Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Garr255 on May 07, 2012, 05:21:43 AM

Title: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Garr255 on May 07, 2012, 05:21:43 AM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: notme on May 07, 2012, 05:35:34 AM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.

Live your life according to your heart.  Do not allow others to control you with fear.  Bless everyone you see and you will be blessed.

That said, it's really hard.  I know I can be headstrong or fearful, and sometimes I curse those around me when they cause me grief while I'm already stressed.

There are no shortcuts without hard work, and anyone offering one is either lying for their own gain, or oversimplifying.  Just study life, keep your eyes open, and be grateful for every breath.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: DublinBrian on May 07, 2012, 10:58:27 AM
Happiness and money obey a law of diminishing returns. Its pretty clear where you need to be on this graph. If youre too far out the graph, youre flogging a dead horse.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: ice_chill on May 07, 2012, 06:31:25 PM
I'd say more is needed for comfort not happiness.
Happiness comes from positive human relationships.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: SgtSpike on May 07, 2012, 06:39:10 PM
Honestly, I think the best way to be "happy" with regards to money is to learn to live within your means, whatever those means are.  If you make $20,000 a year, spend less than $20,000 a year.  If you make $200,000 a year, spend less than $200,000 a year.  Work towards paying off any debt you have, and living debt-free the rest of your life.

Most "wealthy" people only get stressed by money because they mismanage it.  They see a higher paycheck, and instead of working on paying down their current mortgage, they take out a bigger mortgage on a better house, start spending more on their credit cards because they can just pay it off later, etc.  Then, when they lose their job, or they have to take a decrease in pay, they realize they've screwed themselves, and that's when the real stress begins.

Believe me, I've been there, done that.

So, learn to always spend less than your income, to save up for your big purchases instead of taking out loans for them, and to live debt-free.  Then, when and if you do make $200k, you can have a hearty laugh at all your neighbors making the same amount, but somehow struggling to make ends meet, while you have a surplus of $15k+ a month.  And if you only make $20k the rest of your life, you can still live happily being focused on other things besides how you'll pay this month's credit card bill.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: herzmeister on May 09, 2012, 07:41:16 PM
i predict that those who need to compare themselves with any neighbors never will feel bliss.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: molsewid on May 24, 2021, 07:27:24 AM
Honestly, I think the best way to be "happy" with regards to money is to learn to live within your means, whatever those means are.  If you make $20,000 a year, spend less than $20,000 a year.  If you make $200,000 a year, spend less than $200,000 a year.  Work towards paying off any debt you have, and living debt-free the rest of your life.

Most "wealthy" people only get stressed by money because they mismanage it.  They see a higher paycheck, and instead of working on paying down their current mortgage, they take out a bigger mortgage on a better house, start spending more on their credit cards because they can just pay it off later, etc.  Then, when they lose their job, or they have to take a decrease in pay, they realize they've screwed themselves, and that's when the real stress begins.

Believe me, I've been there, done that.

So, learn to always spend less than your income, to save up for your big purchases instead of taking out loans for them, and to live debt-free.  Then, when and if you do make $200k, you can have a hearty laugh at all your neighbors making the same amount, but somehow struggling to make ends meet, while you have a surplus of $15k+ a month.  And if you only make $20k the rest of your life, you can still live happily being focused on other things besides how you'll pay this month's credit card bill.

that's true, when you start to mismanage the flow of cash that comes to you is the main source of stress. if you spend your money wisely, you wont have to feel like you're just "chasing" money and live from pay check to pay check (this is of course if youre earning above the base quantity required for basic human necessities) its also wise to keep track of your expenses and try to avoid impulsive splurging of money right when you get paid.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: YOSHIE on May 24, 2021, 08:24:38 AM
and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.
You are late in doing all that, you are late in finding your true life, maybe now you already have your true life, if,,,,, the saying goes: rice has turned into porridge.

However, it looks like digital money / crypto is still on your side this time, maybe now you can start improving yourself in finding your true life, you need to do it one more time and are excited to do it.

The bottom line: it's never too late to improve yourself while there is a will and opportunity, dream, don't make mistakes like in 2017 and 2021, it's time to get up to determine what you want, Achieve your dreams while you can.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Ucy on May 24, 2021, 03:39:45 PM
Old thread, but still worth commenting on.

I think its better to spend your entire existence doing the good things you have unique ability in, things that bring you happiness/satisfaction... then use that to better others/society.  A fair/just system should rewards you for helping solve important problems with little/no bad side-effects or problems.
So, if money get distributed according to how impactful our solutions are to societies, we will likely have most people using their unique abilities to solve more problems for the benefit of society, which will in turn earn them basic income to take care of their own needs.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Hydrogen on May 24, 2021, 06:46:53 PM
I think its not so much money that people crave. But rather options, time, freedom and material possessions which can be exchanged for money.

