Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Elokane on October 18, 2014, 10:27:57 PM

Title: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
Post by: Elokane on October 18, 2014, 10:27:57 PM


    With current social networks, you are not the client. You are the product being sold.
    The value you create by being a part of the network flows upwards immediately, reaching only a select few: those in control of the network. With Synereo, a completely decentralized and distributed network, you are in control. The value you create stays in your hands.

    Synereo is a next-gen social network that puts security, identity, and community management directly under your purview, respecting your attention and rewarding you for your activity on the network.

    Synereo: Syn=Together; Rheo=Flow


    The beauty of recent developments based on the innovative Bitcoin blockchain technology is that they allow the public to claim control over previously centralized endeavours. By creating automated, trustless interactions over the network, we can now build systems that do not require concentrated power to maintain order. Rather, the power is spread throughout the network and is left in our hands, the active participants in it.

    The Bitcoin revolution has brought us control over our money. In this position of control, we are its owners and we decide what to do with it, uninhibited by the interests of those in positions of great influence. Synereo is attempting to do the same, only with the fundamental social tool of the Information Age - the social network.

    With current social networks, you are not the client. You are the product being sold - and for huge sums of money that you will never see. These massive corporations maintain extensive databases characterizing your behavior in an attempt to exploit the content that you create and the networks that you build with your friends and family. They’ve tapped into your deeply human need to socialize, with no respect for your privacy or psychological well-being, to turn your life into an endless marketing opportunity.  

    Your Identity is valuable. Your

    • Curiosity
    • Hobbies
    • Habits
    • Sexuality
    • Aspirations
    • Relationships

    All carry monetary value. Everything you do online is being tracked and monetized for someone else’s financial gain. And while these corporations tap into our most basic of needs, they demonstrate the ability ( - and, as a publicly traded company, a reason - to adjust their algorithms in a way that affects human behavior on a large scale.

    We’re now in a unique position to take this power back from our social networks, to keep the value we create for ourselves, and put it to work for us. By disconnecting the application from its current axiom of generating revenue for its corporate owner, we can move development in the direction of supporting the network and its users. It becomes an ever-evolving social product, shaped to facilitate our need and desire to communicate.

    Meet Synereo.

    Synereo is a next-gen social network. It is:

    • Unconstrained by the financial desires of its operators
    • Impossible to take down
    • Rewarding for content creators
    • As private and as unmonitored as you want it to be
    • Devoid of any center of control
    • Designed to value your attention through direct compensation
    • A better system for social organization online (

    What is unique about the Synereo network?

    Your attention is worth money

    No more will your time and attention on social networks be monetized by centralized powers. You are the direct beneficiary of the value of your attention. If someone wants it - a politician, a corporation, or your favorite party producer - they pay you directly.

    A token with an inherent value

    AMPs, Synereo’s content flow currency, serve as a way to Amplify the flow of information in the network. AMPing content increases its ability to propagate to peers and the chances of it being seen by more users. This gives them an inherent market value, as any business or individual wishing to bring information to your attention non-organically has to pay you with AMPs for it.

    A next-gen social network

    Synereo is built from the bottom-up to maximize the efficiency of the Attention Economy, an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as the scarce commodity, and the flow of attention as critical for organizing and managing a social network. Treating your attention as having an inherent power to influence your reputation and communities is critical for putting our social networks back in their users' control.

    The network model is based on physical principles of electrical current flow and implements insights from the function of the neural networks of the brain to create a unique ecosystem where information is directed to where it will be appreciated and utilized well. This creates a stream of information that is most relevant to the user and their communities, and that will promote the generation, curation, and engagement with content on the network.

    Completely decentralized and distributed

    The core of Synereo is fully decentralized and distributed, relying on modern peer-to-peer technologies. These are used for all of the important functions of the network:

    • Conveying encrypted communications
    • Storing these communications and all other data created on Synereo
    • Executing application logic functions

    There is never any single point of failure. The system cannot be taken down.

    You own your information

    Synereo is completely proofed against spying. Using asymmetric encryption, you are free to decide who may or may not view your profile and the content you create. Even the creators of the network have no power to overrule your choice.

    Your speech is protected. Your account may never be blocked or restricted: you are free to express yourself to whomever wishes to hear what you have to say.

    Does not rely on the centralized Internet

    Synereo is Mesh-Network compatible, and does not rely on the centralized Internet.

    The system cannot be blocked or restricted by centralized powers such as governments or Internet service providers. The network can never be shut down. Synereo is innately compatible with distributed, peer-to-peer wireless network technologies, assuring that as long as smart devices are in range, no central Internet service provider is required for smooth functioning.

    You own your identity. You own your communities

    You are free to construct and present your identity as you see fit, including both plural identities and complete anonymity. You may even post anonymously to your established network of friends. Synereo understands how your identities vary across the many networks you participate in, and is built to minimize the constraints on your expression, and to maximize the diversity of the communities you can form and the interactions you may have.

    Unique interaction types

    Beyond traditional social networking tools and supercharging content with AMPs, Synereo gives the user a variety of tools for managing their networks. Think consensus checks within a community to determine the collective attitude towards some event or cause, or built-in fundraising tools and collaborative scheduling apps for putting that community to work.

    The electrical flow analogy lets us imagine the user as a gatekeeper to their communities of engagement, controlling how information flows into an out of a Synereo. Imagine business offering discounts and bonuses for passing their messages along to your friends. Imagine putting your social networks to work for the causes that matter most to you.

    Every interaction on Synereo is handled by a smart contract. These contracts are infinitely expandable, allowing our community of users to invent new and interesting ways to interact.

    Who benefits from Synereo?

    • You, the user. By contributing to the strength and health of the network and participating in the Attention Economy, you receive tokens that you can use to Amplify your voice or to sell on the market. These tokens have an inherent value, as they can be used to increase the chances of a message getting a user’s attention. The more you do for the network, the more your attention is worth.

    • You, the content producer. Through direct compensation for user-generated content, Synereo puts users back in control of their content, to rise and fall directly on the support and passion of its community. Synereo makes it easy to find your communities and grow your project on your terms.

    • Advertisers. Advertisers allocate significant resources in an attempt to optimize the reach of their campaigns and outsmart content delivery algorithms. An entire ecosystem of advertising middlemen profit from programmatic advertising; buying and selling ad spaces, bidding for your attention in real time, using retargeting mechanism and attribution models, and generally adding nothing to the quality of the content.
      Based on our novel attention model, Synereo will provide advertisers with the full gamut of tools necessary to reach their natural audiences, decimating the costs otherwise lost to both these advertising middlemen and to the centralized platform.

    • People living in communication-restricted countries that cannot access non-decentralized social networks. Due to the underlying technological nature of the protocol, it is impossible to restrict access to it or take it down, just like with Bitcoin.

    • People who do not wish for the NSA and other such entities to be aware of every detail of their lives. Using the same cryptographic principles underlying the Bitcoin technology, each user of the system may choose his level of privacy, which will be impenetrable to everyone, including the developers of the system.

    Synereo AMPs: A Voice Amplifier

    AMPs, Synereo’s tokens, serve as a way to Amplify the flow of information in the network, increasing its ability to propagate to peers. They work in two ways:

    1) A user may Amplify his own posts: status messages, pictures, created events, etc. Depending on the amount of AMPs used, the post will gain greater visibility in the feed of his Synereo friends - and in adjacent, connected Synereos through them. A user may also Amplify his friends’ posts in such a manner, helping to propagate the friends’ messages. Thus, a group of friends may band around a common interest and Amplify it together, making sure it is heard as it reaches more of their collective Synereo.

    The originator of Amplified content will receive a portion of the AMPs invested by his peers. Another small portion will be used for the maintenance of the platform and as rewards for “mining”. The majority of AMPs will go to those who are exposed to the content, compensating them for their time and attention.

    2) Advertisers may use AMPs to created sponsored messages, reaching target audiences based on their interests and activity on the network. NOTE: A user of the system may always opt-out of receiving messages from specific advertisers, about specific topics, or altogether.

    Most of the AMPs used to advertise to you will be paid to you directly. This is a way to gain from your participation in the network and from the value you generate for it. The more you participate, the more the network is familiar with you and your interests, and the more influence you have on the network, the more your attention is worth!

    How are AMPs allocated initially?

    1) AMPs can be bought during an initial crowdfunding phase which will fund the development of Synereo and its deployment. We are in touch with various escrow service providers to provide our backers with a smooth and secure solution. Sign up on to receive updates!

    2) Registering for Synereo and migrating your information from an existing social network account.

    3) Expanding Synereo by inviting users who register on the network and migrate to it.

    4) Bounties. People working to contribute to the development, deployment, and expansion of the network will receive AMP rewards for their efforts. More information coming soon!

    The Attention Model

    Attention Model Presentations:
    Chapter 1 (

    Synereo is built from the ground-up using a novel model that is based on Attention Economy ( principles. This is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as the scarce commodity. Treating your attention as having an inherent power to influence your reputation and communities is critical for putting our social networks back in their users’ control.

    The model is based on physical principles of electrical current flow and implements insights from the function of the neural networks of the brain to create a unique ecosystem where information is directed to where it will be appreciated and utilized well. For the user, this creates a stream of information that is most relevant to him and that promises to lead to the sort of engagement that complements his Synereo best.

    As content has grown increasingly abundant and immediately available on the Internet, attention has become the limiting factor in the consumption of information. Attention economics applies insights from cognitive science and artificial intelligence to enable content consumers, producers, and intermediaries to better manage the flow of information.

    In a sense, Synereo is an organic collaborative filtering system. One where information flows to you not because a machine learned a rule for analyzing your behavior on the net, but because your networks have been shaped in a particular manner based how and your peers allocate your attention. This allows communities to self-organize and develop on their own terms.  

    In our model, each user - a node on the network - connects with other users around it in two different ways:

    1) By forming “superconductive” connections with other users, creating a “Home Synereo” for himself
    2) By joining topical Synereos - a cross between a group and a hashtag - and forming looser connections with others interested in specific ideas and subjects


    Every user in Synereo has a “Reo” score in his Home Synereo and for each of the other Synereos he joins. This is an indication of his ability to produce and facilitate content worthy of attention. By posting high-quality content that is appreciated by others, a user’s Reo increases. By engaging with the content of others, a user’s Reo can influence the way that content flows across the network.

