Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cuddaloreappu on October 05, 2014, 04:15:51 PM

Title: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on October 05, 2014, 04:15:51 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: p2pbucks on October 05, 2014, 04:19:43 PM
The Bitcoin Selloff Continues ---AllMediaNY
Krugmania: As Bitcoin's Price Falls ---Forbes

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Fortify on October 05, 2014, 04:25:51 PM
I don't think Bitcoin is as mainstream as you think it is, but yes, it will get reported when it bottoms out.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: TrailingComet on October 05, 2014, 04:39:05 PM
The media will probably catch on as it bottoms out and picks up steam again
I expect that Boston Uni prof to get some airtime again soon... ;)

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Some1else0 on October 05, 2014, 05:03:40 PM
Not much has been said yet, but I'd expect to see a lot of articles if it either skyrockets in price or drops down to say, $100/coin.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Meuh6879 on October 05, 2014, 05:06:04 PM
media is not the free world.
free world don't choose the news ... media do this.

it's ebola or bitcoin ... don't afraid the "good" people (that they pay the taxes !)

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: bornil267645 on October 05, 2014, 05:45:55 PM
I think media already seen similar patterns before for not getting too shabby at this point.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: mnmShadyBTC on October 05, 2014, 11:26:32 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on

The price of something falling is generally not going to attract as many readers as other bitcoin related scandals. The MSM has reported heavily on bitcoin when the price was rapidly increasing (likely contributing to further increases in prices).

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Get.BTC.Now on October 06, 2014, 01:06:54 PM
I don't think Bitcoin is as mainstream as you think it is, but yes, it will get reported when it bottoms out.

If you rate bitcoin on how mainstream it is today from 1-10, I give it 1.. :( Sad to say.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: mufa23 on October 06, 2014, 03:25:10 PM
I saw an article about it on business insider the other day. Not that they are a reputable news agency anyway.

But yeah, it has been slightly quiet.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: ChuckBuck on October 06, 2014, 03:44:39 PM
I'm actually kind of glad the mainstream media hasn't poo poo'd all over this recent downward trend.  It'd probably make more investors sell off more causing more price lowering.

I'm sure once a price spike occurs to pre Mt Gox fail levels($600 and up) then the news will be all over it.  Just have to take each news article as it comes, BTC price is jumpy and fickle as it is.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: BitCoinDream on October 06, 2014, 03:50:26 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on

Mainstream media reports incident not fact. Price crash is a fact and Mt. Gox crash was an incident. Hence price crash is not reported, but BFL shutdown has been reported. As a corollary price crash may find its mention in BFL news.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: chennan on October 06, 2014, 03:51:10 PM
Bitcoin is just the game of minority and doesn't worth their reporting for it.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: CryptoCarmen on October 06, 2014, 04:02:36 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on

Bitcoin price is still much higher then was year ago. People wil have to start doing suicides, for media to notice.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: pawel7777 on October 06, 2014, 04:05:08 PM
There was some attention when BTC fell to around $400. I wouldn't expect them to report every BTC movement.

Hopefully, if BTC bounces back, they'll pick it up.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on October 06, 2014, 05:07:32 PM
true AND there are even positive and nearly accurate videos:

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: 1anonymous on October 06, 2014, 05:25:52 PM
mainstream media is 100% biased to vested interests

just follow the user base for their wallets

that's in our opinion the only number to follow

it's at 2M range now

700K wallets btc was at 1100 or so

70K wallets btc was around 100

7M is the next major number for that fundamental if you can consider any number to be a legit fundamental for btc

in our opinion we think that vice use is the main need at this time to grow btc

more silk roads
major casino exposure
adult site exposure

drugs are illegal but casinos and adult sites all have a need for btc in our opinion

so having a net currency just for vice related activities that traditional banks hate is the fuel to feed the growth of btc in our opinion

so viral growth vice portals are way more important to btc than financial news and major retailer news

all that stuff needs btc to be mainstream

whereas viral vice growth is a real need for the net

you know how many points sites pay to even begin to try to accept traditional fiat for casinos and adult related sites?

