Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: on October 02, 2014, 03:54:01 PM

Title: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: on October 02, 2014, 03:54:01 PM

This thread is being made to keep a track of actions and updated regarding BlackArrow and the information against them.

 :( I've posted on their main website, called them out and they responded with the usual tactics of delays and lies
 :o I posted information about my legal stance and what i was doing to take them to court... they deleted my posts
 ??? I have a nice long chat in PM with them... they ended up deleting my account
 ;D I posted some good intel on the other BA thread here.. and BA deleted that as well... so im creating this thread that they cannot control or manipulate.

So currently i have legal actions going in two different countries against BA LTD in china with some lawyers in Hong Kong who are currently looking of the information i've sent them and  in the UK, Alex Sovu and Bbyte ltd are now under fire legally... they will find out in a few days and they i hope to get to meet Alex in court.... failing that, make sure he never ever has directorship of a company in the UK at all ever again.

I started out like yourselves, a customer, eager to buy into their product, i sent my money, followed their rules.. but eventually got fed up of the lies and lack of communication and the stalling and more lack of communication. So i asked for my money back... they refused. Claiming the T&C's were binding.... unfortunately they aren't and Chinese law trumps any company T&C if found unwarranted and unfair in case where it's proven that the company withheld monies rightfully due to be refunded to customers under Chinese law.

The Aim, to get a refund
The Cost, what ever it takes
The Result, a refund or i loose my order
The End Game, if i loose my money, to personally make sure Alex Sovu never works or earns a penny in the UK ever again :)

So to this end i collected over 50 other customer details, and sent them over to the lawyers in Hong Kong.. am still waiting on how that's going to turn out, but there's definite grounds to have stock impounded until it's sorted out. In the UK i have engaged lawyers to seek and gain from Alex a court appearance as a test case for my own personal case with him and Bbyte. If proven i aim to clear him out and petition companies house and the courts to ban him from ever taking a director role in a UK company.


Unfortunately you guys are caught in the crossfire, you probably signed up and paid out a hefty costing reseller contract.. sorry... can't help you out there.. you might well be called to give evidence in the courts.
Anyone else thinking about going to BA for the 14nm technology and to try and become a reseller, let this sorry state of affairs be a warning to you, Black Arrow Software are the worst company to work with and are not to be trusted... in fact, anyone with any dealings with Anyone remotely connected to Black arrow or former employees should be treated with suspicion when potential business dealings are being discussed... it could be another Romanian scam front again.

Please post your comments and thoughts to this thread, please also treat this thread as the new black Arrow information exchange where freedom of expression is a universal right, not a manufacturers whim.


Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: JohnnyBTC on October 02, 2014, 05:14:40 PM
and here i was about to buy one about 5 minutes ago.  thank you for changing my mind!

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Vslacha on October 02, 2014, 06:33:17 PM
Blackarrow could end up like BFL if they are not careful these days.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: DonRavy on October 02, 2014, 07:23:52 PM
Hey Bitcz, I've sent you my info a while ago, in addition to filing a complaint with the HK CC and the HK Police Dpt. Next week I'll have another meeting with my lawyer here. Good to see things are moving on the legal front, I hope Pentax can chip in as well, BA simply has to be brought down asap. Let me know if I can help out in any way.

I hope you can keep us posted here about the lawsuit in HK and the UK, respectively via email (in case of confidential information).

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: dogie on October 02, 2014, 07:51:43 PM
I'm not sure you quite realise how much money you're going to end up burning to matyr yourself in the UK, to get nothing out of it. You would have to have absolutely proof of fraud to have him permanently stricken from UK directorships.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: on October 03, 2014, 01:49:38 PM
I think that being a director of a company is the ultimate buck stop in any organisation.

Besides, i think i can prove fraud with this little incident and also something else i dug up that would have him stricken from being able to hold directorship in the uk.

