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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BCEmporium on September 27, 2014, 07:12:56 PM

Title: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 27, 2014, 07:12:56 PM
Even if I take religion as hazardous they aren't equal on damage, for this reason I keep a shitlist based on their irrational doctrines:

#1 Islam
-convert or else
-gender discrimination
-violence towards animals
-slavery support

#2 Hinduism
-gore practices on some sects
-chast system and social inequality

#3 Judaism

#4 Catholicism
-convert or else
-gender inequality

#5 Christians (protestant)
Same as #4 but in a bit less extent.

#6 Xintoism
-chast system

Out of shitlist:

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Grand_Voyageur on September 27, 2014, 07:20:03 PM
I may go for Taoism!  8)

Even if I take religion as hazardous they aren't equal on damage, for this reason I keep a shitlist based on their irrational doctrines:

Paraphrasing Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca:  We'll always have shitlists.  ;D

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 27, 2014, 07:41:02 PM
Even if I take religion as hazardous they aren't equal on damage, for this reason I keep a shitlist based on their irrational doctrines:

#1 Islam
-convert or else
-gender discrimination
-violence towards animals
-slavery support

#2 Hinduism
-gore practices on some sects
-chast system and social inequality

#3 Judaism

#4 Catholicism
-convert or else
-gender inequality

#5 Christians (protestant)
Same as #4 but in a bit less extent.

#6 Xintoism
-chast system

Out of shitlist:
I'm not Jewish but why are they homophobic I thought Jews were pretty liberal?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 27, 2014, 07:50:59 PM
Israelis and what we call "jews" aren't necessarily part of judaism. Mainly because we call them jews just because their parents were of such origin.
But Judaism as religion doesn't fall too short of Islam or Christianity.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: pedrog on September 27, 2014, 08:01:41 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 27, 2014, 08:28:19 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 27, 2014, 08:41:16 PM
Sorry, circumcision does nothing for cancer or DST's
The "study" you refer is a known hoax.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 27, 2014, 08:52:26 PM
Sorry, circumcision does nothing for cancer or DST's
The "study" you refer is a known hoax.
What is Male Circumcision?

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of some or all of the foreskin (or prepuce) from the penis.1

Male Circumcision and Risk for HIV Acquisition by Heterosexual Men

Several types of research have documented that male circumcision significantly reduces the risk of men contracting HIV through penile-vaginal sex.

Biologic Plausibility

 Compared with the dry external skin surface of the glans penis and penile shaft, the inner mucosa of the foreskin has less keratinization (deposition of fibrous protein) and a higher density of target cells for HIV infection.2 Some laboratory studies have shown the foreskin is more susceptible to HIV infection than other penile tissue,3 although others have failed to show any difference in the ability of HIV to penetrate inner compared with outer foreskin surface.4 The foreskin may also have greater susceptibility to traumatic epithelial disruptions (tears) during intercourse, providing a portal of entry for pathogens, including HIV.5 In addition, the microenvironment in the preputial sac between the unretracted foreskin and the glans penis may be conducive to viral survival.3 Finally, the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), which independently may be more common in uncircumcised men, increase the risk for HIV acquisition.6-11

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: TrailingComet on September 28, 2014, 07:58:47 AM
That's why I have always been a closet Buddhist
Hint to self: find the time to get deeper into Buddhist writings and spiritual learnings

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: hilariousandco on September 28, 2014, 08:06:08 AM
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

If you believe in free speech then surely you believe you're free to criticise others and religion for its absurdities. Also, 'god' obviously put foreskins there for a reason, so isn't it kind of insulting to his design and creation to remove them? Foreskins may cause some problems is some cases but they're there for a reason and have many benefits.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BlackHawk23 on September 28, 2014, 08:39:10 AM
Nice list, but every religion was born differently. The only things they have something in common is that in the past no one care about violence, homophobia or something else in this list. So only in these last years they are trying to hide them past.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Professor Plums on September 28, 2014, 11:26:37 AM
Nice list, but every religion was born differently. The only things they have something in common is that in the past no one care about violence, homophobia or something else in this list. So only in these last years they are trying to hide them past.

What do you mean? I think religions were built on violence, or most certainly spread that way. Homophobia has always been there too. It was probably even worse back in the day as it was more taboo and punishible by death in most countries.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: orsotheysaid on September 28, 2014, 03:02:49 PM
The "positives" for circumcision if any are absolutely not worth removing one of the more sensitive parts of your body. If I was circumsized at birth I would never get to enjoy how good an unprotected blowjob feels at 100%, with an intact, healthy foreskin, with all the nerves endings that deliver pleaure untouched. When you are not using your glands, it must be covered so it doesn't turn into thick, dry skin that feels like nothing, thats why foreskin is crucial. All religions are equally retarded but some have specially retarded and cruel practices such as circumcision. I have fucked countless escorts during my time and I have 0 STDs, most of the time I get unprotected blowjobs. Lol at thinking any of these studies correlates within the real world in developed societies where higiene and bloodtests exist.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 28, 2014, 09:13:05 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 28, 2014, 09:31:30 PM
The "attacks" on believers are with arguments, not guns. Nobody forces theists to disconvert at gun point.
Pretty much the same moderate theists do.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 28, 2014, 09:48:55 PM
Nice list, but every religion was born differently. The only things they have something in common is that in the past no one care about violence, homophobia or something else in this list. So only in these last years they are trying to hide them past.

What do you mean? I think religions were built on violence, or most certainly spread that way. Homophobia has always been there too. It was probably even worse back in the day as it was more taboo and punishible by death in most countries.

They spread like that most of the times over holy wars which are not wars for religion but for resources disguised as religion.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 28, 2014, 10:13:57 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want

Thank you.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 28, 2014, 10:24:05 PM
The "positives" for circumcision if any are absolutely not worth removing one of the more sensitive parts of your body. If I was circumsized at birth I would never get to enjoy how good an unprotected blowjob feels at 100%, with an intact, healthy foreskin, with all the nerves endings that deliver pleaure untouched. When you are not using your glands, it must be covered so it doesn't turn into thick, dry skin that feels like nothing, thats why foreskin is crucial. All religions are equally retarded but some have specially retarded and cruel practices such as circumcision. I have fucked countless escorts during my time and I have 0 STDs, most of the time I get unprotected blowjobs. Lol at thinking any of these studies correlates within the real world in developed societies where higiene and bloodtests exist.

