Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bitcoinwilldie on September 12, 2014, 10:34:24 AM

Title: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: bitcoinwilldie on September 12, 2014, 10:34:24 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Nas on September 12, 2014, 10:41:58 AM
I need it. I don't want governments to know my actual wealth. I don't want to hide my money in insecure shoe boxes.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: DannyHamilton on September 12, 2014, 10:47:32 AM
|  PLEASE  |
|  DO NOT  |
|  TROLLS  |
    |  |   
    |  |   


Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: blatchcorn on September 12, 2014, 11:05:08 AM
No one really NEEDS money.  Let's just use gold

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: bitc0in on September 12, 2014, 11:19:45 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.

You are right as a beginner everybody has the same assumption but as you get to know it's usage advantages there is more than just speculation and profit motive.Moreover a challenge to the financial elites

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: hayabusa911 on September 12, 2014, 11:57:33 AM
Is this where you feed the trolls?

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Daniel91 on September 12, 2014, 12:29:13 PM
Right now, when Bitcoin is not globally accepted and didn't become mainstream, it may look that way, but this will change when ''big'' merchants accept Bitcoin.
When Bitcoin become available and popular like Paypal people will start to use Bitcoin for regular payments and things will change...
don't worry, it will happen :)

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: minerpumpkin on September 12, 2014, 12:34:44 PM
Well, use it as a currency. Have you ever transferred amounts of money to another country. A country far away? To someone you don't want to share your identity with? To someone oppressed by a cruel government? Money you want to keep safe from political fluctuations? I could go on, the use cases are all there, and I believe we don't even know what's yet to come... Bitcoin is a one-of-a-kind currency! (Yes, altcoins that copy Bitcoins properties exist, I'm merely talking about the experiment "Bitcoin" that has already garnered a lot of traction).

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: picolo on September 12, 2014, 01:03:44 PM
Well, use it as a currency. Have you ever transferred amounts of money to another country. A country far away? To someone you don't want to share your identity with? To someone oppressed by a cruel government? Money you want to keep safe from political fluctuations? I could go on, the use cases are all there, and I believe we don't even know what's yet to come... Bitcoin is a one-of-a-kind currency! (Yes, altcoins that copy Bitcoins properties exist, I'm merely talking about the experiment "Bitcoin" that has already garnered a lot of traction).

The first post is disregarding all the qualities of Bitcoin such as low fees, security, you are in power of your wealth ect. All those qualities make Bitcoin very valuable to my eyes and very useful

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: ChuckBuck on September 12, 2014, 01:16:40 PM
Personally, I despise the banking system that wouldn't grant me a loan even though I was a loyal customer for nearly 18 years with great credit and multiple accounts(F U Bank of America), credit card companies that raise rates at the drop of dime and stick an annual fee on top, PayPal/eBay which sucks the life of any profit you thought you were making on a sale, and just any financial institution that preys on middle class on down.

I personally need a payment method/system/currency that won't constantly devalue over time like the "almighty dollar".  Not so long ago a full tank of gas was like $20-$30, a loaf of bread like $1, a gallon of milk like $1.50.  I know I know, inflation, but that's basically the counterpoint for having a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.

Just my 2 satoshis on this obvious troll post.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: gigEls on September 12, 2014, 01:19:42 PM
We need something as a mean of exchange. FIAT, gold/silver, btc. They all have their advantages and misadvantages.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: lihuajkl on September 12, 2014, 01:32:03 PM
OP, you don't find the increasing number is adopting  and using bitcoin.  Many start ups are specializing bitcoin. More merchants are accepting bitcoin.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Foxpup on September 12, 2014, 01:34:23 PM

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: RodeoX on September 12, 2014, 01:48:49 PM
I guess I don't NEED them. I could just keep paying to hand over my identity each time I shop online.  ::)

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: redsn0w on September 12, 2014, 01:51:53 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


If you don't need bitcoin , I need bitcoin  ;D .