    Users with high Reo in a Synereo enjoy many benefits:

    • Their content gets more organic exposure
    • They receive more AMPs for their attention
    • The content they see has a higher chance of being relevant to them

    The more Reo a user has, the more his attention is worth, and the more it costs to attract. To reach a user with a high Reo score, content must either be posted by someone with high Reo, receive attention from others first, or be from a close friend within a Synereo.

    On top of these options, content may be AMPed, ensuring that more people of higher Reo are reached. Amping content increases its exposure in the Synereos it’s posted to, making your voice heard over others’.

    This Amplification system is what gives Synereo’s token, the AMP, its inherent value. And while your friends and interest groups will not necessary use AMPs in day to day activities, advertisers wishing to send unsolicited information your way will have to use it to pay you for your attention.

    Note: a person of any Reo score going over a stream will eventually be able to view all content posted to any Synereo they are in.

    With these tools, Synereo allows an individual’s reputation to develop as a consequence of their social activity and through feedback from a community of peers. Human culture has always been the emergent product of this dynamic interplay between individual and community identity. Making this dynamic explicit by quantifying social influence will bring the project of social networking to the next level.

    Synereo will let you see how your actions influence those around you.
    Synereo will help you learn who you are and how well you fit in your vast social network.
    Synereo will help teach you what your networks need, and will reward you for your help.  
    Our Synereos will help us all work together a little bit better than we could before.

    The above describes only the essence of the model and puts it in words. For the full picture, see our Attention Model White Paper - coming soon, as we are getting a defensive patent.

    Advertising on Synereo

    Facebook’s advertising revenue for Q2 2014 was $2.68 Billion. This is the sum of money that was spent for Facebook content visibility alone, and does not account for resources invested in the creation of the content being advertized or the middlemen optimizing this process.

    This grand economy relies on us - the users of the social network - in its entirety, but we do not share in its gains. Advertisers on these networks are not happy campers, either. The advertising platforms, along with the service providers, are profiteering middlemen that take a major cut for supplying your attention to them.

    How is advertising on Synereo different?

    • Synereo users are a real part of the advertising ecosystem rather than merely existing as pawns on someone else’s playing board. The advertisers’ funds do not remain in the hands of major corporations, but are delivered straight to potential customers around the globe as a form of compensation for their attention.

    • Synereo enables a two-way relationship between advertisers and prospects. Advertisers can target specific Synereos, contributing AMPs to causes, communities, organizations or projects - and the people that enable them. On the other hand, an advertising campaign initiated by a popular charity or cause can maintain minimal advertising spend while relying completely on "crowdsourced" AMPing by its supporters.

    • Synereo’s information flow logic greatly benefits advertisers who have committed to content excellence, increasing the spread of content engaged with by users recognized for their curation abilities and positive influence on the network; their ability to contribute to the attention economy underlying Synereo.

    • Similar to real-world viral campaigns, a well planned advertising effort would target influencers of the relevant topics and audiences to the campaign with excellent content that, if appreciated, will be distributed on Synereo organically rather than by “brute forcing” it with AMPs.
      The lesser the quality of the content you see, the more you will be compensated for it!

    • Brands may create “smart contracts” (see below) with influential “brand ambassadors” to distribute content to their Synereos. These ambassadors will aim to bring high quality content that may be appreciated by their peers, or their ability to influence their Synereo further will suffer.

    The technology

    The core of Synereo is fully decentralized and distributed, relying on modern peer-to-peer technologies. These are used for all of the important functions of the network: conveying encrypted communications, storing these communications and other data created on Synereo, and executing application logic functions in a consensual, peer-approved manner.

    This ensures that:

    • There is never any single point of failure. The system cannot be taken down as long as there are users interested in its operation.

    • The system is completely proofed against spying. Using asymmetric encryption (, you are free to decide who may or may not view your profile and the content you create. Even the creators of the system have no power to overrule your choice.

    • Your speech is protected. Your account may never be blocked or restricted: you are free to express yourself to whomever wishes to hear what you have to say.

    • The system cannot be blocked or restricted by centralized powers such as governments or Internet service providers. Unless the Internet is shut down, Synereo remains accessible!

    • But the network can never be shut down! Synereo technology is innately compatible with mesh networks, assuring that as long as smart devices are in range, no central Internet service provider is required for smooth functioning.

    Utilizing the same concepts and framework brought on by the Bitcoin blockchain, each user will acquire a private key that provides him with access to his identity on the network. This will allow users to send and receive all forms of communications with as much privacy as they wish to have and form networks with friends using their unique identifiers.

    To accomplish our goals, we will have to innovate technologically. However, there exists working proof of concepts for all of the tools which will underlie the platform we aim to create, and so we believe that the technological risk involved is small. We also have many fallback plans allowing us to build Synereo using less complex technologies while slowly implementing the full feature set required for the complete realization of this project.

    We are currently in talks with representatives from major next-gen crypto-protocols to determine whether we can collaborate on creating our system. We are reviewing the state of the technologies and will decide whether any of these platforms are mature enough to reliably base our project on or if it will be simpler and faster to build something directly serving our needs, which are more focused.

    The application

    We aim to provide an experience that is in line with the cutting edge of modern social networks - at the minimum. Users will be able to form communities, create events and pages, privately message each other, post status updates, pictures and videos, and so on.
    The open-source and extensible nature of the technologies used will allow constant improvement to the functionality and user experience at all levels, and those will take into account our actual needs rather than rely on the capitalistic drive to increase the money-raking potential of the system.

    At its core, Synereo is about allowing you to maximize your use of time and attention. You will be able to customize the default layout such that you’re exposed to your preferred information stream - arranged based on the design our attention model has prepared just for you - or sorted in any other way you like.


    At Synereo, we are well aware that there is a barrier to the creation and successful operation of a new social network - even if it’s a next-generation one.

    We are all heavily invested in current social networks. They have our entire social network activity history, interests, group affiliations, and so on - along with the huge user base already there to play with it. They have our information - we gave it to them willingly - and they know what our networks’ topologies are.

    Fortunately for us, this information has been ruled to be our property - and we are free to take it and go elsewhere!

    To facilitate this operation and make it seamless for you, we are going to create the tools required for you to enjoy a simple and automatic migration process, allowing you to carry over ALL of your social activity history and network information over to Synereo - or any portion of it that you desire. (Some of us would be happy to get a fresh start!)

    Not only that, but we will also highly reward those of you who choose to migrate and seed the network with their information, now under their direct and unwavering control.

    The team

    Dor Konforty

    Dor started mining Bitcoin on May 2011, and has been living and breathing crypto since.
    An expert on collaboration on the net and the wisdom of crowds, he is the architect of Uru, a novel online deliberation system. Has a master’s degree in neurobiology from an interdisciplinary brain research program in Tel-Aviv University. A graduate of the Israeli Air Force computer unit. A child of the Internet.

    If you want to discuss Synereo with me, Come to the Inside Bitcoin TLV conference, held in Tel-Aviv on 19-20 of October, where I will be hosting the Bitcoin 2.0 technologies panel.

    Anderson McCutcheon

    Andy comes from a diverse programming background, having served in IDF's 8200 unit and developed real-time climate control & management systems before turning his love for gaming into a Poker related career. Having built several successful communities, he has spent the last few years managing marketing for the world’s biggest real money gaming brands.
    Loves lamp.

    Yuval Adam

    Yuval is a full-stack technologist, with experience ranging from building distributed web services through deploying wireless mesh networks and to embedded systems development. Yuval founded the Tel-Aviv chapter of CryptoParty, advocating for privacy and digital liberties. He holds a B.Sc in Computer Sciences from Ben-Gurion University.
    Yuval can usually be found lurking in the dark corners of the Tel-Aviv Makers hackerspace.

    Greg Meredith

    Greg Meredith has supported his math habit by working in computing. He was the principal architect of Microsoft's BizTalk's Process Orchestration offering and took on the burden of contributing to the early WSDL spec to keep it from being more of a train wreck than it is. He also worked on Microsoft's super secret BigTop project, working on an OS and Programming Language pair, based on process calculi. Prior to that he was one of the core members of the Carnot Team at the first industrial research consortium, the now defunct MCC. There he worked with Christine Tomlinson on Rosette/ESS, a fully reflective actor-based programming language with a high performance execution engine.

    Daniel Estrada

    Daniel teaches Engineering Ethics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has been writing about digital politics and network theory online for about a decade, and is currently the only person in the world that uses G+.


    Think you can contribute to Synereo? Don’t hesitate to send an email to dor at synereo dot com.

    We’re looking for developers as well as experts in the various fields related to the project. You know who you are.

    What do I do now?

    Watch this thread, sign up for updates on (, follow us on our blog, and help us spread the message!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Synereo on October 18, 2014, 10:28:24 PM

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on October 18, 2014, 10:28:38 PM
    Contact us:

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: kcanup on October 18, 2014, 10:31:22 PM
    Welcome to crypto. I really wanna believe Facebook generation is over  :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: LAHAINA on October 18, 2014, 10:41:53 PM
    Getting 'REO' AMP'ed For Synereo, Subscribed 'Watch' & 'Notify' . . .

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: ticoti on October 18, 2014, 10:44:53 PM
    It looks cool I'll be watching this thread
    I guess there will be an IPO, right?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: destrada on October 18, 2014, 10:45:45 PM
    Hello thread, looking forward to hear everyone's thoughts!

    A few days ago I wrote an essay in preparation for the announcement that covers some of the theoretical background and motivation for our approach to this project. There's already a lot to process in this thread, but if people are interested in the project they might want to take a look:

    Our social networks are broken. Here's how to fix them. (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: KeyserSozeMC on October 18, 2014, 11:02:22 PM
    Very nice ANN and good thing OP has a old account.

    Wish you best of luck :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on October 18, 2014, 11:12:59 PM
    It looks cool I'll be watching this thread
    I guess there will be an IPO, right?

    We will have a sale of AMPs, Synereo's tokens. These will appreciate in value as the network grows, since the more people there are on the network, the more attention each AMP buys.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Fuserleer on October 18, 2014, 11:36:56 PM
    Its not often I'm impressed by anything...especially stuff/projects announced on here.....

    I'm impressed.