Your either having high end escorts or just unprotected oral sex most STDs are vaginal.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: knight22 on September 28, 2014, 10:37:22 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want

If OP is intellectually honest and impartial, he will add #7 but my guess is that he is an atheist extremist.

I would also add to that list:

-Superiority complex

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 28, 2014, 10:49:02 PM
This topic is about MY own shitlist. If some have another list put it himself.
And I don't see where the atheist violence claims come from. Are there atheists killing theists or making terrorist attacks?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: knight22 on September 29, 2014, 12:51:01 AM
This topic is about MY own shitlist. If some have another list put it himself.
And I don't see where the atheist violence claims come from. Are there atheists killing theists or making terrorist attacks?

It depends. Do you consider the american army being theist or atheist?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 29, 2014, 01:09:41 AM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want
-I don't see any cases of Atheists blowing up abortion clinics or beating people up for their sexual orientation.  The lack of a belief in a god doesn't make us more violent.

-We don't threaten to burn you in a eternal fire if you don't convert to atheism like some religions.  People on the more anti-theistic side may try to talk people out of believing, but that's about it.

-Wait, what?  Since when do we discriminate against people that believe in a god?

-You can't fear what doesn't exist

-The lack of a belief in a god does not cause you to be violent towards somebody that does.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 01:23:37 AM
This topic is about MY own shitlist. If some have another list put it himself.
And I don't see where the atheist violence claims come from. Are there atheists killing theists or making terrorist attacks?

It depends. Do you consider the american army being theist or atheist?

?! What a BS question! Is US a theology? Doesn't it allow theists?
So there you have it: It's neither. It's the United States Army, not any God(s) or Godless army.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 01:26:11 AM
People on the more anti-theistic side may try to talk people out of believing, but that's about it.

Exactly what moderate non-violent theists do. Does Jehovah witnesses commit any violence just by talking?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: knight22 on September 29, 2014, 01:54:52 AM
This topic is about MY own shitlist. If some have another list put it himself.
And I don't see where the atheist violence claims come from. Are there atheists killing theists or making terrorist attacks?

It depends. Do you consider the american army being theist or atheist?

?! What a BS question! Is US a theology? Doesn't it allow theists?

It is not a theology but it is certainly driven by ideology.

So there you have it: It's neither. It's the United States Army, not any God(s) or Godless army.

Exactly. The american army is then an atheist (by ideology) army killing theists and making terrorist attacks in other countries.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 02:23:53 AM
The US Army isn't a person to be an atheist or not.
It doesn't assume there is or isn't a God - actually up to not that long ago it had God in the oath, making it theist.
Either way it doesn't deny God to be an atheist.

And for the notice, avoid Sufism, that dialectic is outdated since Socrates and Plato, some 2300 years ago.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: knight22 on September 29, 2014, 02:45:26 AM
Are you trying to claim that atheists aren't responsible for any wars?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: mufa23 on September 29, 2014, 02:57:23 AM

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 02:58:38 AM
Are you trying to claim that atheists aren't responsible for any wars?

What wars?! Convert to nothing or die?!
Atheists may fight in wars to protect their homeland, causing them... I don't see how.
The closest thing to violent atheists are communists, but they worship their leaders, making them a sort of religion of its own kind.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: knight22 on September 29, 2014, 03:07:16 AM
Are you trying to claim that atheists aren't responsible for any wars?

What wars?! Convert to nothing or die?!
Atheists may fight in wars to protect their homeland, causing them... I don't see how.
The closest thing to violent atheists are communists, but they worship their leaders, making them a sort of religion of its own kind.

You also forget the main reason for wars: stealing resources just like americans are doing. You don't need to be a religious to do that but using a religion as a front for this very purpose is quite common.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 03:29:37 AM
No, you don't need religion to have wars, neither end religion will end war. Religion is however a common source of "cheap labor" for dirty jobs, so one less reason to war would help a bit.

But why you keep going around "the Americans"?! The Russians did the same, the Iraqis, the Saudis, the wherever you are from... that is off-topic anyway.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 29, 2014, 08:32:29 AM
If there was a country with an atheist majority, it would be invovled in as many wars as a theist country

China is the only big country with a non-believer majority, as far as I know they aren't very peaceful with the disputes against Japan and allegedly ramming Vietnamese ships :)

I don't see why theists should be attacked and thought of a lower species just because they believe there's a god.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 11:30:10 AM
If there was a country with an atheist majority, it would be invovled in as many wars as a theist country

Hardly. Still religion is not the ONLY reason for war.

China is the only big country with a non-believer majority, as far as I know they aren't very peaceful with the disputes against Japan and allegedly ramming Vietnamese ships :)

Nationalism and Communism. Those are pretty much as hazardous as religion, or even worse, as religious people is naturally "not as developed" what helps in contain their hazard and nationalists and communists are highly scientific, meaning they can build way better weapons and develop better strategies.
But China isn't the only majority non-believer country, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, France, Norway... most of the European countries have a higher percentage of Atheists and Agnostics than Theists.
Usually Atheists doesn't consider China a place of "proper atheism", because it is imposed by their party. Atheism is a place where you need to get by yourself, studying and observing, can't work in a way that it could be imposed.

I don't see why theists should be attacked and thought of a lower species just because they believe there's a god.

Nobody says theists should be attacked or are a lower species... When did the atheists attack theists for such reason? And by attack I mean physical assault, words are just words, if we go down the road of consider arguments an aggression then I'll start to kick Jehovah witnesses on sight, because they insist into talk their religion to me.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Hamuki on September 29, 2014, 01:36:27 PM
And then there is the smart people who does not need a religion to make them function..

Religion is the root to all Evil. No matter which one it is.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 03:56:07 PM
The true meaning of "Christian" has to do with salvation from death in this life, and salvation from everlasting death in the next life, and salvation for everlasting life in the next life.

Anyone who forces Christianity onto anyone in this life, might be doing him a favor, but is going against the tenets of Christianity. Even God doesn't force anyone to become a Christian.

Gender inequality? How silly to even mention this. Why? Men and women are extremely different. In fact, there isn't equality between any two individual people, except that we are all in need of salvation. And in this area, we ARE considered equal by the Christian religion.

As far as homophobia goes, there is hatred and fear all over the place. It isn't limited to people who say that they are Christians. And it isn't limited to homophobia. The Christian religion teaches against homosexuality, because it destroys the lives and productivity of those who practice it. So, in fact, the Christian religion is exactly in the opposite direction of homophobia. This doesn't mean that all Christians practice their religion correctly.

