Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: lifeforcepools on October 28, 2014, 03:56:06 PM

Title: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 28, 2014, 03:56:06 PM
I believe I'm probably the first person in the U.S. to receive one of MAT's ( miners so I thought I'd post a little review.

Conventional wisdom is that you never ever Pre-order anything and I've been burnt a few times, but back in April of this year the thought of getting 1 MH of mining power for less that $40 was incredible and MAT was advertising such a machine - In fact what I pre-ordered was two of their 125 MH/s units. My fears of pre-ordering were quickly realized then their largest competitors KNC announced they were doubling the speed of their offering for the same price. MAT responded with a 2 for 1 offer so I was not as upset when I found out I'd be getting 500 MH/s of mining power instead of 250 MH/s and I was thanking KNC under my breath: LOL

To make a long story short - MAT was supposed to deliver by the end of the 3rd quarter of this year. By the way - this was a serious investment for me back in April so I did a lot of due diligence on Marc Coumans the CEO of MAT and that began by becoming friends with him on and  then some of my own due diligence. Marc has had a very good business career and background and my personal feelings are that people who have good business careers are rarely scammers and Mark was not hiding his identity like scammers do and also invited a forum member to their offices - especially in light of the horror stories I read about Alpha, KNC, BFL and others to name a few). Without disclosing information that I'm privy to from conversations with Marc, there is no doubt they got off to a rough start and got led down a path by an original supplier that left them at least 6 to 8 weeks behind schedule and scrambling in mid to late July and remember they were supposed to deliver by the end of August.

In any event - 3rd quarter delivery did not happen but Marc kept in touch and let me know about the delays and although I was getting pretty frustrated toward the end of September I hung in there as Marc kept me updated on progress and sometimes lack of progress. I can always take bad news because bad news is better than no news.

In any event Marc shipped my first of two units out last Wednesday via Fedex International Priority with the hopes it would arrive by friday but it got stuck in customs clearance at JFK last Friday and not released until late friday afternoon and lo and behold - it showed up at my office in suburban Philly first thing yesterday morning. The funny part is that I checked the delivery status on the Fedex site and it said it had been delivered - WTF? - so I walk out in the lobby to find a box sitting there - LOL

Marc told me ahead of time that the unit would consume about 2,200 to 2,300 watts and suggested 3 x 850 watt PSU to allow for some headroom.

The machine has 8 hashing boards all with 8 pin connectors (of which you can just plug in the 6 pin plugs).  There's a 9th connector that is used to power the built-in controller and fans - that 9th connector draws 75 watts.

I had my wattometer and started checking each of the boards as I got the unit up and running and determined that each board which hashes at about 35 to 36 Mh/s draws about 325 watts each - so that's 8 boards at 325 watts each consuming 2,600 watts + the fan/controller plug @ 75 watts totaling 2,675 watts (I had to run back to Microcenter and purchase a 4th 850W PSU   >:(

The unit has 6 fans - 3 in front sucking air and 3 in the back blowing air out. When it's hashing the air coming out is much cooler than the air coming out of my Gaw Miners 54 MH War machine - but that's probably due to the increased air flow. I have the machine in our 'computer room' here at the office where there are lots of other servers and it's no louder than my War Machine or an Hp Proliant DL360 or DL380 but I do not see someone sticking one of these things in a small apartment - those 6 fans do make a decent amount of noise. The second unit I have coming will go into a real data center where the business I work for has spare rack space.

Now to the machine - it weighs about 45 lbs and measures about 18" deep  8" high and about 11" wide. It has an LCD display on the front that displays it's ip address and hashing rate.

You can ssh to the units to 'poke around' like I always do and get you this:

SSH Secure Shell 3.2.9 (Build 283)
Copyright (c) 2000-2003 SSH Communications Security Corp -

This copy of SSH Secure Shell is a non-commercial version.
This version does not include PKI and PKCS #11 functionality.

Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-g536726d armv7l)

 * Documentation:
Last login: Mon Oct 27 15:40:43 2014 from

The default IP address is and it wants DHCP on first boot.

You can give it a static IP address through the MAT control panel.

Marc told me this is their first version of their controller software but it works nice and let's you setup your pool - however in this first version you can only specify ONE pool. The controller software also shows the hashing rate of each of the 8 boards and you can stop and start the mining process. I did some poking around and it's my guess since there's 2.6G free out of 3.5G on the controller chip you could probably run multiple instances of the miner and select which board to mine on if you wanted to mine multiple coins at the same time - forgive me Marc if you're reading this  - poking around is my nature.

