Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: highlevelminer on April 23, 2012, 11:50:13 PM

Title: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on April 23, 2012, 11:50:13 PM
Hello community:

I am currently operating a non profit advertisement company looking to promote awareness for the bitcoin and its related enterprises. Our goal as an organization is to increase awareness of the bitcoin in order to encourage its trade which will result in more profit for business owners and companies which accept it as a valid form of currency.

We operate out of South Florida and plan on making youtube videos centered around the night life scene. In these videos we will be encouraging friends and strangers to say something along the lines of "if you don't trade bitcoins you're not cool" or "[your business name here] is great!" We will then be advertising our campaign on various media and social forums including but not limited to:


I am also an avid blogger as well as an excellent writer (at least I like to think so) so if you need an article or blog written on the bitcoin or possibly a review for your website we can definitely make that happen. I can also advertise you on my personal vlog on the current status of the bitcoin, the deathbylollipop agenda, and other bitcoin related news.

Keep in mind we are operating as a non profit organization so all proceeds made from our advertisement campaign will be fueled back into the bitcoin community in order to further its development.

As for fees they are always negotiated on a per advertisement basis but a frequent consumer can expect to pay between 10-20 btc for a youtube endorsement centered around promotion of their business (approximately 2-5 minutes long). For blogs and articles a consumer can expect to pay 5-10 btc per article or blog. I will be choosing a website for personal bitcoin promotion so if I deem appropriate I will re post it on the site for further endorsement.

You can check out my vlog on the initial public release of the Deathbylollipop Advertisement campaign here:

Thanks for your interest in our cause and I look forward to advertising for you!

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 02, 2012, 12:36:36 AM
Going to be a doing a targeted business loan to help generate capital and interest for our organization.

This loan will be mostly for encouraging friends and colleagues to get involved with our non profit through excitement, promotion, and intrigue in the nightlife environment.

Keep in mind the Deathbylollipop advertisement group is operating as a non profit organization promoting awareness for the bitcoin and related enterprises as well as opportunities in our sector for young people to get involved in which help kick star economic movement. We do this by presenting ourselves as successful team minded individuals looking to take their friends and colleagues on a journey of discovery, growth, and personal success.

Our current target loan amount is 300 BTC.

The actual repayment method will either be due to profit generated by our (seemingly ceaseless) promotion of the bitcoin and the wonderful people and business working behind the scenes to make sure it stays a great place for you in me.

If advertisements revenue is not sufficient enough to cover associated costs I will directly inject funds in order to validate the debt. I am current certified as an A+ technician as well as a CCNA (can provide photo of cert for validation). I have already passed the first of 3 tests for my CCNP and am studying for the next.

Just want to assure future lendors and friends that default on the initial investment for deathbylollipop is not an option for a company hoping to grace the glbse as an ipo.

Just releasing that statement and hope all is well in the land of the bitcoin and all its supporters :)

please follow us on twitter @deathbylollipop

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Andrew Bitcoiner on May 02, 2012, 02:57:41 AM
You should advertise this here: the forum may get you at most a few hundred views, my site gets about 150k a day and you only pay per click.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Nyaaan on May 04, 2012, 04:51:46 AM
It is amazing what some people will do to increase the value of their Bitcoins.
Good luck with your campaign, maybe deathbylollipop will be popular one day.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Shadow383 on May 04, 2012, 05:54:30 AM
Please try not to take this personally:

Saw this post, wasn't quite clear what it is that your "business" actually does.
Googled it, found your youtube videos.

Sorry, but a youtube account "n0n00dz4u" with lots of <100 view videos in which we see part of someone's head talking about how great bitcoin is does not a business make.
^I have to say, this one in particular cracked me up.
You don't have any formal business yet, and you're talking about a NYSE IPO as though that's something you could feasibly do?

Sorry, but you're not going to get 300BTC out of the lenders on here on the basis of this. Online marketing is a very competitive industry, and most of your competitors understand how to run a business.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 08:26:04 AM
Hello community:

I am currently operating a non profit advertisement company looking to promote awareness for the bitcoin and its related enterprises. Our goal as an organization is to increase awareness of the bitcoin in order to encourage its trade which will result in more profit for business owners and companies which accept it as a valid form of currency.

We operate out of South Florida and plan on making youtube videos centered around the night life scene. In these videos we will be encouraging friends and strangers to say something along the lines of "if you don't trade bitcoins you're not cool" or "[your business name here] is great!" We will then be advertising our campaign on various media and social forums including but not limited to:


I am also an avid blogger as well as an excellent writer (at least I like to think so) so if you need an article or blog written on the bitcoin or possibly a review for your website we can definitely make that happen. I can also advertise you on my personal vlog on the current status of the bitcoin, the deathbylollipop agenda, and other bitcoin related news.

