Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: Imsimon on May 06, 2012, 05:46:31 AM

Title: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Imsimon on May 06, 2012, 05:46:31 AM
I just brought rig but I can not start mining. The problem I am facing is the win XP can identify the card, but the GUI or CG miner can not. And the rig can not be booted into BAMT or Ubuntu with stick as well. At first GUI miner said can not find openCL GPU, later, after I updated all the drivers to be latest, such as 2.5 OpenCL, the GUI miner can be booted, but I have only one usable miner, which is the CPU. Help needed ASAP!!! Thank you guys.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Fiyasko on May 06, 2012, 06:30:16 AM
Your telling us that it cannot detect "the card" "but windows does" and then later you state that "i only have one usable miner, wich is the CPU".
What graphics card do you have?
 If you do not have a GPU, Do not bother trying to mine bitcoins, Your just going to burnup your cpu.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Imsimon on May 06, 2012, 06:42:37 AM
Your telling us that it cannot detect "the card" "but windows does" and then later you state that "i only have one usable miner, wich is the CPU".
What graphics card do you have?
 If you do not have a GPU, Do not bother trying to mine bitcoins, Your just going to burnup your cpu.

I have a 5750, two 5870 and a 6870, to get started, I only tried one of them at the same time. By "windows does" I mean that I can find them in device manager and CCC, by "I only have one usable miner", I mean the GUI considering I only have one usable miner.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Fiyasko on May 06, 2012, 06:52:24 AM
o.0 Do you have Cat12.4? Those drivers fucked with me personally, But i heavily doubt that 12.4 would do such a thing...

Friggin cgminer doesnt show it? Do you have TeamViewer? perhaps i could take a look for you

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Imsimon on May 06, 2012, 06:56:45 AM
o.0 Do you have Cat12.4? Those drivers fucked with me personally, But i heavily doubt that 12.4 would do such a thing...

Friggin cgminer doesnt show it? Do you have TeamViewer? perhaps i could take a look for you

I do have CCC12.4 and I tried different drivers a lot as well, to make them work. I am out of house, maybe we can set up a time to work this out. They are frustrating, I hate the feeling that 1.2 G computing power is wasting in front of me.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Fiyasko on May 06, 2012, 07:08:19 AM
Your telling us that it cannot detect "the card" "but windows does" and then later you state that "i only have one usable miner, wich is the CPU".
What graphics card do you have?
 If you do not have a GPU, Do not bother trying to mine bitcoins, Your just going to burnup your cpu.

I have a 5750, two 5870 and a 6870, to get started, I only tried one of them at the same time. By "windows does" I mean that I can find them in device manager and CCC, by "I only have one usable miner", I mean the GUI considering I only have one usable miner.

So even plugging one card in at a time... The Mining softwares do not detect a card? and windows does? Sorry but thats outta my skill range.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Imsimon on May 06, 2012, 07:11:19 AM
Your telling us that it cannot detect "the card" "but windows does" and then later you state that "i only have one usable miner, wich is the CPU".
What graphics card do you have?
 If you do not have a GPU, Do not bother trying to mine bitcoins, Your just going to burnup your cpu.

I have a 5750, two 5870 and a 6870, to get started, I only tried one of them at the same time. By "windows does" I mean that I can find them in device manager and CCC, by "I only have one usable miner", I mean the GUI considering I only have one usable miner.

So even plugging one card in at a time... The Mining softwares do not detect a card? and windows does? Sorry but thats outta my skill range.

That's fine. I know it is weird. All the mining software are telling me that no usable GPU. But the graphic is definitely working as I can see the things on the screen, and it is identified by CCC and device manager.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Fiyasko on May 06, 2012, 07:16:31 AM
I can only think of somekind of error with your openCL drivers....
fwiw... win7 is PISS easy to install..

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: ssateneth on May 06, 2012, 09:51:55 AM
The latest is not always the greatest.

I suggest using 11.12 or 12.1 driver for using 5xxx or 6xxx cards, and using 2.1 SDK for 5xxx cards and 2.4 or 2.5 for using 6xxx cards. Guiminer, and some other miners/frontends, will not detect 2.1 unless 2.4/2.5/2.6 (2.6 is not recommended, much slower) is also present. Verify your cards, SDK, and driver with GPU Caps viewer.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: os2sam on May 06, 2012, 01:58:25 PM
On Windoze XP I liked using Catalyst 11.6.  Had to use dummy plugs on the GPU's that didn't have monitors though.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: vapourminer on May 06, 2012, 02:28:23 PM
make sure your copy of XP is fully up to date (SP3 etc). the latest AMD drivers need some .NET stuff to I believe.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Imsimon on May 06, 2012, 08:46:26 PM
Solved by installing win7.

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: os2sam on May 06, 2012, 08:57:45 PM
Solved by installing win7.

I would call that a work around as opposed to the solution.  You have no idea what your original problem was so you may be doomed to repeat it.

But I'm glad your up and running now.
Happy hashing,

Title: Re: Win XP mining help needed
Post by: Fiyasko on May 06, 2012, 09:05:18 PM
:O I think thats the first time i've ever seen a fwiw be worth Anything.. yaay! i was helpful afterall!