There are Christians who are violent. There are Christians who are nonviolent. The Christian religion teaches love. But, if a Christian people are attacked by someone or some group, where should the love be focused first? Same as with anyone else of any other group. The love of family or other Christians should be first priority with Christians (outside of love for God). In fact, if a Christian loves his neighbor who is attacking him as much as he loves himself, he might use violence to stop his neighbor from the attack. After all, he wouldn't want his neighbor to fall into sin and lose his mortal soul.

The basis for all true Christianity is in the Bible, and particularly in the New Testament. Read it and see that violence is nowhere advocated. In fact the opposite is requested of Christians. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. This doesn't mean that all Christians are going to act correctly.

Notice how the religion of Atheism isn't in the original list.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 05:07:44 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 05:14:25 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Gimpeline on September 29, 2014, 05:17:47 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Prove to me that santa dont excist and I will prove with the same argument that God dont excist

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Gimpeline on September 29, 2014, 05:22:33 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


ok so you dont know what atheism is either.
We are not denying anything, we are saying there is no proof of a being like that

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 05:26:31 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Prove to me that santa dont excist and I will prove with the same argument that God dont excist

Prove that Santa doesn't exist, and you will have the exact proofs that show you that God DOES exist.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 05:28:41 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


ok so you dont know what atheism is either.
We are not denying anything, we are saying there is no proof of a being like that

C'mon, that's like saying there is no proof for atheism.  :)

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 29, 2014, 05:44:03 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Prove to me that santa dont excist and I will prove with the same argument that God dont excist

Prove that Santa doesn't exist, and you will have the exact proofs that show you that God DOES exist.


And you are incorrect.  There's this thing called the burden of proof when making a claim (that there is a god)

Quote from: Wikipedia
When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. An argument from ignorance occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proven true.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Daengineer on September 29, 2014, 05:45:52 PM
The strugle of the exsistance of god.

Personally believe what ever you will jusy dont turn a blind eye to intelligence. People use religion as an ignorant scape goat to not understand how the world works

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 05:53:17 PM
The strugle of the exsistance of god.

Personally believe what ever you will jusy dont turn a blind eye to intelligence. People use religion as an ignorant scape goat to not understand how the world works

This is the exact reason that the God of the Bible doesn't force anyone to believe that He exists. He can't, and keep them as free-thinking, non-robots. This is why Jesus instructs his "preachers" to offer God to people, and then to let Him attempt to entice the people spiritually. He knows how to do it right.

This is why the Knights of Templar, and the Crusades have been wrong in the past when they tried to force Christianity on people.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 05:55:56 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Prove to me that santa dont excist and I will prove with the same argument that God dont excist

Prove that Santa doesn't exist, and you will have the exact proofs that show you that God DOES exist.


And you are incorrect.  There's this thing called the burden of proof when making a claim (that there is a god)

Quote from: Wikipedia
When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. An argument from ignorance occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proven true.

Proof only works when people are reasonably honest, especially with themselves.  :)

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 06:03:53 PM
The strugle of the exsistance of god.

Personally believe what ever you will jusy dont turn a blind eye to intelligence. People use religion as an ignorant scape goat to not understand how the world works

I think it's the other way around. People have issues with the sentence "I don't know" and so accept any "solution" for this issue, no mater how irrational that explanation may be. This is the gap filled by religion.

BADecker, you can't prove in the negative. You can't prove there is no Santa, there are no Unicorns, there is no bigfoot or Nessie. The same goes to your God or Zeus. Why don't you believe on Zeus?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 29, 2014, 06:04:25 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Prove to me that santa dont excist and I will prove with the same argument that God dont excist

Prove that Santa doesn't exist, and you will have the exact proofs that show you that God DOES exist.


And you are incorrect.  There's this thing called the burden of proof when making a claim (that there is a god)

Quote from: Wikipedia
When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. An argument from ignorance occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proven true.

Proof only works when people are reasonably honest, especially with themselves.  :)
What is that supposed to mean?  We are talking scientific proof, either it exists or it doesn't.  

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 29, 2014, 06:09:16 PM
no violence, huh?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: btcxyzzz on September 29, 2014, 06:13:20 PM
Nice topic. Congratz OP. We love to shit on religions. Right.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 06:14:16 PM
WTF are you talking about?!
The shitlist is by DOCTRINE, on personal basis there are Muslim pacifists and violent Buddhists. The list refers to what the religion preaches.
Atheism has no doctrines, the only doctrine is "there is no God", absolutely nothing else.

All the religions are practiced incorrectly by at least some of their people. All the religions have people who are ignorant of some of the tenets of their very own religion. Since it has not been proven that God does NOT exist (even by atheists), atheism is a religion, and one that attempts to hide the fact that atheists are setting themselves up as god, simply by denying the existence of God, without being able to prove that God doesn't exist.


Prove to me that santa dont excist and I will prove with the same argument that God dont excist

Prove that Santa doesn't exist, and you will have the exact proofs that show you that God DOES exist.


And you are incorrect.  There's this thing called the burden of proof when making a claim (that there is a god)

Quote from: Wikipedia
When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. An argument from ignorance occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proven true.

Proof only works when people are reasonably honest, especially with themselves.  :)
What is that supposed to mean?  We are talking scientific proof, either it exists or it doesn't.  

In the strict dictionary meaning of "science," you may be correct. Proof has to do with what people think. For example. People haven't been able to find proof for evolution. In fact, all that they have been able to do is find strong evidence that evolution shouldn't even be considered a theory. So, the thing that they have done is to change the meaning of "science" informally if not dictionary-wise.

How much evidence does it take that the proven laws of entropy are correct? In the minds of evolutionists, they keep on seeking evidence for some little thing that might prove entropy incorrect. So, what really is proof?


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 29, 2014, 06:18:23 PM
no violence, huh?
That was one crazy guy, in any large group there will always be some.  There is no atheist doctrine telling us to hate certain people or try to convert others, but rather a very broad spectrum of people that simply lack the belief in a diety.

In the strict dictionary meaning of "science," you may be correct. Proof has to do with what people think. For example. People haven't been able to find proof for evolution. In fact, all that they have been able to do is find strong evidence that evolution shouldn't even be considered a theory. So, the thing that they have done is to change the meaning of "science" informally if not dictionary-wise.

