Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: capoeira on October 13, 2014, 12:45:34 PM

Title: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: capoeira on October 13, 2014, 12:45:34 PM
so I was blocked 7 days for "spammin / unsubstantial posts"
I'm realy afraid to post now. user theymos pointed out on reddit that the 2 following 2 posts where unsubstantial. I'm asking you please to have a look at my posts and point out others, just so that I have a defenition for unsubstantial.

I'm thanking you in advance for you response since i can't thank you afterwards: thanks

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: Foxpup on October 13, 2014, 01:52:05 PM
For a post to be substantial, it has to contribute to a discussion in a meaningful way. It contributes nothing to merely say you agree or disagree with a post; everybody already knows that a given post will be agreed with by some people and disagreed with by others, so saying so doesn't provide any new information. It is more meaningful to say why you agree or disagree with a post, or how it relates to your own situation or experiences.

Here's another post I would consider insubstantial:
signing up!

address: 18JGX59bChbNUt762HLk9dQcpFSjc3pNeH

This is your only post until now?  ;D

lol. funny guy
I'm sure everyone with a sense of humour can see for themselves exactly how funny or unfunny this guy is. You saying so contributes nothing to the conversation. His funny comment is not even directed at you or involves you in any way.

And another:
This isn't even an actual response to the topic. Literally nobody needs or wants to read it. If you want to be notified of new responses to a thread, click the watch button at the page. I'm actually surprised this post wasn't deleted on sight.

I've also noticed that most of your posts, while not completely insubstantial, don't have much substance. You might want to try elaborating on your opinions more.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: capoeira on October 13, 2014, 02:02:37 PM
For a post to be substantial, it has to contribute to a discussion in a meaningful way. It contributes nothing to merely say you agree or disagree with a post; everybody already knows that a given post will be agreed with by some people and disagreed with by others, so saying so doesn't provide any new information. It is more meaningful to say why you agree or disagree with a post, or how it relates to your own situation or experiences.

Here's another post I would consider insubstantial:
signing up!

address: 18JGX59bChbNUt762HLk9dQcpFSjc3pNeH

This is your only post until now?  ;D

lol. funny guy
I'm sure everyone with a sense of humour can see for themselves exactly how funny or unfunny this guy is. You saying so contributes nothing to the conversation. His funny comment is not even directed at you or involves you in any way.

And another:
This isn't even an actual response to the topic. Literally nobody needs or wants to read it. If you want to be notified of new responses to a thread, click the watch button at the page. I'm actually surprised this post wasn't deleted on sight.

I've also noticed that most of your posts, while not completely insubstantial, don't have much substance. You might want to try elaborating on your opinions more.

I agree with the first one. I actually wasn't aware that I can't coment freely at this time. I always thought: If i'm not spamming or being offtopic, i'm i know better
the second one: why did I post this? it was just to give the dev a feedback that i'm interested. I followed a link to this post in another topic. but yea, now I understand the strict rules I see the insusbstantialness. do you think "hey dev, i'm very interested in this project..keep the work going" would be sustantial? you see my problem? I'm not sure if it would be or not substantial

anyway, as I'm now allowed, I thank you for your help

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: shorena on October 13, 2014, 02:20:26 PM
A few bad posts are not an issue. Its not like you allways have to make lengthy posts and explain your point of view in great detail. The "haha funny" one liners however should (IMHO) be rare occasions. That beeing said a single word can sometimes be usefull and helpfull. E.g. if some asks whether they understand a certain concept.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: Foxpup on October 13, 2014, 02:37:53 PM
do you think "hey dev, i'm very interested in this project..keep the work going" would be sustantial?
Better, though still borderline. It at least makes your meaning clear.

And don't get me wrong, it's not about length at all. Quality, not quantity. A single word can be meaningful (and an entire essay meaningless), and there's much to be said for brevity, it's just that if the word is "agree", "+1", or something along those lines, it simply isn't.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: BadBear on October 14, 2014, 06:11:02 AM
I'm not going to nitpick over specific posts, but my advice is to look at your posts objectively (no matter your intentions), keeping in mind that you are including advertising with all your posts, and on top of that you are being paid per post. We don't judge people based on one or two posts, there are several things I look at to make my determinations.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: capoeira on October 14, 2014, 11:23:24 AM
I'm not going to nitpick over specific posts, but my advice is to look at your posts objectively (no matter your intentions), keeping in mind that you are including advertising with all your posts, and on top of that you are being paid per post. We don't judge people based on one or two posts, there are several things I look at to make my determinations.

well, while "unsubstantial posts" is allready subjective, what you say is even more. I actualy looked at my post objectivly, and the only thing I see is "this guy doesn't write long texts"

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: hilariousandco on October 14, 2014, 11:35:27 AM
I'm not going to nitpick over specific posts, but my advice is to look at your posts objectively (no matter your intentions), keeping in mind that you are including advertising with all your posts, and on top of that you are being paid per post. We don't judge people based on one or two posts, there are several things I look at to make my determinations.

well, while "unsubstantial posts" is allready subjective, what you say is even more. I actualy looked at my post objectivly, and the only thing I see is "this guy doesn't write long texts"