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: oceans on September 12, 2014, 02:30:40 PM
Wow, not quite sure how you can say nobody really needs bitcoin. Everyone hates the fact that the government wants to know everything you earn and with bitcoin they do not have that ability or laws to force you to tell them meaning finally this is a way to be able to have something that is ours that we do not have to let the government know about. Anyone who feels they don't need it is obviously happy with the government knowing everything about their earnings and money.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: SpongeBTCants on September 12, 2014, 02:57:55 PM
You'll understand when FIATs start deflating like fuck except CNY. BTC will be huge then, and you will have missed the boat.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: NeuroticFish on September 12, 2014, 03:00:56 PM
Nobody needs fiat either. It's just useless paper. However, everybody uses it. Banks' ponzi game.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Beliathon on September 12, 2014, 03:04:25 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it?
Right now, there are like 206 sovereign nations in the world, each with their own official form of State Monopoly Money. From a volatility perspective, Bitcoin is already objectively superior to about 40 or 50 of them (

If you're living in the USA or Western Europe, Bitcoin probably seems totally irrelevent to your life. After all, the dollar is stable, right? It works, so why do you need something else? The truth is you don't. Yet.

But sooner or later your tune will change when your nation's fiat scrip inflation begins accelerating to disturbing speeds.

Bitcoin is like water - you don't need it, until you do. Fortunately for all you nationalist ingrates, it will be ready and waiting, it will welcome you with open arms when you invariably come crawling back looking for a safe place to stow your wealth.

It's not a matter of IF you will come with your bowl of worthless fiat begging for Bitcoin, it's a matter of WHEN. We are speaking of a mathematical inevitability here, friends.

Do you understand?

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on September 12, 2014, 03:08:48 PM
no, alot of people need it.

start here:

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: hopenotlate on September 12, 2014, 03:27:48 PM

If you don't need bitcoin , I need bitcoin  ;D .

Strongly agree with redsnow on this.

Furthermore: I need them more than him ;)

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: llanillo on September 12, 2014, 04:35:58 PM
Maybe you dont need it but a lot of persones need it, its their currency..

- There are no chargebacks
-  People cant steal your information from merchants
- Its fast

And there are more reasons why is a good currency

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: bornil267645 on September 12, 2014, 04:39:34 PM
That's what they said about money in the first place. But look where it stands now.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: btcxyzzz on September 12, 2014, 05:56:27 PM
Humanity needs Bitcoin you stupid prick.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: btcxyzzz on September 12, 2014, 06:01:10 PM
Most probably, OP is just another stupid troll who wants to re-buy BTC cheaper, but take a moment and consider this:

There is certain percentage of individuals here which are taking advantage of primary money emissions, fractional reserve banking and all the fraudy things governments are doing to people. Those people are most probably doing nothing in their lives and have a plenty of time to do whatever they want. Now, they finally got their true enemy: a non-inflanatory world currency which is not state-controlled, and it's probable that some of them here are them. Spreading FUD because they want to preserve system, and they really have nothing better to do... Think about it.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Gnarrrly on September 12, 2014, 06:17:49 PM
Do you even economy? the only people not needing btc = ben ber and friends

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: on September 12, 2014, 07:27:40 PM
I had a video made describing why people need Bitcoin:

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: ChuckBuck on September 12, 2014, 07:30:26 PM
Do you even economy? the only people not needing btc = ben ber and friends

If you're referring to Ben Bernanke, you probably really mean current fed chair Janet Yellen, right?

But yes, I get your point!  Enough with the central bank and it's made up rates!   >:(

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: QuestionAuthority on September 12, 2014, 07:34:01 PM
Why are any of you fuckin' hurr durrs responding to a thread from a guy named bitcoinwilldie?

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Meuh6879 on September 12, 2014, 07:38:23 PM
I need it. I don't want governments to know my actual wealth. I don't want to hide my money in insecure shoe boxes.