The interweb is a wonderful thing if you know where to look

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: itsmelondo on October 04, 2014, 04:40:59 PM
Little late, but my 2c:

I am not a lawyer, but if I were you, I would have all of my communication go through my lawyer with Black Arrow.  i.e. I would stop chatting with them via PMs.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: szmarco on October 05, 2014, 12:57:40 AM
Hey Bitcz, I've sent you my info a while ago, in addition to filing a complaint with the HK CC and the HK Police Dpt. Next week I'll have another meeting with my lawyer here. Good to see things are moving on the legal front, I hope Pentax can chip in as well, BA simply has to be brought down asap. Let me know if I can help out in any way.

I hope you can keep us posted here about the lawsuit in HK and the UK, respectively via email (in case of confidential information).
Blackarrow is a Shenzhen based company. There is nothing to do with HK Police.
Maybe you should contact with  some organizations in shenzhen.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: DonRavy on October 05, 2014, 06:19:52 PM
Hey Bitcz, I've sent you my info a while ago, in addition to filing a complaint with the HK CC and the HK Police Dpt. Next week I'll have another meeting with my lawyer here. Good to see things are moving on the legal front, I hope Pentax can chip in as well, BA simply has to be brought down asap. Let me know if I can help out in any way.

I hope you can keep us posted here about the lawsuit in HK and the UK, respectively via email (in case of confidential information).
Blackarrow is a Shenzhen based company. There is nothing to do with HK Police.
Maybe you should contact with  some organizations in shenzhen.

BA is incorporated in HK, as such it's a HK company. Their ToS states the proper jurisdiction is in HK. Could't be any more clear where the jurisdiction lies in this case, it sure isn't Shenzhen.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: on February 09, 2015, 10:32:32 AM
well I've seen Alexandru.. or at least someone proporting to be him.

and i can say, the trade fair picture of him and the blonde girl... that aint him. Possibly this Daniel guy... maybe.
Alexandru is 6.3 / 6.4 slim, Mediterranean complexion, dark brown hair, maybe 115 KG or a bit lighter.. very slight build i would say a tall glass of thin to be honest.

court case been put back from 10am to 12pm... so im stooging around waiting our turn.

ill update you on what i find.


Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: cathoderay on February 09, 2015, 10:48:43 AM
I'm not sure you quite realise how much money you're going to end up burning to matyr yourself in the UK, to get nothing out of it. You would have to have absolutely proof of fraud to have him permanently stricken from UK directorships.

Yet another pointless & derogatory spam post from the poop-dawg..... ::)

Anyone who decides to take it upon themselves to bring these crooks down should be applauded by the whole Bitcoin community, not criticised with arrogant "you don't understand" comments. Go back to spamming your own employers threads.

@ Biycz:  Best of luck to you & well done. Please keep us all informed of proceedings - the whole Bitcoin community is behind you, apart from the poop-dawg of course, cos he knows better...... ::)

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: dogie on February 09, 2015, 06:05:15 PM
I'm not sure you quite realise how much money you're going to end up burning to matyr yourself in the UK, to get nothing out of it. You would have to have absolutely proof of fraud to have him permanently stricken from UK directorships.

Yet another pointless & derogatory spam post from the poop-dawg..... ::)

Anyone who decides to take it upon themselves to bring these crooks down should be applauded by the whole Bitcoin community, not criticised with arrogant "you don't understand" comments. Go back to spamming your own employers threads.

@ Biycz:  Best of luck to you & well done. Please keep us all informed of proceedings - the whole Bitcoin community is behind you, apart from the poop-dawg of course, cos he knows better...... ::)

Note the date on the post Mr troll.... and good job entirely ignoring the content. I was explaining that the UK legal system is extortionately expensive to do anything in.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: on February 10, 2015, 11:02:28 AM
Ok.. so here's the skinny so far.

Small claims that i brought Alexandru to court with.. was set aside. Note, not dismissed.

We were both told that we need to seek legal advice on this and then we'd be notified on a new date for the hearing, to which i have two lawyers firms set up for this, both specialise in corporate litigation,  so I'm pretty good to go.

Now, the other side is Alexandru claimed that he resides in china most of the time, so this is going to present an issue with court hearings later, but the judge said that he can make use of video conferencing facility but he had to arrange it with the court.