way too many points so in our opinion vice portals demanding btc is the key way to move this concept globally

the more adult sites and casinos that take btc is a reason for the average consumer to try a btc wallet

so if the people that like the 'concept' of an international currency focus on spreaing viral vice related growth there will be nothing to stop btc

all the govs there are can say we regulate it, but guess what, it can't be regulated


the real growth 'need' for btc is to fuel hard to get regular bank account industries to use and demand btc

drugs are of course illegal in most areas

but in some its legal

so btc is great for legal drug areas (recent cannabis states an example)
pill mill doctors too is a potential growth area of btc users to acquire wallets
online casinos and adult sites are a natural place for btc too

if btc had a legitimate PR department they would focus on sites that traditional banks give a hard time

illegal drugs
legitimate drugs
online gambling
online porn and cams and hos

that's the real current need for average consumer to acquire btc to feed their vice related habits

sure it's nice to see mainstream retailers take btc, but these retailers all churn btc into fiat that fuels downward pressure on exchanges

so back to basics, btc was supposed to be a non regulated net currency

who needs that?

vice sites do

so if there was a central PR department for btc merchants they should be focusing on educating major vice portals that all have problems with banks

no problems with btc for vice sites is there?

with the numerous legitimate retailers now at least taking btc, is enough of a reason for a vice portal to get involved in btc

when they see no real trans fees, that's a great reason for any vice related site like adult and online casinos to say to their users

oh your old credit card isn't good at our site now

get yourself an anonymous btc wallet, it's now our PREFERRED payment method

vice moved the early net from dialup to high speed global connections

if you've been on the commercial net you know what I mean

the more large vice portals that take btc will drive the value of btc up

vice is actually the major reason why the average consumer would NEED to acquire btc in our opinion

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: 1anonymous on October 06, 2014, 05:30:01 PM
true AND there are even positive and nearly accurate videos:

good video

but it should explain more why retailers are putting downward pressure on exchanges since retailers churn btc into fiat

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: BADecker on October 06, 2014, 05:56:33 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on

Everything goes in waves. Look at the ocean. It's just that waves in the market when the population and economy are as big as ours, don't move as fast as the waves in the ocean.

The lower the crash of Bitcoin, the higher it will rise in the next wave. Bitcoin will never crash as long as the Internet survives.

The higher the value of fiat in this wave, the lower it will go in the next wave. Fiat will crash irretrievably.

Fiat is fake... debt based currency. Nobody wants to be in debt. Only those who want to control the world want everyone else to be in debt... to them. Fiat will crash.

Bitcoin is a little like fiat. But, Bitcoin represents the free market. The free market will last as long as humanity survives. Viva Bitcoin!

This is just another wave. Maybe when Bitcoin gets to the top of the next one, it will be $10,000 per Bitcoin. Maybe then fiat will crash.


The media knows about waves in the market. The media is not scared yet. They don't know what to expect. But, they will be scared when the next wave comes, and Bitcoin goes to $10,000. If fiat doesn't collapse then, it will absolutely be the end of fiat the following wave, when Bitcoin goes to $1,000,000.


Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Viturrex on October 06, 2014, 06:46:06 PM
I did find it quite interesting that all the naysayers didn't jump on this crash. Perhaps in a few days they will "realise" its down and the negative media stream will restart.

I for one am quite happy the 30k sellwall didn't last long :)

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: pawel7777 on October 06, 2014, 06:47:48 PM
And there it is. Today's BBC article. Off-putting title, but quite objective overall:

"Bitcoin price falls to 11-month low" (

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: spazzdla on October 06, 2014, 06:56:50 PM
Probably because we rip them a new one when make an article about it LOL.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: malaimult on October 06, 2014, 09:07:08 PM
Forbes has an article on the recent "crash". I think that is pretty mainstream as far as crypto goes. I don't expect to see bitcoin news to be reported on Fox News TV or whatever.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Zer0Sum on October 06, 2014, 10:28:12 PM
And there it is. Today's BBC article. Off-putting title, but quite objective overall:

"Bitcoin price falls to 11-month low" (

Basically, no one cares because it affects very few people... and the hipsters have moved on.

