Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CornedBeefHash on April 19, 2012, 03:50:17 AM

Title: Email sent to HOPE International Development Agency. Maybe we can help.
Post by: CornedBeefHash on April 19, 2012, 03:50:17 AM


Title: Re: How many people here like good Coke!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 19, 2012, 06:26:51 AM
I bet everyone here drinks some kind of refreshing beverage every week.
Do you realize for little more than the cost of one 12 pack you can donate to Bitcoin100 and feel good about supporting a charity while helping to promote Bitcoin! Coke rots your teeth anyway and if you drink it long enough you’ll piss blood (that last part might not be true). The donations for Bitcoin100 have kind of slowed down lately and they need your help.

Damn you DON’T TOUCH THAT MOUSE I’m talking to YOU.

Bitcoin100 is trying to raise awareness by donating coin to charities that place a Bitcoin donation option on their website. You don’t need to send coin right away. Just pledge what you can afford to and when a suitable charity is found send in what you pledged. You can choose how much to pledge and when to stop.

I know people are always begging for money for something but you came here for a reason. Everyone here has a different reason for being involved and most of them are self serving reasons. The best part of Bitcoin100 is that you get to be a self serving fuck and help crippled dying children at the same time! Every time a charity adds a Bitcoin donation option on their webpage more people become aware of Bitcoin and there are more potential supporters willing to drive up the price! Yay!

If you can’t donate a coin or two Bitcoin100 still needs your drive and determination to help solicit charities willing to accept Bitcoin as a donation option. If you know of a worthy charity please contact Bitcoin100. Start a dialog with friends that are heavily involved with a worthy cause at your place of worship, school, or club. Maybe you’re an alcoholic and hang out at a pub every night like a barfly. Strike up a conversation with the serving wench and get a contact name of someone in power at a worthwhile cause that needs the help of Bitcoin100.

If you have a soul and would like to help please make contact with Bruno in this thread:

Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom. You’re a great person for doing that (the assholes already left).

Hope you don’t mind this Bruno.

If this post makes me work harder and longer, and doesn't allow me to read my copy of Bitcoin Magazine when it arrives, I'm going to kick your white ass. (I'll assume you're a white male) What the hell do you think would happen if one person pledged, then told two other people to do the same, and then they did the same, ad infinitum? I would be a total train wreck. I wouldn't have time to sell old musty smelling barn wood. I wouldn't have time to do market research at I wouldn't have time to post images on this forum for theymos to enjoy. I wouldn't be able to envision Bruce and Ed french kissing. I wouldn't be able to have time to put on my makeup. Okay, maybe I made up that french kissing item, but you get the point. Why don't you just mind your own business, CBH? I'll tell you what, though. If I get swamped because of your action here, I'm heading over to SA and have them dig up shit on you. I bet there's some skeleton in your closet you're hiding. Hell, it may it be a real skeleton, oppose to a proverbial one. For all we know, you may be some type of proverber.

And as for evoorhees and Matthew, maybe I am drinking. What's it to you? All I tried to do here was to help Bitcoin. Instead I get grief. Grief, I say, and don't even get a reach around. Did you know that the first TV interview was made with Irish actress Peggy O’Neil in April 1930.

(pick a smiley and insert it here)


PS: I drink Pepsi.

Title: Re: How many people here like good Coke!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 21, 2012, 03:59:56 AM
It's hard to believe there are no more mega-miners with a heart willing to donate a coin once in a while! There must be a few more people willing to help!

Thanks for the bump, and...

Each time I read Nefario, I think of Nosferatu.

Title: Re: This poor guy needs some teeth.
Post by: bbit on April 21, 2012, 04:02:36 AM
I'll help let me know what I need to do!!  :o

Title: Re: This poor guy needs some teeth.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 21, 2012, 05:28:50 AM
I'll help let me know what I need to do!!  :o

Hey, bbit. Thanks for asking. It's really simple. Just go to this thread and post that you want to pledge X bitcoins (1 is the minimum). You can honor that commitment at any time. No need to send any coins now. Hope that addresses your question, bbit. Any more questions, just ask them on that same thread.

Later, bud.


Title: Re: Email sent to HOPE International Development Agency. Maybe we can help.
Post by: istar on April 23, 2012, 06:24:18 AM
Is the Bitcoins gone? Get another good charity onboard and I will donate a coin. But I thought there were plenty of coins to be donated and the problem was to get charities on board.

Ofcourse if you use Bitcoin, you really should join the Bitcoin 100.
Its one of the best things to happen with it.