OK - now to the good stuff - The machine consistently hashes at 280 - 290Mh/s and in my poking around I found their asic.ini file which seems to contain clock rate for all the chips on all the boards (kewl) - but I have no intentions of overclocking this beast.


asic_00 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_01 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_02 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_03 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 447, "05": 511}
asic_04 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_05 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_06 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_07 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_08 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_09 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_0a = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_0b = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_0c = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_0d = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_0e = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_0f = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}
asic_10 = {"02": 511, "03": 511, "00": 511, "01": 511, "04": 511, "05": 511}

I've been mining on Ghash and my own pool this morning since getting it up and running and I've found when running on my NOMP based stratum that's it runs best with a fixed difficulty of 70,000 - 90,000 - it does not like vardiff.  It comes out of the chute hammering away and low vardiffs cause it to restart often until the vardiff gets really high so a very high fixed difficulty seems best.

Even though it's consuming more watts that I had anticipated I have to put that into perspective.
as a comparison and these are from actual readings of other mining computers I own

Classic Zeus Miners 24 MH/s Unit with 4 boards: 1,120 watts =46 watts Mh/s
Gaw Miners War Machine 54 MH/s : 2,100 watts = 38 watts Mh/s
ZeusMiner LIGHTNING X6 40 Mhs - 1,150 watts = 28.75 watts Mh/s

MAT - 280 MH Excaliber : 2,675 watts = 9.55 watts Mh/s

here are some pics below of my unit in action.

I hope this short review has been helpful.

ninja.mat is the MAT unit

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: jimmothy on October 29, 2014, 09:11:50 AM
How much did you pay per MH/s?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 29, 2014, 09:38:36 AM
How much did you pay per MH/s?

in all honestly I can really calculate that right now because MAT is working out a deal to give people extra hash for late deliveries. I should know for sure in about 2 weeks. But I will let you know as soon as I know.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: jimmothy on October 29, 2014, 09:47:08 AM
How much did you pay per MH/s?

in all honestly I can really calculate that right now because MAT is working out a deal to give people extra hash for late deliveries. I should know for sure in about 2 weeks. But I will let you know as soon as I know.

Hopefully they don't charge you more than the actual manufacturer is charging. ($13/MH)

This is the second time now that MAT has pretended to be developing an ASIC and instead just bought the hardware from another company.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on October 29, 2014, 10:09:01 AM
Looks a bit like a AlcheMiner ALCHEMIST  ??
Mat miner

My simple website:

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 29, 2014, 10:26:40 AM
How much did you pay per MH/s?

in all honestly I can really calculate that right now because MAT is working out a deal to give people extra hash for late deliveries. I should know for sure in about 2 weeks. But I will let you know as soon as I know.

Hopefully they don't charge you more than the actual manufacturer is charging. ($13/MH)

This is the second time now that MAT has pretended to be developing an ASIC and instead just bought the hardware from another company.

how do you know that they did not help fund the development of the chips in that machine or potentially have part ownership of that company. It's not uncommon for a hardware manufacturer to sell the same machine under another name - the android marketplace if chock full of these examples. You are making the assumption that they are merely OEM's someone else box.

the chips have MAT's name on them - what name is on the chips in your machine - assuming that thing without fan covers is your machine and it looks like it's missing boards? what's up with that?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: jimmothy on October 29, 2014, 10:43:14 AM
How much did you pay per MH/s?

in all honestly I can really calculate that right now because MAT is working out a deal to give people extra hash for late deliveries. I should know for sure in about 2 weeks. But I will let you know as soon as I know.

Hopefully they don't charge you more than the actual manufacturer is charging. ($13/MH)

This is the second time now that MAT has pretended to be developing an ASIC and instead just bought the hardware from another company.

how do you know that they did not help fund the development of the chips in that machine or potentially have part ownership of that company. It's not uncommon for a hardware manufacturer to sell the same machine under another name - the android marketplace if chock full of these examples. You are making the assumption that they are merely OEM's someone else box.