I'm very pro-crypto, but the Bitcoin dinosaur is in trouble.

There is no way one can defend the flat-lining of velocity despite 10 or 100 times the retailers...
Dead flat at about 70,000 transactions/day... of that at least half is just trading/exchanging/speculating.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: itsAj on October 06, 2014, 10:30:43 PM
BTC is still it's in infancy stage it can always be improved however the technology simple but can be built upon on many levels. I do not think people at this stage even acknowledge it due to understanding.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: chenka563 on October 07, 2014, 12:39:57 AM
but was  what thing going on? ??? anyone know?Does it  have a relationship with the drop of the  BTC price ?

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: beetcoin on October 07, 2014, 12:43:06 AM
bitcoin is no longer a novelty, so the media has backed off. besides that, there are a lot more pressing current events right now that was off the radar 6 months ago.

ebola, ISIS, israeli-palestine conflict, kim jong-un being deposed, and hong kongers for democracy name a few.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: gogxmagog on October 07, 2014, 03:55:42 AM
I saw a link to a time magazine article today... if time magazine is even relevant? NYT's resident nobel lauriate took time to gloat...

reddit and twitter were all over it. But I mean, let's face it, unless you are invested there's really no story unless BTC is prepared to sh&t or get off the pot. If it dies, they will all have their say, if it "to the moon" they will also have something to say. I would bet there are journalists out there with both stories ready to go to press. Meanwhile, to everyone who does not have any btc...this has basically been a non-event. A boring story.

Like the world of finance in general. Most people dont want to know how finance works. And they find it dull unless it is associated with scandal. (or ridiculous winfalls of great luck)

As for financial journalists, how often can you reiterate that btc is unpredictable and nobody knows where its going to go next?

caveat - I find btc fascinating. when else has a commodity transformed into a currency before our very eyes?

EDIT- I DID notice that the 30k sell wall manbearwhale thing got very little mention anywhere but the most entrenched niche news sources. The sell wall and the reletive ease with which it manipulated the price, not to mention....who exactly was responsable for that???  IS interesting news imho.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: ANTIcentralized on October 07, 2014, 04:31:29 AM
EDIT- I DID notice that the 30k sell wall manbearwhale thing got very little mention anywhere but the most entrenched niche news sources. The sell wall and the reletive ease with which it manipulated the price, not to mention....who exactly was responsable for that???  IS interesting news imho.
It is not usually news when someone sells a large amount of a stock at one price in the same fashion that the bear whale sold 30k BTC yesterday. I would say that it was noticed by the bitcoin community because the price is watched very closely however a $9 million order will commonly take place every minute on large cap stocks on the NYSE

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: randayh on October 07, 2014, 04:37:44 AM
Now is when money is made.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: jaybits on October 07, 2014, 10:35:48 AM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on


Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: CryptoCarmen on October 07, 2014, 12:52:18 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on


You want to say that BTC was already on the moon and left its trace there and left?

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: ChuckBuck on October 07, 2014, 12:53:53 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on


Dam does that mean Bitcoin price crashed into the sun.   :(

Up in flames like my coin hoard!   8)

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Elwar on October 07, 2014, 01:35:56 PM
There was as many articles about this weekend's crash as there were about the Silk Road crash 1 year ago.

Prices never recovered after all of that negative attention.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Q7 on October 07, 2014, 01:44:12 PM
Maybe those that kept on urging people to buy and hold in the past is now facing with the dilemma on how to put together nice stories. Maybe not.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on October 07, 2014, 03:09:24 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on


seems like mars

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: cellard on October 07, 2014, 04:17:05 PM
I see Bitcoin articles pretty frequently in big economic sites and even CNN and what not.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: GailSan on October 07, 2014, 05:02:58 PM
If its any consolation...