+30 wallets

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: procrastinationtm on September 12, 2014, 08:27:16 PM
Speculation and actual fast payment processing is really good.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Ardenyham on September 12, 2014, 08:42:18 PM
Actually some products are selling for Bitcoins ONLY. These are Bitcoin related like miners and Trezor, but I believe it is just start. So probably substantial part of economy will be done in Bitcoins ONLY in future

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: dKingston on September 12, 2014, 10:02:56 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.

Hahahhaha newbie , 8 activity! Probably you never had one satoshi ;)

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on September 12, 2014, 10:26:25 PM
Africa will never have the infrastructure of roads, bank branches or ATM's for that matter, Armour money trucks. etc.

Not to mention these are specific examples of how our economy would become more efficient. These guys driving around in gas guzzling, salary guzzling employees, can go do better stuff with their time other than move paper cash around in a heavily armed truck. Banks can not get a bailout.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: FUR11 on September 12, 2014, 10:33:50 PM

Ha, that sums it up nicely. Also, Who is to decide what we need and what we don't need? Just because OP doesn't need Bitcoin, doesn't mean that you, me, or whoever else doesn't need Bitcoin! I for one don't want to live without it anymore!

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: 1Referee on September 12, 2014, 10:36:09 PM
I need it. I use it to transfer a certain amount of money to my family 5000km away from here. They receive it instantly without having to wait days for a bank transfer.

I can buy digital goods with Bitcoin without companies knowing who I am, what my bank details are, etc.

All the value in Bitcoin I hold is mine, no one can tell me what to do with it. That's the beauty of Bitcoin!

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on September 12, 2014, 11:59:51 PM
I need it. I use it to transfer a certain amount of money to my family 5000km away from here. They receive it instantly without having to wait days for a bank transfer.

I can buy digital goods with Bitcoin without companies knowing who I am, what my bank details are, etc.

All the value in Bitcoin I hold is mine, no one can tell me what to do with it. That's the beauty of Bitcoin!

Its kinda like a gold coin, except its electronic...

As to whether it is a need or not, i dont know. I could preach about maslows hierarchy.. Cloth food, shelter, etc

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: BADecker on September 13, 2014, 01:14:46 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it?
Right now, there are like 206 sovereign nations in the world, each with their own official form of State Monopoly Money. From a volatility perspective, Bitcoin is already objectively superior to about 40 or 50 of them (

If you're living in the USA or Western Europe, Bitcoin probably seems totally irrelevent to your life. After all, the dollar is stable, right? It works, so why do you need something else? The truth is you don't. Yet.

But sooner or later your tune will change when your nation's fiat scrip inflation begins accelerating to disturbing speeds.

Bitcoin is like water - you don't need it, until you do. Fortunately for all you nationalist ingrates, it will be ready and waiting, it will welcome you with open arms when you inevitably come crawling back looking for a safe place to stow your wealth.

It's not a matter of IF you will come with your bowl of worthless fiat begging for Bitcoin, it's a matter of WHEN. We are speaking of a mathematical inevitability here, friends.

Do you understand?

I sure hope it will work like this. Because, if the fiat crash brings down the Internet and/or the electrical grid, most of the people will not be able to use Bitcoin. Bitcoin will be lost just like fiat. People will go back to direct trade and barter until militaries take them over. In the U.S., because of the vast stores of guns and ammo that the people have, things just might be different.

But, if the Internet and the power grid come down, Bitcoin will at best fork all over the place. There will be more Bitcoin fiats than there have been of all the other kinds of fiats through all time. Bitcoin will probably flop just like all the others. At least, people won't trust it any longer.


Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: zorke on September 13, 2014, 04:07:13 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it?
Right now, there are like 206 sovereign nations in the world, each with their own official form of State Monopoly Money. From a volatility perspective, Bitcoin is already objectively superior to about 40 or 50 of them (

If you're living in the USA or Western Europe, Bitcoin probably seems totally irrelevent to your life. After all, the dollar is stable, right? It works, so why do you need something else? The truth is you don't. Yet.
I think that bitcoin has the most potential in many third world countries, which ironically is exactly where it is being used least now. I think that Tim Draper is going to try to expand adaption of bitcoin to these kinds of places in the world. At least this is what I got from what he said after he won the SR auction.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: johnyj on September 13, 2014, 05:03:46 AM
As private pension saving plan

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Mattofla on September 13, 2014, 06:24:05 AM
The main purpose of buying BTC is getting profit. I don't think it is possible to use Bitcoin as a currency.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: counter on September 13, 2014, 06:36:53 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


Correct, thanks a lot for reminding us and stopping in..  I'll be sure to post up here when a few years passes, to remind you how grateful I am for warning me about what a horrible investment Bitcoin is. Also for saving me all my fiat.  I will spread your message far and wide so no need to post anymore.  Consider us all converted and your job complete, your awesome.   ;D

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Beliathon on September 13, 2014, 06:38:42 AM
I sure hope it will work like this. Because, if the fiat crash brings down the Internet and/or the electrical grid
If electrical grid is up, internet is up.

If electrical grid is down, we're looking at a truly apocalyptic scenario, and everything you said is moot. If that happens, no one will be concerned whatsoever with money of any sort. They will be concerned with survival - specifically water & food, heat & shelter, medicine (especially antibiotics), and guns & bullets - in that order.

Bitcoin will not matter one iota in that scenario, and neither will any fiat, any precious metal, or any other resource that cannot be consumed or used to kill or heal. Lead (bullets) will be the only "precious metal" left, and a pound of it will be valued lower than a glass of fresh water.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Soros Shorts on September 13, 2014, 07:17:44 AM
No one needs an iPhone 6, but if I were to call iPhone 6 buyers retards I would expect that half the people here would be offended.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: DDuckworth on September 13, 2014, 12:15:45 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


I'm sorry, I couldn't tell if you were talking about bitcoins or paper currency? Because it sounds the exact same to me you fucking moron.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: DDuckworth on September 13, 2014, 12:17:59 PM
The main purpose of buying BTC is getting profit. I don't think it is possible to use Bitcoin as a currency.

Not possible!? What do you mean not possible, check my sig and come on by, use and abuse my friend.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: kurb3l on September 13, 2014, 12:24:50 PM
No one needs an iPhone 6, but if I were to call iPhone 6 buyers retards I would expect that half the people here would be offended.
In fact no one needed an iPhone when it was released on the market. People needed a mobile and the possibility to access the internet whereever they are. The iPhone just fulfilled their needs in one device.
When looking at bitcoin it might not be obvious why paying with it is the better solution. The point is while bitcoin as a currency fulfills the same purpose as any other form of payment it has ideological benefits. In a time where technology enables banks to track payments everywhere, where you get personalized ads based on your purchases and whatnot it's important to have a decentralized payment system. No central authority can associate your money directly to you, you're independent of the solvency of your country (atm this is a big plus!) and therefor your country can't come and seize your funds for the failure of their politics.
Of course, our existing monetary system might be super easy to use. The normal user might be used to the system in place and doesn't jump on it right now. You won't find any revolutionary movements in our developped countries anymore. For bitcoin to evolve it will slowly need to increase its usabilty. When the time is right and that might be when the next financial crisis comes, the use of bitcoin or any decentralized cryptocurrency in general will show its true advantages. And you can jump on that train either after you lost all your fiat in the next crisis or you can now at least consider the possibility cryptocurrency is a solution to our defunctional banking system and get used to it.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: awesome31312 on September 13, 2014, 01:56:54 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it?
Right now, there are like 206 sovereign nations in the world, each with their own official form of State Monopoly Money. From a volatility perspective, Bitcoin is already objectively superior to about 40 or 50 of them (

If you're living in the USA or Western Europe, Bitcoin probably seems totally irrelevent to your life. After all, the dollar is stable, right? It works, so why do you need something else? The truth is you don't. Yet.