How much evidence does it take that the proven laws of entropy are correct? In the minds of evolutionists, they keep on seeking evidence for some little thing that might prove entropy incorrect. So, what really is proof?

Yes they have (

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 06:24:50 PM
When you don't know you can have a theory about something, but you mustn't act as if you know when all you've is a theory.
A theory isn't as simple as say "I believe this", it requires some supporting evidence that points that way.
Happens that for Creationism we have nothing, an empty theory supported on anything but claims of blatant ignorant ancient people who thinks Earth was flat and the center of universe.

Also the apply to "feelings" comes out void; a Christian will always see Christ or some of the figures of the Christian Mythology, but not Muhammad, a Muslim will see Muhammad or any of his companions, but not Christ, and so on and so on... Basically we can note here is the power of suggestion.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 29, 2014, 06:29:05 PM
no violence, huh?
That was one crazy guy, in any large group there will always be some.  There is no atheist doctrine telling us to hate certain people or try to convert others, but rather a very broad spectrum of people that simply lack the belief in a diety.

same goes for some religions

they represent peace and toleration but people often use it for their own selfish reasons

the Quran itself has quotes like this
[29:46] Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) except in the nicest possible manner - unless they transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is one and the same; to Him we are submitters."

[31:18-19] "You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth proudly. GOD does not like the arrogant showoffs. "Walk humbly and lower your voice - the ugliest voice is the donkey's voice."

[4:148] GOD does not like the utterance of bad language, unless one is treated with gross injustice. GOD is Hearer, Knower.

[49:11] O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or make fun of your names. Evil indeed is the reversion to wickedness after attaining faith. Anyone who does not repent after this, these are the transgressors.

[41:34] Not equal is the good response and the bad response. You shall resort to the nicest possible response. Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend

people tend to use religion to cover-up their own selfish reasons

the public should be more aware of this "kind" rules from their Bibles,Qurans,Torahs etc.
it is us, that justify that for them because their religion "tells them so"
this is not true, but we have made it true for them at least

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 29, 2014, 06:36:37 PM
no violence, huh?
That was one crazy guy, in any large group there will always be some.  There is no atheist doctrine telling us to hate certain people or try to convert others, but rather a very broad spectrum of people that simply lack the belief in a diety.

same goes for some religions

they represent peace and toleration but people often use it for their own selfish reasons

the Quran itself has quotes like this
[29:46] Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) except in the nicest possible manner - unless they transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is one and the same; to Him we are submitters."

[31:18-19] "You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth proudly. GOD does not like the arrogant showoffs. "Walk humbly and lower your voice - the ugliest voice is the donkey's voice."

[4:148] GOD does not like the utterance of bad language, unless one is treated with gross injustice. GOD is Hearer, Knower.

[49:11] O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or make fun of your names. Evil indeed is the reversion to wickedness after attaining faith. Anyone who does not repent after this, these are the transgressors.

[41:34] Not equal is the good response and the bad response. You shall resort to the nicest possible response. Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend

people tend to use religion to cover-up their own selfish reasons

the public should be more aware of this "kind" rules from their Bibles,Qurans,Torahs etc.
it is us, that justify that for them because their religion "tells them so"
this is not true, but we have made it true for them at least

No it doesn't, because all of the people in a religion are living their lives based on a single holy book, and a good bit of their crimes are because of what the book told them.  For example, the bible literally says to stone gays, so when Christians beat up people based on that it's not hard to find out how they got there.  You hear about that stuff all the time, that post you linked was the first atheist I've heard of that got violent because of religion.  The lack of a belief does not make us all think the same.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 06:57:05 PM
But the Quran itself has entries that are exactly the opposite... how do you sort it?

Atheism has NO DOCTRINE. That's why it can't be forced into someone. Atheism without Philosophy can be hazardous, you need a higher understanding yourself to not fall into oblivion. Forced atheists may be ignorant atheists, with a random and unpredictable behavior.
A bit like Bitcoin, for you to can be your own bank you need to know the basics of banking, otherwise just keep believing on what the banker says.

For people who doesn't interest or care about religion, I would suggest 100x Agnosticism over Atheism.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 29, 2014, 07:11:36 PM
No it doesn't, because all of the people in a religion are living their lives based on a single holy book
then they need to be educated, not converted to atheism
that the Bible was written in a different time, that God didn't write it, but a group of priests in Constantinopole

 You hear about that stuff all the time, that post you linked was the first atheist I've heard of that got violent because of religion.  The lack of a belief does not make us all think the same.

Atheism has NO DOCTRINE. That's why it can't be forced into someone. Atheism without Philosophy can be hazardous, you need a higher understanding yourself to not fall into oblivion. Forced atheists may be ignorant atheists, with a random and unpredictable behavior.

it's the first one you heard, because liberals usually control the media

this one was just a week ago and it wasn't forced, in a free democratic country an atheist punches down a 77-year old woman breaking her nose and knocking her down, she ended up in a hospital with heavy injuries

But hell, this isn't important, so people won't get to know, the media only promotes liberal ideas so not this..

use google translator on Chrome..

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 07:16:20 PM
Comparing ONE atheist with, for an instance, a group of Muslims killing people like ISIS?  ::)
I hear of a Jew who ran over a cat, a Christian who killed his neighbor... and so on...

And apparently the guy was defending his sign, the act of aggression comes first from the old lady and her scissors. Anyway, nobody got killed, just a minor incident. If all the bad on the world would be two old folks fighting, then the World would be a paradise.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 29, 2014, 07:20:19 PM
Comparing ONE atheist with, for an instance, a group of Muslims killing people like ISIS?  ::)
I hear of a Jew who ran over a cat, a Christian who killed his neighbor... and so on...

this is a completely wrong point of view

civilized countries [western world, rich countries] don't start wars

countries that haven't been in touch with western civilization, that aren't modernized do

it's not the religions fault, it's just a justification, a try to get the conqured countries obey just because they're of simmilar culture
they're trying to get the support of all muslims
it has nothing to do with religion, it's politics

however numbers of non-believers are increasing every year, one day all people will believe there is no god, it's inevitable

So I consider we're just wasting our time on this conversation :D

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 07:27:35 PM
Isn't the first time Gods get killed, Zeus, Odin, Jupiter... so many Gods were killed this far.
Eventually people will kill the Jewish God too and you can go to cinema enjoying "Thor's Hammer" at room 1 and "Jesus running 3 miles over the Atlantic" at room 2.