It is a bit sad how our values and culture have shifted from admiring those who serve their country or community. To simply admiring those who have money and material possessions. Society may have regressed some on that point. In decades past, it may have been culturally common for many to say they wouldn't sell their souls for all the money in the world. Today, there could be many who would sell their souls for a sum of money that is not that large.

Civilization might benefit from a shift towards values less exclusive to materialism.

There could be an interesting debate to be had. In terms of whether human life might be devalued through overpopulation. The way that fiat currencies can devalue and hyperinflate through overprinting. It would not necessarily be a pleasant or positive discussion. But it might be worthwhile to pinpoint what fundamental shift is responsible for these latest materialist trends.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Fortify on May 24, 2021, 07:24:04 PM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.

In the current world I think it is easy to conflate money with happiness as the celebrity/insta culture constantly bombards people, but that is not necessarily true. As you are young, might I suggest you read a book called "The Richest Man In Babylon" - it can teach you many things. Money buys freedom. Having more money and knowing how to use it widely does not bring more stress. Having no money or wasting it until it runs out will bring you stress. The richest and most sensible people spend their lives accumulating enough wealth that they do not actually lose money year to year, nor do they have to work for it. They'll invest it in various places, like companies, which pay out a portion of their profits as dividends - that is essentially "free money" for owning a part of a company. Without money your day to day life can be much tougher. You can definitely find unhappy rich people but they have chosen not to lead a more useful and fulfilling life, everyone has that unique choice.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: sana54210 on May 25, 2021, 06:32:49 PM
I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.
Do not listen to people who say that money is not the number one way to have fun. Obviously we all love it if it wasn't, I would love to live in a world where even the poorest in the world do not have to worry about regular life stuff, I want a world where the poorest person in the world has a place to stay (even if a bad one, at least ANY shelter) have food guarantee so he can eat, and have clothes etc so basically they can survive, nowadays the poorest just dies in the streets by starvation, there are whole nations that starve to death these days.

However if you have money, sure you have stress there is no doubt about that but at least you are doing much much much better, not even close, I would rather have the stress and the problems of a CEO then starve on the streets. Which is why it is guaranteed that no matter how you do it, as long as it is legal, money is less problem and having it opens up so much happiness.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 26, 2021, 05:34:55 AM
Money its just a piece of paper but still rules the world and literally everything is possible when you have money. Make money and fulfill our dreams is the common goal of every middle class person and the goal changes only when the person made lot of money and they never want anyone to reach such status..Rich people getting richer and theg keep poor people being poorer.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: decodx on May 26, 2021, 10:45:45 AM
Money its just a piece of paper but still rules the world and literally everything is possible when you have money. Make money and fulfill our dreams is the common goal of every middle class person and the goal changes only when the person made lot of money and they never want anyone to reach such status..Rich people getting richer and theg keep poor people being poorer.

Today's fast-paced life has become hectic and no one has time for anyone. Everyone wants to have the best and luxury items but they can't afford them. Money does rule the world but, like you said, it is only a piece of paper. No matter where you go and no matter how much money you have, you will never have it all.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: acener on May 27, 2021, 09:47:15 AM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.
Money could only be a way to have a short time pleasure when you buy the things that you want, Go to places you want, Eat the foods that you want.
It could only be a way to have those short time pleasure that you would feel happiness but it is only temporary and you would certainly get bored of it.
You could only have true happiness by being contented with what you have and having enough to maintain it.
Just look at some famous couples who looks so perfect in social medias some of them still cheats on their partner because they aren't contented with what they have even when they have so much money.
Just learn to be contented with what you have and find someone who is perfect for you and would enjoy and appreciate every little thing you do.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Poker Player on May 27, 2021, 09:52:40 AM
That idea, the essence of remorse seems to me to have a Judeo-Christian basis.

Money is nothing more than a means, intrinsically it is neither good nor bad. If you get rich and you are a psychopath you will use it to screw people, and if you are an extremely altruistic good person, you will allocate a large part of it to charitable causes and the like.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Masplanc on June 17, 2021, 10:55:58 AM
For one to be happy in life. One need to understand the purpose of life and need to the right things. And whatever you are doing do it very well, whether in business or your career.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: bitterguy28 on June 17, 2021, 11:57:06 AM
For one to be happy in life. One need to understand the purpose of life and need to the right things. And whatever you are doing do it very well, whether in business or your career.
as long as you are dedicated in everything you wanted and also if you are heartedly believe in your desire then you'll win in this battle.
Money its just a piece of paper but still rules the world and literally everything is possible when you have money. Make money and fulfill our dreams is the common goal of every middle class person and the goal changes only when the person made lot of money and they never want anyone to reach such status..Rich people getting richer and theg keep poor people being poorer.
this is the piece of paper that makes everyone mad and makes every person becomes stupid at some point.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Renampun on June 17, 2021, 12:25:03 PM
For one to be happy in life. One need to understand the purpose of life and need to the right things. And whatever you are doing do it very well, whether in business or your career.
do your best at what you are doing, that's right...

whether you are in business, being an employee or something else, you must do it sincerely so that the results you get are good. those who don't do things sincerely are just 'forced labor' so the money generated is not satisfactory to him/her.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Mauser on June 17, 2021, 05:17:46 PM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.

