Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MicroGuy on September 06, 2014, 02:44:45 AM

Title: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: MicroGuy on September 06, 2014, 02:44:45 AM (

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes, who earlier this year revealed that a "second species" controls the World’s banking and religious institutions, spoke today with Future Money Trends about Bitcoin, a digital currency apparently not yet controlled by this secret alien race.

During her interview she said that Bitcoin is both legal and flexible and gives people a new unrestricted way to make payments. However she did express concerns over the currency's strength as a store of value.

Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and the aliens that control it. She studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam.

Full Story:

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: LiberyOrDeath on September 06, 2014, 03:10:43 AM (

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes, who earlier this year revealed that a "second species" controls the World’s banking and religious institutions, spoke today with Future Money Trends about Bitcoin, a digital currency apparently not yet controlled by this secret alien race.

During her interview she said that Bitcoin is both legal and flexible and gives people a new unrestricted way to make payments. However she did express concerns over the currency's strength as a store of value.

Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and the aliens that control it. She studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam.

Full Story:

Looks to me like somebody needs to get their head checked. But on the other hand in a world this crazy, I wonder what are the limits of the possible. Nothing is impossible as the last great Bob Marley said.

However, "the second species" might be an allegory. Did you consider this fact?

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: MicroGuy on September 06, 2014, 03:12:28 AM
However, "the second species" might be an allegory. Did you consider this fact?

She said, "They have elongated skulls, they may produce offspring in mating with female humans, but that offspring is not fertile."

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: LiberyOrDeath on September 06, 2014, 03:34:52 AM
However, "the second species" might be an allegory. Did you consider this fact?

She said, "They have elongated skulls, they may produce offspring in mating with female humans, but that offspring is not fertile."

Well, if that is the case she is a certified nut job. She should still have her right to the freedom of speech, though, as long as it doesn't call for violence.

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: jaberwock on September 06, 2014, 04:25:57 AM
Even aliens can't control the math and the consensus rule.

This is why I love Bitcoin

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: ProGamer on September 06, 2014, 05:02:12 AM (

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes, who earlier this year revealed that a "second species" controls the World’s banking and religious institutions, spoke today with Future Money Trends about Bitcoin, a digital currency apparently not yet controlled by this secret alien race.

During her interview she said that Bitcoin is both legal and flexible and gives people a new unrestricted way to make payments. However she did express concerns over the currency's strength as a store of value.

Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and the aliens that control it. She studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam.

Full Story:

Looks to me like somebody needs to get their head checked. But on the other hand in a world this crazy, I wonder what are the limits of the possible. Nothing is impossible as the last great Bob Marley said.

However, "the second species" might be an allegory. Did you consider this fact?

JTRIG isn't even trying that hard.

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: Xiaoxiao on September 06, 2014, 05:24:47 AM (

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes, who earlier this year revealed that a "second species" controls the World’s banking and religious institutions, spoke today with Future Money Trends about Bitcoin, a digital currency apparently not yet controlled by this secret alien race.

During her interview she said that Bitcoin is both legal and flexible and gives people a new unrestricted way to make payments. However she did express concerns over the currency's strength as a store of value.

Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and the aliens that control it. She studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam.

Full Story:

What is he referring to when it comes to "religious institutions"  There are many.  Biggest one being the catholic church.  Than there are evangelical church, pentacostal church, etc etc. Then there are other religions.. Islam and all its sects.  Then there are millions of pagan religions and don't forget Hinduism?

So what religious institution is he referring to?  Is he just referring to the Vatican?

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: beetcoin on September 06, 2014, 05:57:26 AM
i've seen this lady in a few interviews. she likes to go off on crazy rants. imagine her, actor_tom_truong, and dank just having dinner. man, table full of crazy!

there are similar patterns among these crazies. usually to do with government, reptilian aliens, anti-semitism..

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: EarthBound on September 06, 2014, 06:04:07 AM
The aliens created dogecoins and stellar lol

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: 2kman on September 06, 2014, 06:19:27 AM
Makes perfect sense to me... aliens controlling religion... what else could explain the crazy stuff that religion is about!?

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: knight22 on September 06, 2014, 06:25:33 AM
This might be far stretched but instead of mocking you people should try to prove her wrong. 

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: Slark on September 06, 2014, 07:13:09 AM
People just need to think, just stop for a moment and think about current order of things. Then it would be clear for you that this system we live in is 'weird'. While I don't really believe in aliens behind it, there are certainly some hidden forces pushing it in the wrong direction.

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: 2kman on September 06, 2014, 07:31:50 AM
I certainly agree that our current system is weird and unfair and even illegal (until legalized by political crooks) and all of that.
I even believe in aliens. Our beloved Earth is simply not unique enough to be the only place where life can take off; Drake convinced me.
And certainly any aliens that make it to Earth could easily take over our religious or banking systems if they wanted since clearly they would be much more advanced then us if they get here.
It's the getting here that I'm not so sure about...

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: Rannasha on September 06, 2014, 07:35:34 AM
This might be far stretched but instead of mocking you people should try to prove her wrong. 

The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Where is the evidence for these aliens?

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: digitalindustry on September 06, 2014, 08:05:56 AM (

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes, who earlier this year revealed that a "second species" controls the World’s banking and religious institutions, spoke today with Future Money Trends about Bitcoin, a digital currency apparently not yet controlled by this secret alien race.

During her interview she said that Bitcoin is both legal and flexible and gives people a new unrestricted way to make payments. However she did express concerns over the currency's strength as a store of value.

Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and the aliens that control it. She studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam.

Full Story:

she is simply talking about "neutral control" you as a "Crypto developer" or "supporter" should understand the basics of these very simple economic principals.

yet you don't?

also she clearly stated a "separation" of communication with regards to her beliefs on the two different aspects.

but here is a bet.

More people will listen to her (and take on the information) than you, me or anyone here.

** also , really ? Fosters? out of a can?
** you realize no Australian would touch that, and most Australians drink German beer? (because it's not at present loaded with fluoride and preservatives) (i recommend Lowenbrau)
*** this could be where you are coming undone a bit?

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: gogxmagog on September 06, 2014, 08:07:10 AM
How come these supposed aliens are always secretly trying to subvert our civilization and control us? Why, if they are superior must they operate underground? And if they are so intelligent why can't they conceel their activities from even the weakest, most vulnerable and mentally ill people who appear to be the only ones who ever discover these vast conspiracies. Nut job and deluded idiot, I'm not even going to bother and google her backstory. No reason an actual world bank employee can't also become a hallucinating psycho too.

Title: Re: Alien Race Controls Banks and Religion But Not Bitcoin
Post by: ProGamer on September 07, 2014, 02:07:24 AM
How come these supposed aliens are always secretly trying to subvert our civilization and control us? Why, if they are superior must they operate underground? And if they are so intelligent why can't they conceel their activities from even the weakest, most vulnerable and mentally ill people who appear to be the only ones who ever discover these vast conspiracies. Nut job and deluded idiot, I'm not even going to bother and google her backstory. No reason an actual world bank employee can't also become a hallucinating psycho too.

Don't question it or you disappear!