All I know is that Alcheminer has made absolutely no mention of MAT/dreamchip. Sure they could have invested in Alcheminer like anyone else but I don't see how that would be relevant because they claimed to be designing the ASIC/hardware/software themselves. Here's the Alcheminer IPO thread:

This is looking like an exact repeat of 6 months ago with their sha-256 hardware where they pretended to be designing the ASIC themselves with dreamchip which later was revealed (by the real manufacturer) that they had no part in the design at all.

the chips have MAT's name on them - what name is on the chips in your machine - assuming that thing without fan covers is your machine and it looks like it's missing boards? what's up with that?

Can you please provide a picture of a chip with MAT's logo on it?

As for the alcheminer machine, I don't own one, but what you're looking at is only 96 MH/s so it uses ~1/3 as many boards as your machine and only requires 1/3rd as many fans/PCI-e slots.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 29, 2014, 10:49:32 AM
How much did you pay per MH/s?

in all honestly I can really calculate that right now because MAT is working out a deal to give people extra hash for late deliveries. I should know for sure in about 2 weeks. But I will let you know as soon as I know.

Hopefully they don't charge you more than the actual manufacturer is charging. ($13/MH)

This is the second time now that MAT has pretended to be developing an ASIC and instead just bought the hardware from another company.

how do you know that they did not help fund the development of the chips in that machine or potentially have part ownership of that company. It's not uncommon for a hardware manufacturer to sell the same machine under another name - the android marketplace if chock full of these examples. You are making the assumption that they are merely OEM's someone else box.

All I know is that Alcheminer has made absolutely no mention of MAT/dreamchip. Sure they could have invested in Alcheminer like anyone else but I don't see how that would be relevant because they claimed to be designing the ASIC/hardware/software themselves. Here's the Alcheminer IPO thread:

This is looking like an exact repeat of 6 months ago with their sha-256 hardware where they pretended to be designing the ASIC themselves with dreamchip which later was revealed (by the real manufacturer) that they had no part in the design at all.

the chips have MAT's name on them - what name is on the chips in your machine - assuming that thing without fan covers is your machine and it looks like it's missing boards? what's up with that?

Can you please provide a picture of a chip with MAT's logo on it?

As for the alcheminer machine, I don't own one, but what you're looking at is only 96 MH/s so it uses ~1/3 as many boards as your machine and only requires 1/3rd as many fans/PCI-e slots.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: jimmothy on October 29, 2014, 11:03:04 AM

Looks like it's the same chip:

One company has to be lying about designing the chips themselves and MAT has a track record of lying/sketchiness.

I'd wait for the record to be set straight before buying from either company. (for those who haven't already)

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 29, 2014, 11:19:13 AM
MAT has never lied to me - that's all I can day.

just as a side note - you may want to contact the person who owns that machine you posted because with the gaping unfilled holes in that case they're using the cooling of the boards in that machine has been compromised.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on October 29, 2014, 11:22:17 AM
MAT has never lied to me - that's all I can day.

just as a side note - you may want to contact the person who owns that machine you posted because with the gaping unfilled holes in that case they're using the cooling of the boards in that machine has been compromised.

This is the 256, looks like a exact copy, however it`s a working miner, if the customers get a comparable item, juridical i see not problems. I even think they can juridical wise even deliver you Alchemist 256Mhs. But there should be no more delays.

Picture Alchemist 256Mhs.

Can a other customer post here miners?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: TheRealSteve on October 29, 2014, 05:10:19 PM
Looks like it's the same chip:
If nothing else, the pictured Alcheminer chip has an earlier date code ;)

There may be some hints as to the designer on the board's silkscreen - though if they allow custom badging of chips, a run with whatever silkscreen you like isn't exactly a big leap either.

Ultimately, who makes it is more interesting for investors in the respective companies than end-users.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: AndrewHenson on October 29, 2014, 06:49:54 PM
Thanks for posting,

Hopefully we will see more reports pop up as the units are being shipped.

I bought hosting for my Excaliber, I think that was a good choice looking at the four power supplies you have attached to your miner.

I joined the queue quite late so I don't expect to get it until mid November or even December...  (Not much point if its that late)




Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 29, 2014, 06:52:37 PM

Looks like it's the same chip:

One company has to be lying about designing the chips themselves and MAT has a track record of lying/sketchiness.