Unfortunately money is very important in life. Without money we can't afford rent, a car, vacation, good food, etc. I agree with you that we shouldn't focus our whole life on money, but we also shouldn't forget about it. Financial independence would be a very good goal in life, but it shouldn't be our only or main goal. Money can't buy us happiness.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: semobo on June 18, 2021, 01:31:07 PM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.
You need to make money is important but you are stress free as long as you are earning that money in the legal way as per your government's laws or else you may get into prison someday if you get caught. By the way, you only can decide what gives happiness to you so its entirely depends on everyone's perspective.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 19, 2021, 08:39:17 AM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.
You need to make money is important but you are stress free as long as you are earning that money in the legal way as per your government's laws or else you may get into prison someday if you get caught. By the way, you only can decide what gives happiness to you so its entirely depends on everyone's perspective.
Yes, we need money to lives and survive. That is why people are trying to make money in many ways, and even we will try to search for new ways to make money. If we are trying hard to chase the money, we can stress because we will not see a clear pattern of making money instead of blind searching for the money. In the end, we can commit crimes just to have money. That is something that we must avoid.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Chato1977 on June 19, 2021, 10:46:59 AM
This forum is completely based upon money (obviously). Sure, money is great for exchanging things, and is much more efficient than ever. But why does the lot of the world spend their entire existences pursuing money? Well, some believe money is the only way one can attain happiness. But with money comes stresses, and without money comes more stresses. So I'm asking what you think the best way to attain this true happiness is. I'm pretty young, and I really don't want to "get stuck", or grow up running after money then asking myself what the hell I've been doing all my life. The human existence in this universe is minuscule, and I think we should all do our best to make it count, whether you spend your time bettering yourself or others.
You need to make money is important but you are stress free as long as you are earning that money in the legal way as per your government's laws or else you may get into prison someday if you get caught. By the way, you only can decide what gives happiness to you so its entirely depends on everyone's perspective.
Nope that's wrong mate, never to risk your life and investment in illegal things mate and that will send you to wrongly living in the end of the day.
For one to be happy in life. One need to understand the purpose of life and need to the right things. And whatever you are doing do it very well, whether in business or your career.
Need to be contented mate, that's it..

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: OgNasty on June 19, 2021, 04:51:16 PM
Honestly, I think the best way to be "happy" with regards to money is to learn to live within your means, whatever those means are.  If you make $20,000 a year, spend less than $20,000 a year.  If you make $200,000 a year, spend less than $200,000 a year.  Work towards paying off any debt you have, and living debt-free the rest of your life.

Most "wealthy" people only get stressed by money because they mismanage it.  They see a higher paycheck, and instead of working on paying down their current mortgage, they take out a bigger mortgage on a better house, start spending more on their credit cards because they can just pay it off later, etc.  Then, when they lose their job, or they have to take a decrease in pay, they realize they've screwed themselves, and that's when the real stress begins.

Believe me, I've been there, done that.

So, learn to always spend less than your income, to save up for your big purchases instead of taking out loans for them, and to live debt-free.  Then, when and if you do make $200k, you can have a hearty laugh at all your neighbors making the same amount, but somehow struggling to make ends meet, while you have a surplus of $15k+ a month.  And if you only make $20k the rest of your life, you can still live happily being focused on other things besides how you'll pay this month's credit card bill.

that's true, when you start to mismanage the flow of cash that comes to you is the main source of stress. if you spend your money wisely, you wont have to feel like you're just "chasing" money and live from pay check to pay check (this is of course if youre earning above the base quantity required for basic human necessities) its also wise to keep track of your expenses and try to avoid impulsive splurging of money right when you get paid.

What made you respond to this guy 9 years later?  How did you even find this thread?  LOL

The funny thing about this thread, is that the guy who made it scammed everyone for money and took off.  I guess you could say that stolen money is the source of his remorse these days.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: BADecker on June 19, 2021, 10:58:59 PM
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: peter0425 on June 20, 2021, 03:29:54 AM
For one to be happy in life. One need to understand the purpose of life and need to the right things. And whatever you are doing do it very well, whether in business or your career.
always give your best in everything you do, take it as your last chance to do it so you'll give everything to succeed.

this is my point in life that i don't believe in first or second attempt because for me this is always the only attempt i have.

Title: Re: Money is the Essence of Remorse.
Post by: Witchlist on June 20, 2021, 10:09:20 AM
I'd say more is needed for comfort not happiness.
Happiness comes from positive human relationships.

Then helping someone in need of money, which you can provide will not bring happiness?