Keep in mind we are operating as a non profit organization so all proceeds made from our advertisement campaign will be fueled back into the bitcoin community in order to further its development.

As for fees they are always negotiated on a per advertisement basis but a frequent consumer can expect to pay between 10-20 btc for a youtube endorsement centered around promotion of their business (approximately 2-5 minutes long). For blogs and articles a consumer can expect to pay 5-10 btc per article or blog. I will be choosing a website for personal bitcoin promotion so if I deem appropriate I will re post it on the site for further endorsement.

You can check out my vlog on the initial public release of the Deathbylollipop Advertisement campaign here:

Thanks for your interest in our cause and I look forward to advertising for you!

Can you still increase my mining performance by 300% and provide me with a secure wallet ?

For those wondering, perhaps you could tell us all how many Non-Profit Organizations are currently traded on the NYSE ?

Maybe you should start here ?

No one person or group of people can own a nonprofit organization. You don't see nonprofit shares traded on stock exchanges, and any equity in a nonprofit organization belongs to the organization itself, not to the board of directors or the staff. Nonprofit assets can be sold, but the proceeds of the sale must benefit the organization, not private parties.



Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 04, 2012, 08:35:36 AM
Figures you retards would take notes from ipo's for dummies.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 04, 2012, 08:40:17 AM
Let me ask you something bitlane... How well did you do on standardized tests in elementary school?

What is your current iq?

And how much are you currently worth?

I smell trash so we can tack net assets on to liquid profit. We wouldn't want your grandpa's baseball card collection to go missing now would we?

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 08:50:28 AM
Listen here...

Are you going to increase my mining performance or not ?

You are lucky, as you have had time to look over hashes from high level sources to find exploits that you could use to increase block mining using multiple sources.
Just share the wealth.

Please let me know when you get your Non Profit Organization Registered so that I can Report it to the Authorities ...Invest... DONATE.

I really want to buy shares in your NPO......and Increase my mining performance.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 04, 2012, 08:56:54 AM
Look looser I don't want you posting in my thread. This is trolling and harassment.

One more negative statement and I'm reporting you to theymos.

Then we'll see what's what!

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 09:02:48 AM
This is trolling and harassment.
Yes it is....because YOU ARE A SCAMMER and have NO fucking clue what you are talking about.

One more negative statement and I'm reporting you to theymos.
Be my guest. One only needs look at your Youtube channel as well as read some of your ridiculous posts to understand that you don't know your asshole from a hole in the ground.
You did this to yourself and the proof is all over the Net....
In the video link above, you represent yourself as SPOOKY SNACKS and speak of YOUR FRIEND...HIGHLEVELMINER - THAT'S YOU, YA IDIOT.

My friend, colleague, and fellow developer spooky snacks sent me this video debunking cow myths on our first release Pristine Miner.

Pristine miner was released in its beta form to the public yesterday by a close friend and associate who wishes to remain anonymous.

Here is the link to his post:

His username is HighLevelMiner

Also there is some confusion as to the integrity of us as a group as whole. Some accusations have been made that we are massively trying to silently mine bitcoins for private gain.

You fucked yourself. Now, take your SCAM somewhere else.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 04, 2012, 09:07:30 AM
Reported to moderator.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 09:10:42 AM
Reported to moderator.

Report me to Jesus for all I care. YOU ARE A SCAMMER.

I can post links, quotes and videos up here all day to PROVE IT and prove just how big of an idiot you are.

I am a genuinely invested member in the Bitcoin community with 10's of thousands of dollars invested.

You don't even have the funds to properly open an Exchange account (20BTC last time I checked) in order to get your 'IPO' off the ground.

You thought you were SSooo smart with your 'free' BTC from

WTF ? Now what ?

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 04, 2012, 09:11:38 AM
I apologize to loyal supporters of dbl for my negative statement in regards to bitlane.

Dbl strives to maintain a professional and curteous image at all times espcially in regards to our business meetings.

This thread and myself are always available to supporters of btc and positive members in its community.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 09:16:51 AM
This thread and myself are always available to supporters of btc and positive members in its community.

Perhaps you should watch THIS....bookmarked from 4:32 ...for your pleasure.


Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 04, 2012, 09:18:49 AM
Good grief this is just.. I am speechless.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 09:19:54 AM
Good grief this is just.. I am speechless.

