Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Kora on September 29, 2014, 08:18:23 AM

Title: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Kora on September 29, 2014, 08:18:23 AM
Introducing 'Cryptofest': Short Film festival

Sponsored by ORA ( (

First Prize - the Palme d'ORA
- 2 bitcoins
- 5 Million ORA assets

People's Choice Award
- 1 bitcoin
- 2.5 Million ORA assets

166,666 ORA assets for each valid entry

Your mission should you choose to accept it
Submit a new short film or multimedia work on the theme of 'Cryptographic currencies'

To help ensure entries are unique & new you must include a "Starfish" as a 'signature item' somewhere in your work.

- Your submission must be a new original work

- You can submit as many entries as you want

- Your work must be less than 5 minutes

- You can work in teams, but you can only submit your own work

- You must consent to having your work displayed on ORA affiliated websites

- We might include a small ORA 'watermark' on your video for promotion purposes

- ORA may include your work on a 'festival' DVD (all DVD sales will be in ORA, and go into the ORA charity fund)

- Nothing racist, defamatory, derogatory

- Don't infringe anybodies copyright without permission

- All entries will be vetted for suitability and the organisers decision is final on whether to include a submission in the competition or not

For more information go to (

A BIG thanks to fragORA for making the AMAZING site!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Kora on September 29, 2014, 08:18:42 AM
CryptoFest 2014

Are you passionate about crypto currencies?
Do you see the massive potential for crypto currencies to effect real & lasting positive changes in our world?
Do you want to help get the message out and spread adoption among 'ordinary people' across the globe?
If you answered yes above, then WE would like to ask for your help!

CryptoFest 2014 will be the world’s first crypto currency short film festival. It will be a celebration of one of the most incredible inventions of modern times - "trustless consensus via a distributed P2P network using a decentralised blockchain"!

Do you know what that description actually means, 'trustless consensus via a distributed P2P network using a decentralised blockchain'? Could you help explain the implications of these concepts to ‘Jo Six-Pack’, help him understand why crypto currencies are relevant to his future well-being?

Have you looked into the future and imagined the positive changes that are possible from widespread adoption and use of cryptographic currencies?

If you have, then we would like to ask for your help in explaining the relevance of these technologies and applications to ordinary people who haven't heard of bitcoin yet, or who maybe have, but mistakenly think crypto currencies like Bitcoin are just for criminals buying ’drugs, weapons & nasty porn’ online.
Can you help us get the message out that crypto currencies are going to be part of EVEYONE’S future, and they’ll probably be as revolutionary to everyday life as maybe even the internet itself?
Can you help us explain and describe in fun and interesting ways why crypto currencies are relevant to ordinary people?

CryptoFest wants to encourage all those people around the world, like you, who have looked into the future and have seen ‘what’s coming’ to make short video & multimedia presentations to help spread the message to the rest of humanity.
Crypto currencies can help  promote freedom and prosperity for ALL people across the world. They are the future of money and payment systems globally, and they are beyond the control and manipulation of big corporations, banks, and governments. The basic ideas behind bitcoin are owned by everyone, and can be used and developed by anyone.

It might be too early to tell which versions of blockchain technologies end up being successful and widely adopted, but for the purposes of CryptoFest 2014 that is not our concern. Our goal is to promote ALL crypto currencies by amassing the largest collection of short films and multimedia presentations we can that are both entertaining, and informative, on the subject of 'cryptographic currencies'.

As early adopters of crypto currencies ALL of us have the chance to do our bit to help shape how these amazing technologies are presented to the wider world. CryptoFest wants to help make crypto currencies more accessible, more interesting, and more relevant to ordinary people.

We need your help!

We would like to encourage everyone involved with the crypto movement to work together as a community on this endeavor, and for the moment we ask that we all put aside our own personal preferences for one coin over another. CryptoFest is not interested in promoting any coin(s) in particular. CryptoFest is about promoting crypto currencies generally!

Please help us promote CryptoFest, and help us attract the best and brightest talent to this noble cause. If you know of people with film and multimedia skills please encourage them to enter CryptoFest. Please consider entering yourself.

CryptoFest is first and foremost a celebration of the 'crypto currency' movement, and the point is NOT to make Academy Award winning productions (although we do hope to receive some high quality entries ).

Rather, CryptoFest is about promoting crypto currencies generally to the 6.9 biliion people who haven't heard of them yet, so we encourage you to put your effort more into the ‘message’, and even if the presentation and production values of your entry are ‘simple’, don’t worry!

If your message is sincere, and the information and ideas presented are positive and/or informative and/or enjoyable, then your entry is perfectly valid, and it can still be very effective, and CryptoFest will gladly accept even very simple & humble submissions … and you could still win a prize for a well thought out, but simple entry!