I'd wait for the record to be set straight before buying from either company. (for those who haven't already)

so do these: LOL - they're square and black too  ;D

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: TheRealSteve on October 29, 2014, 07:21:17 PM
Maybe to the casual observer - but Zeus' are QFN56, the others are QFN88 ;)
But yes, obviously packages are just standard and you can't tell what's inside them without trace analysis / fuzzing / decapping.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on October 30, 2014, 04:40:32 AM
decapping!!!!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Prelude on October 30, 2014, 07:10:17 AM
Hard to believe that only this late in the game are manufacturers catching up to innosilicon's efficiency. I received 150mh/s worth of A2 machines in May, 10w/MH/s at the wall.

KNC (lol) are the only ones to have beaten innosilicon at the scrypt efficiency game. My Titanic with 2 dead dies is pulling 310 MH/s at 4.3w/MH/s at the wall.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: TheRealSteve on October 30, 2014, 12:22:15 PM
decapping!!!!  ;D ;D
bitcoin miner silicon die pron (, baby!
( would be interesting to see some comparisons between some of the vendors' stuff, actually.. the overall topology should be similar )

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 30, 2014, 12:36:24 PM
Hard to believe that only this late in the game are manufacturers catching up to innosilicon's efficiency. I received 150mh/s worth of A2 machines in May, 10w/MH/s at the wall.

KNC (lol) are the only ones to have beaten innosilicon at the scrypt efficiency game. My Titanic with 2 dead dies is pulling 310 MH/s at 4.3w/MH/s at the wall.

not sure what you mean but I also own an A2 and it's : 23.53 watts per MH

your titanic is using: 13.87 watts per MH

The MAT machine is a little over 9 watts / MH

The MAT machine is the most efficient scrypt miner I know of on the market.


Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 30, 2014, 12:39:28 PM
decapping!!!!  ;D ;D
bitcoin miner silicon die pron (, baby!
( would be interesting to see some comparisons between some of the vendors' stuff, actually.. the overall topology should be similar )

btw: I had a skype convo with Marc from MAT this morning - the Chips in the MAT machines are absolutely different chips than in the other machine and trust me - they are thankful that MAT exists, very happy....

warranties are quite different also.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Prelude on October 30, 2014, 04:30:25 PM
Hard to believe that only this late in the game are manufacturers catching up to innosilicon's efficiency. I received 150mh/s worth of A2 machines in May, 10w/MH/s at the wall.

KNC (lol) are the only ones to have beaten innosilicon at the scrypt efficiency game. My Titanic with 2 dead dies is pulling 310 MH/s at 4.3w/MH/s at the wall.

not sure what you mean but I also own an A2 and it's : 23.53 watts per MH

your titanic is using: 13.87 watts per MH

The MAT machine is a little over 9 watts / MH

The MAT machine is the most efficient scrypt miner I know of on the market.


You're wrong. Which A2 do you own? At 23.53w it sounds like you have a Zeus miner.

1st batch 60MH/s: 610w @ wall, 63MH/s: 9.68W/MH/s @ wall (240v with Corsair 860 AXi)
2nd batch 90MH/s: 920w @ wall, 95.5MH/s: 9.63W/MH/s @ wall (240v with Corsair 860 AXi)
Titanic 310MH/s: 1290w @ wall, 310MH/s: 4.16W/MH/s @ wall (240v with Delta DPS-2000)

I just checked all 3 with a Kill-a-watt.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 30, 2014, 04:54:51 PM
Hard to believe that only this late in the game are manufacturers catching up to innosilicon's efficiency. I received 150mh/s worth of A2 machines in May, 10w/MH/s at the wall.

KNC (lol) are the only ones to have beaten innosilicon at the scrypt efficiency game. My Titanic with 2 dead dies is pulling 310 MH/s at 4.3w/MH/s at the wall.

not sure what you mean but I also own an A2 and it's : 23.53 watts per MH

your titanic is using: 13.87 watts per MH

The MAT machine is a little over 9 watts / MH

The MAT machine is the most efficient scrypt miner I know of on the market.


You're wrong. Which A2 do you own? At 23.53w it sounds like you have a Zeus miner.

however Insilicon advertises 750W - here

1st batch 60MH/s: 610w @ wall, 63MH/s: 9.68W/MH/s @ wall (240v with Corsair 860 AXi)
2nd batch 90MH/s: 920w @ wall, 95.5MH/s: 9.63W/MH/s @ wall (240v with Corsair 860 AXi)
Titanic 310MH/s: 1290w @ wall, 310MH/s: 4.16W/MH/s @ wall (240v with Delta DPS-2000)

I just checked all 3 with a Kill-a-watt.

yes - you are correct - I was wrong - I had it confused with another machine - since my A2 is hosted at Gaw.

