Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 03:24:39 AM

Title: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 03:24:39 AM

"I sense mild panic as the  Mods start to delete my posts re advice to Patrick Byrne."


"unprecedented -:  deletes my post re advice to Patrick Byrne - going to request freedom at cryptocointalk"


Get in before it's deleted !

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: iGotSpots on October 08, 2014, 03:26:29 AM
Or just don't spam bump your own thread that nobody cares about?

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 03:27:37 AM
Or just don't spam bump your own thread that nobody cares about?

ha ha ha.

great one. … link to my deleted screen shot -  why delete this if there is nothing to hide? #fragilestates


@Kolin_Quark @OverstockCEO @counterpartint come view before its deleted ! save Patrick from the info ! #SavePatrickFromInformation

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: robinwilliams on October 08, 2014, 03:34:19 AM
Panicking about what?

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 03:38:20 AM
Panicking about what?

I offered Patrick some advice - apparently panicking from that.

that's it changing offer - its free now, the info is free Patrick, I want nothing , contact me before this is deleted. 

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 03:40:27 AM
it's unfortunate to be censored, but unfortunately the way of things as our planet is set up this way.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: Spoetnik on October 08, 2014, 12:03:13 PM
they deleted some of my shit yesterday too and i bet i know who and why etc etc etc
not a first they do it to me on a schedule.. every once in a while i got 5 or 6 pm's with a bunch of comments deleted LOL
seems pretty damn random and often just senseless.. most of the time it's one comment they "think" is trolling
and then the rest is comments that are short like "i agree i like and use Bittrex too" i said on a topic the other day.
pretty funny because i get nagged to hell and back non stop for posting long comments and soon as i post short ones
..they deleted  ::)

the pricks here jerk me both way sat all times non stop and it gets old.

you have to log into your main account so you can do random attacks then hide back into shell accounts..
then you can get away with bloody murder around here.

soooooooooo much games being played i've watched the same pricks here doing the same old bs non stop for a year and a half.
and where is ?

Mullick ?
BitJohn ?
iGotSpots ?
Elliot ?
LaudaM ?
Baritus ?
i could go and on with names of well known guys that have done a disappearing act..

see where i am going with this ?

you all think these guys left ?
fuck to the no ..

account hopping and games            .

guys your not smart me.  ::)
from scamming pricks

oh and you have to GUESS because i have never seen or heard of moderator activity that came with ANY explanation.
classy shit right there  ::)

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: illodin on October 08, 2014, 01:55:59 PM
If I was a mod and had to read through every Spoetnik and digitalindustry post I would kill myself.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 05:30:55 PM
If I was a mod and had to read through every Spoetnik and digitalindustry post I would kill myself.

Thats a completely fair and understandable comment , but, this was clearly motivated, and now if they read the blog there was nothing to "worry" about basically anyhow.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: robinwilliams on October 08, 2014, 05:31:38 PM
If I was a mod and had to read through every Spoetnik and digitalindustry post I would kill myself.

Thats a completely fair and understandable comment , but, this was clearly motivated, and now if they read the blog there was nothing to "worry" about basically anyhow.

dude.  it's an issue of nobody caring.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: iampingu on October 08, 2014, 05:32:37 PM
they deleted some of my shit yesterday too and i bet i know who and why etc etc etc
not a first they do it to me on a schedule.. every once in a while i got 5 or 6 pm's with a bunch of comments deleted LOL
seems pretty damn random and often just senseless.. most of the time it's one comment they "think" is trolling
and then the rest is comments that are short like "i agree i like and use Bittrex too" i said on a topic the other day.
pretty funny because i get nagged to hell and back non stop for posting long comments and soon as i post short ones
..they deleted  ::)

the pricks here jerk me both way sat all times non stop and it gets old.

you have to log into your main account so you can do random attacks then hide back into shell accounts..
then you can get away with bloody murder around here.

soooooooooo much games being played i've watched the same pricks here doing the same old bs non stop for a year and a half.
and where is ?