Entries can be funny!
Entries can be informative!
Entries can be serious!
Entries can be political!
Entries can be .... anything you want .... as long as the subject matter is 'Crypto Currencies'

Fiction, non-fiction, animation, poetry, musical, spoken word monologues, interviews, debates etc etc.

The sky’s the limit. You might spend 100 hours on your entry, or maybe you can get your point across with 10 minutes work. That's the nature of 'art'!

We appreciate all sincere efforts, so don’t be put off if you don’t have a lot of multimedia skills. If you have something to ‘say’, and you have a smartphone with a camera, and you can upload a video to youtube, then you have all the ingredients you need to enter CryptoFest. It’s the message that counts!

You can mention your favourite 'coin' project if you want, but CryptoFest IS NOT about promoting one coin in particular, and it's not about 'laying the boot' into any coin projects that you don't like either. You can use satire, and you can get 'political' as much as you like, just don't be unnecessarily mean and negative for the sake of it, (unless you make it very entertaining and thought provoking, in which case we'd probably allow it).
You can always get away with being a bit more ‘edgy’ when you’re art is 'good'! CryptoFest will probably be the same, so if you want to push the envelope a bit, then you’ll probably need to put in more time, effort & thought to get away with it.

We reserve the right to reject any entries we feel are too promotional of one particular project, or too negative and bitchy.
CryptoFest is a celebration of all things Crypto, and we are unashamedly trying to focus on the positive elements. If you do feel the need to lay the boot in, do it to fiat & central bankers, not another coin project.

Obviously nothing racist, defamatory, and don’t infringe anyone’s copyright.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: DarkhorseofNxt on September 29, 2014, 12:33:30 PM
sponsored by Ora 8)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: hala on September 29, 2014, 12:49:29 PM

unbelievable .. our ORA has a promising future.  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: DarkhorseofNxt on September 29, 2014, 01:16:30 PM

unbelievable .. our ORA has a promising future.  :D

Spread the word please. We want the whole crypto community to take part.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: atleticofa on September 29, 2014, 02:29:24 PM
Proud of you Ora team  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Este Nuno on September 29, 2014, 03:27:46 PM
Great idea. Can't wait to see what people come up with.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: DarkhorseofNxt on September 29, 2014, 03:34:11 PM
To help spread the word, can you guys place the into your signature? It would be nice to spread the word to everyone.

Anyone can help letting the online newsletter, buletins know about this? if you have contacts, let us know. Thank you.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: wosch76 on September 29, 2014, 04:02:57 PM
You guys are really great.
I changed my signature 8)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: coinsolidation on September 29, 2014, 10:02:28 PM
Very impressed with this idea, great work and novel thinking!

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: sanbashiyi on September 29, 2014, 10:25:23 PM
that's very happy to see that spinsired by ora , i am also a shareholder

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Este Nuno on October 03, 2014, 08:30:46 AM

Haha...I hope this is serious!

I would love to see a short about that scammer! :P

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Djinou94 on October 04, 2014, 01:46:22 AM
Hi Ora
Why not create an asset at Qora AE?

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Kora on October 04, 2014, 07:00:16 AM
Thanks for the support everyone!!

CryptoFest is a long term project, and we do expect it will take quite a while to build momentum. We're hoping people will get inspired as entries are submitted, and if all goes well the CryptoFest 'snowball' will grow and grow over time!!

We obviously need as much help as we can get with promotion, so if you have any ideas ... GO FOR IT!! Spread the word :)

Ideally we'd like some of the CryptoFest entries to go 'viral' around the Internet to help spread the 'crypto' message to the wider community!

We really want CryptoFest to break out from the inner boundaries of the 'crypto sphere' here on BTT, but we can't do that without a lot of help.

Remember, CryptoFest is trying to promote ALL crypto currencies, and it's open to EVERYONE!!

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Kora on October 04, 2014, 07:08:25 AM
Hi Ora
Why not create an asset at Qora AE?

Interesting idea, can you elaborate a bit more? CryptoFest is giving away prizes, but it isn't generating any revenue, so I'm not sure if there's a reason to create an asset, but I'm always open to ideas!!

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Este Nuno on October 04, 2014, 11:26:46 AM
Have you made any reddit posts yet? If so link them here. :)

Reddit can be pretty brutal with all the malcontents downvoting things.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 14, 2014, 12:51:05 AM
Have you made any reddit posts yet? If so link them here. :)

Reddit can be pretty brutal with all the malcontents downvoting things.

Thanks Este Nuno, that's a great suggestion! I haven't posted on reddit yet, but I will try and do that today.

I haven't posted on reddit before (just reading so far), so any help would be really awesome.

Sorry for not acknowledging your suggestion earlier (i've just been so busy with real world stuff lately), and thanks for all of your constructive suggestions and support, not just regarding ORA, but on many other threads I see you posting in too!! This forum benefits greatly from your input.


Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Normandoyle on October 14, 2014, 12:54:07 AM
I'd love to see a short film on marijuana-related coins like POT and CANN!

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 14, 2014, 12:59:59 AM
CryptoFest needs your help!

Who's old enough to remember school discos before break-dancing made it 'safe' for guys to dance with other guys? (i.e in the era when boys dancing with other boys  raised their personal 'defcon' status to "head flush imminent" from bullies).

The atmosphere on the dance floor would always flat-line until a couple of brave guys felt courageous enough to ask a couple of brave girls, then BANG, other teens would see people like them up and having fun, and that would inspire them to take a chance and ask someone to dance. Slowly the trickle of new dancers would grow into a flood, and soon the dance floor would be alive with girating teens having a great time!

[Girls dancing with other girls has probably always been acceptable, but I wonder if younger dance loving guys realise the debt of gratitude they owe to break dancing?]

Well it looks like CryptoFest exists in a "pre break-dancing" type of world, and we're having a little trouble getting people up and 'jiving' on the CryptoFest dance floor, making crypto inspired short films & multimedia presentations.

We really need a few brave people to submit some entries and express themselves, then I'm confident others will get inspired. I promise no-one will get 'flushed', CryptoFest is safe for EVERYONE!!

In order to kick things along and (hopefully) inspire a few 'brave' people to submit entries, we've decided to start a new sub competition to run in parrallel with the main CryptoFest.

Announcing - 'CryptoFest: Early Birds'

CryptoFest will award two 0.25 bitcoin prizes for the best two entries from the first ten valid submissions.

The early bird entries will still be eligible for the other prizes (the 'Palme d'ORA' & the 'People's Choice Award'), so if your entry is one of the first ten submissions you could win one of the "Early Bird" prizes AND one of the other main prizes too.

Remember, all valid entries will receive an ORA stake of 166,600 ORA tokens as part of our 'phase 2' 'proof-of-action' disribution.

If you were thinking of entering CryptoFest later, now you have an added incentive to start early, and be one of the first ten submissions!

Early birds have a 1:5 chance of winning 0.25 bitcoins, and you'll also have the eternal gratitude from the CryptoFest team :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 14, 2014, 01:06:54 AM
I'd love to see a short film on marijuana-related coins like POT and CANN!

If you have a smart phone with a camera YOU could make it!! Entries don't have to be fancy ... just express yourself, and be sincere (if you want, that's not a requirement lol) :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Mac Red on October 17, 2014, 10:58:19 PM
Awesome work guys! These rewards are extremely generous.

Even if you don't make videos and participate for the prizes, tell others about this! If you're invested in *any* crypto currency this can only be a positive thing.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 19, 2014, 02:13:24 AM
Awesome work guys! These rewards are extremely generous.

Even if you don't make videos and participate for the prizes, tell others about this! If you're invested in *any* crypto currency this can only be a positive thing.

Thanks Mac! That's right, we need 'Viral' grass roots promotion! Every bit counts :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 19, 2014, 02:21:10 AM
CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Progress Report!

CryptoFest was announced on 29Th September.

Goal:         'To promote blockchain technology to the wider community, to help spread adoption of ALL crypto currencies'
Strategy:   'Stimulate production of ENTERTAINING short videos & multmedia presentations about blockchain tech & crypto currencies'
Objective:  'Start a successful short film competition with prizes'
Tactics:     'Get BTT users 'interested' in CryptoFest as an idea, VIRAL promotion of a worthwhile project'

First Prize - the Palme d'ORA
- 2 bitcoins
- 5 Million ORA assets

People's Choice Award
- 1 bitcoin
- 2.5 Million ORA assets

166,666 ORA assets for each valid entry

On October 14 we announced:
'CryptoFest: Early Birds'
CryptoFest will award two 0.25 bitcoin prizes for the best two entries from the first ten valid submissions.

So far we have not had ANY entries submitted, but we're still confident CryptoFest will end up being VERY successful!

Please HELP ... spread the word anywhere you think might be useful, consider entering yourself :)

CryptoFest wants to 'catch' crypto related Viral Video(s)!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: DarkhorseofNxt on October 19, 2014, 04:45:01 AM
I wonder what would be the first submission be like. Shouldn't we do something like, you know a small video clip, lets say 5-10 secs each from everyone with their mobile around the world (all continent) with a paper, cardboard, anything in their hands with words like "We support Crypto", "You can't ban crypto" etc. Then we can compile all these clips together with a nice soundtrack in the background. The clip ends with some dramatic ssage like , "this is the beginning.." and lastly a few secs clip of Cryptofest in the end.

And hey, we actually don't have a logo for this Cryptofest.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: geyu on October 19, 2014, 06:27:50 AM
There is a progress I am glad to see.