    If this is the real deal, well done!!

    Not convinced on the model of AMP's, but from a social engineering and tech side, looks great!

    I'll be keeping my eye on it :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Emerger on October 19, 2014, 12:54:03 AM
    Very interesting, will be watching :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mnporter2001 on October 19, 2014, 01:11:58 AM
    Keeping track of this, as said above I normally have a giggle @ [ANN]'s in here but this one made me sit up and read twice.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: minimoose1441 on October 19, 2014, 01:31:44 AM
    Watching. Looks very interesting at this point, can't wait to hear more.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: leannemckim46 on October 19, 2014, 01:34:24 AM
    is there any timeframe for the sale of the tokens?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: lumeire on October 19, 2014, 02:49:01 AM
    At last,  ;D ;D ;D

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: 12coins on October 19, 2014, 03:13:28 AM
    is there some free  AMPs, Synereo's tokens?that will be much more better for the spread i think!  ;D

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Nthused on October 19, 2014, 03:40:49 AM
    Keeping one eye open on this lol

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: EmilioMann on October 19, 2014, 04:05:48 AM
    very interesting

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: ripper234 on October 19, 2014, 04:41:17 AM
    I'm glad to see attempts to create a distributed token-based social network.
    Diaspora failed because there was no monetization model, only ideas.

    With Synereo you can motivate developers and early adopters to try it out, and if it works and the network later becomes huge, they will win big time (as well as everyone else, because we will be getting a decentralized open source social network).

    Wishing you guys good luck!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: *Sakura* on October 19, 2014, 04:57:06 AM
    Very interesting concept. I will watch.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: zxbball on October 19, 2014, 08:59:09 AM
    look at twister,it's great,but no monetization model

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: bitdwarf on October 19, 2014, 09:09:52 AM
    Posting to watch.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: spud3861 on October 19, 2014, 09:23:27 AM
    Looking good.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: erwin45 on October 19, 2014, 09:56:37 AM
    Its not often I'm impressed by anything...especially stuff/projects announced on here.....

    I'm impressed.

    If this is the real deal, well done!!

    Not convinced on the model of AMP's, but from a social engineering and tech side, looks great!

    I'll be keeping my eye on it :)

    agree im impressed, watching this closely

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on October 19, 2014, 01:19:30 PM
    Dor told me to say hello, so here I am :)

    I also want to elaborate upon a very important concept that may have gone missing in that huge blob of text.
    It's not one that makes Synereo awesome from a technical or benefit-for-society perspective, but the one that enables Synereo to become a mainstream platform.

    It is our job to make the B2B aspect of Synereo work. Businesses and advertisers are the ones that give AMPs their value.
    Our attention is worth a lot of money. And it's being sold to the highest bidder (literally, just google RTB ( without any of the users seeing a dime.
    With Synereo's model, we simply remove the eventual beneficiary (publicly traded corporations collecting the revenue generated by advertising) and redistribute it to the users.
    This has benefits both businesses and users - just think of the advantages of having advertising money funnelled directly to the target audience. And it's a heaven for non-profits as well, since everyone in the system have AMPs to spend and pay for the distribution of content they care about.

    Btw, Dor just finished hosting a panel at Bitcoin TLV with  David Johnston(MasterCoin), Vitalik Buterin (Etherium), Stas Oskin(Counterparty) and others. He will be at the conference all day today and tomorrow - you are more than welcome to walk up and to talk to him with any questions or ideas you may have.

    You can also talk to the team & get updates via ( and ( (yes yes ironic, we know)


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Zombier0 on October 19, 2014, 04:08:46 PM
    Very interesting

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: kamronk on October 19, 2014, 06:38:45 PM
    I didn't see the current bounties being offered, will they be up soon? Or possibly are they being held back until the pre-sale is over?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Bungeebones on October 19, 2014, 07:03:13 PM
    Very interesting. The privacy and the retention of ownership by the content providers are the two goals I like best. I've been working those same concepts within a web directory system but I have some reservations about whether you need your own alt coin though. You may have it right but I haven't seen the light on that aspect. I'm really interested in how it turns out.

    So far I've opted for a "pseudo alt coin", instead, that acts like an alt coin within my own system but lacks the transferability of it's own distributed block chain. In other words, it's not totally trustless, nor decentralized YET (but I am heading that way). In response to the decentralizing purists and in perfect agreement of getting as un-hooked from those privacy pimps as we can I borrow a sales concept from some distant sales experience I've had that uses the idea of reducing something "to the ridiculous" to make a point. The idea of my "pseudo coin" is that you only use it for storing small amounts. Don't store up your life savings in it but, instead, quickly get it all the hell out of the system as quickly as possible. Think of it like a Starbucks gift card. You want it for convenience and a little cost savings, that's it. SO I just pegged it to Bitcoin. You can buy in with Bitcoin and you cash out your earnings as Bitcoin but, again, don't let the earnings accumulate or you are doing so at your own risk.

    What constitutes the right amount to leave in such a system? Depends on usage right? There were times when I've had a balance remain unredeemed on a Starbucks card for a long time without sweating it because I knew I would get there eventually and then, again, there were times when I was using Starbucks as my office where I was running through the balance a lot quicker.

    I am not much of a social butterfly/network person and Facebook never really appealed much to me but I like what you are doing here.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: windpath on October 19, 2014, 07:26:07 PM
    Interesting stuff...

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: lolilo on October 19, 2014, 08:03:54 PM
    Looks very nice. Following.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: comando on October 19, 2014, 10:17:18 PM
    This looks very nice. I will follow this thread ;). btw, did you guys get the logo from F5designStudio?!Synereo/zoom/cbzl/image1mty (!Synereo/zoom/cbzl/image1mty)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on October 19, 2014, 11:31:18 PM
    This looks very nice. I will follow this thread ;). btw, did you guys get the logo from F5designStudio?!Synereo/zoom/cbzl/image1mty (!Synereo/zoom/cbzl/image1mty)
    We had quite a few iterations, eventually one of their F5's designers helped us create the logo and the visual language used in all Synereo symbols you see now.


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mishax1 on October 20, 2014, 05:50:35 PM

    So your idea is based on the network to function on advertisement, but you miss one huge point, users don't want advertisement.  ::)

    How can you call it decentralized and advertise on it at the same time ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: windpath on October 20, 2014, 07:24:35 PM

    So your idea is based on the network to function on advertisement, but you miss one huge point, users don't want advertisement.  ::)

    How can you call it decentralized and advertise on it at the same time ?

    From what I have read, the model suggests paying the USER for their attention. I imagine lots of people would be interested in seeing the ads if they are compensated for their time...

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on October 20, 2014, 07:28:25 PM

    So your idea is based on the network to function on advertisement, but you miss one huge point, users don't want advertisement.  ::)

    How can you call it decentralized and advertise on it at the same time ?

    From what I have read, the model suggests paying the USER for their attention. I imagine lots of people would be interested in seeing the ads if they are compensated for their time...

    ... especially if those advertisements are actually interesting to them, as they were pertinent to their fields of interest; to "areas" on the network they've paid much attention to.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on October 23, 2014, 07:02:40 PM
    Just wanted to let you know that you can now follow our progress (as well as read posts by various team members) at (

    Since taking the project public we've been working on expanding the team and continuing Synereo's development while taking into account the barrage of feedback we receive in the process. Seriously, feedback is important. We want to hear your wants, the do-not-wants and just ideas, things that you consider to be overlooked in both existing social networks and Synereo's specs.


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: xxxgoodgirls on October 23, 2014, 08:34:48 PM
    interesting, watching!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: litecoin111 on October 25, 2014, 10:24:30 PM
    When is IPO?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: KrLos on October 25, 2014, 10:31:36 PM

    Let's see how this project evolves.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Valzador on October 25, 2014, 10:39:25 PM
    Great, informative post.

    Watching this to see how this goes :D

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: k99 on October 27, 2014, 12:56:20 PM
    Is the project open source? Which technology is used (P2P network)?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: NenadR on October 29, 2014, 03:02:56 PM
    Really looking forward to this... About time that the social networks got shaken up!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on October 31, 2014, 12:32:01 PM
    We're happy to announce that Synereo has found its dream CTO and development team leader, Yuval Adam.

    Yuval is a full-stack technologist, with experience ranging from building distributed web services through deploying wireless mesh networks and to embedded systems development. Yuval founded the Tel-Aviv chapter of CryptoParty, advocating for privacy and digital liberties. He holds a B.Sc in Computer Sciences from Ben-Gurion University.
    Yuval can usually be found lurking in the dark corners of the Tel-Aviv Makers hackerspace.

    Yuval and I are in the process of finalizing the tech architecture for Synereo. We will soon determine the scope of our first phase of development and recruit more developers as necessary.

    We've been getting a torrent of applications to join our development team. If you're interested in joining us, there's still time - don't hesitate to contact me.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: k99 on October 31, 2014, 01:32:56 PM
    We're happy to announce that Synereo has found its dream CTO and development team leader, Yuval Adam.

    Yuval is a full-stack technologist, with experience ranging from building distributed web services through deploying wireless mesh networks and to embedded systems development. Yuval founded the Tel-Aviv chapter of CryptoParty, advocating for privacy and digital liberties. He holds a B.Sc in Computer Sciences from Ben-Gurion University.
    Yuval can usually be found lurking in the dark corners of the Tel-Aviv Makers hackerspace.

    Yuval and I are in the process of finalizing the tech architecture for Synereo. We will soon determine the scope of our first phase of development and recruit more developers as necessary.

    We've been getting a torrent of applications to join our development team. If you're interested in joining us, there's still time - don't hesitate to contact me.

    Can you tell already a bit about any details?
    Which technology are you going to use? Will it be open source?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on October 31, 2014, 01:41:56 PM
    We'll release more and more details as things solidify.

    Everything we create will be open-source eventually.
    Some of the core logic of the system will be closed initially. It's going to be hard enough to complete with existing networks - we don't want to have to struggle against networks running our own code before Synereo has a chance to gain some ground.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: yuvadm on October 31, 2014, 01:53:01 PM
    Just popping up to say thanks to Dor for the kind intro, and to invite anyone who wishes to discuss our technology to chat.