The A2 at 86 MH/s consumes 920W

thank you for pointing that out to me.


but what is all this about as it relates to KNC?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Prelude on October 30, 2014, 07:09:30 PM
Basically, KNC fucked a lot of people over with Neptunes and Titans. Every Titan that is shipped out seems to have at least one cube with issues out of four cubes. It's a complete mess. It only works properly on certain pools, multipools are pretty much non-functional. Each Neptune/Titan cube cube should have two PCI-e connectors, but only have one. No Titan shipped will ever ROI, I paid mine $10k and I'll be lucky to make half of it back.

Only thing it has going for it is it's very low power consumption per MH/s.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 30, 2014, 09:25:55 PM
Basically, KNC fucked a lot of people over with Neptunes and Titans. Every Titan that is shipped out seems to have at least one cube with issues out of four cubes. It's a complete mess. It only works properly on certain pools, multipools are pretty much non-functional. Each Neptune/Titan cube cube should have two PCI-e connectors, but only have one. No Titan shipped will ever ROI, I paid mine $10k and I'll be lucky to make half of it back.

Only thing it has going for it is it's very low power consumption per MH/s.

these machines do present a challenge to conventional pools/stratums.

for instance I run a pool of twenty coins and it overwhelms all vardiff settings. I've been doing lots of testing and have the machine running on a port right now with a fixed difficulty of 90,000 and I'm about to test even higher.

I'll get it sorted out , however the configuration of the mining software will allow me to break the boards down into multiple miners if I chose and mine multiple coins on different pools simultaneously.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Prelude on October 31, 2014, 03:38:38 AM
Basically, KNC fucked a lot of people over with Neptunes and Titans. Every Titan that is shipped out seems to have at least one cube with issues out of four cubes. It's a complete mess. It only works properly on certain pools, multipools are pretty much non-functional. Each Neptune/Titan cube cube should have two PCI-e connectors, but only have one. No Titan shipped will ever ROI, I paid mine $10k and I'll be lucky to make half of it back.

Only thing it has going for it is it's very low power consumption per MH/s.

these machines do present a challenge to conventional pools/stratums.

for instance I run a pool of twenty coins and it overwhelms all vardiff settings. I've been doing lots of testing and have the machine running on a port right now with a fixed difficulty of 90,000 and I'm about to test even higher.

I'll get it sorted out , however the configuration of the mining software will allow me to break the boards down into multiple miners if I chose and mine multiple coins on different pools simultaneously.

That's pretty cool if  you're able to do that. In KNC's case the issue isn't with vardiff, it lies with the speed of flushing work (1000 times slower than it should). Makes the miner pretty much useless on coins with fast block times.

For all my scrypt ASICs I've found that 2048 is pretty much the minimum difficulty that works well. Generally, anything above 4096 isn't needed. 90000 is pretty hard-core, and really shouldn't be needed unless there's a big bug in the firmware. It doesn't matter in the long run of course, higher difficulty will only cause fluctuations of reported hash speed pool side, along with variance but given time it all equals out.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on October 31, 2014, 12:32:34 PM
after tweaking my stratum I have the thing consistently running at 280 - 320 MH/s which is really nice

thunder2 & 3 are older zeus boxes

machine1 is a gaw miners war machine

machine2 is a zeus X6

and small is an X1

what's missing is ninja.big which is my gaw miners hosted A2 which has been down recently more than it's been up -  ???

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Adderral on October 31, 2014, 02:26:45 PM
after tweaking my stratum I have the thing consistently running at 280 - 320 MH/s which is really nice

thunder2 & 3 are older zeus boxes

machine1 is a gaw miners war machine

machine2 is a zeus X6

and small is an X1

what's missing is ninja.big which is my gaw miners hosted A2 which has been down recently more than it's been up -  ???

Pretty nice looking hash even without your ninja.big unit. Cool.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on October 31, 2014, 04:10:50 PM
Kilo Hashes?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 01, 2014, 10:53:22 AM

point your machine(s) at and tell me what you get..  ;)

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: johnp on November 01, 2014, 11:19:53 AM

So how come you are the only one who seems to have received their miner, i am still waiting with no word from MAT???

