Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: Gabriel Beal on May 11, 2011, 06:27:06 PM

Title: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Gabriel Beal on May 11, 2011, 06:27:06 PM
Since this is one of the first thing that comes up when you Google "Bitcoin shirts", I thought it would be prudent to say this isn't a future bitcoin retail site anymore.  It exists and is at (  The t-shirt that resulted from this thread turned out quite well.  You can see it here (
Hi everyone, I've decided to start a t-shirt business with the goal of operating exclusively in bitcoins.  We're only going to accept bitcoins as payment and we're going to attempt to pay our costs in bitcoins.  I wanted to ask for the community's help in designing our bitcoin shirt (we will also sell non-bitcoin-related shirts).  So, please finish this sentence:

"Money doesn't grow on trees, it..."

I'm thinking something along the lines of "it's generated with cryptography" or "it's invented by Satoshi", but I need your help.  If I use your slogan I'll give you $25 worth of bitcoins and $1 worth of bitcoins from the first 50 shirts we sell.  I was going to put the amount in bitcoins, but if I offer something like 5 bitcoins, it will probably be worth $1000 by the end of the week (with the recent rally).

The picture will be of a stylized tree that looks like a computer network with PCs and bitcoins at certain nodes/branches.

Lastly, I see that I can pay for hosting with bitcoins, but does anyone know of a high quality tshirt maker (screen printing) who accepts bitcoins?  Thanks.

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Garrett Burgwardt on May 11, 2011, 06:38:22 PM
it's printed by the fed!

Accompany with an image of a printing press with bills flying off the sides :D

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: smartazz on May 11, 2011, 08:51:11 PM
Money doesn't grow on trees,...
it is earned from the deep confines of a system that solves encrypted blocks.
but apples do.
but you sure can mine it!

I'll edit my post when I can think of more.

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: unfinishe on May 11, 2011, 10:35:55 PM
How about these:

Money doesn't grow on trees, grows online! grows from smart minds! needs cryptographic keys! (Ooh, rhyming)

I'll keep brainstorming...

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 12, 2011, 12:46:57 AM
Money doesn't grow on tress,
But my government disagrees

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: FreeMoney on May 12, 2011, 12:57:34 AM
Money doesn't grow on trees.... anymore

                  Use Bitcoin

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: unfinishe on May 12, 2011, 01:59:08 AM
I still like it when it rhymes. How about these:

Money doesn't grow on trees?
..this Bitcoiner disagrees!

Money doesn't grow on trees,
so use it without any fees!

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on May 12, 2011, 02:09:49 AM


                            Money doesn't grow on trees


(Hint: these are bitcoin special numbers)

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Anonymous on May 12, 2011, 04:34:47 AM
Money doesnt grow on FEES

It grows on  1NZ9KYcAZovbxonkfPBPea6RsSh6Q6smcn

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: epii on May 12, 2011, 04:50:30 AM
Carrots don't grow on trees.

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Noitev on May 12, 2011, 09:13:32 PM
Money doesn't grow on trees, It grows on Merkle trees.



Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: jimbobway on May 12, 2011, 09:29:41 PM
"Money doesn't grow on trees, it grows in bitcoin rigs."

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: epii on May 12, 2011, 09:39:05 PM
Money doesn't grow on trees, It grows on Merkle trees.


Or maybe just, "Money grows on Merkle trees."

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: cypherdoc on May 12, 2011, 10:11:15 PM
USD's don't grow
BTC's do!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Gabriel Beal on May 12, 2011, 11:49:08 PM
A lot of these are clever.  My favorite so far is "they need cryptographic keys."  I'll pick a winner by the end of tomorrow.  I'm hoping to have the store and the shirt designs finished sometime next week.

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: The Script on May 13, 2011, 07:56:27 AM
Here are my 2 satoshi worth of ideas:

Rhyming ones

Money doesn’t grow on trees, it lives in virtual leaves.
Money doesn’t grow on trees, it’s formed with private keys.
Money doesn’t grow on trees, it’s mined virtually.
Money doesn't grow on trees, it grows on PCs.
Money doesn't grow on trees, it was given by a Japanese.


Money doesn't grow on's mined.
Money doesn't grow on trees, it lives in the network.

Edit:  "given" should probably be replaced with "created" I dunnoo...  :P

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: scribe on May 13, 2011, 10:20:11 AM
Ooh, yay, competitions, I love competitions!

Money doesn't grow on trees ...

   ... until you look hard enough.
   ... it's brute-forced.
   ... but tasty bitcoin fruit does.
   ... but like to eat bitcoin anyway! [japanese-style slogan entry 200%]

Any nice? =)

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: ribuck on May 13, 2011, 11:11:22 AM
Money doesn't grow on trees...
     Oh yes it does!

But actually I prefer this one, even though it doesn't exactly meet your criteria:

Money grows on trees...
     Merkle trees!

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Gabriel Beal on May 13, 2011, 10:26:43 PM
Money doesn't grow on trees...
     Oh yes it does!

But actually I prefer this one, even though it doesn't exactly meet your criteria:

Money grows on trees...
     Merkle trees!

I like the Merkle trees one too.  I added a poll at the top of the thread to decide between my two favorites

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: unfinishe on May 13, 2011, 10:41:28 PM
I'd vote, but I'm biased. ;)

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: scribe on May 14, 2011, 11:27:56 AM
To be difficult, I quite like a shorter version: "Money grows on Merkle trees" ...

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Gabriel Beal on May 15, 2011, 12:07:06 PM
Well, I'm going to declare unfinishe the winner ( needs cryptographic keys).  I'll be finishing the shirt and posting it and the store announcement sometime next week.  Infinishe, you want me to send the funds to the address in your signature line?

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: unfinishe on May 15, 2011, 11:45:15 PM
Well, I'm going to declare unfinishe the winner ( needs cryptographic keys).  I'll be finishing the shirt and posting it and the store announcement sometime next week.  Infinishe, you want me to send the funds to the address in your signature line?

Sure, that works just fine. Thank you very much!  :)

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Gabriel Beal on May 16, 2011, 12:36:56 AM
3.546 bitcoins just headed your way.  Enjoy.  I'll be in touch after we launch the store if we sell some of the bitcoin shirts to pay you your bounty on those.

Title: Re: T-shirt contest and future bitcoin retail site
Post by: Noitev on May 16, 2011, 02:37:09 AM