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 21, 2014, 12:09:13 PM
WooHoo! We have an entry in CryptoFest!

This wonderful video about NXT was made with something else in mind (I think), but the creators kindly entered it in CryptoFest too!

They're in the running for the first prize (The Palme d'ORA) and the 'People's Choice', plus the 'CryptoFest: Early Birds' as the submission is one of the first ten!!

The creator will also receive an ORA stake of 166,666 ORA assets as part of ORA's 'phase 2' 'proof-of-action' giveaway!

A slow start, but the CryptoFest snowball is finally rolling :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: Mac Red on October 21, 2014, 05:15:13 PM
WooHoo! We have an entry in CryptoFest!

This wonderful video about NXT was made with something else in mind (I think), but the creators kindly entered it in CryptoFest too!

They're in the running for the first prize (The Palme d'ORA) and the 'People's Choice', plus the 'CryptoFest: Early Birds' as the submission is one of the first ten!!

The creator will also receive an ORA stake of 166,666 ORA assets as part of ORA's 'phase 2' 'proof-of-action' giveaway!

A slow start, but the CryptoFest snowball is finally rolling :)

Very nice indeed.  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] CryptoFest :: Short Film Festival :: Sponsored by ORA
Post by: kora2 on October 25, 2014, 06:16:55 AM
CryptoFest really is open to everyone to enter, and all valid entries will receive an ORA stake as part of our phase 2 "proof-of-action" giveaway.

Please don't think CryptoFest is only interested in 'professional' quality submissions. Professional productions are great, but sometimes powerful results can be achieved using a 'low-fi' approach. This applies across all art forms IMO - films, music, visual arts, theater. I love loud pumping music, but sometimes an acoustic unplugged 'vibe' can really blow me away too.

Here are some really good examples of 'low-fi' crypto related videos that I've really enjoyed. The productions are 'simple', and that leaves room for the content to shine, including the sincerity and passion of the people on screen.

Anyone with access to a smart phone could make a video like these.

NXT Scamcoin?? Jeff Garzik rebuttal
This video is a rebuttal to Jeff Garzik's recent 'claim/FUD' that NXT is a 'scam coin'. The presenter (unknown to me) has some prepared notes written on a whiteboard, but it looks like he's working off the cuff, and he sounds very knowledgeable and 'credible'. The delivery is sincere and informative, and there's some great educational content in this video, so it's almost like a mini-tutorial (and ORA gets a mention too!!). I came away from this video feeling like I learnt something!

Marc De Mesel How To Become The NXT Billionaire
This video is a monologue (like the one above), but the presenter (Marc De Mesel) has a very different style, and the appeal of this video is more 'emotional', and the content is much more personal too, which I really liked. Marc is on location in the grounds of the Microsoft campus, and he spends time explaining some parallels between the growth of Microsoft & operating systems, and where the crypto scene is now, and might go in the future. At one point Marc gets choked with emotion describing the effect Bill Gates' example has had on him and his approach to crypto - a really great moment in crypto 'film' history! Showing passion and emotion usually 'works' well in non-fiction videos!

Tai Zen & Leon Fu - Interview December 2013
This is an interview style dialogue between well known NXT'er Tai Zen and another guy, Leon Fu (who I don't know much about). It's a dialogue, and Tai is interviewing Leon who seems to have some pretty high level 'expert' knowledge on crypto tech. I think I first saw this video within 48 hours of its appearance on youtube, and it really had an impact on me in my thinking about NXT back in December 2013. Not too many 1 month old cryptos have youtube interviews, and Tai obviously has some experience in front of the camera and looks comfortable as a 'host'. This video got me 'interested' in NXT!!

I think all three of these videos are excellent, and while they're all different, they're all very effective at promoting crypto, plus they're ALL entertaining and enjoyable to watch. They're probably too long for CryptoFest, but I could see shorter versions of these video 'styles' being very effective at spreading the general crypto message to the wider community, and the fact that these videos are 'simple' doesn't make them less watchable, or less effective.

I've said before that CryptoFest is trying to unearth crypto videos with viral potential. As good as the videos above are, none of them has too many views so far which is sad, but that can change!

What makes a video go viral? Viral videos have an 'X-factor', and that's impossible to 'manufacture' ... or is it?

Here's a recent viral video I saw doing the rounds on the internet. The original version had over 1.6 Million hits on youtube! This is another copy (the original must have been taken down). It's a video of a bikini clad girl trying to take a 'selfie' of herself in a public place. It's funny, and thought provoking too. Which girl comes of 'worse', the bikini selfie girl, or the girl shooting the video?

What makes a video go viral? What would happen if a crypto video went viral?

More people probably watched the 'selfie girl' video in a couple of weeks than the total number of bitcoin users in the last 5 years. That's a pretty weird thought!