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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: zolace on September 12, 2014, 11:46:28 AM

Title: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: zolace on September 12, 2014, 11:46:28 AM
PRETORIA, South Africa – After 41 days of testimony spanning more than five months, a verdict in the Oscar Pistorius trial has been handed down: guilty of culpable homicide, a ruling that comes with no minimum jail sentence.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: bryant.coleman on September 13, 2014, 01:59:41 AM
Another OJ in the making. No minimum sentence. Seriously? Rich people can kill anyone anywhere and get away with it. If some ordinary guy was in his position, he would have been sentenced to life in prison already. Just because Pistorius is filthy rich, he can bribe the corrupt judges and walk away. Shame of the South African judicial system.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: lemfuture on September 13, 2014, 02:09:33 AM
^money makes the world go round after all

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: pawel7777 on September 13, 2014, 02:50:06 PM
Another OJ in the making. No minimum sentence. Seriously? Rich people can kill anyone anywhere and get away with it. If some ordinary guy was in his position, he would have been sentenced to life in prison already. Just because Pistorius is filthy rich, he can bribe the corrupt judges and walk away. Shame of the South African judicial system.

The saddest part is they don't even care that the whole world is watching.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on September 13, 2014, 04:30:12 PM
It might not carry a minimum sentence but his sentence hasn't been issued yet, has it? Anything less than five years will be a joke, though. I don't think it's a part of being bribed, but if you've got the money for lawyers it helps.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: chalidore on September 13, 2014, 07:51:13 PM
^money makes the world go round after all

and yet people are surprised again about trial result

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: wasserman99 on September 15, 2014, 02:49:23 AM
Another OJ in the making. No minimum sentence. Seriously? Rich people can kill anyone anywhere and get away with it. If some ordinary guy was in his position, he would have been sentenced to life in prison already. Just because Pistorius is filthy rich, he can bribe the corrupt judges and walk away. Shame of the South African judicial system.
Just because there is no minimum sentence does not mean he will not serve any jail time. Minimum sentences are very bad public policy anyway because it does not allow the judge to take all the facts into consideration.

I personally do not think he should face any jail time. I believe that he did not intend to kill his girlfriend and I believe that he had a good reason to fear that she was an intruder who would potentially do harm to him

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: Inotanewbie on September 15, 2014, 03:57:31 AM
It might not carry a minimum sentence but his sentence hasn't been issued yet, has it? Anything less than five years will be a joke, though. I don't think it's a part of being bribed, but if you've got the money for lawyers it helps.
5 years ?! I hope you realize that what he was found guilty of is basically the US equivalent of manslaughter. I would consider it to be an overly harsh sentence if an upstanding member of society were to receive any jail time for manslaughter in the US

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: forzendiablo on September 15, 2014, 03:58:46 AM
hope he dies in jail

such fucker

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: maurya78 on September 15, 2014, 04:20:13 AM
This makes a travesty of justice, a real farce
The evidence clearly pointed only in one direction, guess he was too much of a poster boy to pay for his mistakes

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: Panthers52 on September 15, 2014, 04:45:24 AM
I am personally surprised that he was found guilty of anything. I was following the trial myself and did not find the evidence against him to be credible.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: TheGull on September 15, 2014, 06:21:37 AM
The real problem here is the injustice that the modern legal system dishes out - the result for a poor man without a QC on his side would have been very, very different.

This is not something unique to South Africa either. The rich everywhere get away with far more than the rest of us.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: bryant.coleman on September 15, 2014, 07:11:53 AM
hope he dies in jail

such fucker

Bad things don't happen to rich people in jail. Prison rapes only happen to ordinary people, who are incarcerated for charges like DUI and tax fraud. Rich people, who get prison sentences (extremely rare), often gets VIP treatment inside the jail and spends their time playing Xbox and watching movies. That said, I don't even think that Pistorius will have to spend time in prison. 

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: wasserman99 on September 17, 2014, 02:09:40 AM
hope he dies in jail

such fucker
Why should he have to die in jail? The crime that he was convicted of was essentially accidentally killing his girlfriend. The court found it was not on purpose. The death penalty is not at all an appropriate punishment for this crime.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: Eisenhower34 on September 17, 2014, 04:26:18 AM
I was personally surprised he was found guilty at all. I think it likely had something to do with the likely fake witnesses that said he had hired acting coaches to help him act like he was sad and crying during the trial.

I was also surprised as to just how long the trial lasted. This was not that complex of a case but it lasted for months on end. In the US even the most complex cases do not last more then a few weeks.

Title: Re: Oscar Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
Post by: koshgel on September 17, 2014, 04:30:12 AM
I was personally surprised he was found guilty at all. I think it likely had something to do with the likely fake witnesses that said he had hired acting coaches to help him act like he was sad and crying during the trial.

I was also surprised as to just how long the trial lasted. This was not that complex of a case but it lasted for months on end. In the US even the most complex cases do not last more then a few weeks.

It was so apparent that he was faking the crying. The judge even stated at the end that he seemed more worried with his statements then his actual emotion of what he had done.

The bathroom had no window. Where was the robber going to go? He didn't even look at the bed to see where his girlfriend was before he started blasting away at a locked bathroom door?

Dude deserves the 15 year max for culpable homicide but will most likely get nothing.