Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: GKooi on October 27, 2014, 05:50:50 PM

Title: Litecoin daemon on linux server, need some help ..
Post by: GKooi on October 27, 2014, 05:50:50 PM
Hello foks,

Im new to linux, debian 7 to be precise and i could use a little help here. It has to with the RPC connection which i cannot get to work...
I am using Litecoind.


== GOAL ==

Having a Bitcoin wallet on a server hosting which runs debian 7 which i can remote control by using PHP files to do JSON requests over the RPC protocol. For example the Get_balance command.


I have setup the Daemon, working fine
I have the config file for the Daemon, rpcip and rpcport, daemon1 and server1
I have a working PHP file for the client to request from the server


It refuses to complete the request. If the PHP is being loaded in a browser it will finally time out. It doenst seem to connect. It does work if i install the daemon on my home computer with virtual machine running debian 7.


One of the reasons could be the ports. I have no idea how to open the ports on debian 7. I could use a little help there. I do not know any other causes then the port. Does anyone have a clue about what i did wrong here or at least bring me slightly forward to a solution. Im basicly driving blind.

Title: Re: Litecoin daemon on linux server, need some help ..
Post by: Bitsky on October 28, 2014, 07:59:04 AM
Not a Deb user, but here are things I'd check on a RH system:

Is Litecoin listening on rpcip:rpcport? Use "netstat" to find out.

Is SELinux running?
Use "getenforce" to check, and "setenforce 0" to test without. If it works then, adjust SELinux (probably by setting httpd_can_network_connect to 1). Do not disable it permanently!

Does the firewall block it?
Check your ruleset to see if packets are allowed between both daemons. I hope you're running Litecoin on and not the public IP (usually localhost connections are not firewalled by default).

Check the logs for errors/warnings.

Run tcpdump to see if any packets are send.

Run strace.

Title: Re: Litecoin daemon on linux server, need some help ..
Post by: GKooi on October 28, 2014, 12:34:33 PM
Thanks for the help so far, i have made it listen on the port i wanted and localhost, so its now listening on

However, still no luck.

The getenforce command didnt work (im a total noob in linux)