    I'm available here obviously, as well as on twitter @yuvadm, and by email at yuval (at) synereo (dot) com.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: k99 on October 31, 2014, 02:01:05 PM
    Just popping up to say thanks to Dor for the kind intro, and to invite anyone who wishes to discuss our technology to chat.

    I'm available here obviously, as well as on twitter @yuvadm, and by email at yuval (at) synereo (dot) com.

    I would be very interested in which tehcnology/language you will use and which frameworks you consider.
    I am working on and we use Java with TomP2P as DHT/messageing framework.
    Would be good to exchange experience if we have something in common... (beside the logo and color ;-))

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: yuvadm on October 31, 2014, 08:08:11 PM
    I would be very interested in which tehcnology/language you will use and which frameworks you consider.
    I am working on and we use Java with TomP2P as DHT/messageing framework.
    Would be good to exchange experience if we have something in common... (beside the logo and color ;-))

    Well, we're still evaluating our requirements so no choice of technology/framework has been made yet.
    Right now we're looking into everything, from basic DHT/gossip stuff, to distributed storage clusters, as well as some existing solutions built on top of these technologies.
    As for the logo issue, we are aware of the similarities and are looking into it, assume no bad faith :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on November 01, 2014, 07:03:56 PM
    Check out Chapter 1 of our Attention Model / Network Dynamics presentation (, dealing with the basics of the Synereo network.

    We'll release new chapters throughout the coming weeks.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mistercoin on November 01, 2014, 07:55:41 PM
    Welcome to crypto. I really wanna believe Facebook generation is over  :)

    Very well said my friend :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: conteaza on November 01, 2014, 08:13:07 PM
    Interesting project with HUGE potential.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: smackii on November 01, 2014, 08:19:10 PM
    Hopefully this coin is not ITO/ICO, or it will be a total waste. People are done with it, mining this would be nice.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: YoyodyneSystems on November 02, 2014, 10:45:06 PM

    So there would be no content moderation of any kind?
    That could get rather dicey, no?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on November 03, 2014, 02:28:29 AM

    So there would be no content moderation of any kind?
    That could get rather dicey, no?

    The communities will decide their moderation policies and have tools to effect them.

    "An excellent question, and one that we've put a lot of thought into.

    On one hand, we want to give people the maximum amount of freedom. The knowledge that their ability to express themselves is safeguarded, and that no one can take it away from them under any pretense - political, religious, traditional, etc - is priceless. It gives one the type of space that leads to expression and creativity, that is conducive to the organic formation of communities, and that, in many ways, is such that is hard to find outside of the Internet.

    There are, of course, types of content that we do not expect people to condone and accept casually in the name of expression. Harmful and violent behavior, sexual crimes, threats, and so on. However, since the system is decentralized, there is no central authority to report these things to and who may take action.

    This is where we have a few ideas in mind, and we would definitely like to engage our growing community in the discussion about them.

    One of the ideas that we've been playing with so far involves a system like the League of Legends Tribunal - - one where each user may report content he sees on the net, and when enough reports are submitted, the content gets escalated to a tribunal. The tribunal comprises peers opting-in to participate in the process of keeping Synereo free of what they think is conduct unbecoming of a user in it.

    To make sure this system is not abused, the selected peers would have to be from eclectic backgrounds, communities, interest groups, and any other meaningful differentiators we can gather to establish a consensus that goes beyond that of a specific belief group or cultural eccentricity. i.e. we would not like you to be punished for irreverent behavior or for making fun of something that someone else might find holy, but if you pose violent threats or publish child porn, you are going to get probated or even banned.

    When three fourths of the tribunal thinks you had done wrong but the rest of them are OK with what you said, it probably means you managed to touch a sensitive spot or were offensive in your conduct - but that's no reason to take away your right to participate in Synereo. When 95% or more of your peers think you're a menace that should not be part of a community or even the entire network, you probably deserve to cool off for a while or even get your participation privileges revoked completely.
    (These numbers are subject to change, of course - but you get the concept.)

    Another idea that is growing on us is that of a Burning Man-esque, decentralized, consensually elected, ad-hoc police force. People with influence in their Synereos who may be elected - for short terms - to wield a little bit of extra power within their communities, representing their collective will.

    There is always a balance to strike between freedom and control, between creating the best and widest space available for expression and making sure no one can be harmed, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to bring this balance to the sweetest spot we are able to find with Synereo."

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: billotronic on November 04, 2014, 06:34:23 AM
    If closed at launch, will there at least be maybe an independent audit of the code to look for shenanigans?

    [edit] To add to that in light of recent scene drama, maybe a few different parties?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: gjhiggins on November 04, 2014, 05:12:49 PM
    Well, we're still evaluating our requirements so no choice of technology/framework has been made yet.

    Indeed. I'd be very surprised if it were otherwise.

    “The model is based on physical principles of electrical current flow and implements insights from the function of the neural networks of the brain to create a unique ecosystem where information is directed to where it will be appreciated and utilized well.”

    Don't tell me, let me guess - you revitalised the dilithium crystals by re-routing the primary energy conduit through the secondary phase frequency transformer, dintcha?



    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on November 04, 2014, 07:11:57 PM
    If closed at launch, will there at least be maybe an independent audit of the code to look for shenanigans?

    [edit] To add to that in light of recent scene drama, maybe a few different parties?

    We'll be happy to do that.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on November 04, 2014, 07:15:15 PM
    New post on the Synereo blog:

    The Great Attention Heist, or: How Our Mind Was Hacked (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Jazzer on November 04, 2014, 09:16:14 PM

    Don't tell me, let me guess - you revitalised the dilithium crystals by re-routing the primary energy conduit through the secondary phase frequency transformer, dintcha?

    " Okay. Time circuit's on. Flux capacitor, fluxing. Engine running. All right. "  ;)

    On topic though, this looks awesome! I absolutely acknowledge the need for a social network where you get back in control of the value, but (imho) far more importantly be secure from the flagrant privacy violations that are inherent in the current systems. That is endgame basically.. Keep it up!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: cryptworld on November 18, 2014, 12:22:57 AM
    when is going to be the presale?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on November 18, 2014, 12:29:49 PM
    when is going to be the presale?

    We are finalizing the crowdfunding campaign's details and will announce them soon.

    We already have a few interesting backers who have pledged to invest!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: destrada on November 18, 2014, 02:05:39 PM
    New post on the blog:
    Three Ways to Start a Revolution, Part 1: Decentralization (
    How do you overthrow the king? Who do you put in his place?
    There are a handful of new entries in the alternative-social networking space attempting to answer this question. They represent a fairly broad range of guesses at what post-Facebook social networking may be like. There’s lots to say about the options on the table and what appears to be around the corner. Here’s a good place to start (
    In this series of posts, we will discuss three core features we believe are crucial for the next generation of social networking: Decentralization, Compensation, and Reputation.
    We are no longer bound by the requirement of having a single resource-rich entity that manages and controls the social network for us. We have the technology to run a distributed social network where users may contribute the storage, bandwidth and computational power needed to maintain it — and be compensated for the task. Not having to turn to the lowest common denominator, communities may choose how to govern themselves and organize according to their principles and values.... [continue reading (]

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mishax1 on November 20, 2014, 08:30:12 AM

    What are the differences between Synereo and Reveal ( ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: yuvadm on November 20, 2014, 09:42:31 PM
    What are the differences between Synereo and Reveal ( ?

    Reveal is a centralized social network. While it does compensate users with monetary reward, it lacks full control over the content the user provides to the net. Content distribution is still at the whim of the operator.

    Synereo is a being built from the ground up to be completely decentralized, giving each user full control over her data, where the data flows through the network in full transparency. With Synereo, you are not sold to algorithms, rather, you deploy them and let them act on your behalf and in your interest.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on November 22, 2014, 02:05:28 PM

    What are the differences between Synereo and Reveal ( ?

    Plenty, but I assume the question arises from the feature that both have in common, and is prominently featured on Reveal's website.

    Being compensated for your attention and content production is not the purpose of Synereo. This is not our USP.

    It is merely a side effect of having a distributed social network.
    Once you remove the entity that is responsible for selling the attention and taking the ad revenue, you end up with a system that simply distributes advertising revenue - just like it distributes everything else.


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: qiwoman2 on November 22, 2014, 02:17:41 PM
    I really like the project backed by something that may grow into another FB. I know many other attempts at social networking have failed but I feel this could be the real deal.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mishax1 on November 25, 2014, 11:24:55 AM

    What are the differences between Synereo and Reveal ( ?

    Plenty, but I assume the question arises from the feature that both have in common, and is prominently featured on Reveal's website.

    Being compensated for your attention and content production is not the purpose of Synereo. This is not our USP.

    It is merely a side effect of having a distributed social network.
    Once you remove the entity that is responsible for selling the attention and taking the ad revenue, you end up with a system that simply distributes advertising revenue - just like it distributes everything else.


    There's also - they got 1million registered users in 5 weeks (and the only way to register at this point is by invite),
     and they are paying their users / page owners by the amount of members / friends they have, 90% of their revenue goes to the users.

    Looks like you've got alot of work to do  ;)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: bitwhizz on November 25, 2014, 06:12:32 PM

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Wulfcastle on November 25, 2014, 08:33:38 PM
    Keeping a close eye on this.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Juantzy on November 26, 2014, 02:13:30 AM
    How can I get this coin? mining or IPO ICO??

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on November 26, 2014, 09:35:27 AM

    Looks like you've got alot of work to do  ;)

    We do :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: destrada on November 26, 2014, 06:34:42 PM

    What are the differences between Synereo and Reveal ( ?

    Plenty, but I assume the question arises from the feature that both have in common, and is prominently featured on Reveal's website.

    Being compensated for your attention and content production is not the purpose of Synereo. This is not our USP.

    It is merely a side effect of having a distributed social network.
    Once you remove the entity that is responsible for selling the attention and taking the ad revenue, you end up with a system that simply distributes advertising revenue - just like it distributes everything else.


    There's also - they got 1million registered users in 5 weeks (and the only way to register at this point is by invite),
     and they are paying their users / page owners by the amount of members / friends they have, 90% of their revenue goes to the users.

    Looks like you've got alot of work to do  ;)

    Good question! The space of next-gen social networks is starting to blossom, and it's becoming difficult to keep track of who is doing what. Gideon Rosenblatt discusses the differences between Reddit, Ello, Tsu, and Synereo in detail here (, which may be of help.

