Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: mc_lovin on April 24, 2012, 07:07:34 PM

Title: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: mc_lovin on April 24, 2012, 07:07:34 PM
Hey peoples! 

I need a guide on how to get two 7970s mining under ubuntu/xubuntu...  There are a few guides out right now but they don't really work, or something is missing, they are untested, and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. 

Pleeaaasee point me in the right direction!

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: DrHaribo on May 10, 2012, 09:36:33 PM
This guide is the same for every OS:
  • Install AMD drivers from
  • Install Java from your distro or
  • Click the start button at
  • Winning!

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: Lem on May 13, 2012, 12:30:32 PM
Hey peoples! 

I need a guide on how to get two 7970s mining under ubuntu/xubuntu...  There are a few guides out right now but they don't really work, or something is missing, they are untested, and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. 

Pleeaaasee point me in the right direction!

Do not use hardware Crossfire.

Install AMD SDK first: (

Then install AMD 12.3 driver (I've read that 12.4 is slower, dunno if it's true for mining too).
Download the driver from AMD, and then follow this guide (Manually installing Catalyst...): (

After installing, run:

$ sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial  -f

which will write a (semi) proper /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

If you have just one monitor, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf so that the first stanza is:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier     "real desktop"
Screen      0  "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0
Screen      1  "aticonfig-Screen[1]-0" 3000 3000

This way you put the second screen far away from the first one, so that your mouse pointer will stay bound to the first one and will not disappear beyond the right side of your monitor.

If you use Gnome (I use the fallback session), there's an old old bug, which is a real PITA.
Gnome panels (the bars U put icons and stuff onto) go on the second screen, which U cannot see 'cause there's no monitor attached.
So install cairo-dock, if U like, and live happy with that.

Install java or python or whatever you need for your mining software. However I strongly suggest cgminer: (

Beware: python-pyopencl has a false dependency from nvidia-current (it had till Oneiric, at least).
So, if U need it, download (not install!) python-pyopencl, edit it and remove the false dependency, following this procedure: (
Then install it with:
$ sudo dpkg -i python-pyopencl.deb
or using gdebi (if it's not installed, sudo apt-get install gdebi).


Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: NLA on May 25, 2012, 04:02:29 AM
  • What about using RadeonVolt to change voltages under Linux?
  • What about using AMDOverdriveCtrl to control clock settings, ie. underclocking the memory to 150-200MHz range, while overclocking core to 1100-1200MHz range?
  • Which drivers should I use for the best performance from a 7970?
  • Is there some form of BIOS flashing out there for the 7970 at the moment that users of the guide should know about?

These are some basic questions that a guide such as this should address.

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: Lem on May 25, 2012, 09:38:04 AM
  • What about using RadeonVolt to change voltages under Linux?


  • What about using AMDOverdriveCtrl to control clock settings, ie. underclocking the memory to 150-200MHz range, while overclocking core to 1100-1200MHz range?

No go with AMDOverdriveCtrl. I don't know of a way to underclock the memory below $(($coreclock - 150)), apart from a BIOS mod or MSI AfterBurner in Windows.

However: AFAIK you can flash whatever BIOS you want, but if the AMD driver doesn't like that BIOS hash (and with regard to your 7970 particular hardware), it won't load.
So it's up to you to find a modded BIOS that suits your hardware.

  • Which drivers should I use for the best performance from a 7970?

12.3 is fine for me.

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: NLA on May 25, 2012, 01:37:52 PM
I think I read somewhere in the RadeonVolt thread that RadeonVolt worked for 7XXX series cards just fine (but not 5XXX series)..

However: AFAIK you can flash whatever BIOS you want, but if the AMD driver doesn't like that BIOS hash (and with regard to your 7970 particular hardware), it won't load.
So it's up to you to find a modded BIOS that suits your hardware.
Sure, but RBE does not currently support 7XXX series cards, and the dev doesn't plan to anytime soon due to AMD dicking around with the way the BIOS works. If there are good, modded BIOS ROMs out there for the 7970, for overclocking core and underclocking mem, I certainly haven't been able to find them. :(

  • Which drivers should I use for the best performance from a 7970?
12.3 is fine for me.
12.3 is fine for people with 1-4 cards, I'm sure, but what about 5+? I'm putting together a 7x 7970 rig right now, and from what I've read 11.12 drivers are best for 5+.

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: NLA on May 29, 2012, 08:49:28 AM
This guide is the same for every OS:
  • Install AMD drivers from
  • Install Java from your distro or
  • Click the start button at
  • Winning!
Also, sadly, it isn't just this easy. I just clean-installed Ubuntu 12.04, installed java 7, AMD APP SDK 2.6, then the AMD 12.3 drivers, rebooted, and bitminter still told me that no OpenCL drivers were installed, and that I should install the APP SDK.


PS there's more to it than just installing the latest packages for drivers.. took a helluvalot of searching and trial and error to get things to work properly in Ubuntu 12.04.. will update tomorrow.

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: DrHaribo on May 29, 2012, 07:59:10 PM
Also, sadly, it isn't just this easy. I just clean-installed Ubuntu 12.04, installed java 7, AMD APP SDK 2.6, then the AMD 12.3 drivers, rebooted, and bitminter still told me that no OpenCL drivers were installed, and that I should install the APP SDK.


PS there's more to it than just installing the latest packages for drivers.. took a helluvalot of searching and trial and error to get things to work properly in Ubuntu 12.04.. will update tomorrow.

I'm not sure exactly when but at some point AMD started including OpenCL support in their Linux drivers. With older drivers you also need APP SDK. But with Catalyst 12.3 I believe OpenCL is included. Nvidia always included OpenCL, and they both always did on Windows. Not sure why AMD didn't on Linux.

If you have multiple GPUs you may need to get them all into your X config. And if you're logging in remotely you may need to set the COMPUTE environment variable to :0. In this case you could start the miner from the command line, like so:
COMPUTE=:0 javaws

With recent AMD drivers that include OpenCL I have experienced problems when APP SDK was also installed. You may want to try wiping both Catalyst drivers and APP SDK, then install fresh Catalyst drivers.

Title: Re: 7970 linux (xubuntu) guide please!
Post by: lueo on June 13, 2012, 11:02:03 AM
Hello, I've write a complete guide to mine at xubuntu 12.04.

Please check it and leave some comments!

Hey peoples! 

I need a guide on how to get two 7970s mining under ubuntu/xubuntu...  There are a few guides out right now but they don't really work, or something is missing, they are untested, and I'm having a lot of trouble with it. 

Pleeaaasee point me in the right direction!