Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Ashpool on May 10, 2011, 07:08:42 PM

Title: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Ashpool on May 10, 2011, 07:08:42 PM
Could you combine a bitcoin like system with something like BITDNS and produce a nice cryptographically strong messaging system?

Eg Instead of transactions, you commit short messages(or their hashes) to the blockchain?

You could use the BITDNS system to do the transation between human readable addresses and their linked BITSMS address?

It was just an idea I had.  Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Vasili Sviridov on May 10, 2011, 10:04:44 PM
Emm, how about GPG? What's wrong with that system?

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Nesetalis on May 15, 2011, 04:47:47 AM
I've been thinking on this too.
We really do need a secure, distributed, anonymous, yet cost ineffective (ie, too expensive to spam) communication system.
send a message to a bitcoin address the same way you might send a payment.. (though likely using a different method :p) Might be worth poking at Namecoin as a plugin for it.

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Nefario on May 15, 2011, 06:41:14 AM
I've been thinking on this too.
We really do need a secure, distributed, anonymous, yet cost ineffective (ie, too expensive to spam) communication system.
send a message to a bitcoin address the same way you might send a payment.. (though likely using a different method :p) Might be worth poking at Namecoin as a plugin for it.

Ladies and gentlement may I present to you..... Retroshare.

A crypto friend to friend, p2p, distributed instant chat, forums and filesharing.

Whole thing uses gpg.

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Nesetalis on May 15, 2011, 08:02:02 AM
now do you have a plugin for pidgin? :p

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Nefario on May 15, 2011, 09:46:47 AM
now do you have a plugin for pidgin? :p

If you want crypto for pidgin just use Off The Record OTR

It's pretty much the best available ATM.

However Retroshare already has Instant Messaging built in (what system I'm not actually sure), so you don't even need pidgin.

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Nesetalis on May 15, 2011, 10:28:06 AM
i think you missed the point... OTR is terrible for one. if it fails, it just unencrypts the message and sends it... about as secure as a shoebox :p and I would have it fail very frequently..
And I wasnt talking about simply encryping an existing IM, nor do I even really want an IM feature.
I was talking about a distributed p2p and innately encrypted replacement for email. A random new IM client to run is hardly helpful for that, and since it doesnt plugin to pidgin I'd likely never use it. (I only use aggregate IM clients.. and grudgingly skype.. if some one ported the skype protocol and made a plugin for pidgin and trillian, id jump for joy :D)

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: Nefario on May 15, 2011, 10:58:28 AM
i think you missed the point... OTR is terrible for one. if it fails, it just unencrypts the message and sends it... about as secure as a shoebox :p and I would have it fail very frequently..
And I wasnt talking about simply encryping an existing IM, nor do I even really want an IM feature.
I was talking about a distributed p2p and innately encrypted replacement for email. A random new IM client to run is hardly helpful for that, and since it doesnt plugin to pidgin I'd likely never use it. (I only use aggregate IM clients.. and grudgingly skype.. if some one ported the skype protocol and made a plugin for pidgin and trillian, id jump for joy :D)

Yes, I did miss your point  :P, although retroshare does include distributed forums, I know it's not an IM but I think it's a cool feature.

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: dikidera on May 15, 2011, 11:04:43 AM
What i'd rather see is small messages during a transaction. Like sending BTC to someone and adding a small note or something.

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: kwukduck on May 15, 2011, 11:49:09 AM

Title: Re: Crytographic email or msging system?
Post by: divergenta on May 15, 2011, 01:48:13 PM
I've been thinking on this too.
We really do need a secure, distributed, anonymous, yet cost ineffective (ie, too expensive to spam) communication system.
send a message to a bitcoin address the same way you might send a payment.. (though likely using a different method :p) Might be worth poking at Namecoin as a plugin for it.

Ladies and gentlement may I present to you..... Retroshare.

A crypto friend to friend, p2p, distributed instant chat, forums and filesharing.

Whole thing uses gpg.

Awesome! Thank you very much for sharing this. I think RetroShare seems to be a great project. I will give it a serious try imminently.