sum of money on it.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 07, 2014, 02:44:31 PM
Ouch, sorry to hear for your loss. Very similar thing happened to me on where scumbag filed a chargeback with his bank, I lost the money and item. What was his reason for the paypal dispute, and why did you give him a partial refund? You need to give all evidence to paypal, they will pass that on to his bank because you have absolutely no way to deal directly with his bank.

i used to buy laptops in bulk (bulk to me is 3 to 4 at a time), these were laptops that came from a business environment.  anyhow, his initial dispute he said the bios was funky or some shit.  i gave the guy the option to return  the laptop for a full refund or i could give him a partial refund to resolve, and i let him choose the amount for a refund that he deemed fair.  (i still have those emails too).  he said $40, and to quote "I don't know what partial would be fare... $40??? I just don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you..."  

Rahul Sharma is the reason i stopped selling laptops, or pretty much anything for that matter.  $400 is a nice hit to take.  To me it can make the difference of me being able to pay my rent or not.  

Paypal has done absolutely jack shit.  i gave paypal all the emails, and they have the partial refund in their own transaction history, and these idiots still gave the guy a full refund on top of the partial he already received.   They have told me that this is out of their hands, and that i will have to file a small claim.  If i was local to the guy i would go get the laptop myself, or file a complaint.  

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 10, 2014, 10:02:46 PM
anyone interested ?  come'on internet thugs where are you.....hmmm, what would silkroad's dpr do ? 

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: Tomatocage on September 10, 2014, 11:04:16 PM
That hella sucks...

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 11, 2014, 07:00:01 AM
That hella sucks...

Tell me about it.  Sometimes in life we have to take the L, but this one burns.  I am not some brick and mortar company that can write off the loss and chalk it up to shrink.  I could have gotten like 25 Prime Hashlets when they were $15.99 =)

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: Kluge on September 11, 2014, 07:00:58 AM
The Coins in the Kingdom conference in Orlando is coming up at the beginning of October...

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 11, 2014, 02:31:30 PM
The Coins in the Kingdom conference in Orlando is coming up at the beginning of October...

Kluge--don't give me hope... hopefully this forum has an internet thug/MMA practitioner that is up to the task =)  Come'on October !

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: Kluge on September 11, 2014, 11:09:14 PM
The Coins in the Kingdom conference in Orlando is coming up at the beginning of October...

Kluge--don't give me hope... hopefully this forum has an internet thug/MMA practitioner that is up to the task =)  Come'on October !
I'm very fat and tall. If you'd like, I could stand at the door and twiddle my beard hair with a threatening glare until something happens. :D

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 12, 2014, 03:20:58 AM
The Coins in the Kingdom conference in Orlando is coming up at the beginning of October...

Kluge--don't give me hope... hopefully this forum has an internet thug/MMA practitioner that is up to the task =)  Come'on October !
I'm very fat and tall. If you'd like, I could stand at the door and twiddle my beard hair with a threatening glare until something happens. :D

Oh shit..too funny.  you never know, perhaps we can get you a leather vest and he will confuse you for a Hell's Angel =)

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: seattlenonsmoker on September 13, 2014, 10:58:48 PM
Have you been to his house? What's it look like?

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 14, 2014, 12:31:08 AM
Have you been to his house? What's it look like?

I have never been to his house, i live in California he lives in Florida (opposite coast)....but this is what his house looks like. 

Can you believe this bastard has this house and yet he steals from me  ?,-81.1199787,3a,75y,274.6h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1smH-4NWytiuLjOM5sV8Lpcw!2e0 (

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: seattlenonsmoker on September 14, 2014, 12:49:38 AM
That's unbelievable!!!! Have you tried the deep web....  ;)

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: TECSHARE on September 15, 2014, 07:29:54 AM
Call the local police and file charges for felony level interstate fraud.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 16, 2014, 02:18:12 AM
I filed a complaint with the U.S. Postal inspection Service (basically the cops of USPS).  that is a good idea, i just thought the local police would laugh and just dismiss my complaint...none-the-less, i will try tomorrow. 

but i am still hoping for a bitcoin ninja/debt collector to come out of the wood works...there has got to be real life bullies that exist still ?  LoL

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: Connor936 on September 16, 2014, 04:29:02 AM
I filed a complaint with the U.S. Postal inspection Service (basically the cops of USPS).  that is a good idea, i just thought the local police would laugh and just dismiss my complaint...none-the-less, i will try tomorrow. 

but i am still hoping for a bitcoin ninja/debt collector to come out of the wood works...there has got to be real life bullies that exist still ?  LoL
Hopefully you will end up with something more then a life lesion out of this, however I don't think you will. Law enforcement unfortunately does not have the resources to conduct a through investigation of crimes of this magnitude

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 16, 2014, 12:34:38 PM
Police would actually investigate this if you reported it to them, if you talk to the right cop they'll have someone on the scammer's doorstep the same day.

I once won a $400+ charge back thanks to the police, they put the scammer under house arrest a few hours after I reported him, and then he called me up begging to pay.