Is that in regards to ME being a Douche ? .....LOL..... or HIM being a SCAMMER ?

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 04, 2012, 09:21:59 AM
Good grief this is just.. I am speechless.

Is that in regards to ME being a Douche ? .....LOL..... or HIM being a SCAMMER ?
The videos. I mean, even I made popularized vidoes for Bitcoin, like the BitTalk.TV news videos, interview with Zhou, and even the Bitcoin Christmas Special (45 minutes long full of retardation), but these kind of self-important one-man show clips I'm seeing by OP scream sociopath. I really hope he's just in love with Bitcoin and not what I think he is.

Only time will tell I suppose. Also, why are you calling him a scammer?

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 04, 2012, 09:28:25 AM
Also, why are you calling him a scammer?

1) He joined the community, while attempting to insert a Trojan piggy-backed on Diablo Miner (Pristine Miner).

2) He has NO IDEA what he is talking about.

3) Every post he makes is a self gratifying attempt to 'gain trust' after being caught with his 'security test'.

4) He 'flip-flops' (watch the video link below, when he talks about 'His Views' on the Bitcoin being literally he's suddenly 'Mr.Bitcoin' ?)

5) He's just too obvious......

6) Non-Profit Organization ? INVEST ? Donate ? IPO ? Trades ? ....ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ?

7) He has multiple personalities, as proven on his YouTube account(s).... (Spooky Snacks ? highlevelminer ?...WHO ELSE IS HE ?)

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: highlevelminer on May 04, 2012, 09:32:08 AM
Look guys its my birthday in three days...

Can't we all just get along?

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 04, 2012, 09:34:21 AM
Also, why are you calling him a scammer?

1) He joined the community, while attempting to insert a Trojan piggy-backed on Diablo Miner (Pristine Miner).

2) He has NO IDEA what he is talking about.

3) Every post he makes is a self gratifying attempt to 'gain trust' after being caught with his 'security test'.

4) He 'flip-flops' (watch the video link below, when he talks about 'His Views' on the Bitcoin being literally he's suddenly 'Mr.Bitcoin' ?)

5) He's just too obvious......

6) Non-Profit Organization ? INVEST ? Donate ? IPO ? Trades ? ....ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ?

Thanks for remaining vigil and all, but I don't think he's a scammer. I just think he's one more typical self-important spergy bitcoiner who does everything wrong. Scamming is a very specific thing. You can call him a liar I suppose, or maybe even a retard, but just because he's one person who thinks he's multiple people doesn't mean he's a scammer, or else about 50% of the people on this forum should be considered scammers. Let's doxx him, watch him, and see what he does. Or you can keep barking at him for talking the same way other people who you're not barking at have been talking for a long time.


Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Shadow383 on May 04, 2012, 11:58:13 AM
Also, why are you calling him a scammer?

1) He joined the community, while attempting to insert a Trojan piggy-backed on Diablo Miner (Pristine Miner).

2) He has NO IDEA what he is talking about.

3) Every post he makes is a self gratifying attempt to 'gain trust' after being caught with his 'security test'.

4) He 'flip-flops' (watch the video link below, when he talks about 'His Views' on the Bitcoin being literally he's suddenly 'Mr.Bitcoin' ?)

5) He's just too obvious......

6) Non-Profit Organization ? INVEST ? Donate ? IPO ? Trades ? ....ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ?

Thanks for remaining vigil and all, but I don't think he's a scammer. I just think he's one more typical self-important spergy bitcoiner who does everything wrong. Scamming is a very specific thing. You can call him a liar I suppose, or maybe even a retard, but just because he's one person who thinks he's multiple people doesn't mean he's a scammer, or else about 50% of the people on this forum should be considered scammers. Let's doxx him, watch him, and see what he does. Or you can keep barking at him for talking the same way other people who you're not barking at have been talking for a long time.


Let's say someone came on here who was wealthy and a little mentally unhinged and decided to loan this guy 300BTC.

Do you really think they'd ever see any of it back?

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on May 04, 2012, 02:21:48 PM
Also, why are you calling him a scammer?

1) He joined the community, while attempting to insert a Trojan piggy-backed on Diablo Miner (Pristine Miner).

2) He has NO IDEA what he is talking about.

3) Every post he makes is a self gratifying attempt to 'gain trust' after being caught with his 'security test'.

4) He 'flip-flops' (watch the video link below, when he talks about 'His Views' on the Bitcoin being literally he's suddenly 'Mr.Bitcoin' ?)

5) He's just too obvious......

6) Non-Profit Organization ? INVEST ? Donate ? IPO ? Trades ? ....ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ?

