Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: jbob06 on April 20, 2012, 05:45:33 PM

Title: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on April 20, 2012, 05:45:33 PM

Alco is a five member band from Lansing, Michigan With list of influences that includes Muse, Radiohead, Mute Math, and Coldplay, the band has defined a style that embraces ambient and high energy sounds.

This album isn't out for another week. Get it before anyone else in the world.

Preview available to listen before you buy.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: weex on April 21, 2012, 04:11:27 AM
Whoa...I had no idea this is a pre-release release for Bitcoin.  :D

I listened to the album for a little CoinDL QA and must say it's very well done. Would that my music reviewing vocab were up to a proper review. Loving Radiohead, The Verve Pipe and sometimes a bit of Coldplay I would say it's a very solid experience with a few of those ahha moments that make me want to listen again.

Bitcoiners, put your money where your mouth is and take this chance to support the biggest act yet to embrace Bitcoin!

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Stephen Gornick on April 22, 2012, 06:48:20 PM
Bitcoiners, put your money where your mouth is and take this chance to support the biggest act yet to embrace Bitcoin!

This album is best music on the site so far!  Song 08 - Bend the Light is my favorite.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: weex on April 23, 2012, 07:14:58 AM
I have to say #9 The Weight is my fave due to the vocal harmonies throughout but especially in the refrain.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on April 23, 2012, 07:48:26 PM
Thanks everyone for your support so far! Please spread the word about this release. I've added a link to a sample of a couple of the songs on the CoinDL page so you can get a better idea of what Alco is all about.

Please tell your friends, loving the support from the bitcoin community so far and would love to see it continue.

Thanks all!

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on April 23, 2012, 08:04:49 PM
My favorite song on the album is #2 The Tide.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on April 24, 2012, 01:29:41 PM
Coin DL just launched a feature where you can buy individual songs from an album. We are helping test the launch of this. Please check out the page and let us know what you think.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: weex on April 25, 2012, 03:59:38 AM
There are now previews of every song on the album so you can listen for yourself to clips of those tracks mentioned above.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 25, 2012, 04:11:18 AM
This is mother fuckin' nuts! I click on a random song and was hooked within 10 seconds. They're good!!! Moreover, how soon would it be before CoinDL becomes a major label?


Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: weex on April 25, 2012, 05:02:29 AM
I know! Right?

Is it too soon to announce Bitcoin-a-palooza 2013?

Seriously though, Alco kind of blows your mind how good it is...It's exactly why there needs to be a digital downloads marketplace enabling purchase with Bitcoin in seconds!

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on April 25, 2012, 05:14:26 AM
I know! Right?

Is it too soon to announce Bitcoin-a-palooza 2013?

Seriously though, Alco kind of blows your mind how good it is...It's exactly why there needs to be a digital downloads marketplace enabling purchase with Bitcoin in seconds!

Especially on a smartphone.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on April 25, 2012, 01:14:49 PM
This is mother fuckin' nuts! I click on a random song and was hooked within 10 seconds. They're good!!! Moreover, how soon would it be before CoinDL becomes a major label?


Thanks for the awesome feedback!

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Jutarul on May 19, 2012, 02:24:23 AM
How can I make sure that the seller actually holds the copyright for the music?

I didn't find any information regarding copyright ownership on the coinDL site...

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: weex on May 19, 2012, 04:18:48 AM
In the application process sellers must agree only to list works for which they own rights to sell. CoinDL makes reasonable efforts to verify the owner of any works offered for sale and aggressively investigates any reports of infringement. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Jutarul on May 20, 2012, 07:38:18 PM
I see. Unfortunately that will not be sufficient.

Especially with bitcoin there is no real way of following up on copyright infringement. With other payment systems you would be able to more easily to trace the fraudulent accounts and prosecute the account holders.

What would be required is some sort of proof, which assures me as a buyer that the money is actually going to the copyright holder of the artwork, not the guy who uploaded the file.

I would even go as far as saying that since you're acting as a payment processor you are liable for any infringement!

Don't get me wrong - I think the site is a great idea. But the money flow sets higher standards for copyright control.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Stephen Gornick on May 20, 2012, 09:03:37 PM
What would be required is some sort of proof, which assures me as a buyer that the money is actually going to the copyright holder of the artwork, not the guy who uploaded the file.

