Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Campsis on September 26, 2014, 03:53:47 AM

Title: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: Campsis on September 26, 2014, 03:53:47 AM
I am currently disabled and not able to work, earn money, or enjoy life :(

However i am willing to do anything for 0.5BTC, any kind ladies/gentlemen out there?

I need the 0.5 to pay this months rent, i am short;(

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: odolvlobo on September 26, 2014, 05:27:22 AM
Dude, I don't know why you think anyone is going to believe you after you scammed a bunch of people.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: haploid23 on September 26, 2014, 05:32:09 AM
You know, last time you tried to make a different sob story and posted it in the discussion section, it got deleted. I'm willing to bet that will happen again.

You're quite pathetic in your scam attempts.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: twister on September 26, 2014, 06:38:22 AM
That's about $200, you should share your computer skills and someone might give you a job but it's still a lot of money. You're in england, I think UK has the unemployment benefits, you should apply for that.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: sandykho47 on September 26, 2014, 07:39:16 AM
Just do signature-ad campaign (More information :
And borrow some money from lender

Or you can do simple part-time work

It should be easy enough  :)

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: bornil267645 on September 26, 2014, 07:53:42 AM
Try asking some Bitcoin to Mr nakamoto.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: turvarya on September 26, 2014, 08:02:27 AM

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: eid on September 26, 2014, 08:34:00 AM
That's about $200, you should share your computer skills and someone might give you a job but it's still a lot of money. You're in england, I think UK has the unemployment benefits, you should apply for that.

Not only do they have unemployment benefits, they have disability benefits as well as benefits to pay the rent.

The OP should sell his computer, but he won't because he's not in need at all.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: AGD on September 26, 2014, 08:56:19 AM
If you do anything to earn BTC and you are obv able to click on links, try this:

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: BitCoinNutJob on September 26, 2014, 01:23:34 PM
I am currently disabled and not able to work, earn money, or enjoy life :(

However i am willing to do anything for 0.5BTC, any kind ladies/gentlemen out there?

I need the 0.5 to pay this months rent, i am short;(

If true you need a bigger plan then just 1 month, i dont know which country you are in but go get some help from the safety nets in place from gov.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: hascoin on September 26, 2014, 03:08:37 PM
Not very cute guy,you should use a new account for this scam. ;)  you should also earn some coins like me by change the sig,that will be very interesting and useful.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: letyouearn on September 26, 2014, 04:01:29 PM
Good Joke !!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Want money and don;t want to work !

 ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: vm1990 on September 26, 2014, 06:13:12 PM
That's about $200, you should share your computer skills and someone might give you a job but it's still a lot of money. You're in england, I think UK has the unemployment benefits, you should apply for that.

UK sucks balls for benefits, most places are caped so you get £220ish a month + £170 is for rent basic 1 bed flats cost £300 so yeh £90 to live on a month... fuck that anyone in the UK should take every god damn penny they can fuck the government over for (thats what i do) they can pay MP's £30.000 a year to travel to London and make shitty Decisions they can give me some free money too. i will continue to screw the government out of as much money as possible for the rest of my life. bloody inbread eton pozi arseholes.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: DebitMe on September 29, 2014, 02:44:59 AM
scammer, do not do business with!

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: tsm on September 29, 2014, 04:25:07 AM
try to do some posts for signatures? and try to remove your negative feedback w. the issuer.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: DebitMe on September 29, 2014, 04:35:22 AM
try to do some posts for signatures? and try to remove your negative feedback w. the issuer.

Well seeing as he stole somewhere around .3 bitcoin from me (possibly more I would have to double check as I forgot the exact amount), I would say his chances of that are pretty slim.

If he is actually disabled and unemployed, he def got what was coming to him, just an example of how karma always catches up with you.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: twister on September 29, 2014, 05:58:10 AM
That's about $200, you should share your computer skills and someone might give you a job but it's still a lot of money. You're in england, I think UK has the unemployment benefits, you should apply for that.

UK sucks balls for benefits, most places are caped so you get £220ish a month + £170 is for rent basic 1 bed flats cost £300 so yeh £90 to live on a month... fuck that anyone in the UK should take every god damn penny they can fuck the government over for (thats what i do) they can pay MP's £30.000 a year to travel to London and make shitty Decisions they can give me some free money too. i will continue to screw the government out of as much money as possible for the rest of my life. bloody inbread eton pozi arseholes.

If I was unemployed in UK I'd be happy to receive any help from government, let's not forget that it is free.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: Snorek on September 29, 2014, 06:32:25 AM
try to do some posts for signatures? and try to remove your negative feedback w. the issuer.

I think nobody will hire member with negative trust to be part of campaign. I wouldn't. It is bad press to let scammers/thieves represent your business.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: HeroCat on September 29, 2014, 08:29:38 AM
Click on the left side in my profile the globe - open new BTC wallet - it will give you each day some BTC. If you are active in Internet - a lot more BTC each day.
For 0.5 BTC earnings each month - if you are very active in Internet, then may be it is possible.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: Rampton on September 29, 2014, 01:23:06 PM
That's about $200, you should share your computer skills and someone might give you a job but it's still a lot of money. You're in england, I think UK has the unemployment benefits, you should apply for that.

UK sucks balls for benefits, most places are caped so you get £220ish a month + £170 is for rent basic 1 bed flats cost £300 so yeh £90 to live on a month... fuck that anyone in the UK should take every god damn penny they can fuck the government over for (thats what i do) they can pay MP's £30.000 a year to travel to London and make shitty Decisions they can give me some free money too. i will continue to screw the government out of as much money as possible for the rest of my life. bloody inbread eton pozi arseholes.

Wow, this is completely the wrong way to look at it and you should be ashamed of yourself. You're just using this as an excuse to be lazy. You're complaining that you don't get enough free money? And that money isn't free by the way, it comes from tax payers who work hard for it. Politicians also work hard for their money, as opposed to just sitting on their arse all day moaning about they don't have enough and want more free money.

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: YUSOAWESOMe on September 29, 2014, 03:50:05 PM
Click on the left side in my profile the globe - open new BTC wallet - it will give you each day some BTC. If you are active in Internet - a lot more BTC each day.
For 0.5 BTC earnings each month - if you are very active in Internet, then may be it is possible.

Obviously ponzi or such bullcrap, so please be carefull people :)

You could try to earn money by selling some real stuff instead of scamming people for some laser's, which was super lame dude..

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: UberNifty on October 01, 2014, 06:18:02 AM
Politicians also work hard for their money, as opposed to just sitting on their arse all day moaning about they don't have enough and want more free money.

Apparently quite a different world over there in the UK, compared to here in the US...

Title: Re: I will do anything for 0.5 BTC (i can't work)
Post by: MilesJohan on October 01, 2014, 06:30:22 AM
Why should people trust you when you have negative trust?