But sooner or later your tune will change when your nation's fiat scrip inflation begins accelerating to disturbing speeds.

Bitcoin is like water - you don't need it, until you do. Fortunately for all you nationalist ingrates, it will be ready and waiting, it will welcome you with open arms when you invariably come crawling back looking for a safe place to stow your wealth.

It's not a matter of IF you will come with your bowl of worthless fiat begging for Bitcoin, it's a matter of WHEN. We are speaking of a mathematical inevitability here, friends.

Do you understand?

Bitcoin is like water, extreme liquidity

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: vipgelsi on September 13, 2014, 01:59:23 PM
Just like no one needs silver or gold besides manufacturers but people still buy it.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: EnfoncerQ2 on September 13, 2014, 04:17:29 PM
When FIATs collapse you'll see who needs BTC.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: counter on September 13, 2014, 08:48:57 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


That's like saying no one needs a cell phone or the internet or a car.  No you don't need these things but we have them for a reason, right?  It's a matter of looking at things with an open mind or from a single perspective.  If you don't want to miss out on the opportunities life gives you just don't listen and learn.
I for one try to do more listening and learning in life and less talking, but I think like all things there needs to be balance for it to work well. 

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Meuh6879 on September 13, 2014, 09:08:50 PM
As private pension saving plan

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: raveldoni on September 14, 2014, 04:17:06 AM
Bitcoin is an investment for now. People who understand the value of it, they keep the large part safe and make profit by trading of a little part of it.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoinpro on September 14, 2014, 04:32:33 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it?
Right now, there are like 206 sovereign nations in the world, each with their own official form of State Monopoly Money. From a volatility perspective, Bitcoin is already objectively superior to about 40 or 50 of them (

If you're living in the USA or Western Europe, Bitcoin probably seems totally irrelevent to your life. After all, the dollar is stable, right? It works, so why do you need something else? The truth is you don't. Yet.

But sooner or later your tune will change when your nation's fiat scrip inflation begins accelerating to disturbing speeds.

Bitcoin is like water - you don't need it, until you do. Fortunately for all you nationalist ingrates, it will be ready and waiting, it will welcome you with open arms when you invariably come crawling back looking for a safe place to stow your wealth.

It's not a matter of IF you will come with your bowl of worthless fiat begging for Bitcoin, it's a matter of WHEN. We are speaking of a mathematical inevitability here, friends.

Do you understand?

Well said.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on September 14, 2014, 06:21:36 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it?
Right now, there are like 206 sovereign nations in the world, each with their own official form of State Monopoly Money. From a volatility perspective, Bitcoin is already objectively superior to about 40 or 50 of them (

If you're living in the USA or Western Europe, Bitcoin probably seems totally irrelevent to your life. After all, the dollar is stable, right? It works, so why do you need something else? The truth is you don't. Yet.

But sooner or later your tune will change when your nation's fiat scrip inflation begins accelerating to disturbing speeds.

Bitcoin is like water - you don't need it, until you do. Fortunately for all you nationalist ingrates, it will be ready and waiting, it will welcome you with open arms when you invariably come crawling back looking for a safe place to stow your wealth.

It's not a matter of IF you will come with your bowl of worthless fiat begging for Bitcoin, it's a matter of WHEN. We are speaking of a mathematical inevitability here, friends.

Do you understand?

With this rationale, precious metals should do quite well, so will guns n ammo. If the state loses control of the money, all bets are off regarding everything. The world is relatively peaceful, and calm at the moment also. More people are wealthier and better off than ever before. No State, Hello ISIS or some other bad group.

Gold offers a better chance for most people than bitcoin. Even if Bitcoin takes off.. It is still an experiment, and there are likely risks we dont even know, and you are downplaying the already known risks magnitude.