    Very briefly (but hopefully fairly!):

    Tsu is not a blockchain technology, it is a compensation network. Users are compensated for a portion of the ads they see on the network. Users are encouraged to grow their network in a MLM set-up to maximize their profits; it is basically for SEO types looking to make money directly from their social networking activity.

    Reveal is a social network using blockchain technology. Users get coin in their proprietary cryptocurrency, and Reveal sells ad space in that currency, so users basically have a share in the company. In this way, Reveal is meant to operate a little like Reddit's plan to share cryptocurrency with users representing a stake in the business.

    For completeness sake, Ello is a kind of minimal social network, promising that they won't advertise to users. Essentially they've agreed that no one can make money on the network.

    Synereo is quite different from all three. Synereo uses blockchain technology primarily for the purposes of decentralization and security, to ensure that no single source has control over the whole network. The point isn't simply to monetize the network. Instead, we're designing the network dynamics with a focus on how communities develop and how content spreads across the network. The goal is to give users direct control over their content and their communities. We're thinking explicitly about optimizing the attention economy: making sure content reaches the users where it will have the greatest impact.

    We're confident that getting the network dynamics right will make compensating users for their digital labor easy and intuitive, and thus is critical for ushering the transition into the next generation of social networking. As far as we know, none of the other networks have taken the comprehensive and systematic approach we have. Frankly, from our perspective they look like more awkward attempts to make 20th century business models fit the economies of the 21st century. We think it's time to move forward.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on December 07, 2014, 10:49:54 PM
    Hi thread!

    If you want to

    a) Be among he first to receive ~$200 worth of AMPs after the initial offering
    b) Help us out

    We are looking for native Chinese, Russian and Spanish speakers that can translate the announcement post to their mother tongue.

    Contact us at founders AT before doing anything please =)


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: aragoon on December 11, 2014, 06:53:14 AM
    This looks like a great project.  :)
    I hope this community will permit a small rant from me.  :D
    I try to keep up with the SAFE project and their discussions about the many issues that arise from free speech and decentralization. I recommend a visit to their forum so as not to reinvent the wheel.  ;)
    To me, free speech means that anyone can say or ask anything, anytime. Full stop. That does mean that some will abuse the privilege and some will try to manipulate for profit or politics. There will be some victims but this is the dawn of a new way to explore our world including all the bits we never knew about or bits that make us shudder. To combine the wealth of data available on the net with a system that rewards organically for views, activities, creativity, alternatives, truth could evolve an entirely better informed, fresh set of commonly held views and beliefs and challenge much of the propaganda being fed to us every day in more and more sophisticated ways  by vested interest. The spying revelations are the beginning of our waking up to what is really going on behind our backs.
    A project like Synereo should be self balancing. If what is being said is not popular or heavily funded, it will not get attention for long. A bit like not feeding the trolls. I think it will be a very good thing for topics to sometimes enrage or offend and for it  to bring real response from contributors who, for the first time, can feel truly at liberty to say what they believe or suspect and to explore issues without fear of attack. So much of what people believe is engineered. So much of what people don't say is because of fear of rejection by peers, fear of having control wrenched from their hands, job loss or, worse still, fear of physical harm. We are in the stranglehold of political correctness, dominant narrative, commerce and absolutist moralists. We are being played.
    Building in "committees" to edit, censor content etc would, IMHO, completely undermine Synereo. Let app developers come up with parental lock type gizmos for those who want them but leave those of us who choose freedom, and all the risks that go with it, to do it our way. Law enforcement agencies will have to catch up, which they will. It has always been a cat and mouse game. Most people are decent. Most users of Synereo will be decent folk.
    I wonder, however, how Synereo would cope with a huge AMP campaign funded by an agency / business / government with millions of dollars at their disposal? AMPS attract attention and someone wants to ........... (fill in blanks. eg sell cigarettes, recruit ardent followers, undermine a government etc etc ). Offering a lot of AMP would sure get a lot of attention and we end up back at square one. After all, it has been suggested that presidents can be bought in some countries. Individuals don't have the AMPS to counter the pushers. The big players win again?
    What about when a new Synereo user imports Facebook material? Might that result in less security? I detest Facebook and would hate to see it weaken what projects like Synereo could offer. But, it's a little like changing phones. If I've been on Nokia for years, changing to Samsung is difficult because they use different formats for data. So, I'm de-incentivised to change. Facebook users are probably the same. They may be susceptible to being bribed off FB! But would it undermine Synereo security?
    These new decentralized spaces will bring many challenges and rewards. It's going to be a fascinating trip.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: -Greed- on December 12, 2014, 08:13:30 PM
    This project seems to be really amazing. I hope it won't be another disappointment like Twister (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: zxbball on December 14, 2014, 12:57:50 PM
    twister is great! but not monrtization

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: starsoccer9 on January 25, 2015, 02:13:12 AM
    I think synereo, is a great idea. It can help the people that create the network and give it value, earn value

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: fordlincoln on January 25, 2015, 02:20:26 AM
    I have pre-registered!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: fthoughts on January 25, 2015, 07:50:01 PM
    Synereo has just released Chapter 2 of their network dynamics presentation! (

     Chapter 2: Network Dynamics & Communities  ( (Direct presentation link)

    Please join us in review of some of the key social and economic principles that underlie the Synereo vision:

        - Autonomous Synereos and communities
        - Reo and its influence over messages posted to the network
        - How Synereo's topology can be dynamically influenced
        - How user-created content moves and gains visibility across each Synereo

    In addition to those developments, there is further detail on how Synereo intends to manage
    privacy and arbitration in a decentralized social network that puts the community in control:

        - Opportunities to run communities that are self-governing and collaborative
        - Adminstration, arbitration and moderation policies
        - Privacy and identity controls
        - Island Synereos (great for teams and small communities!)

    If you've missed Chapter 1, this presentation explains the basics of Synereo, including Reo and
    how user-attention has an influence over the network:
    [  ( ]

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: xtrm on January 25, 2015, 08:03:18 PM
    Looks like good material to be implemented, but too much delay and inactiveness

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: fthoughts on January 25, 2015, 09:59:24 PM
    Looks like good material to be implemented, but too much delay and inactiveness

    We've got a set of updates to roll out in the next few weeks with more detailed information about what Synereo will bring to social networking. We've been working incredibly diligently the last few months to bring together more materials to help our community understand what we're building.

    In contrast to other more mainstream social networks, Synereo is completely decentralized and is incentivized by a cryptocurrency. This represents our most recent developments which we have not had a chance to share with the community, and so we hope you can participate and join the discussion!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: placebo on January 25, 2015, 10:58:35 PM
    Looking nice.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on January 26, 2015, 12:12:12 AM
    We've been waiting for something like this--definitely going to make a page. Some of our directors have been unwilling to help moderate our Facebook page because they don't have accounts, due to privacy concerns about prying marketing companies and government agencies. A decentralized version would simplify things, and a blockchain-based reward system would obviously be better than Facebook's revenue model.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: -Greed- on January 27, 2015, 09:53:22 AM
    Synereo has just released Chapter 2 of their network dynamics presentation! (
    Glad to see some progress here. Keep it up! :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: udecker on January 29, 2015, 02:45:05 AM
    Just seen a number of articles in the press today, looks like Synereo is getting some good attention.  :)

    As it should - this is an impressive project with an equally impressive team.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: lihaidong198871 on January 29, 2015, 04:23:05 PM
    launch time ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: notsofast on January 29, 2015, 04:28:02 PM
    Looks well-planned. Watching.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: adjiadjo on January 29, 2015, 04:42:45 PM
    good looking OP and love logo ,
    well made  ;D
    ETA for launch?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on January 29, 2015, 07:00:55 PM

    Synereo's AMP crowdsale will be held in February and will be supported by the Omni Foundation.

    More info can be found on Omni Foundation's blog post: SYNEREO IS A NEXT-GEN SOCIAL NETWORK (

    Here are some ways to get your first AMP tokens

    • You can buy AMPs during an initial crowdfunding phase which will fund the development of Synereo and its deployment.
      The crowdsale will be supported by the Omni Foundation, and will begin sometime in February 2015. More details to follow.
    • Registering for Synereo and migrating your information from an existing social network account.
    • Expanding Synereo by inviting users who register on the network and migrate to it.
    • Bounties. People working to contribute to the development, deployment, and expansion of the network will receive AMPs rewards for their efforts.

    If you want to learn more about Synereo or sign up for updates, please visit:

    You can also follow us on:

    • Twitter (
    • Facebook (
    • Reddit (
    • Google+ (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Altcoin Agent on January 29, 2015, 07:50:25 PM
    Great, looks like a very promising project !
    Do you have any more details on the time of the crowdsale ? Are you covered already in the video area ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on January 30, 2015, 06:08:52 PM
    When it says the Synereo is built on bitcoin technology are you referring to just using the amp token? or is data somehow stored on the blockchain?

    Can you talk about how the data is going to be stored please?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on January 31, 2015, 08:11:42 PM
    When it says the Synereo is built on bitcoin technology are you referring to just using the amp token? or is data somehow stored on the blockchain?

    Can you talk about how the data is going to be stored please?


    We are not using the bitcoin blockchain itself for anything but AMPs, supported by the Omni Layer.

    We have our own solution for distributing data across the network. Details will be released soon, with our whitepaper.
    We are hoping to integrate some of MaidSafe's key features. Currently, we're looking hard into RUDP.
    As our development progresses and both technologies mature, we'll continually asses the situation and may implement more features from MaidSafe, perhaps even joining our networks altogether, sharing storage (and compensation) between Synereo and MaidSafe users.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on January 31, 2015, 08:17:06 PM
    Great, looks like a very promising project !
    Do you have any more details on the time of the crowdsale ? Are you covered already in the video area ?

    The crowdsale will be sometime in February we don't have an exact date set yet as we are working on the final details.
    An announcement will be made soon on all our channels. Bear with us.

    We are always looking for people with skills to volunteer. Feel free to get in touch via PM.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: gjhiggins on January 31, 2015, 11:57:53 PM
    ... are you referring to just using the amp token?

    Kibbitzer here, not familiar with the term, would be grateful for a pointer.



