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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: MoonShadow on May 15, 2011, 12:05:36 AM

Title: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: MoonShadow on May 15, 2011, 12:05:36 AM
...that I don't think that anarchists on this forum, or anywhere else, have any realistic argument.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: Anonanon on May 15, 2011, 12:12:49 AM
And I don't eat apples because penguins huddle together for warmth. What're you getting at?

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: error on May 15, 2011, 12:14:47 AM
...that I don't think that anarchists on this forum, or anywhere else, have any realistic argument.

Non sequitur.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 15, 2011, 12:19:43 AM
I don't find it surprising in the least.  If we continue on the path we currently are this is going to be our society in not too distant future

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: MoonShadow on May 15, 2011, 12:30:51 AM
And I don't eat apples because penguins huddle together for warmth. What're you getting at?

My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

I cannot accept the arguement, however rational, that a society of entirely self-governed people can exist peacefully or sustainablely until there is a solution for this kind of person.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 15, 2011, 12:37:03 AM
People may be born with all sorts of tendencies, but I do not believe this kind of people would exist if they had the chance not to. They are simply conditioned to be such

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: MoonShadow on May 15, 2011, 12:38:48 AM
People may be born with all sorts of tendencies, but I do not believe this kind of people would exist if they had the chance not to. They are simply conditioned to be such

How do you figure that these people are conditioned to keep one child in a cage and possiblely kill another and bury it next to the shed?  Do you think that they were raised this way?

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: error on May 15, 2011, 12:51:54 AM
And I don't eat apples because penguins huddle together for warmth. What're you getting at?

My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

I cannot accept the arguement, however rational, that a society of entirely self-governed people can exist peacefully or sustainablely until there is a solution for this kind of person.

Clearly this is a government failure. In the world you are describing, these people would have become police officers.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 15, 2011, 12:55:47 AM
I think we are all animals and put ourselves first. The only thing that prevents society from such things is moral and environment in which they live. What today's "you are the best, you are worth it, you are individual" culture does is makes us compromise our moral more and more. This is just an extreme case of that and isolation from general society where other factors like fear of punishment against such things exist.
For majority of people, especially with strong ego, it is quite difficult to grasp that what they perceive as reality is only in their heads and it can be very different.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: NghtRppr on May 15, 2011, 01:04:37 AM
My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

We don't need a government for that. There will still be collective self-defense under anarchism. The only difference is that it will be paid for voluntarily and there will be competition among services.

Of course, in other cases there will be firms that take cases like this on contingency. They will rescue the child and then demand restitution from the parents for their services. You really need to delve into the literature and start looking for solutions to problems instead of just settling on whatever objections you can come up with.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: MoonShadow on May 15, 2011, 03:09:06 AM
My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

We don't need a government for that. There will still be collective self-defense under anarchism. The only difference is that it will be paid for voluntarily and there will be competition among services.

Of course, in other cases there will be firms that take cases like this on contingency. They will rescue the child and then demand restitution from the parents for their services. You really need to delve into the literature and start looking for solutions to problems instead of just settling on whatever objections you can come up with.

I still consider private security/defense and 'phyles' to be sort of government in it's own right.  These kind of solutions aren't anarchy.  BTW, I've read many of the documents that anarchists point me to, and this is one objection that I've never seen well handled.  I'm not saying that what we have is any good at identifying criminal sociopaths either, but once identified the system we have does a very good job of punishment.  That is, in fact, the one thing that it's good at.

Even in the 'phyles' type of voluntary minarchy described in The Diamond Age, a phyle wouldn't have the right to take these children away from their parents, even if they had the motivation.  At a minimum, the parents would have to be compensated for the children taken from them, because in that imaginary system children are legally and economicly the property of their parents.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: error on May 15, 2011, 03:40:04 AM
The current system isn't that great at punishing criminal sociopaths. It's much better at putting them in power.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 15, 2011, 03:49:29 AM
The current system isn't that great at punishing criminal sociopaths. It's much better at putting them in power.

You said it like it's a bad thing. Sociopaths are way better at making rational decisions

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: error on May 15, 2011, 03:51:20 AM
The current system isn't that great at punishing criminal sociopaths. It's much better at putting them in power.

You said it like it's a bad thing. Sociopaths are way better at making rational decisions

If what you need is someone who is good at killing and oppressing people, then yes, a sociopath is ideal. Personally I think that's a bad thing.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 15, 2011, 03:54:29 AM
The current system isn't that great at punishing criminal sociopaths. It's much better at putting them in power.

You said it like it's a bad thing. Sociopaths are way better at making rational decisions

If what you need is someone who is good at killing and oppressing people, then yes, a sociopath is ideal. Personally I think that's a bad thing.

You are mixing psychopaths with sociopaths

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: NghtRppr on May 15, 2011, 04:00:34 AM
These kind of solutions aren't anarchy.

That's your definition of anarchy. My definition differs from yours. I'd prefer to avoid debates over which definitions are "right" and instead focus on the meaning behind the words. I consider anarchy perfectly capable of having all sorts of elaborate rules and structures, as long as they are all voluntary with violence only ever being used in self-defense.

because in that imaginary system children are legally and economicly the property of their parents

Well, there's your problem!