Bitcoin is like an ever changing puzzle, It will be impossible for the masses to be up-to-date and in tune with every little nuance and occurrence in the bitcoin community to understand and comprehend the onslaught of information.

What if in some unknown way,bitcoin is or becomes a trojan horse of many different sorts.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: wasserman99 on September 14, 2014, 06:38:27 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


That's like saying no one needs a cell phone or the internet or a car.  No you don't need these things but we have them for a reason, right?  It's a matter of looking at things with an open mind or from a single perspective.  If you don't want to miss out on the opportunities life gives you just don't listen and learn.
I for one try to do more listening and learning in life and less talking, but I think like all things there needs to be balance for it to work well.  
I disagree. Bitcoin is something that will assist people in paying for things more efficiently then the status quo way of paying for things. As a result people will be able to realize lower prices. To say that someone does not need bitcoin is like saying the people need to incur higher costs

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: counter on September 14, 2014, 07:55:54 AM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


That's like saying no one needs a cell phone or the internet or a car.  No you don't need these things but we have them for a reason, right?  It's a matter of looking at things with an open mind or from a single perspective.  If you don't want to miss out on the opportunities life gives you just don't listen and learn.
I for one try to do more listening and learning in life and less talking, but I think like all things there needs to be balance for it to work well. 
I disagree. Bitcoin is something that will assist people in paying for things more efficiently then the status quo way of paying for things. As a result people will be able to realize lower prices. To say that someone does not need bitcoin is like saying the people need to incur higher costs

I was being completely sarcastic and was having fun with the OP.  This was an attempt to make a point which was to exaggerate how silly it is to say No one reall need bitcoin.  Who is this person to speak for everyone haha.  The title should say I Don't Know Anyone who needs Bitcoin" or I Don't Really Need Bitcoin.

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: grandFX on September 14, 2014, 08:38:49 AM
I disagree about that. because I need bitcoin to buy and my business. :D

Title: Re: No one really NEED bitcoin
Post by: CtrlAltBernanke420 on September 14, 2014, 04:35:41 PM
No one really NEED bitcoin, isn't it? you just want to buy some coins and wait for profit, and sell them at 1000or 2000 USD, and get the money out. No one need it as a currency, people buy coins only for speculation, to sell them to another idiot.

Now, there are no more idiots come to this game, and the Ponzi scheme will be over, and everyone in it will doom to hell.


That's like saying no one needs a cell phone or the internet or a car.  No you don't need these things but we have them for a reason, right?  It's a matter of looking at things with an open mind or from a single perspective.  If you don't want to miss out on the opportunities life gives you just don't listen and learn.
I for one try to do more listening and learning in life and less talking, but I think like all things there needs to be balance for it to work well.  
I disagree. Bitcoin is something that will assist people in paying for things more efficiently then the status quo way of paying for things. As a result people will be able to realize lower prices. To say that someone does not need bitcoin is like saying the people need to incur higher costs

The lower prices sounds like a nicety... However how do people transact and not get their faces ripped off with exchange rate volatility ranging potentially in the 100-1000's of percent on a daily basis.

I am not saying there wont be times a relative stability in price, but the average consumer has no grasp of price action, and even most professional traders look at bitcoin and laugh with the challenge it presents even to them.

Im not sure how an onslaught of new users can receive coaching and or the ability to make the right decisions at the right moment on their own.

Perhaps once full mainstream adoption becomes a reality the prices will settle quite a lot, perhaps prices in dollar will go along the way side.

Considering this, falling costs are meaningless if the general value of bitcoin itself remains undetermined.

If the concept; there are going to be entry growing pains in the bitcoin ecosystem, cost of entry IE, you buy a bitcoin but you are best waiting  a few years before actually using it, not only are massive price gains expected and completely predictable but considering this, you are best buying, waiting and holding a few years until the massive singularity moment a hyperfinancialization event takes place on this world.