But acts of war are acts of war. They are condemnable no matter if in Europe, US or Middle East.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 29, 2014, 07:35:50 PM
Of course!

I said religion is not what caused the war, not that they shouldn't be condemned.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 09:50:14 PM
no violence, huh?
That was one crazy guy, in any large group there will always be some.  There is no atheist doctrine telling us to hate certain people or try to convert others, but rather a very broad spectrum of people that simply lack the belief in a diety.

In the strict dictionary meaning of "science," you may be correct. Proof has to do with what people think. For example. People haven't been able to find proof for evolution. In fact, all that they have been able to do is find strong evidence that evolution shouldn't even be considered a theory. So, the thing that they have done is to change the meaning of "science" informally if not dictionary-wise.

How much evidence does it take that the proven laws of entropy are correct? In the minds of evolutionists, they keep on seeking evidence for some little thing that might prove entropy incorrect. So, what really is proof?

Yes they have (


1. We see entropy all around. It is readily identifiable. It is a law of nature.
2. We don't see anything that could kick the universe into the high heights of advancement that are all around us.
3. Man is extremely intelligent and advanced (compared with, say, a microbe), and life and the universe as we see it are marvelous in their actions and activity, even though everything is slowing down due to entropy.
4. If the universe is billions of years old, and entropy has been going on all this long while ('cause we don't see anything other than entropy), just think how great everything must have been even only 1 billion years ago!!!

Entropy is causing everything to decline. Just think of the heights we must have fallen from if we have been declining for billions of years. And we must be declining. Why? Because we don't see anything that could have caused any advancement in all that time. It just doesn't exist. Evolution is all guesswork. Entropy is so widespread that evolution is as though it were nothing, or less than nothing.

So, since we have been declining due to entropy for all these billions of years, why haven't we left ourselves any clear records form the past? You know, the past of, say, a million years ago when we were advanced way higher than we are now, because entropy didn't have time to do its work way back then, yet, as much as it has done now?

Evolution is something that has to be searched for. You can't tell that it is there just by looking. Yet anybody and everybody who thinks about it and looks around, can see entropy. Evolution is a homemade interpretation of things that can be interpreted many other ways as well.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 29, 2014, 10:40:06 PM
no violence, huh?
That was one crazy guy, in any large group there will always be some.  There is no atheist doctrine telling us to hate certain people or try to convert others, but rather a very broad spectrum of people that simply lack the belief in a diety.

In the strict dictionary meaning of "science," you may be correct. Proof has to do with what people think. For example. People haven't been able to find proof for evolution. In fact, all that they have been able to do is find strong evidence that evolution shouldn't even be considered a theory. So, the thing that they have done is to change the meaning of "science" informally if not dictionary-wise.

How much evidence does it take that the proven laws of entropy are correct? In the minds of evolutionists, they keep on seeking evidence for some little thing that might prove entropy incorrect. So, what really is proof?

Yes they have (


1. We see entropy all around. It is readily identifiable. It is a law of nature.
2. We don't see anything that could kick the universe into the high heights of advancement that are all around us.
3. Man is extremely intelligent and advanced (compared with, say, a microbe), and life and the universe as we see it are marvelous in their actions and activity, even though everything is slowing down due to entropy.
4. If the universe is billions of years old, and entropy has been going on all this long while ('cause we don't see anything other than entropy), just think how great everything must have been even only 1 billion years ago!!!

Entropy is causing everything to decline. Just think of the heights we must have fallen from if we have been declining for billions of years. And we must be declining. Why? Because we don't see anything that could have caused any advancement in all that time. It just doesn't exist. Evolution is all guesswork. Entropy is so widespread that evolution is as though it were nothing, or less than nothing.

So, since we have been declining due to entropy for all these billions of years, why haven't we left ourselves any clear records form the past? You know, the past of, say, a million years ago when we were advanced way higher than we are now, because entropy didn't have time to do its work way back then, yet, as much as it has done now?

Evolution is something that has to be searched for. You can't tell that it is there just by looking. Yet anybody and everybody who thinks about it and looks around, can see entropy. Evolution is a homemade interpretation of things that can be interpreted many other ways as well.

Ah, the second law of thermodynamics argument, which has been debunked (

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: RitzBitzz on September 29, 2014, 11:26:36 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want
-I don't see any cases of Atheists blowing up abortion clinics or beating people up for their sexual orientation.  The lack of a belief in a god doesn't make us more violent.

-We don't threaten to burn you in a eternal fire if you don't convert to atheism like some religions.  People on the more anti-theistic side may try to talk people out of believing, but that's about it.

-Wait, what?  Since when do we discriminate against people that believe in a god?

-You can't fear what doesn't exist

-The lack of a belief in a god does not cause you to be violent towards somebody that does.

I have been personally called out as dumb for believing in a god. Most atheist I have meet have a superiority complex to believers thinking were retards. Not saying you are but most atheist are assholes in my opinion due to there ignorance in thinking this way.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 29, 2014, 11:36:33 PM
So what? Did they put a knife to your throat or point a gun at your head?
Theists call us all sort of things, and some actually want us killed.

And yes, we see theists in the same way you see a kid who still believes in Santa. But that's just because that's how they actually look.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 29, 2014, 11:38:24 PM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want
-I don't see any cases of Atheists blowing up abortion clinics or beating people up for their sexual orientation.  The lack of a belief in a god doesn't make us more violent.

-We don't threaten to burn you in a eternal fire if you don't convert to atheism like some religions.  People on the more anti-theistic side may try to talk people out of believing, but that's about it.

-Wait, what?  Since when do we discriminate against people that believe in a god?

-You can't fear what doesn't exist

-The lack of a belief in a god does not cause you to be violent towards somebody that does.

I have been personally called out as dumb for believing in a god. Most atheist I have meet have a superiority complex to believers thinking were retards. Not saying you are but most atheist are assholes in my opinion due to there ignorance in thinking this way.

The debunking of which includes all kinds of twisted logic that can be applied in ways exactly the opposite for debunking. We still see entropy all around us.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 30, 2014, 12:38:33 AM
Genital mutilation: Islam and Judaism.

Catholic Church: Antisemitism for ~2000 years.

Buddhism: Karma, if your people gets slaughtered it's because they deserved it.
By genital mutilation you mean circumcision because if so its being scientifically researched that it might reduce chance of cancer. also why do people have to be such dickheads about religion because if you really believed in free speech then you wouldn't be attacking people for saying they believe in a god  or saying bless you when you sneeze.