    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: matthewh3 on February 01, 2015, 12:38:45 AM
    ... are you referring to just using the amp token?

    Kibbitzer here, not familiar with the term, would be grateful for a pointer.



    I think they mean using the Omni Layer (Mastercoin) that makes use of the bitcoin tx timestamp and OP_Return feature to issue a cryptocoin/cryptotoken on the Omni Layer which is backed by the security of the bitcoin blockchain.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: vince232 on February 01, 2015, 02:48:04 AM
    sorry for a noob question as i didnt understand well the description. will the revenue for ads be divided among coin holders?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on February 01, 2015, 02:53:39 AM
    sorry for a noob question as i didnt understand well the description. will the revenue for ads be divided among coin holders?
    No, they go to the users who volunteer to see the promoted content, minus the miners' fees. Users are the ones who create the value in a social network, so they should get the rewards.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: vince232 on February 01, 2015, 03:14:51 AM
    sorry for a noob question as i didnt understand well the description. will the revenue for ads be divided among coin holders?
    No, they go to the users who volunteer to see the promoted content, minus the miners' fees. Users are the ones who create the value in a social network, so they should get the rewards.

    more amps used more visibility? then the amps will be rewarded to the people who will view the ads?

    and how many is the max number of coins or will it there be unlimited supply? thanks

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 01, 2015, 05:04:21 AM
    sorry for a noob question as i didnt understand well the description. will the revenue for ads be divided among coin holders?
    No, they go to the users who volunteer to see the promoted content, minus the miners' fees. Users are the ones who create the value in a social network, so they should get the rewards.

    more amps used more visibility? then the amps will be rewarded to the people who will view the ads?

    and how many is the max number of coins or will it there be unlimited supply? thanks

    There will be few ways to earn AMPs on the network apart from opting-in for ads, our whitepaper will have a lot more info.

    More details about the crowdsale and AMPs will be released throughout our channels. We intend to keep the community well informed and updated as we progress.

    We also recommend subscribing to our newsletter on (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: yuvadm on February 01, 2015, 10:02:14 AM
    We've just launched the Synereo Discussion forums at

    Feel free to engage us there with any question you may have as we publish our whitepaper, and approach the much expected crowdsale. We'll still be available on this thread, but we'd rather structure all the relevant content on our discussion forums.

    See you on Discuss Synereo!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: reRaise on February 01, 2015, 10:42:51 AM
    I just noticed you guys have a lot in common with GetGems. Your introduction is almost literally the same, same goes for your model which is based on attention economy and you are also from Israel. Are you guys related some how?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on February 01, 2015, 10:48:09 AM
    I just noticed you guys have a lot in common with GetGems. Your introduction is almost literally the same, same goes for your model which is based on attention economy and you are also from Israel. Are you guys related some how?

    Daniel of GetGems is a friend of mine. I wrote the intro at his request as I was working on Synereo at the time and with the spirit of the projects indeed being similar. Synereo is a full social network, of course, whereas Gems is only a messaging application.

    Synereo takes it all a few steps further - in terms of complete decentralization and distribution, a developed attention economy model (there's a lot more to this than getting paid to see content!), network resilience, identity and data ownership, community moderation, smart contracts, and so on.

    Also important to note that Synereo does not operate for profit.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mishax1 on February 01, 2015, 11:03:54 AM

    Also important to note that Synereo does not operate for profit.

    Yet you still going to run an IPO..   Would you be willing to make a Proof-Of-Burn crowdsale ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on February 01, 2015, 11:14:21 AM

    Also important to note that Synereo does not operate for profit.

    Yet you still going to run an IPO..   Would you be willing to make a Proof-Of-Burn crowdsale ?

    Things require resources and energy to materialize in this universe. :)

    When the Synereo social network is up and running, there will be no mechanism in place creating profit from ongoing activity on the network. Nothing will be monetized.
    No premium services, no pay-to-participate, no walled sections, no advanced features for donors, etc. The company in charge of the development and maintenance of the network and its technology - the one receiving the funds from the crowdsale  - cannot generate profit.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: AMPlified on February 02, 2015, 04:57:33 AM
    We've just launched the Synereo Discussion forums at

    Feel free to engage us there with any question you may have as we publish our whitepaper, and approach the much expected crowdsale. We'll still be available on this thread, but we'd rather structure all the relevant content on our discussion forums.

    See you on Discuss Synereo!

    I was looking forward to Synereo's own forums. See you on Discuss Synereo!  :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: vince232 on February 05, 2015, 05:02:25 AM
    cant wait for the ico. when will it start?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on February 05, 2015, 11:04:39 AM
    The crowdsale should be sometime this month! One of our directors looked at the white paper and wrote a comprehensive explanation of Synereo and how/why it works the way it does: (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Geenstijl on February 05, 2015, 02:50:53 PM
    Alright, i got one very important question: To acquire the AMPs. Will we require MSC's or BTC's?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on February 06, 2015, 12:28:23 PM
    Alright, i got one very important question: To acquire the AMPs. Will we require MSC's or BTC's?

    Bitcoin only.

    Here's a great article posted on Coins Source by Andrew Wagner. It's the first that really manages to capture some of the Synereo essence nicely.

    Quote from: CoinsSource
    Users are nodes in the Synereo network, and they connect directly to one another. User data is encrypted and divided among the nodes, with redundant copies (in case of node failure) only retrievable by those with rightful access. If you don’t want to expend the small effort to start your own node, it can be done for you by a “gateway,” which “doesn’t have any access to your information, and the key it sends you… can be used to boot up your node locally,” stated Founder and CEO, Dor Konforty.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 06, 2015, 02:47:22 PM
    Synereo Announcement: Bitcoin 2.0 Technology Mass Adoption

    See the original announcement of the Synereo project at a Bitcoin 2.0 panel hosted by Dor Konforty.

    Dor asks about applications which may lead to mass adoption, and receives answers by Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), David Johnston (Omni), Lior Yaffe (NXT), and Gideon Greenspan (CoinSpark). (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Youghoor on February 09, 2015, 03:33:06 AM
    We already have Nxtty, GEMZ even Sendcoin, why do we need this new one?

    May it will be different in future.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: sidhujag on February 09, 2015, 03:36:37 AM
    U should add in oath id social login authentication it will add a bit extra to your coin u may need

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 09, 2015, 04:06:38 AM
    We already have Nxtty, GEMZ even Sendcoin, why do we need this new one?

    Synereo is a whole new, fully featured Social Network, it is not a messaging app like Gemz but a much more complete solution.

    Synereo goes a few steps further, some are below:

    • complete decentralization and distribution
    • a developed attention economy model
    • network resilience
    • identity and data ownership
    • community moderation
    • smart contracts
    • etc.

    Another important fact to note is that Synereo does not operate for profit.

    For more info have a read at the OP Post and you can also checkout our blog: (

    Our whitepaper is soon to be released, you fill find a lot more info about what is Synereo and how it works.


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mishax1 on February 09, 2015, 07:47:35 AM

    Also important to note that Synereo does not operate for profit.

    Yet you still going to run an IPO..   Would you be willing to make a Proof-Of-Burn crowdsale ?

    Things require resources and energy to materialize in this universe. :)

    When the Synereo social network is up and running, there will be no mechanism in place creating profit from ongoing activity on the network. Nothing will be monetized.
    No premium services, no pay-to-participate, no walled sections, no advanced features for donors, etc. The company in charge of the development and maintenance of the network and its technology - the one receiving the funds from the crowdsale  - cannot generate profit.

    How would you maintain the network with lack of future funding ?  Where do you plan to keep the database (pictures/videos..) and who will pay for that ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on February 09, 2015, 08:05:11 AM
    Nodes who volunteer to serve those functions get a small portion of all the AMP tokens used as a "transaction fee," not unlike Bitcoin miners getting bitcoins for verifying transactions trustlessly.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mishax1 on February 09, 2015, 08:12:59 AM

    Do you think those nodes can maintain hundreds of petabytes of data ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on February 09, 2015, 10:34:26 AM

    Do you think those nodes can maintain hundreds of petabytes of data ?

    Collectively, yes. File sharing networks hold way more than that. For each person with data to store, another node is added to the network. In the real world, volunteers don't even seem to need an incentive like AMPs to seed files, which would be analogous, here.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on February 09, 2015, 03:20:46 PM

    Do you think those nodes can maintain hundreds of petabytes of data ?

    Hey Misha,

    Thank you for these questions. We're happy to see that you're interested.

    We're going to have a hangout with the community, answering questions live, this Wednesday 21:00PM GMT.

    See the details here:

    Looking forward to seeing you all there.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 11, 2015, 01:40:21 PM
    Here is an interview with Dor Konforty ( Synereo's CEO by NewsBTC.

    He answers some interesting questions:

    • How closely does Synereo's network model follow the brain?
    • Are people going to be into AMPlified content?
    • How long before our social media is fully decentralized?

    And don't forget todays's Synereo Community Hangout ( at 21:00 GMT.

    This week, the Tech team will provide some updates and teasers from their work over the past several weeks.

    You are all welcome to join the discussion.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: BTCspace on February 11, 2015, 02:59:26 PM
    this is a nice project.  :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 13, 2015, 12:01:56 PM
    Salon Talks: Facebook for the Blockchain - Synereo

    Greg introduces and discusses Synereo on Decentral Vancouver with some very interesting guests and questions.
    Watch the video to find out more. (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on February 13, 2015, 11:28:55 PM
    Salon Talks: Facebook for the Blockchain - Synereo

    Greg introduces and discusses Synereo on Decentral Vancouver with some very interesting guests and questions.
    Watch the video to find out more. (
    It was a fun night.  8)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 16, 2015, 11:55:27 AM
    Synereo Community Hangout - Music Publishing

    For our second Community Hangout we'll be focusing on music publishing, and the next generation of digital content distribution.

    This time, we're featuring some very special guests: Matt Black, of Coldcut fame and founder of the successful indie record label Ninja Tune, and joined by DJ Oil.

    Stay tuned for more guests who might be joining!

    Join us for the Hangout next Wednesday February the 18th at 21:00 WET on our Google+ (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 18, 2015, 08:20:20 PM
    Community Hangout – Content Creation and Distribution TODAY, at 21:00 GMT.