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: error on May 15, 2011, 04:09:07 AM
The current system isn't that great at punishing criminal sociopaths. It's much better at putting them in power.

You said it like it's a bad thing. Sociopaths are way better at making rational decisions

If what you need is someone who is good at killing and oppressing people, then yes, a sociopath is ideal. Personally I think that's a bad thing.

You are mixing psychopaths with sociopaths

I always get those mixed up. I have a hard time determining the real-world difference between them.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: MoonShadow on May 15, 2011, 04:54:08 AM
The current system isn't that great at punishing criminal sociopaths. It's much better at putting them in power.

You said it like it's a bad thing. Sociopaths are way better at making rational decisions

I suppose that depends on how one defines "criminal".  The halls of prisons are filled with unsuccessful  and ignorant sociopaths, alongside the non-violent drug offenders.  While the halls of Congress and the Pentagon are filled with successful and intelligent sociopaths.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: benjamindees on May 15, 2011, 06:21:51 AM
Quote from: Creighto
How do you figure that these people are conditioned to keep one child in a cage and possiblely kill another and bury it next to the shed?  Do you think that they were raised this way?

"He went to church and everything."

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: kiba on May 15, 2011, 06:36:02 AM
Socialpath and pyschopath are crafty people really good at imitating normal people, and they're not necessary criminals..

Congressmen, I bet are just mostly normal people with 1 or 2 percents pyschopath mixed in.t

When we lack economic rationality, we tend to let insitutions incentives to drive destructive behaviors.

Insanity is what kill humanity, not a secret cabal of evil socialpath.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: em3rgentOrdr on May 15, 2011, 07:09:52 AM

My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

I cannot accept the arguement, however rational, that a society of entirely self-governed people can exist peacefully or sustainablely until there is a solution for this kind of person.

You are concerned that ordinary people won't able to use violence against such kinds of sociopaths.  But this is a non-sequentior against an argument against anarchy.  Anarchists aren't necessarily against violence.  But rather we (I should say "I") are against institutionalized violence by a single organization with a monopoly on coercion.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: goatpig on May 15, 2011, 07:42:56 AM
A sociopath can't care for people, but he can care for a person (difference between public/private relationships)
A psychopath can't care for either.

I don't know in which anarchist "guidebook" you read that the life of a child is considered the property of its parents. The life of a being is its own. If the child makes a case of being poorly treated by its parents and tries to break free, it is the child's right, and if the parents oppose it by force, then there is coercion and concept of defending one's life and protecting a person in danger apply perfectly.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: FreeMoney on May 15, 2011, 09:46:29 AM
Government claims responsibility for keeping us safe, fails, therefore we need government.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: caveden on May 15, 2011, 11:30:55 AM
My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

Of course legitimate use of force exists. What doesn't follow is that you have to use illegitimate force (steal from innocents, from ex.) in order to keep legitimate uses of force.

A very basic video for better understanding:

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: caveden on May 15, 2011, 11:40:51 AM
I still consider private security/defense and 'phyles' to be sort of government in it's own right. 

To be a government it has to do one of the following at least:
  • Coercively maintain a monopoly, particularly a monopoly on ultimate decision concerning conflicts (Justice).
  • Coercively finance themselves (taxation/theft)

If they're not initiating force or threat either to tax or to keep their geographical monopoly, they can't be considered governments.

At a minimum, the parents would have to be compensated for the children taken from them, because in that imaginary system children are legally and economicly the property of their parents.

Children are not slaves of their parents, who told you that?

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JohnDoe on May 15, 2011, 02:14:57 PM
I cannot accept the arguement, however rational, that a society of entirely self-governed people can exist peacefully or sustainablely until there is a solution for this kind of person.

You just whack them and be done with it. Not sure what's the difference between that and using police to arrest them and put them in jail.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: tomcollins on May 15, 2011, 02:18:01 PM
And I don't eat apples because penguins huddle together for warmth. What're you getting at?

My point here is that people like this exist.  And it is because of this fact that the collective, and hopefully restrained, legitimate use of force exists.  To identify, capture and contain sociopaths with criminal tendencies.

I cannot accept the arguement, however rational, that a society of entirely self-governed people can exist peacefully or sustainablely until there is a solution for this kind of person.

No monopoly of force does not mean no legitimate uses of force ever.  Using force to help protect someone from someone else (or doing it yourself) is perfectly valid.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: Alex Beckenham on May 15, 2011, 02:56:10 PM
"He was really a nice guy," Brian Gore's ex-girlfriend, Sandy, told WTKR 3 News in Norfolk. "He went to church and everything."

Does going to church really make people seem more trustworthy, or only among other church-goers?

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on May 15, 2011, 03:15:23 PM
"He was really a nice guy," Brian Gore's ex-girlfriend, Sandy, told WTKR 3 News in Norfolk. "He went to church and everything."

Does going to church really make people seem more trustworthy, or only among other church-goers?