Mullick ?
BitJohn ?
iGotSpots ?
Elliot ?
LaudaM ?
Baritus ?
i could go and on with names of well known guys that have done a disappearing act..

see where i am going with this ?

you all think these guys left ?
fuck to the no ..

account hopping and games            .

guys your not smart me.  ::)
from scamming pricks

oh and you have to GUESS because i have never seen or heard of moderator activity that came with ANY explanation.
classy shit right there  ::)

RS?????!?!?!?!!?!? lol

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: digitalindustry on October 08, 2014, 05:34:40 PM
If I was a mod and had to read through every Spoetnik and digitalindustry post I would kill myself.

Thats a completely fair and understandable comment , but, this was clearly motivated, and now if they read the blog there was nothing to "worry" about basically anyhow.

dude.  it's an issue of nobody caring.

Someone cared enough to spend valuable caloric energy and delete the post.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: reRaise on October 08, 2014, 05:40:26 PM
Please bann digitalindustry mods, he is a crypto scammer and manipulator, he also got banned from the quark reddit and community. Just see his rating tells enough. Since november i have witnessesed lots of trouble, noise, trolling, scamming and manipulation this guy has been causing. He doesn't belong in btctalk. He is very annoying and spreads lies and distrust to members and newcomers here who are doing their best for their crypto. Bann him please.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: iampingu on October 08, 2014, 08:24:07 PM
Please bann digitalindustry mods, he is a crypto scammer and manipulator, he also got banned from the quark reddit and community. Just see his rating tells enough. Since november i have witnessesed lots of trouble, noise, trolling, scamming and manipulation this guy has been causing. He doesn't belong in btctalk. He is very annoying and spreads lies and distrust to members and newcomers here who are doing their best for their crypto. Bann him please.

manipulation - welcome to the real world
trouble - welcome to bitcointalk
trolling - same as aforementioned
noise - welcome to the internet
scamming - proof needed

spreads lies and distrust - welcome to crypto where people have differing opinions

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: quarkfx on October 09, 2014, 12:19:11 AM
it's unfortunate to be censored, but unfortunately the way of things as our planet is set up this way.

Poor digitalindustry/spoetnik, I have to disappoint you. There is no conspiracy that attempts to silence your revolutionary ideas and insights: I (and most likely other annoyed forum users) reported posts of yours to the moderators because you were repeatedly violating forum rules. I know you havenīt read them or think they donīt apply to you, but since you are passing basically your whole life time here, I can only recommend them to you as literature.

Why have your posts been deleted? Because YOU REPEATEDLY POSTED 2, 3 OR EVEN MORE POSTS AFTER ANOTHER INSTEAD OF SIMPLY EDITING ONE. So, no, mods donīt care for you and your baloney - they just care for readable threads (like me).

The message is easy, so I guess you might understand it: Comply with the forum rules you agreed to when you joined the forum and your posts wonīt get deleted. If you donīt agree with the forum rules, you are free to leave and discuss with yourself on your premium subreddit/echo chamber that didnīt even manage to unite a decent numbers of sockpuppets. Unless you donīt quite catch the difference between freedom of speech and intentionally violating community guidelines your spamming posts will (fortunately) be deleted. I think mprep is doing a good job here and Iīll be happy to report more posts if you donīt understand what a forum is (a place where people discuss, not flood others to death as you regularly do).

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: grue on October 09, 2014, 12:25:13 AM
I deleted some of your posts because you were constantly posting "updates" to bump up your post, which goes against forum rules. I also sent you a warning the same day.

This topic is in the same vain as this one:

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: DFS on October 09, 2014, 05:12:45 AM
Is this one of those posts where the OP thinks he's done nothing wrong, blames someone else, and then have it backfire?

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: Vortex20000 on October 11, 2014, 06:30:41 AM
Is this one of those posts where the OP thinks he's done nothing wrong, blames someone else, and then have it backfire?
Apparently so.

Bravo! First guess.

Title: Re: Tweets about my new (finally) Censorship -
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on October 11, 2014, 11:23:25 AM
Can we please get rid of the alt crypto section now?