It is subjective, but at the end of the day it's down to the staff's interpretation of what is and isn't substantial. When I look at most of your posts I see little effort going in and no real attempt at contributing to a discussion or offering an insightful opinion. Take a look at Shorena's contributions for a good example. He's always making insightful and helpful posts and his opinions further discussion and it doesn't look like he's just put the bare minimum into posting. You don't even need to write as much as he does, but just add a bit of thought to your posts and you'll be fine.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: BadBear on October 14, 2014, 01:21:29 PM
I'm not going to nitpick over specific posts, but my advice is to look at your posts objectively (no matter your intentions), keeping in mind that you are including advertising with all your posts, and on top of that you are being paid per post. We don't judge people based on one or two posts, there are several things I look at to make my determinations.

well, while "unsubstantial posts" is allready subjective, what you say is even more. I actualy looked at my post objectivly, and the only thing I see is "this guy doesn't write long texts"

Yes it is almost entirely subjective and based on opinion. Doesn't mean it's wrong, just means you disagree. I would remind you though, there has been a lot of trust placed in my opinions, and I think I've shown myself to be fair, just, and consistent over the years. So while you can disagree, I would encourage you to make more of an effort to see it from my point of view and make some alterations to your posting style if you plan to continue advertising in your posts.

You asked for advice and you got it, from several good sources. What you do with it is up to you.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: on October 14, 2014, 01:33:55 PM
make some alterations to your posting style if you plan to continue advertising in your posts.

So what you are saying is that the staff is reviewing advertising very closely but the objections/bans/punishments only come out for those that do not pay to advertise?  If you pay for ads then the staff argues that they should not check on the advertisers and it is not their responsibility?  Interesting system.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: capoeira on October 14, 2014, 01:34:05 PM
I'm not going to nitpick over specific posts, but my advice is to look at your posts objectively (no matter your intentions), keeping in mind that you are including advertising with all your posts, and on top of that you are being paid per post. We don't judge people based on one or two posts, there are several things I look at to make my determinations.

well, while "unsubstantial posts" is allready subjective, what you say is even more. I actualy looked at my post objectivly, and the only thing I see is "this guy doesn't write long texts"

Yes it is almost entirely subjective and based on opinion. Doesn't mean it's wrong, just means you disagree. I would remind you though, there has been a lot of trust placed in my opinions, and I think I've shown myself to be fair, just, and consistent over the years. So while you can disagree, you should make an effort to see it from my point of view and make some alterations to your posting style if you plan to continue advertising in your posts.

You asked for advice and you got it, from several good sources. What you do with it is up to you.

I am in no position to claim nothing here. I am concious that this forum is centralized and that you guys make the rules and interpret them. my answer wasn't even a claim, just a statement; for you can see how interpretation in the internet is dificult.
I am very thankfull for the advices. I probably just finish my contract since I don't want headache in the future. I hope that my recent 3 or 4 posts outside this topic are ok. Thanks a lot. Thanks for this forum

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: BadBear on October 14, 2014, 02:13:00 PM
make some alterations to your posting style if you plan to continue advertising in your posts.

So what you are saying is that the staff is reviewing advertising very closely but the objections/bans/punishments only come out for those that do not pay to advertise?  If you pay for ads then the staff argues that they should not check on the advertisers and it is not their responsibility?  Interesting system.

I don't care about ads themselves, I care about the spam generated by it. 

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: on October 14, 2014, 05:35:49 PM
make some alterations to your posting style if you plan to continue advertising in your posts.

So what you are saying is that the staff is reviewing advertising very closely but the objections/bans/punishments only come out for those that do not pay to advertise?  If you pay for ads then the staff argues that they should not check on the advertisers and it is not their responsibility?  Interesting system.

I don't care about ads themselves, I care about the spam generated by it. 

Running questionable ads generates many postings complaining about it. 

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: crazy-pilot on October 15, 2014, 06:21:17 AM

This is an example of what you should not be doing. You essentially narcoed a thread for no reason and added nothing to the discussion. The OP of that thread was almost certainly not still offering this loan (he only has 3 posts) and the thread had not been posted in for months. You then not only asked what would essentially be an irrelevant question but also responded to someone saying that you bumped a thread for no reason saying that you were hoping to get information about ripple.

A more appropriate solution would have been to create a new thread (I am not 100% sure the most appropriate section - either marketplace or currency exchange) to ask how ripple works.

Title: Re: @mods - coming back after a 7 days block. afraid to post now. asking for advice
Post by: capoeira on October 15, 2014, 10:08:45 PM

This is an example of what you should not be doing. You essentially narcoed a thread for no reason and added nothing to the discussion. The OP of that thread was almost certainly not still offering this loan (he only has 3 posts) and the thread had not been posted in for months. You then not only asked what would essentially be an irrelevant question but also responded to someone saying that you bumped a thread for no reason saying that you were hoping to get information about ripple.

A more appropriate solution would have been to create a new thread (I am not 100% sure the most appropriate section - either marketplace or currency exchange) to ask how ripple works.

I deleted all posts. I will always open a new thread now