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief

btw #7 Atheisim

-convert or else
-theism discrimination
-violence towards Christians

I'm an Agnostic, but I do hate Atheists

Let people believe what they want
-I don't see any cases of Atheists blowing up abortion clinics or beating people up for their sexual orientation.  The lack of a belief in a god doesn't make us more violent.

-We don't threaten to burn you in a eternal fire if you don't convert to atheism like some religions.  People on the more anti-theistic side may try to talk people out of believing, but that's about it.

-Wait, what?  Since when do we discriminate against people that believe in a god?

-You can't fear what doesn't exist

-The lack of a belief in a god does not cause you to be violent towards somebody that does.

I have been personally called out as dumb for believing in a god. Most atheist I have meet have a superiority complex to believers thinking were retards. Not saying you are but most atheist are assholes in my opinion due to there ignorance in thinking this way.

The debunking of which includes all kinds of twisted logic that can be applied in ways exactly the opposite for debunking. We still see entropy all around us.

In what ways does science debunk evolution and support intelligent design?  Keep in mind that  the second law of thermodynamics (entropy) does not disprove evolution (, and the burden of proof is on you for there being a god.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Spendulus on September 30, 2014, 01:55:08 AM

you will find out that the biggest fascists are liberals

they will never allow someone to think differently

because their belief is the right belief
I have been personally called out as dumb for believing in a god. Most atheist I have meet have a superiority complex to believers thinking were retards. Not saying you are but most atheist are assholes in my opinion due to there ignorance in thinking this way.

NEITHER various types of theism (Catholic, Muslim, etc), or atheism (Communist Russia, China, North Korea, etc) seem to do very well when codified into the laws of a country and pushed on the population.

I say let each man or woman pick what beliefs seem to suit them best.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Spendulus on September 30, 2014, 02:04:36 AM

In what ways does science debunk evolution and support intelligent design?  Keep in mind that  the second law of thermodynamics (entropy) does not disprove evolution (, and the burden of proof is on you for there being a god.

Minor issue, there exists an error in the construction of the argument.  Neither evolution or intelligent design proves or disproves a god.

Intelligent design could simply be super smart aliens playing with their toys.  Gamers.

ID does not prove or even buttress the argument for a god.  I understand why believers hold that it does.  They seek proof of words such as "God created (man, woman...).  Then confronted with evolution created man, they devise ID.  The logical fallacy is in believing that ID means "God created..."

ID actually means (set of possible creators and gamers) created (man, woman...)

This cannot be disproven by believers in ID who in fact are creationist religious people.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 30, 2014, 02:23:32 AM

In what ways does science debunk evolution and support intelligent design?  Keep in mind that  the second law of thermodynamics (entropy) does not disprove evolution (, and the burden of proof is on you for there being a god.

Minor issue, there exists an error in the construction of the argument.  Neither evolution or intelligent design proves or disproves a god.

Intelligent design could simply be super smart aliens playing with their toys.  Gamers.

ID does not prove or even buttress the argument for a god.  I understand why believers hold that it does.  They seek proof of words such as "God created (man, woman...).  Then confronted with evolution created man, they devise ID.  The logical fallacy is in believing that ID means "God created..."

ID actually means (set of possible creators and gamers) created (man, woman...)

This cannot be disproven by believers in ID who in fact are creationist religious people.
True, I was addressing the belief of a god creating us vs evolution, should have phrased my question better.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: nicked on September 30, 2014, 02:58:32 AM
Atheism has a doctrine. They don't think anyone else should be able to have a doctrine.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 30, 2014, 03:02:55 AM
Atheism has a doctrine. They don't think anyone else should be able to have a doctrine.
Incorrect, atheism is simply the lack of a belief in a god, there is no book of atheism that says there can be no religion.  The majority of them have no problem with it as long as it does not affect their lives.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on September 30, 2014, 05:10:10 AM
Atheism has a doctrine. They don't think anyone else should be able to have a doctrine.
Incorrect, atheism is simply the lack of a belief in a god, there is no book of atheism that says there can be no religion.  The majority of them have no problem with it as long as it does not affect their lives.

Atheism exists only as a definition of an abstract idea. So-called atheists have simply deluded themselves into thinking that there is no God. There aren't any atheists.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on September 30, 2014, 05:42:43 AM
Atheism has a doctrine. They don't think anyone else should be able to have a doctrine.
Incorrect, atheism is simply the lack of a belief in a god, there is no book of atheism that says there can be no religion.  The majority of them have no problem with it as long as it does not affect their lives.

Atheism exists only as a definition of an abstract idea. So-called atheists have simply deluded themselves into thinking that there is no God.  There aren't any atheists.

Where is the evidence that there is a god?  We simply draw conclusions based on the information we have available.  I find it much harder to believe that we were all zapped into existence in 7 days, mankind was doomed to a whole bunch of bad stuff because the first 2 people ate a piece of fruit that god told them not to, yet put right in their reach, a Jewish guy he sent down was killed and came back from the dead after 3 days to save people from bad things they've done/will do because god couldn't just clean the slate, and everything that he wants us to know was told through a whole bunch of ancient tribesmen that wrote it down and passed the books down for thousands of years.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: e4xit on September 30, 2014, 08:36:19 AM
Is there any more evidence for the existance of god than there is for the existance of the tooth fairy?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: ObscureBean on September 30, 2014, 11:53:08 AM
Whether you like it or not, religion is essential to the human ecosystem. Religion complements science. Science is precise but restrictive while religion is baseless but allows for more possibilities. Religion stems from imagination which enables creativity, science is rooted in hard facts obtained from observation which acts as an anchor to this reality.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 30, 2014, 01:27:15 PM
Whether you like it or not, religion is essential to the human ecosystem. Religion complements science. Science is precise but restrictive while religion is baseless but allows for more possibilities. Religion stems from imagination which enables creativity, science is rooted in hard facts obtained from observation which acts as an anchor to this reality.

So does arts, so do philosophy.
Religion is philosophy shortcut for philosophers without character. A philosopher likes to see their ideas put to work, but people doesn't accept orders from their equals easy, so some came up with making their ideas as "from God".

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: ObscureBean on September 30, 2014, 02:05:50 PM
Whether you like it or not, religion is essential to the human ecosystem. Religion complements science. Science is precise but restrictive while religion is baseless but allows for more possibilities. Religion stems from imagination which enables creativity, science is rooted in hard facts obtained from observation which acts as an anchor to this reality.