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 01, 2014, 11:29:15 AM

So how come you are the only one who seems to have received their miner, i am still waiting with no word from MAT???

well - I was order #2 - I think that has something to do with it.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: johnp on November 01, 2014, 11:31:42 AM

So how come you are the only one who seems to have received their miner, i am still waiting with no word from MAT???

well - I was order #2 - I think that has something to do with it.

Still would have expected more people to say they have received theirs :-(

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 01, 2014, 11:37:00 AM

So how come you are the only one who seems to have received their miner, i am still waiting with no word from MAT???

well - I was order #2 - I think that has something to do with it.

Still would have expected more people to say they have received theirs :-(

I do know a guy in France who received his last week but he stays off he radar post wise.

there's good chatter on their facebook page for connecting with others...

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: johnp on November 01, 2014, 03:55:22 PM

So how come you are the only one who seems to have received their miner, i am still waiting with no word from MAT???

well - I was order #2 - I think that has something to do with it.

Still would have expected more people to say they have received theirs :-(

I do know a guy in France who received his last week but he stays off he radar post wise.

there's good chatter on their facebook page for connecting with others...

Well i cant see anything recent on there which page are you looking at?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: The Minion on November 01, 2014, 11:15:37 PM
Has anyone else received these besides the OP and the guy in France?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: johnp on November 02, 2014, 06:23:03 PM
Has anyone else received these besides the OP and the guy in France?

I doubt it suspect NONE have been delivered

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 11:06:53 AM
Has anyone else received these besides the OP and the guy in France?

I doubt it suspect NONE have been delivered

And you really think that lifeforcepools receive it? He is part of the scam...

hardly - I paid my money and have the wire transfer receipts from my bank to prove it just like everyone else. You must work for KNC.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on November 04, 2014, 12:32:59 PM
So still only one miner...Hmmmm

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 01:48:54 PM
So still only one miner...Hmmmm

no - that's where you are wrong - I'm the only one who has let people know he has one. Do you have any idea why Tor network coins are so popular? - People like anonimity....

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Prelude on November 04, 2014, 01:57:07 PM

Yeah, that's off. Should be MH/s.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 02:13:34 PM

well - this isn't :  ;)

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 03:22:13 PM
Has anyone else received these besides the OP and the guy in France?

I doubt it suspect NONE have been delivered

And you really think that lifeforcepools receive it? He is part of the scam...

hardly - I paid my money and have the wire transfer receipts from my bank to prove it just like everyone else. You must work for KNC.

Hardly. But your last sentence is very indicative that Im right

you guys are actually quite entertaining. Jesus Christ himself could stand in front of you in the flesh and you would deny his existence. To be honest - I have my machine and my second one has been shipped (I have the tracking number). It has been running flawlessly since last Monday morning without a hiccup, it switches pools very fast and is great - I got what I paid for and I'm very happy and that's the bottom line - the scam accusations I am sure will continue long after hundreds of these machines have been delivered because some people simply refuse to admit that are wrong - bottom line - that's your problem not mine.

I'm a reputable guy who runs a reputable pool and my reputation speaks - while the fudders hide behind their usernames, have hidden agendas and won't even disclose there they live in the profile. They're just faceless, locationless names making unfounded accusations....which speaks volumes about their true motives.

Your desperate attempts to continue to disparage a good company and good people (Marc and the others at MAT) is rather pathetic. I am sure you'll continue to spread your fud.... it's actually a shame you have nothing more meaningful in your lives to do...

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Prelude on November 04, 2014, 03:48:30 PM

All I'm saying is that ghash doesn't seem to work properly with the miner. Strangely enough it's one of the only pools that works with a Titan. Maybe you should try it with difficulty manually set to 2048 or above instead of the 512 it was serving.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 03:53:05 PM
Prelude - I run my own pools - I got tired of getting jerked around and a few times ripped off my pool owners so I purchased pools from the prior owner and have taken it from four coins to over 20 coins.

I've made source code changes to the nomp stratum code to be able to handle a fast miner. It took me a few days and a lot of testing but with my code changes and with  a difficulty of 25,000 it handle the 280 MH/s miner of mine just fine. I could not be happier.

If you're interested in mining certain coins that I don't currently have I'd get your setup because I'll never turn down 300 to 400 Mh/s


Jeff @ Lifeforce

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 03:54:34 PM
Has anyone else received these besides the OP and the guy in France?

