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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: awesome31312 on October 28, 2014, 01:36:17 PM

Title: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: awesome31312 on October 28, 2014, 01:36:17 PM
“You’re a prostitute. You’re coming with me.”

Officer David Roark put his hands over the mouth of a 12 year old girl and attempted to kidnap her, when her father heard her cries for help, and came rushing from the balcony.

"Dymond’s parents approached the cops and said “That’s our daughter. She’s twelve.” Roark responded “I don’t care if she’s twenty-two, thirty-two, or forty-six.”

"None of the officers were fired. In fact Gomez went on to work for the department up until 2012 when he started his own private detective services. 2 years after he beat a 12 year-old girl to the point of hospitalization, Officer Sean Stewart was named Galveston “Officer of the year”!"

Full article: (

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: spazzdla on October 28, 2014, 02:32:16 PM
Their code of protecting their "brothers" at all costs is very scary.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: awesome31312 on October 28, 2014, 03:13:49 PM
Their code of protecting their "brothers" at all costs is very scary.

Reminds you of blood oaths gang members swear to

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: BADecker on October 28, 2014, 06:36:26 PM
Police departments (gangs) across the land were created by big business to protect big business... not the people.

Big businesses are often run by the crooks.

Petty crooks and gang members are finding that if they join the police department gang, they can do their "ganging" more or less legally, and what's not legal is protected, anyway.

People need to change their city councils and mayors.

People need to change their neighborhood watches into neighborhood gangs, to protect themselves from the police gangs.


Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: nsimmons on October 28, 2014, 07:29:33 PM
Has this been confirmed by a less biased site?

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: bitsmichel on October 28, 2014, 07:57:53 PM
Their code of protecting their "brothers" at all costs is very scary.
Cops have always been motivated by money. But in this particular case there is no business protected?  ???

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: Bonam on October 29, 2014, 03:06:51 AM
Has this been confirmed by a less biased site?

Here is one of the reports from the time:

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: awesome31312 on October 29, 2014, 08:28:43 AM
Has this been confirmed by a less biased site? (

The lawsuit (

There are sources within the article itself, if only you read it that is

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: oprahwindfury on October 29, 2014, 10:08:16 AM
The U.S. police force is a cesspool of corruption mired in bad policies and bad attitudes. The people who became cops from my high school were the ones that enjoyed bullying others and being able to hold some false semblance of power. The cops in America are given far too much power for the amount of training and qualifications they possess.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: aljunking on October 29, 2014, 12:31:45 PM
Death penalty for the cops. Why should these kind of guys still has to be judged. Do it ISIS style.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: _chance_ on October 29, 2014, 12:36:07 PM
Alright, more cop news that's the third one i saw in here op are you specifically searching on cops this week or what lol

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: lili song on October 29, 2014, 01:41:15 PM
That cops has huge Testoteron hormone
It must be chop
So the cops will regret 'till death

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: awesome31312 on October 29, 2014, 02:48:51 PM
Alright, more cop news that's the third one i saw in here op are you specifically searching on cops this week or what lol

If I don't alert the audience of the forum about them, they will say "Not all cops are like that" or "You're cherrypicking"

Don't worry, it'll become clear why soon

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: Elwar on October 29, 2014, 02:53:19 PM
Nothing you can do about government kidnappings. It is deemed acceptable.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: awesome31312 on October 29, 2014, 03:15:17 PM
Nothing you can do about government kidnappings. It is deemed acceptable.

By whose standards? If by ours, then why do we allow them to be deemed acceptable?

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: Elwar on October 29, 2014, 07:45:02 PM
why do we allow them to be deemed acceptable?

good question

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: Mccoy818 on October 30, 2014, 07:44:27 AM
Nothing you can do about government kidnappings. It is deemed acceptable.

acceptable? by whom?

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: Elwar on October 31, 2014, 08:12:43 AM
Nothing you can do about government kidnappings. It is deemed acceptable.

acceptable? by whom?

Ever been somewhere that the police came in and kidnapped someone in front of you?

Did you step in to stop them?

Why/Why not?

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: awesome31312 on October 31, 2014, 09:29:16 AM
Nothing you can do about government kidnappings. It is deemed acceptable.

acceptable? by whom?

Ever been somewhere that the police came in and kidnapped someone in front of you?


Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: SamMurphy on April 05, 2017, 12:06:07 PM
I can't really believe there are people like him :( It's so sad to see them in our community, some of us have children and those children are growing up in such and bad place. Many kids think that this normal and they are grow up and become like him. It's unbelievable that those people are still free  >:( I hope all this people around the world, one day stop existed.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: bra4our on April 05, 2017, 12:18:28 PM
The Government have made police officers gone out of control, These people think they are above the law and they are doing anything without reproach whatsoever.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: gabmen on April 05, 2017, 01:49:18 PM
The Government have made police officers gone out of control, These people think they are above the law and they are doing anything without reproach whatsoever.

Sadly this is true for a lot of countries. Cops should protect citizens but people should be carefully selected before we give them that kind of authority. It's pretty much everywhere that you see cops abusing any power they have and most of them really go unpunished

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: Lieldoryn on April 05, 2017, 09:58:18 PM
The Government have made police officers gone out of control, These people think they are above the law and they are doing anything without reproach whatsoever.
And why think that they are above the law? They are above the law. This problem does not concern only one country. Cops from different countries behave as the gods. This is a global problem. Never give up the power to the people the majority of which are inadequate.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: GreenBits on April 06, 2017, 12:03:30 AM
I can't really believe there are people like him :( It's so sad to see them in our community, some of us have children and those children are growing up in such and bad place. Many kids think that this normal and they are grow up and become like him. It's unbelievable that those people are still free  >:( I hope all this people around the world, one day stop existed.

Ah man, this is the tip.of the iceberg. Not sure of the ethnicity of the parties in question, but I bet this happens in minority low income communities more than you would think. If they actually thought she was a prostitute, then they were most likely going to rape her as they weren't following protocol arresting her like that. Inversely, if they knew she wasn't a prostitute (most likely), the implications are even more grave, they were gonna kidnap and rape a kid becuase they could.

Title: Re: Cops abuse and attempt to abduct 12 year old girl, state “You’re a prostitute"
Post by: GreenBits on April 06, 2017, 12:06:32 AM
The Government have made police officers gone out of control, These people think they are above the law and they are doing anything without reproach whatsoever.

And just think, how many if these abuses are going unreported, at the moment, in illegal immigrant communities? Apparently, even domestic abuse is getting reported less due to fear of ICE contact. If ICE knows this as well, what are the bad apples doing with that info?