I won't go into details about the case as he and his minions have access to this forum, however, this is far from over :) he just doesn't understand how much evidence i have against him so he can't assess how much defence he needs to prepare. he had a whole bunch of paper work just like i did, but i never got mine out, he pulled some of his and it is pretty bland stuff.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: on February 10, 2015, 11:03:41 AM

this is Daniel.... I've yet to identify the girl, but i think it might be IULIA CRISTINA IXARI

The quite possibly the man i saw yesterday is actually Alexandru

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: notbatman on February 10, 2015, 11:29:26 AM
I really hope you can recover some of your money from these scumbags.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: ninjaboon on February 10, 2015, 02:29:43 PM

this is Daniel.... I've yet to identify the girl, but i think it might be IULIA CRISTINA IXARI

The quite possibly the man i saw yesterday is actually Alexandru

they have a special place in hell for scammers.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: zimmah on February 10, 2015, 02:30:40 PM
let me know if there is any update on this, since I also ordered a miner for $6000 back in december 2013

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: cathoderay on February 10, 2015, 03:58:16 PM
Note the date on the post.....

Irrelevant. Stop spamming everyone's threads trying to protect your free hardware payments.

Ok.. so here's the skinny so far.

Small claims that i brought Alexandru to court with.. was set aside. Note, not dismissed.

We were both told that we need to seek legal advice on this and then we'd be notified on a new date for the hearing, to which i have two lawyers firms set up for this, both specialise in corporate litigation,  so I'm pretty good to go.

Now, the other side is Alexandru claimed that he resides in china most of the time, so this is going to present an issue with court hearings later, but the judge said that he can make use of video conferencing facility but he had to arrange it with the court.

I won't go into details about the case as he and his minions have access to this forum, however, this is far from over :) he just doesn't understand how much evidence i have against him so he can't assess how much defence he needs to prepare. he had a whole bunch of paper work just like i did, but i never got mine out, he pulled some of his and it is pretty bland stuff.

Well done Bitcz!!  Keep up the good fight  ;)

For posterity:

                                  Poop-dawgs buddies.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: ufahs on March 02, 2015, 10:04:32 AM

When is the next date planned, can you talk to your advisor/laywer if it is possible that I can also join the lawsuite?

I'm living in the Netherlands, and it is for me possible to fly over to UK. Let me know.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: on March 03, 2015, 02:22:45 PM
I have another court date set for April. This is to determine culpability of Alex Sovu and others in relation to the sales there of.

Gathering evidence and formulating the case with the lawyers, as soon as i have any further news i will post it.


Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Marvell1 on March 03, 2015, 05:20:46 PM
Note the date on the post.....

Irrelevant. Stop spamming everyone's threads trying to protect your free hardware payments.

Ok.. so here's the skinny so far.

Small claims that i brought Alexandru to court with.. was set aside. Note, not dismissed.

We were both told that we need to seek legal advice on this and then we'd be notified on a new date for the hearing, to which i have two lawyers firms set up for this, both specialise in corporate litigation,  so I'm pretty good to go.

Now, the other side is Alexandru claimed that he resides in china most of the time, so this is going to present an issue with court hearings later, but the judge said that he can make use of video conferencing facility but he had to arrange it with the court.

I won't go into details about the case as he and his minions have access to this forum, however, this is far from over :) he just doesn't understand how much evidence i have against him so he can't assess how much defence he needs to prepare. he had a whole bunch of paper work just like i did, but i never got mine out, he pulled some of his and it is pretty bland stuff.

Well done Bitcz!!  Keep up the good fight  ;)

For posterity:

                                  Poop-dawgs buddies.

lol he was banging this ck probbaly using peoples pre-order money for the hotel room what a punk

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Unacceptable on March 04, 2015, 07:59:34 AM
and here i was about to buy one about 5 minutes ago.  thank you for changing my mind!
Oh WOW definitely do more research before buying, Blackarrow is TERRIBLE Stick with Spondoolies or Bitmain.

Edit: My bad I am dumb, I didn't realize how old that comment was.