Thanks for remaining vigil and all, but I don't think he's a scammer. I just think he's one more typical self-important spergy bitcoiner who does everything wrong. Scamming is a very specific thing. You can call him a liar I suppose, or maybe even a retard, but just because he's one person who thinks he's multiple people doesn't mean he's a scammer, or else about 50% of the people on this forum should be considered scammers. Let's doxx him, watch him, and see what he does. Or you can keep barking at him for talking the same way other people who you're not barking at have been talking for a long time.


Let's say someone came on here who was wealthy and a little mentally unhinged and decided to loan this guy 300BTC.

Do you really think they'd ever see any of it back?

Probably not.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: BladeMcCool on May 09, 2012, 06:06:32 PM
Also, why are you calling him a scammer?

1) He joined the community, while attempting to insert a Trojan piggy-backed on Diablo Miner (Pristine Miner).

Probably because of 1) ... I consider someone trying to pass off a trojan as not-a-trojan as a scam, fraud, lie, and grounds for forum-bannage.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 09, 2012, 06:18:50 PM

ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 10, 2012, 12:51:28 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: artisbigshirts on May 10, 2012, 12:52:56 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....


Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: rjk on May 10, 2012, 12:54:32 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....

hahahahahaha, that is great.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 10, 2012, 12:56:13 AM
This is what happens when you have a 10+ year old Enom Reseller Account, make profits every month and your incoming commissions from Sub-Accounts outweigh your expenses....



Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 10, 2012, 12:56:36 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....

You, Sir, just won 10000 Internets!

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 10, 2012, 12:57:54 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....

You, Sir, just won 10000 Internets!

It's really too bad that those 5-8 people who are ignoring me will never see the genius ;)

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 10, 2012, 01:17:11 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....

You, Sir, just won 10000 Internets!

It's really too bad that those 5-8 people who are ignoring me will never see the genius ;)

Fuck them... Have you seen the color of my ignore button? lol
I don't see those colors, I use the black theme :P

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 10, 2012, 01:19:07 AM
ah sorry... I just had to... Couldn't help it :P

Neither could I....

You, Sir, just won 10000 Internets!

It's really too bad that those 5-8 people who are ignoring me will never see the genius ;)

Fuck them... Have you seen the color of my ignore button? lol
I don't see those colors, I use the black theme :P

2.2x as dark as mine with 2.2x the posts. I AM RIGHT ON TRACK ;)

We 'outcasts' need to stick together....LOL

I am afraid that eventually, there may only be 5-8 people able to SEE my posts, rather than simply ignoring me....hehe


Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 10, 2012, 01:21:20 AM
I see you have a subtitle saying "Internet Detective"...

I need one also:

Those are some serious skillz there ^^. The fun starts on page 2 lol

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: rjk on May 10, 2012, 02:01:16 AM
I see you have a subtitle saying "Internet Detective"...

I need one also:

Those are some serious skillz there ^^. The fun starts on page 2 lol
I figured it out before you. Read earlier posts.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 10, 2012, 02:02:54 AM
I see you have a subtitle saying "Internet Detective"...

I need one also:

Those are some serious skillz there ^^. The fun starts on page 2 lol
I figured it out before you. Read earlier posts.

You figured it was P4man... I figured it was him and who the users are and what the operation is all about... I also figured it as soon as I opened the page with the miners, didn't needed to read your post.

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 10, 2012, 02:03:33 AM
I see you have a subtitle saying "Internet Detective"...

I openly busted BitScalper's ORIGINAL owner trying to re-sell his Bot under a new username (after officially receiving a SCAMMER TAG under his original profile/username) in the Newbie Forum....all thanks to his kind grammar and my experiences with him ;)

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 10, 2012, 02:09:24 AM
I see you have a subtitle saying "Internet Detective"...

I openly busted BitScalper's ORIGINAL owner trying to re-sell his Bot under a new username (after officially receiving a SCAMMER TAG under his original profile/username) in the Newbie Forum....all thanks to his kind grammar and my experiences with him ;)

Yeah, I remember that. Funny as hell lol

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 12, 2012, 01:41:23 PM
Oh boy, this is priceless!

He mentioned you, Bitlane lol

Title: Re: Deathbylollipop Advertisements
Post by: bitlane on May 12, 2012, 01:48:56 PM
Oh boy, this is priceless!

He mentioned you, Bitlane lol

That's part of the thread I posted here the other day:

I'm famous....LOL

I just hope I don't get a bill from him for 100 BTC for 'mentioning' me in his professional advertisement ;)