I doubt it suspect NONE have been delivered

And you really think that lifeforcepools receive it? He is part of the scam...

hardly - I paid my money and have the wire transfer receipts from my bank to prove it just like everyone else. You must work for KNC.

Hardly. But your last sentence is very indicative that Im right

you guys are actually quite entertaining. Jesus Christ himself could stand in front of you in the flesh and you would deny his existence. To be honest - I have my machine and my second one has been shipped (I have the tracking number). It has been running flawlessly since last Monday morning without a hiccup, it switches pools very fast and is great - I got what I paid for and I'm very happy and that's the bottom line - the scam accusations I am sure will continue long after hundreds of these machines have been delivered because some people simply refuse to admit that are wrong - bottom line - that's your problem not mine.

I'm a reputable guy who runs a reputable pool and my reputation speaks - while the fudders hide behind their usernames, have hidden agendas and won't even disclose there they live in the profile. They're just faceless, locationless names making unfounded accusations....which speaks volumes about their true motives.

Your desperate attempts to continue to disparage a good company and good people (Marc and the others at MAT) is rather pathetic. I am sure you'll continue to spread your fud.... it's actually a shame you have nothing more meaningful in your lives to do...

And you desperately try to defend them. Maybe you are part of the scam and you even know that.

I'm just giving my honest opinion...and perhaps you're part of the scam conspiracy and DO KNOW IT.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 04:10:43 PM
Has anyone else received these besides the OP and the guy in France?

I doubt it suspect NONE have been delivered

And you really think that lifeforcepools receive it? He is part of the scam...

hardly - I paid my money and have the wire transfer receipts from my bank to prove it just like everyone else. You must work for KNC.

Hardly. But your last sentence is very indicative that Im right

you guys are actually quite entertaining. Jesus Christ himself could stand in front of you in the flesh and you would deny his existence. To be honest - I have my machine and my second one has been shipped (I have the tracking number). It has been running flawlessly since last Monday morning without a hiccup, it switches pools very fast and is great - I got what I paid for and I'm very happy and that's the bottom line - the scam accusations I am sure will continue long after hundreds of these machines have been delivered because some people simply refuse to admit that are wrong - bottom line - that's your problem not mine.

I'm a reputable guy who runs a reputable pool and my reputation speaks - while the fudders hide behind their usernames, have hidden agendas and won't even disclose there they live in the profile. They're just faceless, locationless names making unfounded accusations....which speaks volumes about their true motives.

Your desperate attempts to continue to disparage a good company and good people (Marc and the others at MAT) is rather pathetic. I am sure you'll continue to spread your fud.... it's actually a shame you have nothing more meaningful in your lives to do...

And you desperately try to defend them. Maybe you are part of the scam and you even know that.

I'm just giving my honest opinion...and perhaps you're part of the scam conspiracy and DO KNOW IT.

Just want to tell you that what kind of company will leave thousands of unanswered emails after receiving at least 2 million of euros? You can train some girl in 24 hours to answer all mails from customers in 6 days for 1500Eur so dont give me that crap about they be honest and fantastic. You are one of the lucky guys that receive miner that they purchase months before thats why I tell you that You maybe part of the scam and you even know that..

you don't know any of this for a fact - do you have a machine on order?

pure speculation....on your part - perhaps the scam is the is the alleged thousands of unanswered emails.

how many of emails of yours have done un-answered or are you just sock puppet for someone else?

all I know is that Marc answers my emails within a few hours or a day..

and how did you seem to know how many millions of euros or are you just making this up.


Seriously - do you even have any skin in the game?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 04, 2014, 04:21:47 PM
because I'll send Marc an email referencing your order number and ask why he has not responded to you...

I'm just trying to help anyone I can out since Marc always responds to me....

god know why - I'm always this argumentative and confrontational.... LOL

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: hannibal1 on November 04, 2014, 04:58:26 PM
marc isn't responding to my mails either, asked for a refund and nothing.
the girl that answers the phone told me 4 times marc would call me back and.. nothing.
as far as we know only 1 miner has ben shipped.

i life in the netherlands and asked if i could response.
so if you do have contact with marc, please let him know we are waiting for a response.
its a lot of money from diffrent investors, and they are all waiting in the dark.
Thats no way to do business....