Necrothreading is a bitch ain't it  :D

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Marv21 on April 01, 2015, 08:16:58 PM
Very good Bitcz !
If I can help you (Money, Details of something). Send me a PM.

You already got an email from me with my OrderDetails!

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: klintay on April 16, 2015, 04:36:07 AM
file a report with the HK police, consumer council and your local police force. The time
for asking for a refund past months ago...

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: btmtb on April 16, 2015, 09:44:05 AM
file a report with the HK police, consumer council and your local police force. The time
for asking for a refund past months ago...
Don't forget to file a complaint with the HK Inland Revenue Service too, to ensure they reported the value of the bitcoin (and all other) payments properly for tax purposes. The only people who seem to have shown any interest so far (when this was last mentioned the bitcoin holding suspiciously all 'moved'/'were hacked', but should still have been reported as assets):

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: zimmah on October 29, 2015, 09:54:16 PM
file a report with the HK police, consumer council and your local police force. The time
for asking for a refund past months ago...
Don't forget to file a complaint with the HK Inland Revenue Service too, to ensure they reported the value of the bitcoin (and all other) payments properly for tax purposes. The only people who seem to have shown any interest so far (when this was last mentioned the bitcoin holding suspiciously all 'moved'/'were hacked', but should still have been reported as assets):

how likely is it to see even a % of the money back if you report it to any of these authorities?

is it worth the hassle?

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: klintay on November 01, 2015, 01:49:45 PM
file a report with the HK police, consumer council and your local police force. The time
for asking for a refund past months ago...
Don't forget to file a complaint with the HK Inland Revenue Service too, to ensure they reported the value of the bitcoin (and all other) payments properly for tax purposes. The only people who seem to have shown any interest so far (when this was last mentioned the bitcoin holding suspiciously all 'moved'/'were hacked', but should still have been reported as assets):

how likely is it to see even a % of the money back if you report it to any of these authorities?

is it worth the hassle?

yes if enough people complain the total amount of money stolen becomes significant and then the HK police will take action.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: RoKu on November 20, 2015, 10:30:04 PM
I sell my X3

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Syke on November 21, 2015, 06:52:57 AM
You're kidding, right?

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Marv21 on January 08, 2016, 07:48:13 PM
Anything new Bitcz?

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: notbatman on January 21, 2016, 09:09:48 AM
Well I've received what looks to be the last and final communication from the HK Consumer Council. To summarize it basically says that Black Arrow has ignored all communication attempts and that the CC has no power to do anything.

Of all the actions I've taken over the years the only one that seemed promising was the response from the HK police however, they've gone silent and it seems no action has been taken.

As it currently stands Black Arrow has kept the money from my order (~$5k USD for s 2TH/s miner) including the S/H fee and hasn't shipped me anything all despite the agreement to ship my order at the end of February 2014.

Black Arrow is still in business, operating out of China and is currently trying to scam additional funds from their already victimized customers with the promise of cloud mining "compensation". This involves sending them a large sum of money with no guarantee of anything in return.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: RoKu on November 06, 2016, 01:49:31 PM
new (

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Soignee on February 09, 2018, 04:17:39 PM (

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: btmtb on February 09, 2018, 10:49:01 PM (
Wow, that's a pleasant way to revive the thread ;) hopefully the next story will be jail time now he's been convicted of something at least, even if it was unrelated to BTC.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Soignee on February 12, 2018, 07:10:11 PM (

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Soignee on March 10, 2018, 12:32:53 AM (

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: notbatman on March 10, 2018, 01:23:30 PM (

The two balls he's got hanging outside the shed is just fucking priceless.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Soignee on December 27, 2022, 07:49:44 PM

He took over his brother's "business" and now faces 30 years in prison in the US
November 28, 2022

The Romanian Șovu Mircea-Dan will be extradited to the United States and soon handed over to the American judicial authorities, after the final decision taken last week by the Bucharest Court of Appeal. On the name of Şovu Mircea-Dan, since 08/02/2022, there is an arrest warrant issued by the Court for the Southern District of the State of New York. In Romania, Șovu Mircea-Dan was detained and then arrested on the basis of a provisional arrest warrant, for a duration of 30 days, issued starting on 14.09.2022.