The funny thing is after all that I lost the chargeback case itself, cause credit card companies suck, but the scammer sent me a moneypak so it ended up fine.

I am glad you got your money back.  i am sure your case is one of the few that ends well for the seller.  it's crazy how seller's are NOT protected with paypal at all.  paypal charges all of those fees and for line their pockets ? 

come'on cyber thugs.....ddos that cocksucker jack up his credit.  LoL

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: sionsandman on September 16, 2014, 07:24:43 PM
Police would actually investigate this if you reported it to them, if you talk to the right cop they'll have someone on the scammer's doorstep the same day.

I once won a $400+ chargeback thanks to the police, they put the scammer under house arrest a few hours after I reported him, and then he called me up begging to pay.

The funny thing is after all that I lost the chargeback case itself, cause credit card companies suck, but the scammer sent me a moneypak so it ended up fine.

It's always good to have friends in all kinds of positions.

This is one of those times when it comes in handy to have a police friend.

eoakland probably doesn't have a police friend but maybe someone here could introduce one to him  ;)

I have cop friends but I don't live in the US.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: koshgel on September 16, 2014, 10:10:48 PM
Call the local police and file charges for felony level interstate fraud.

This is the appropriate action. Results will come from this.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: Matze on September 16, 2014, 10:22:42 PM
Call the local police and file charges for felony level interstate fraud.

This is the appropriate action. Results will come from this.
I personally don't think anything would come of this if the police were called. The police likely do not have jurisdiction over where the scammer lives and it would be argued that the crime was committed where the scammer lives. Additionally the amount in question is very little and most police forces do not have the resources to be investigating crimes of this magnitude (or lack thereof).

I wish it was not this way, but I am just giving my opinion.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: kerimk2 on September 16, 2014, 10:25:14 PM
Someone secretly film this, whoever does this. That would be hilarious!

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: BCwinning on September 16, 2014, 10:26:51 PM
There is small claims court as well.
Sue him in Cali, he'll never appear, win the judgment and file liens.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: Kluge on September 17, 2014, 02:03:13 AM
Realistically, this is dangerous for anyone who decides to try and get the laptop. He's in Florida, if you were on his property and he shot you there wouldn't be much of a case against him.
That's not how Castle Doctrine works*.

*when it's white people on your doorstep.

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 17, 2014, 02:07:31 PM
Realistically, this is dangerous for anyone who decides to try and get the laptop. He's in Florida, if you were on his property and he shot you there wouldn't be much of a case against him.

that's why the ambush needs to happen off of his property.  lol  i am joking.  i don't expect anyone to threaten the guy or show up on his doorstep.  but perhaps a phone call here and there from a local number, a letter from a local address would make that coward think twice about doing this to someone else. 

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: visualelite on September 17, 2014, 02:13:58 PM
You have proof that you send the laptop so why paypal does not protecting you

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 18, 2014, 05:52:21 AM
You have proof that you send the laptop so why paypal does not protecting you

short answer, paypal sucks cock ???  anyone who has had any sort of dealings with paypal finds our the hard way that paypal does jack shit to protect the seller.  in fact they assist the scammer so much that paypal must get a percentage from each scam  ;D 

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 27, 2014, 07:03:15 PM

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: RedZeppelin on September 27, 2014, 08:19:22 PM
Call the local police and file charges for felony level interstate fraud.

I did try call Florida police after a Spyro Kopreos from Pensacola Florida scammed me on Ebay.
US police is shit to be honest they refused to take a report on the telephone.
What am i supposed to do!? Buy a airline ticket and fly there!?
So i mailed him almost 1 pound of marijuana that had budrot and was unsmokeable ;D
No vacuum no nothing just straight down into a mailing bag.
That way i think he got attention of the police anyway..

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on September 29, 2014, 02:59:45 PM
Call the local police and file charges for felony level interstate fraud.

I did try call Florida police after a Spyro Kopreos from Pensacola Florida scammed me on Ebay.
US police is shit to be honest they refused to take a report on the telephone.
What am i supposed to do!? Buy a airline ticket and fly there!?
So i mailed him almost 1 pound of marijuana that had budrot and was unsmokeable ;D
No vacuum no nothing just straight down into a mailing bag.
That way i think he got attention of the police anyway..

this is comical.  thank you i needed a good laugh.  sadly thought i bet the gift you sent him arrived unnoticed by any authorities. 

it's depressing how Paypal still allows this person (and other scammers) to buy/sell on paypal with no ramifications. 

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: PeanutCoins on September 29, 2014, 03:05:20 PM
If you have a chargebaack it could be a stolen account or credit card, that usually happens.  This is why is good to call the people about orders

Title: Re: Chargeback victim, if you live in Orlando you can have a free laptop
Post by: eoakland on October 01, 2014, 09:43:28 PM
If you have a chargebaack it could be a stolen account or credit card, that usually happens.  This is why is good to call the people about orders

naw, it's the dude that ordered it.  he filed twonot as described claims (and his card charged it off) he was supposed to ship it back.  he must work for BFL, he is a true cocksucker.