    We’re going to talk about content creation and distribution on Synereo, where artists will be able to take complete
    control over how they express themselves and enjoy a direct line to their fans, present and future.

    Joining us are our advisory board member, Matt Black (Coldcut (, Ninja Tune ( and DJ Oil (

    We’ll also discuss Synereo’s collaborative filtering system as well as how Amplification will help content creators
    both by spreading their message and through compensating them for their contributions.

    Join us on Google Hangouts on Air (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Nexus 9 on February 18, 2015, 09:08:14 PM
    Fascinating project. I genuinely hope them success. Just don't be evil, Synereo. We'll be watching very closely.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on February 18, 2015, 11:17:41 PM
    Fascinating project. I genuinely hope them success. Just don't be evil, Synereo. We'll be watching very closely.

    We're building something different. We're leaving "don't be evil" behind and going with "can't be evil". ;)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: rakesh1_90 on February 22, 2015, 02:50:16 AM
    Fascinating project. I genuinely hope them success. Just don't be evil, Synereo. We'll be watching very closely.

    We're building something different. We're leaving "don't be evil" behind and going with "can't be evil". ;)

    When is the release?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 22, 2015, 05:04:11 AM
    Fascinating project. I genuinely hope them success. Just don't be evil, Synereo. We'll be watching very closely.

    We're building something different. We're leaving "don't be evil" behind and going with "can't be evil". ;)

    When is the release?

    It's work in progress, Synereo's distributed p2p stack is ready and we're creating our social networking application on top of it.
    The team is also working on music sharing features so to allow musicians, record labels, etc to be able to share and distribute their content on our platform.

    Stay tuned as we will update on progress regularly going forward.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 22, 2015, 05:30:50 AM
    Salon Talks: COINFEST 2015: Vanbex Edition! Synereo, Factom, Trustatom, Etherparty, Opalcoin

    Synereo talks at Decentral Vancouver Coinfest 2015 Hangout with very interesting guests discussing identity, decentralization and AMPs:
    the cryptocurrency used to amplify content and reward users on our social platform.

    • Clef - Brennen Byrne
    • Synereo - Greg Meredith
    • Factom - Paul Snow
    • Trustatom - Yurii Rashkovskii
    • Etherparty - Lisa Cheng
    • Opalcoin - Whit Jack (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: fthoughts on February 22, 2015, 03:34:31 PM
    Really great listening to Greg last night, he was enthusiastic as ever about the project and in talking about Synereo's technicals! When I looked into this project there were several pieces that got me really excited, and the incentivization strategy (AMPs) combined with the promotion and social grouping (Reo) I think will make this project succeed. There are a few others who are attempting to provide a decentralized solution, but none of them are nearly as well thought out and put together as Synereo. Its the making of a successful project and definitely something I'm keeping a close eye on!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Nexus 9 on February 23, 2015, 10:22:56 AM
    Here's a question for you fine folks. If the network is decentralized as you've said what controls the development of the platform? Suppose we want to make modifications to the system's architecture and design. Would I be right to assume your plan is to build a self-sustaining autonomous system, e.g. using intelligent algorithms that learn from user behavior to adjust the platform's parameters? I ask this question because of concerns over the potential long-term survival, flexibility, and evolution of Synereo. I realize you don't want any single person or group to have arbitrary control. However, if the system is adaptive as I imagine it then it seems very likely there could be many unforeseen consequences and highly desirable changes in its design which would require some level of human intervention. I'm sure you've considered this. In which case, I need to ask, are the developers in absolute control? What role does the community play in influencing the future of Synereo? In my view, there should be a means to democratically engineer and regulate this system. I'm not talking about the superficial content layer, but the deep structure underlying the network's activity. Will the technically-minded general public have any power to vote or achieve consensus about these matters?

    Apologies for putting you on the spot, but I think issues like this need attention.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on February 24, 2015, 01:32:17 AM
    Here's a question for you fine folks. If the network is decentralized as you've said what controls the development of the platform? Suppose we want to make modifications to the system's architecture and design. Would I be right to assume your plan is to build a self-sustaining autonomous system, e.g. using intelligent algorithms that learn from user behavior to adjust the platform's parameters? I ask this question because of concerns over the potential long-term survival, flexibility, and evolution of Synereo. I realize you don't want any single person or group to have arbitrary control. However, if the system is adaptive as I imagine it then it seems very likely there could be many unforeseen consequences and highly desirable changes in its design which would require some level of human intervention. I'm sure you've considered this. In which case, I need to ask, are the developers in absolute control? What role does the community play in influencing the future of Synereo? In my view, there should be a means to democratically engineer and regulate this system. I'm not talking about the superficial content layer, but the deep structure underlying the network's activity. Will the technically-minded general public have any power to vote or achieve consensus about these matters?

    Apologies for putting you on the spot, but I think issues like this need attention.

    Now that's my kind of question.
    I am a big believer in the wisdom of crowds and in deliberative processes. One of my main passions for Synereo is that it provides cutting-edge collaborative tools for people to engage each other with regardless of physical proximity.
    While the Synereo developers are going to be the ones steering the ship, we expect our community to be heavily involved in defining the destination through these tools that we aim to build.

    We're also planning on providing simple ways for people to interface directly with the various layers Synereo is built of. Expect a blog post on the subject soon.
    Considering the above and with Synereo being open source, it is infinitely open to experimentation. We're planning on making it so you may use different versions of Synereo - and completely different applications - that are still compatible with the network at large, enjoying a different experience and experimental interaction types and governance laws without leaving your friends behind.

    Groups are particularly open to such experimentation (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: open82buy on February 25, 2015, 05:01:59 AM
    Came to have a look after hearing the pod-cast on LTBcoin (

    Will be watching. 8)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 25, 2015, 09:57:28 AM
    Join us tonight at 21:00 GMT for the Synereo Community Hangout ( on music sharing & social networks.

    Our special guests tonight are Bert Lambs & Paul Richards (California Guitar Trio ( and Tony Levin ( (Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, and more). (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 28, 2015, 01:20:23 PM
    When will IPO start?

    Details are being finalized. We will make announcements on all our channels when ready, stay tuned.  :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on February 28, 2015, 05:22:04 PM
    Learn about Synereo's attention model as well as how Amplification will help content creators spread their message.

    Joining us during our Community Hangout were Bert Lambs and Paul Richards of the California Guitar Trio and Tony Levin Official Page (Peter Gabriel, King Crimson).
    Interesting to hear Bert, Paul, and Tony share with us their views on music sharing, connecting with their audience, and social networking. (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: sidhujag on March 01, 2015, 06:37:59 AM
    Here's a question for you fine folks. If the network is decentralized as you've said what controls the development of the platform? Suppose we want to make modifications to the system's architecture and design. Would I be right to assume your plan is to build a self-sustaining autonomous system, e.g. using intelligent algorithms that learn from user behavior to adjust the platform's parameters? I ask this question because of concerns over the potential long-term survival, flexibility, and evolution of Synereo. I realize you don't want any single person or group to have arbitrary control. However, if the system is adaptive as I imagine it then it seems very likely there could be many unforeseen consequences and highly desirable changes in its design which would require some level of human intervention. I'm sure you've considered this. In which case, I need to ask, are the developers in absolute control? What role does the community play in influencing the future of Synereo? In my view, there should be a means to democratically engineer and regulate this system. I'm not talking about the superficial content layer, but the deep structure underlying the network's activity. Will the technically-minded general public have any power to vote or achieve consensus about these matters?

    Apologies for putting you on the spot, but I think issues like this need attention.

    Now that's my kind of question.
    I am a big believer in the wisdom of crowds and in deliberative processes. One of my main passions for Synereo is that it provides cutting-edge collaborative tools for people to engage each other with regardless of physical proximity.
    While the Synereo developers are going to be the ones steering the ship, we expect our community to be heavily involved in defining the destination through these tools that we aim to build.

    We're also planning on providing simple ways for people to interface directly with the various layers Synereo is built of. Expect a blog post on the subject soon.
    Considering the above and with Synereo being open source, it is infinitely open to experimentation. We're planning on making it so you may use different versions of Synereo - and completely different applications - that are still compatible with the network at large, enjoying a different experience and experimental interaction types and governance laws without leaving your friends behind.

    Groups are particularly open to such experimentation (

    Maybe use prediction markets to figure out which features add most value?

    Or do something like what bitshares did and create n of m oracles that sign blocks via dpos and are voted in for what they promise to work on.. They get paid for the work.. And later a vote takes place to see if the code should be merged with the base making a fully autonomous system or DAC... But the idea is the same just applied to social media

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: zrunfeng on March 03, 2015, 05:30:11 AM
    great,i wonder when will IPO start?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 03, 2015, 02:05:55 PM
    great,i wonder when will IPO start?

    Details are being finalized.

    We will make announcements on all our channels when ready, watch this space.  :) :D ;D

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: mrcashking on March 03, 2015, 03:12:58 PM
    Definitely going to keep an eye on this.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 04, 2015, 04:30:02 AM
    Extensibility in Synereo

    Learn about Synereo’s extensibility with the Attention Economy Model and Network Model APIs.

    Our latest blog post ( explains how developers can leverage the power of the Synereo decentralized network to create new applications.
    We will also be hosting a Community Hangout on Extensibility. Announcement to follow.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 04, 2015, 12:22:20 PM
    Community Hangout – Synereo's Extensibility Model

    Join us TONIGHT for our Community Hangout ( on Synereo's Extensibility Model at 21:00 GMT.
    We will be discussing app development by leveraging Synereo's Attention Economy Model and Network Model APIs! (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: lihaidong198871 on March 04, 2015, 02:56:09 PM
    keeps an eye on this coin~  ;)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 08, 2015, 01:59:13 AM
    On social contracts - Part II

    "In a decentralized, distributed web nobody’s in charge. Or rather, everybody’s in charge of themselves.
    How do we get from that place of potential chaos to a self-organizing and civilized web? It’s all about the protocol."

    Read our latest blog post ( to find out more.

    Our Community Hangout ( next Wednesday will discuss Social Contracts in-depth.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 10, 2015, 03:31:42 AM
    Synereo Open Hangout ( with the Synereo Founders

    Everyone is welcome to join and have a chat with Dor, Greg, and Yuval. (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: LivelyGig on March 11, 2015, 02:33:39 PM
    We like it!  @LivelyGig - A Decentralized Employment Market.  Whitepaper at (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on March 13, 2015, 03:04:37 PM
    A Doctor who studies future economies and alternatives to capitalism is writing a series of articles about Synereo in Israel's largest newspaper, YNET.