So does arts, so do philosophy.
Religion is philosophy shortcut for philosophers without character. A philosopher likes to see their ideas put to work, but people doesn't accept orders from their equals easy, so some came up with making their ideas as "from God".

The world needs to be in control of the people. 'No man is an island', no man can exist within society without being part of it. Philosophy stems from personal reflections on the outside world and is less easily digested by society. Religion and science are far more easily controllable and bind vast numbers of people together. By comparison, philosophy will maybe manage to unite a handful of believers. Science and religion have always been the two dominant forces in the world.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on September 30, 2014, 02:16:18 PM
But in the end they are the same. The only difference is the philosopher claiming to had the ideas or put a puppet God and start a ventriloquism show.
The problem is, in religion, we are talking about philosophers with severe mental issues, Muhammad for an instance, if alive today, would be medicated or interned for schizophrenia, making the world to look crazy.

Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism are good examples of people united around philosophy.

Just for the fun on how ridiculous the Jew-based theists are, they believe in this "Almighty" God:

Judges 1:19

Now the LORD was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had iron chariots.

Oh boy! It looks like iron works as kryptonite for God!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: iluvbitcoins on September 30, 2014, 06:46:08 PM
This is a prime example of a shitstorm :D

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Spendulus on October 01, 2014, 04:12:16 AM

In what ways does science debunk evolution and support intelligent design?  Keep in mind that  the second law of thermodynamics (entropy) does not disprove evolution (, and the burden of proof is on you for there being a god.

Minor issue, there exists an error in the construction of the argument.  Neither evolution or intelligent design proves or disproves a god.

Intelligent design could simply be super smart aliens playing with their toys.  Gamers.

ID does not prove or even buttress the argument for a god.  I understand why believers hold that it does.  They seek proof of words such as "God created (man, woman...).  Then confronted with evolution created man, they devise ID.  The logical fallacy is in believing that ID means "God created..."

ID actually means (set of possible creators and gamers) created (man, woman...)

This cannot be disproven by believers in ID who in fact are creationist religious people.
True, I was addressing the belief of a god creating us vs evolution, should have phrased my question better.

It's not specifically an error you made.  It is a fundamental error in the "controversy".  BOTH atheists and religious people are actually arguing an incorrectly formulated proposition.

Behind this is the actual question:  Is the universe rich and abundant in intelligence and consciousness, or is in poor in these quantities?  At one far end of this spectrum of possibilities is the theory that in the entire universe, there exists only God, and humans and life on Earth he created.   I certainly reject this theory as anthropomorphically centered and ridiculous.

IF on the contrary the universe is rich in intelligence and consciousness then a range of possibilities exist, from a God which created them all to a a diverse group of levels from something similar to us, to something we might consider weakly godlike, to things we cannot conceive of.  This seems the most likely actual reality. 

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 01, 2014, 01:54:50 PM
But in the end they are the same. The only difference is the philosopher claiming to had the ideas or put a puppet God and start a ventriloquism show.
The problem is, in religion, we are talking about philosophers with severe mental issues, Muhammad for an instance, if alive today, would be medicated or interned for schizophrenia, making the world to look crazy.

Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism are good examples of people united around philosophy.

Just for the fun on how ridiculous the Jew-based theists are, they believe in this "Almighty" God:

Judges 1:19

Now the LORD was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had iron chariots.

Oh boy! It looks like iron works as kryptonite for God!  ;D ;D ;D

The people of that ancient Israel time all died. Few people ever had such devotion for the Lord that they did not die.

The Lord was with Judah. Possessing the hill country was reasonably easy. The fight against the valley was a test to see if Judah was willing to be with the Lord.

You should take note of this. Judah was given the hill country by the Lord because the Lord favored them. But the thing He wanted from them was their hearts... true devotion. They didn't give it. They didn't totally deny Him, but they didn't give the devotion the Lord was looking for, so they didn't get the valley.

Note Judges 2:1-5.

The angel of the LORD went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said, “I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land that I swore to give to your forefathers. I said, ‘I will never break my covenant with you, and you shall not make a covenant with the people of this land, but you shall break down their altars.’ Yet you have disobeyed me. Why have you done this? Now therefore I tell you that I will not drive them out before you; they will be [thorns] in your sides and their gods will be a snare to you.”

When the angel of the LORD had spoken these things to all the Israelites, the people wept aloud, and they called that place Bokim. There they offered sacrifices to the LORD.

Note in the above verses that the people partially repented. Of course, their hearts were still not quite right. Part of their repentance had to do with the fact that they were going to have a harder time driving the nations from the lands they were to receive as an inheritance. Their repentance still didn't have as much to do with a desire to please the Lord as it should have.

Now, as for you. When you attempt to poke fun of the Lord, consider what He did to both the nations of Canaan, and disobedient Israel, and be afraid. He is not a God of no power. Be scared.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on October 01, 2014, 04:16:19 PM
Don't worry, I have an iron helmet just in case.  ;D ;D ;D

Medieval/Ancient people was funny, if they win a battle "the lord was with them", but when they lose, the lord was never with the enemy... f**king retarded monkeys!

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 01, 2014, 06:55:45 PM
Don't worry, I have an iron helmet just in case.  ;D ;D ;D

Medieval/Ancient people was funny, if they win a battle "the lord was with them", but when they lose, the lord was never with the enemy... f**king retarded monkeys!

Shoot! And Goliath only had a bronze helmet.  :)

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: nicked on October 01, 2014, 10:18:01 PM
Does anyone have any thoughts on "Urantia"?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Spendulus on October 02, 2014, 06:55:11 PM
Don't worry, I have an iron helmet just in case.  ;D ;D ;D

Medieval/Ancient people was funny, if they win a battle "the lord was with them", but when they lose, the lord was never with the enemy... f**king retarded monkeys!

Funniest thing...I have an iron helmet too!

Have to admit I was wondering when and how it might, if ever, come in useful.

Oh, and regarding those ancient battles, yes, of course presided over by The Lord up in the clouds....don't forget reading the tea leaves and the chicken bones!  That was some powerful prediction magic, roughly equivalent to today's climate prediction models.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: kuusj98 on October 02, 2014, 08:25:18 PM
Why would bhuddism not be in the shit-list?
Seems a bit easy-peasy to say catholics and others are shit and keeping other relatively big religions out of the list.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Apraksin on October 02, 2014, 09:30:19 PM
Why would bhuddism not be in the shit-list?
Seems a bit easy-peasy to say catholics and others are shit and keeping other relatively big religions out of the list.