The facts

The Romanian is accused of committing the crimes of access device fraud, conspiracy to commit access device fraud, mail fraud affecting a financial institution, wire fraud affecting a financial institution, bank fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, grand larceny identity. In fact, as shown in the reasons for the arrest decision, recorded by, Șovu Mircea-Dan is suspected that, starting from 2016 and until March 2021, he was the main owner and operator of a site called Myc………, which sold electronic equipment used in illegal skimming activities. The forms of payment accepted by the site were bank transfers, cash payment or crypto-currency. The products sold by the site were used for the purpose of extracting information from the debit and credit cards used by the injured persons, with the help of magnetic strip readers. The information was later transferred into a computer system and then recoded and used in counterfeit debit and credit cards and later used for unauthorized withdrawals. United States undercover agents made several purchases of skimming equipment from Șovu Mircea-Dan and recorded numerous conversations with him regarding the use of the equipment for illegal skimming activities. The agents paid for and subsequently received skimming equipment from the Romanian 4 times. The Romanian bragged to investigators, in recorded phone conversations and emails, that he was able to decrypt debit and credit card numbers obtained from skimming devices assembled with skimming equipment by sending them to undercover agents the keys decryption and software to extract debit and credit account numbers. Using the decryption key provided by the Romanian, US authorities were able to obtain over 300 debit/credit card numbers belonging to various individuals. that he is able to decrypt debit and credit card numbers obtained from skimming devices assembled with skimming equipment by sending undercover agents decryption keys and software to extract debit and credit account numbers . Using the decryption key provided by the Romanian, US authorities were able to obtain over 300 debit/credit card numbers belonging to various individuals. that he is able to decrypt debit and credit card numbers obtained from skimming devices assembled with skimming equipment by sending undercover agents decryption keys and software to extract debit and credit account numbers . Using the decryption key provided by the Romanian, US authorities were able to obtain over 300 debit/credit card numbers belonging to various individuals.

He faces 30 years in prison

7 charges were filed against Șovu Mircea-Dan:

fraud with access devices (maximum penalty 15 years in prison);
conspiracy to commit access device fraud (maximum penalty 7 years and 6 months imprisonment);
mail fraud affecting a financial institution (maximum penalty 30 years imprisonment);
wire fraud affecting a financial institution (maximum penalty 30 years imprisonment);
bank fraud (maximum penalty 30 years in prison);
conspiracy to commit mail, wire, and bank fraud (maximum penalty 30 years in prison);
qualified identity theft.
He took over his brother's "business".

Șovu Mircea-Dan has a brother, Alexandru, who was convicted in absentia by the British authorities for the same kind of acts. As Libertatea reports here, Șovu Alexandru was sentenced to 11 years in prison for a bank fraud of 3 million euros, but he is nowhere to be found, being suspected of hiding in China or Romania. The Romanian managed to sell several ATM fraud devices to criminals in the USA, Jamaica, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Ghana and the Philippines. The 'skimmer' type devices (a skimmer = an illegal device designed to fit into an ATM's card insert to read bank account information), once placed in ATMs, would record information about victims' accounts in order to copying the computer data contained in the cards inserted in them.

Old problems with the law

The Şovu brothers had big problems with the law. In January 2003 , they were arrested after they were discovered to have placed several orders on the Internet, to online stores abroad (in particular, the United States, Australia and Canada) to purchase goods, using fraudulent numbers of credit cards that did not belong to them, without the knowledge or authorization of the true holders. Following the orders, approximately 100 parcels arrived in Romania in the name of their accomplices. Accused of committing the crimes of fraud, complicity in fraud, identity fraud and forgery, the two brothers disappeared, but were later captured in Budapest , more than a year after they were put under general and international prosecution.

Title: Re: BlackArrow Refund and Legal Thread
Post by: Soignee on December 27, 2022, 10:30:16 PM (