    First piece was released today (in Hebrew).,7340,L-4636372,00.html

    Google translate does a nice job at it. ;)

    Quote from: Dr. Krausz
    We are engaged in the last rows of new capitalisms - new regimes that may grow out of today's capitalism. One of the things that characterize these regimes is their networked structure. Our company is a company of mobile networks, social networks, computer networks - and this is only the beginning. Where else could it go? This column can be a fascinating example of an Israeli project a non-profit, he might send Facebook early retirement - time will tell.

    Do we serfs digital?
    We talked one last columns of his style of new capitalist social, called neo feudalism - which is named after the feudal regime of the Middle Ages. That regime existed a class of farmers working on land of nobles, who grew crops for the right to use the land of the noble and paid him taxes. All parties have earned - but earned more noble because he got free from the king mansion, he was able to live without work for recruiting fighters during the war.

    Our Nowadays parallel example is Facebook.
    In this case, the land belongs to the aristocracy of Zuckerberg, and we farmers who create material on his land.
    Without our posts will not be Facebook - but without the authority of Zuckerberg use the platform he built and enlarged, we will have a communications network.
    Even in this case, everyone wins - but Zuckerberg earn.
    This column and the ones that talk about SYNEREO - a kind of alternative platform up, which is free and publications.
    No one owns the platform and nobody runs it.
    It is built on certain principles of the theory of networks, enabling "unmanaged management" - yes, there is such a thing.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Sarahiko on March 13, 2015, 03:17:28 PM
    Is this another coin where you have to buy to get it, or you have to work to get it is getting a lot of attention and i might as well put this on my daily reads to keep track of its progress.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: coin@coin on March 13, 2015, 03:24:43 PM
    I've been following Synereo for a while now. I have looked at their Hangouts and found a lot of interesting points.
    The team behind it is what impresses me the most. The idea of a decentralized, private, "attention rewarding" Social Network is just so good to pass unnoticed.

    Can't wait to hear more news and find out when the crowdsale launches!

    Also looking forward to the launch, I'm sure more work needs to be done, but I'll definitely support the project with a few BTC.

     :)  :D  ;D

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: rakesh1_90 on March 17, 2015, 06:42:13 PM
    When would it be launched?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 18, 2015, 10:29:24 AM
    Community Hangout – Synereo White Paper Review

    We’re hosting a community hangout TODAY, March 18th, at 21:00 GMT. We’ll be discussing the Synereo white paper and a lot more.

    Get your Geek on and come find out everything you ever wanted to learn about the attention economy model, social contracts, distributed cloud, the DendroNet, and more!
    Check out the "Learn More" section on (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on March 18, 2015, 11:08:09 AM
    We're particularly proud about our new Learn More ( section! Make sure you check it out.

    (Still a couple of last minute bugs in. Let's see if you can find them.)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Nxtblg on March 18, 2015, 06:50:40 PM
    Hmmm....if done right, this could be huge. At any rate, it's certainly time for the "Attention Economy."

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: McAndy on March 18, 2015, 09:08:32 PM
    You can join our hangout now live at (


    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on March 19, 2015, 02:03:35 AM
    New thread!

    Come say Hi!

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: slovenia1 on March 20, 2015, 08:01:42 AM (http://'')

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 21, 2015, 10:43:31 PM
    [BOUNTY] 100,000 AMPs for best Tweet - Ends March 24, 8:00PM GMT!

    The Synereo crowdsale ( is approaching fast and we decided to give out our first bounty.

    Anyone with a Twitter account can participate and win 100,000 AMPs (~USD 650 worth).
    One prize winner to be selected next week for the best (creative/insightful/witty/inspiring/popular) Tweet using #DumpFacebook hashtag.

    Just pick a question and Tweet your answer until March 24, 8:00PM GMT:

    • What would it take for you to leave Facebook and switch to Synereo?
    • What or where do you think Facebook could improve or be a better Social Network?
    • What do you expect Synereo to offer better than Facebook?

    To be eligible, your Tweet needs to contain both @Synereo ( and #DumpFacebook (

    Sample Tweet 1: "I want to see @Synereo ( introduce a video-only timeline tab so I can browse the network just for vids #DumpFacebook ("

    Sample Tweet 2: "I want to be able to create my own type of feed item on @Synereo ( #DumpFacebook ("

    How and When do I receive my Prize?
    AMPs to be rewarded after the end of our crowdsale and will be sent to the winner's AMP address.
    We will get in touch with the winner with a personal message on Twitter. We will then ask for an email address to send further details.

    Picking the Winner
    We will be monitoring all submissions for the duration of the bounty.
    We will choose between the ones who stand out for their originality, creativity, and best feedback (i.e. retweets, quotes, etc).
    We'll also be retweeting, and quoting the posts we like the most.

    Go wild!

    The Synereo Team
    Be Part of the Solution

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: jman887854 on March 22, 2015, 12:17:34 PM
    I love the idea, however this seems like an enormous undertaking.  How far along are you in development?  I know it's difficult to say when it will be released, but how long after the IPO until we see something tangible? 1 month? a year?  Thanks and good luck

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: slovenia1 on March 23, 2015, 07:48:37 AM
    Almost there: (http://'')

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: jman887854 on March 24, 2015, 01:08:42 AM
    We are in touch with various escrow service providers to provide our backers with a smooth and secure solution.

    That's a quote from your original post.

    I guess you couldn't find an escrow service?  I guess you won't be taking my money either.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: bitwhizz on March 25, 2015, 09:20:53 PM
    What is the IPO valuation of Synereo?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on March 25, 2015, 10:16:46 PM
    We are in touch with various escrow service providers to provide our backers with a smooth and secure solution.

    That's a quote from your original post.

    I guess you couldn't find an escrow service?  I guess you won't be taking my money either.

    We have not found any escrow agent we could trust and eventually decided one is not necessary. We are an established company under a strict jurisdiction and are bound by the terms and conditions of the sale ( We cannot (and would not) "run away with the funds". :)

    We've instead elected to partner up with the Omni Foundation and have them act as trustees for the AMPs as well as supervise the crowdsale. We believe that the structure we have set provides our backers with a smooth and secure solution.
    What is the service you would have wished to receive from an escrow service provider? Is there one that you think would give you a greater assurance than a legally binding contract?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: apenzl on March 25, 2015, 10:57:16 PM
    Please update OP with a link to ICO or

    Thanks. :)

    This sounds promising.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on March 26, 2015, 01:16:01 AM
    Please update OP with a link to ICO or

    Thanks. :)

    This sounds promising.

    Updated, thanks for pointing that out.   :)

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on March 26, 2015, 12:01:15 PM
    What is the IPO valuation of Synereo?


    I'm sorry it took me a while to answer your question.
    Please see it here in our new thread:

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on April 02, 2015, 07:36:09 PM

    Synereo is no longer merely a team with an idea.
    We are proud to announce a working prototype of the decentralized social network. Read more here (

    We will soon be inviting a select few hackers to build the first features of the next-gen social network
    with us through our new bounty program. Stay tuned for more info.

    The community is welcome to join the Synereo Slack at (
    Doors are open to everyone who wants to join the discussion and find out more about the demo bounty program.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on April 02, 2015, 09:04:58 PM
    Synereo Tech Demo
    The tech underlying the prototype shown is completely decentralized. It has been in development for over four
    years. Our whitepaper elaborates on this and on all subjects discussed in this video in great detail. This is the
    first Synereo tech demo. The interface you see is a prototype only; the final version will replace it completely. (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on April 07, 2015, 06:35:07 PM

    Our next Community Hangout ( is tomorrow at 21:00 GMT: discussing developing on Synereo and our new Bounty
    MVP (Minimum Viable Features): up to 50K AMPs to be shared by selected participants. Find out more on our blog (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on April 07, 2015, 09:45:28 PM
    We're gonna have a live demo of Synereo during our Meet Up in Vancouver on crypto crowdsales, too. Check it out:

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on April 11, 2015, 02:56:35 PM

    We are over 10 Million AMPs sold. Get yours before the next rate change at

    For more info read our blog post on Rule Change (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Kalkuuuta on April 12, 2015, 08:53:17 AM
    I try send from omniwallet BTC to synereo address but after 5 try BTC not have move. What can be problem?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on April 12, 2015, 09:59:00 AM
    I try send from omniwallet BTC to synereo address but after 5 try BTC not have move. What can be problem?

    Omniwallet has issues with Firefox, unfortunately. Try using Chrome instead.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Kalkuuuta on April 12, 2015, 11:26:22 AM
    I try send from omniwallet BTC to synereo address but after 5 try BTC not have move. What can be problem?

    Omniwallet has issues with Firefox, unfortunately. Try using Chrome instead.

    Thank you. Working.

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on April 12, 2015, 05:06:19 PM
    Watch Synereo's new video

    Something No One Owns (

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: sologap on April 16, 2015, 02:13:09 AM
    after we buy, how to receive the coins ?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: MadCow on April 16, 2015, 03:00:53 AM
    How long before you think you'll have a beta version up and running?

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: dannygroove on April 16, 2015, 05:07:47 AM
    after we buy, how to receive the coins ?

    How long before you think you'll have a beta version up and running?

    This post has moved, go to:

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SynereoCommunity on April 17, 2015, 05:56:41 PM
    We've just announced a slew of new Twitter bounties.
    Come up with creative and inspiring tweets about Synereo and win 50,000 AMPs! (~275$)

    Find out more on our blog:

    • Find a Slogan for Synereo
    • Tweet a meme about Synereo
    • Synereo Haiku
    • Social Ops Week
    • Celebrity Hunt

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: SlyWax on April 20, 2015, 02:15:27 PM
    Why do you post here if this tread is supposed to be dead.
    We don't need twice the same info on the same board.
    Talking about information overload you are not heading in the right direction.

    Or just make an official announcement only tread !

    Title: Re: [PRE-ANN] Synereo: A fully decentralized social network owned by you
    Post by: Elokane on August 27, 2016, 11:55:17 PM