People like me can now get in to BTC. I just bought my first couple the other day.
When they were $600 the entry price was just to much. Actually I lied when I say I
just bought a couple the other day. I bought $350 of btc 8 months ago (?). I took it to
an exchange and promptly bought Aurora coin which of course promptly sank. I ended
up selling for about $12.

That was my first experience with BTC/Crypto and just being an average every day bloke
I couldnt afford to buy bits of btc and try again when they were $600+. Now though I can,
and am even prepared to take more risk because of their lower price.
Point is I surely cant be alone. There must be many others who can now consider getting in
on the Crypto scene. Of course if btc crashed to nothing....but I really dont see that happening.
I see the btc price drop as an opportunity. Of course for those that hold a lot of btc it wont feel
like that so I can empathise. But they should hold their coins because the newbies are coming.  :o

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: BADecker on October 07, 2014, 05:33:31 PM
I just love all you Bitcoin naysayers. Maybe, just maybe you will scare a lot of people into selling. The price will go down, and when I am comfortable with the low price, I will buy a lot.

When fiat crashes, Bitcoin just might be the world trade savior. Might even be local trade savior. But even if it's not, it WILL make things easier until we get a new money system going. That's where I will make out big.


Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: blastmaster on October 07, 2014, 08:13:59 PM
I am rather surprised at their rather muted reaction. I would have thought they would be all over this trying to kick Bitcoin when it's down...

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: RodeoX on October 07, 2014, 08:24:36 PM
Maybe a lot of them still remember the egg on their face after pronouncing bitcoin dead. Which has happened like a hundred times.

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: virtualx on October 07, 2014, 08:33:39 PM
The mainstream media which reports even small incidents bad about bitcoin is completely silent!

There is something going on

Perhaps they are afraid to become a troll box. This dive is somehow different, indeed.
Some headlines:

How Bitcoin Could Save Journalism and the Arts - Time Magazine   Oct 07 08:03am
Accepting Bitcoin Payments Increasingly Looks Like Smart Business - Entrepreneur via Yahoo! Finance   Oct 06 01:00pm
Bitcoin tumbles-are investors losing faith? - CNBC via Yahoo! Finance   Oct 05 11:16pm

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: 51percemt on October 08, 2014, 02:14:56 AM
I am rather surprised at their rather muted reaction. I would have thought they would be all over this trying to kick Bitcoin when it's down...
The media generally will try to be as unbiased as possible (at least is the case for the MSM). If a media outlet appears to be especially biased in any particular subject then it will lose it's credibility.

The media also has no reason to dislike bitcoin as it could potentially help them in the future with payments for ad sales (it would be easy to facilitate such payments with bitcoin) 

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: philiveyjr on October 08, 2014, 05:51:18 AM
I just love all you Bitcoin naysayers. Maybe, just maybe you will scare a lot of people into selling. The price will go down, and when I am comfortable with the low price, I will buy a lot.

When fiat crashes, Bitcoin just might be the world trade savior. Might even be local trade savior. But even if it's not, it WILL make things easier until we get a new money system going. That's where I will make out big.


Im banking on the same thing.!! I think is will join the mainstream soon..n actually become a trade savior.! Cant wait for that day to come.!! :)

Title: Re: Did you notice the silence about this bitcoin crash in Mainstream media!
Post by: Elwar on October 08, 2014, 09:54:42 AM
I am rather surprised at their rather muted reaction. I would have thought they would be all over this trying to kick Bitcoin when it's down...
The media generally will try to be as unbiased as possible (at least is the case for the MSM). If a media outlet appears to be especially biased in any particular subject then it will lose it's credibility.

The media also has no reason to dislike bitcoin as it could potentially help them in the future with payments for ad sales (it would be easy to facilitate such payments with bitcoin)

Welcome to the world. Have you seen the news yet?