People with a common imaginary friend tend to trust each other

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JA37 on May 15, 2011, 05:29:03 PM
You just whack them and be done with it. Not sure what's the difference between that and using police to arrest them and put them in jail.
I'm sure you can see the difference between murder and inprisonment. At least I hope so. Otherwise you should seek help.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JohnDoe on May 15, 2011, 05:57:22 PM
I'm sure you can see the difference between murder and inprisonment. At least I hope so. Otherwise you should seek help.

The point is getting rid of a threat to society right? Both methods achieve the same effect, the first one being the most efficient.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JA37 on May 15, 2011, 09:49:33 PM
The point is getting rid of a threat to society right? Both methods achieve the same effect, the first one being the most efficient.
The couple in question doesn't seem to be a threat to society, just to their own offspring. Should we kill them anyway, just to be on the safe side? Who else should we go after while we're at it?

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JohnDoe on May 15, 2011, 10:04:18 PM
The couple in question doesn't seem to be a threat to society, just to their own offspring. Should we kill them anyway, just to be on the safe side? Who else should we go after while we're at it?

You are right, not a threat to society but maybe only to their neighborhood. If I was their neighbor I would kill them anyway to be on the safe side since they are clearly very mentally unstable and because I'd feel good about rescuing the kid.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JA37 on May 15, 2011, 10:07:48 PM
You are right, not a threat to society but maybe only to their neighborhood. If I was their neighbor I would kill them anyway to be on the safe side since they are clearly very mentally unstable and because I'd feel good about rescuing the kid.

Ah, maybe. There are lots of people who may be a threat. You have a lot of people to kill.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: rezin777 on May 15, 2011, 10:12:25 PM
Ah, maybe. There are lots of people who may be a threat. You have a lot of people to kill.

This isn't a case of may be a threat, if the story in the OP is factual, these people are a threat and there is evidence to prove it.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: MoonShadow on May 16, 2011, 01:03:11 AM
The couple in question doesn't seem to be a threat to society, just to their own offspring. Should we kill them anyway, just to be on the safe side? Who else should we go after while we're at it?

You are right, not a threat to society but maybe only to their neighborhood. If I was their neighbor I would kill them anyway to be on the safe side since they are clearly very mentally unstable and because I'd feel good about rescuing the kid.

 what if another neighbor considers you a threat because they don't see it the same way as yourself.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JohnDoe on May 16, 2011, 01:58:09 AM
what if another neighbor considers you a threat because they don't see it the same way as yourself.

Then I have a big problem obviously. In reality though I would never have acted in the first place if I wasn't sure I'd have the support of the rest. If the rest instead supported the caging of children then it means I'm in hostile territory and should get the hell outta there.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: Alex Beckenham on May 16, 2011, 02:17:44 AM
what if another neighbor considers you a threat because they don't see it the same way as yourself.

Then I have a big problem obviously. In reality though I would never have acted in the first place if I wasn't sure I'd have the support of the rest. If the rest instead supported the caging of children then it means I'm in hostile territory and should get the hell outta there.

I'm not in support of caging children, or murdering the parents.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: rezin777 on May 16, 2011, 02:41:54 AM
I'm not in support of caging children, or murdering the parents.

Putting a child in a cage long enough to result in the child eating it's own skin in an attempt to survive is enough criminal negligence to require complete removal from society, imo. At this point the parents have clearly expressed their ability to initiate force against others and should have no expectation of gentle treatment at the hands of others.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: Alex Beckenham on May 16, 2011, 02:56:22 AM
I'm not in support of caging children, or murdering the parents.

Putting a child in a cage long enough to result in the child eating it's own skin in an attempt to survive is enough criminal negligence to require complete removal from society, imo. At this point the parents have clearly expressed their ability to initiate force against others and should have no expectation of gentle treatment at the hands of others.

I agree, I wouldn't handle them gently if they came anywhere near me or my family.

But I wouldn't go out of my way to have them whacked either.

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: JohnDoe on May 16, 2011, 03:03:24 AM
I'm not in support of caging children, or murdering the parents.

That's fine. The world is big so I don't think your school of thought would end up clashing with mine over our key differences if we lived in anarchy. I guess I would just go to a place where people think like me and like to take care of problems quickly and efficiently rather than fairly and rightly (which in my opinion would be slow and inefficient).

Title: Re: It's because of crazy people like this...
Post by: goatpig on May 16, 2011, 09:14:39 AM
I'm not in support of caging children, or murdering the parents.

Putting a child in a cage long enough to result in the child eating it's own skin in an attempt to survive is enough criminal negligence to require complete removal from society, imo. At this point the parents have clearly expressed their ability to initiate force against others and should have no expectation of gentle treatment at the hands of others.

I agree, I wouldn't handle them gently if they came anywhere near me or my family.

But I wouldn't go out of my way to have them whacked either.

And you wouldn't go out of your way if I went out of mine to whack them. That's the beauty of anarchy. On a more fundamental level, these people have given up on their right to live by forcefully putting the life of another in danger. As such, I have no responsibility to respect their life and a legitimate motive in opposing these people with force. You, on your end, have no motive to stop me from harming them in my attempt to save the child.