Does this really concern you as a consumer?  Or are you an artist, or perhaps in an industry that depends on copyrights or IP for survival?

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Jutarul on May 20, 2012, 10:07:30 PM
As a matter of fact I am a scientist.
And yes I am looking at this from a consumer viewpoint.
However, my concern is "long term" sustainability of the production of intellectual property or artistic content.

As a consumer I want to:
- get content as cheap as possible
- support the producer of the original content.

Currently the fairest system is to use P2P file sharing to get the content and send a donation directly to the artist.
This takes advantage of the zero-cost of creating duplicates and maximizes the monetary share the artist receives.

A platform like CoinDL however, acts as an intermediary between me and the artist. As such I'd like to see proof that the "donation"/"pay" actually ends up in the wallet of the original artist, because a site like CoinDL will be abused to prey on the money of naive consumers and hurt the creative industry in the long run.

Now - the idea of CoinDL is not new. However, bitcoin adds a whole new level of quality for fraud, because the fraudulent person can easily conceal the money flow.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: weex on May 21, 2012, 01:54:43 AM
Point well taken Jutanrul. If you see something you fear may be posted by anyone other than the content owner, I appreciate your contacting and I'll request further verification from the supplier. I've posted a question in the FAQ as well.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Stephen Gornick on May 21, 2012, 03:39:53 AM
Now - the idea of CoinDL is not new. However, bitcoin adds a whole new level of quality for fraud, because the fraudulent person can easily conceal the money flow.

Well, a quick search on MusicBrainz will verify the name of the artist for an upload:

And then a copyright search will show the "Copyright Claimant" to whom the sales proceeds would go to, or if not them then to an agent that they authorize.  In the U.S., the copyright search is at:

So on the surface, the tools are there for CoinDL to be able to have the correct party.  Once their sales levels rise to a level that the revenues become more significant CoinDL will probably want to voluntarily undergo audits to prove they are paying the right parties,  or will be collaborating with the labels on the catalog.

i.e., Bitcoin may be an anonymous digital currency, but the rest of this business operates just like any other in the industry.

Speaking of, I don't yet see CoinDL's registration for service process which is recommended (to protect CoinDL from a copyright holder that might say CoinDL couldn't be located):

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on May 21, 2012, 01:15:11 PM
I agree with what everyone is saying, this was my main concern about CoinDL and they seem to be handling it well. Obviously some people will slip through the cracks and post another artists material, but hopefully it will be caught quickly.

If there is any question about the ownership of the Alco album please let me know and I would be happy to verify the ownership.

Sales keep coming in. I am love the Bitcoin communities support, thank you all so much.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: Jutarul on May 26, 2012, 01:18:53 PM
Well. Obviously there is no way for me to verify the ownership of CoinDL content.
And as a customer I actually don't want to carry that burden. That's why it's easiest to buy from trusted sources like iTunes.

You're suggesting that CoinDL will do all the verification and take care of all the "leaks". I guess I have to take your word for that.

Anyway, this is actually not a problem inherent in using bitcoins as a payment system or CoinDL in particular. Any site which offers digital content has the same issues. Most sites use strong verification of seller accounts and have an aggressive copyright infringement policy. I guess you want to do the same.

Although it would be an interesting innovation if you could devise a mechanism which verifies content ownership in situ. E.g. you could exploit the fact that most artists have their own websites. In that case, all they have to do is to hash the file and some available coinDL account information and publish it on their website. That proves that the file I am about to download originates from that particular coinDL account holder and provides me with an additional source of information about the copyright holder.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on June 01, 2012, 03:04:53 PM
If you still haven't checked out our album now is the time to do so. We just dropped the price of the album nearly 75%. The cost is now .5 BTC. The album is now the cost of a coffee. Hopefully this will spark the BTC community to share this album even more than they already have. Please check it out and let us know what you think.

We love the feedback that we've gotten so far, please share this with your friends and family.

Title: Re: New Alco Album @ CoinDL
Post by: jbob06 on July 31, 2012, 03:34:40 PM
The album is now for sale on a "Pay what you want" basis. We want as many people to hear our music as possible and we think this is the best way. We've already sold dozens of albums on the "Pay what you want" model and we are loving it, so please check us out.

For those that have bought the album please post a short review of the music and let us know if you like it :)

Thank again