I'm a committed Buddhist and can easily think of specific parts and sects of Buddhism that could absolutely be placed on the shitlist, but basic Buddhism (four noble truths, eightfold path) is so far away from the Abrahamic religions at times amazing anachronistic bullshit that it's pointless to compare them.

Out of curiosity, why would you put Buddhism on the shitlist?

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: DanWest on October 02, 2014, 10:15:52 PM
Buddhism is not a religion

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: ObscureBean on October 03, 2014, 11:12:26 AM
Buddhism is not a religion

But it is. People like to say that it is a way of life but if you look up religion in the dictionary you'll find that Buddhism fits the definition perfectly.
It's one of the benign ones though. You don't really see that many people pulling triggers and brandishing swords in the name of Buddhism. Still, I wouldn't say it's 'better' than any of the other religions.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: btcusury on October 03, 2014, 11:28:19 AM

#1 Islam
-convert or else
-gender discrimination
-violence towards animals
-slavery support

#2 Hinduism
-gore practices on some sects [extremes not representative]
-chast system and social inequality

#3 Judaism
-gender discrimination
-violence towards animals
-violence permissible towards goyim
-slavery support

#4 Catholicism
-violence [today?]
-convert or else [today?]
-gender inequality

#5 Christians (protestant)
Same as #4 but in a bit less extent.

#6 Xintoism
-chast system

#7 Scientology

Out of shitlist:

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on October 03, 2014, 02:07:11 PM

Isn't about extremism those gore practices, but Kali cult, a Hindu sect.

About Catholicism, not "today", but I don't feel it must be taken out of quarantine yet.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: Nikinger on October 03, 2014, 02:19:33 PM
Flying Spaghetti Monster is another religion which is out of shitlist

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2014, 03:20:26 PM
When are you going to put atheism on the list?  :)

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on October 03, 2014, 03:24:25 PM
When are you going to put atheism on the list?  :)

State the doctrines you find at atheism that would put it in a shitlist.

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2014, 03:30:19 PM
When are you going to put atheism on the list?  :)

State the doctrines you find at atheism that would put it in a shitlist.

None other than the doctrine that there is no God.  :)

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on October 03, 2014, 03:31:13 PM
And why is that bad?!  :o

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2014, 03:34:01 PM
And why is that bad?!  :o

Part of the thing that sends people to everlasting hellfire is not believing in God. Of course, there are folks who would like to see some people in hell. So for them it might not be bad.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BCEmporium on October 03, 2014, 03:40:07 PM
Hellfire?! Why not Hades or some other Mythological place?!

Ever wonder that if Paradise is populated by the same religion morons we have here on Earth, that's probably the worse place in all the realities and the last place anyone would like to spend eternity in? Hardly such thing could be called a "Paradise"!

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2014, 04:08:29 PM
My point exactly! Greater is the punishment of missing out on the joys Heaven, than all the sufferings of all the hells. Of course, anyone in hellfire won't know what he missed out on, so he is spared that at least.

The religious moron atheists won't make it to Heaven. That's the whole point, that and that they are dragging a whole bunch of former God-believing people along with them to hell.


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: CripLib on October 03, 2014, 04:15:10 PM
Religions, just like everything that's human, have got good and bad things (except true love, because true love is always good - true love is not passion or possession). I personally don't like or follow any religion, and believe that "God" do not depend on any of these human inventions. (I also feel fine with Buddhism/Taoism)

Even if I take religion as hazardous they aren't equal on damage, for this reason I keep a shitlist based on their irrational doctrines:

#1 Islam
-convert or else
-gender discrimination
-violence towards animals
-slavery support

#2 Hinduism
-gore practices on some sects
-chast system and social inequality

#3 Judaism

#4 Catholicism
-convert or else
-gender inequality

#5 Christians (protestant)
Same as #4 but in a bit less extent.

#6 Xintoism
-chast system

Out of shitlist:

Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: BADecker on October 03, 2014, 04:27:00 PM
Religions, just like everything that's human, have got good and bad things (except true love, because true love is always good - true love is not passion or possession). I personally don't like or follow any religion, and believe that "God" do not depend on any of these human inventions. (I also feel fine with Buddhism/Taoism)

This is where the hard part starts, especially for folks who don't have any background in religion.

It's reasonably easy to see that there is a God. All one need do is look at the marvels of the universe around himself. The trick is figuring out enough details about God to see what pleases Him, or to see if there is any point in finding out more about Him.

The religions of the world are run by people, as you say. Some of the people are good, some aren't. Some are sincere, some are out to make a quick buck off you. The quest should be to find out about the God of the universe.

You can fight off people. If the people of a religion join together to attack you, you can join others who are like-minded as yourself, and protect your group.

The quest should be to find out what God says. Why? Because anyone strong enough to play with the "mechanics" of the universe is someone I would NOT want to piss off. I can fight people who attack me. But what strength would I have against God if He decided to attack me?


Title: Re: Religion shitlist
Post by: cooldgamer on October 03, 2014, 06:12:04 PM
Religions, just like everything that's human, have got good and bad things (except true love, because true love is always good - true love is not passion or possession). I personally don't like or follow any religion, and believe that "God" do not depend on any of these human inventions. (I also feel fine with Buddhism/Taoism)

This is where the hard part starts, especially for folks who don't have any background in religion.

It's reasonably easy to see that there is a God. All one need do is look at the marvels of the universe around himself. The trick is figuring out enough details about God to see what pleases Him, or to see if there is any point in finding out more about Him.

The religions of the world are run by people, as you say. Some of the people are good, some aren't. Some are sincere, some are out to make a quick buck off you. The quest should be to find out about the God of the universe.

You can fight off people. If the people of a religion join together to attack you, you can join others who are like-minded as yourself, and protect your group.

The quest should be to find out what God says. Why? Because anyone strong enough to play with the "mechanics" of the universe is someone I would NOT want to piss off. I can fight people who attack me. But what strength would I have against God if He decided to attack me?

There once was a puddle of water that gained sentience and began to look around at itself in its hole. To its amazement, it proclaimed that the hole in which it resides must have been perfectly designed for it, for not even a single atom could fit between its body and the borders of the hole. Obviously, the hole was built perfectly for the puddle to live right there, and obviously it must have been designed by some super intelligence to suit its needs.