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: greek_hephaestus on November 05, 2014, 10:16:40 AM
Lifeforcepools Info
There are 26 coin pools
I have checked the statitistics of all
Most of them have 0 MHs pool hash rate
Only 10 have hash rate from 0.662 Mhs (Camora Coin) to 126 Mhs (Noblecoin)
I did not see any miner speed greater than 80 Mhs
Where are the 250 Mhs ?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 05, 2014, 11:36:12 AM
Lifeforcepools Info
There are 26 coin pools
I have checked the statitistics of all
Most of them have 0 MHs pool hash rate
Only 10 have hash rate from 0.662 Mhs (Camora Coin) to 126 Mhs (Noblecoin)
I did not see any miner speed greater than 80 Mhs
Where are the 250 Mhs ?

the answer is you will rarely see my hash in any of the listed coins. I am adding coins at the rate of about 1 every two or three days and I test every new coins for a few days before adding them to my menus

I just snapped this from the EFL pool which I'm testing which is not open to the public yet.

but don't wait too long to look - I'll be out of here in a few hours testing another coin as I build my list of coins for inclusion into my new heuristic mining pool.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on November 05, 2014, 11:42:53 AM
Lifeforcepools Info
There are 26 coin pools
I have checked the statitistics of all
Most of them have 0 MHs pool hash rate
Only 10 have hash rate from 0.662 Mhs (Camora Coin) to 126 Mhs (Noblecoin)
I did not see any miner speed greater than 80 Mhs
Where are the 250 Mhs ?

ps: it doesn't look like you looked very hard before choosing what you posted because this pool is always very active. NOBL

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: greek_hephaestus on November 18, 2014, 09:48:13 AM
Original post from Renton Bonaventura
The Alcheminer-MAT Game in greater detail:
 MAT agreed with alcheminer to a joint production venture with the figure something around 2M $ for the development. It was a shared deal 50% - 50%. But MAT does not have any rights in the IP (asic chip design). For the 2M $ there are included 50K Asic Chips with own MAT Logo - that's why the alcheminer chip and MAT chip are identical. The chip is the same as the Alcheminer Chip! With 50K Chips you can make 195 miners, each with 256 asics inside, but of course still there are additional costs for the whole miner manufacturing, case, boards, software, controller board... of about over 800$ each.

But now the latest news:
 MAT doesn't even have the 2M$, so MAT received around the end of September only 10K chips. Nothing more - because all money from preorders was invested only in the development of the asics, not in the miners itself.

Now after the GAW miner deal, MAT had some money to pay for the last 40K asics and to the manufacturer of the miners. Thats why MAT still doesn't have miners... because MAT shipped all miners to GAW (Marshall Long as commission for the GAW deal), another cloudmining company, and 3 or 4 customers.

 To ship or make refunds for all customers MAT needs to raise more than 1,3M$. But the margins of selling the miners now are too low to make a profit of 1,3M$.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: theKingservant on December 15, 2014, 06:01:58 AM

lifeforcepools I got mine in, however when I hit the IP address via Chrome, it prompts me for a password, I have no idea what that is, no documentation was sent with the miner and I reached out to MAT but that was late Friday evening.  Just wondering if you know anything about that.  I would love to get this thing up and running.  I have it racked and everything plugged in, I just can't get into it to point it to a pool to actually mine for me.  Let me know if you can assist, I'll try reaching out to Marc, I have him in my network on Linkedin as well.  PM me if you need to, but others will be looking for this as well.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on December 15, 2014, 09:28:34 AM

lifeforcepools I got mine in, however when I hit the IP address via Chrome, it prompts me for a password, I have no idea what that is, no documentation was sent with the miner and I reached out to MAT but that was late Friday evening.  Just wondering if you know anything about that.  I would love to get this thing up and running.  I have it racked and everything plugged in, I just can't get into it to point it to a pool to actually mine for me.  Let me know if you can assist, I'll try reaching out to Marc, I have him in my network on Linkedin as well.  PM me if you need to, but others will be looking for this as well.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: CartmanSPC on December 17, 2014, 10:51:35 PM
Are these available for purchase?

P.S. from the demo video of the Alcheminer version these things work well on p2pools :)

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: pilottage on December 29, 2014, 02:11:06 PM
i am happy to confirm i just received my excalibur 5 - i was order number 2075 - thank you mat and marc coumans - happy 2015 to all!  :-*

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on December 29, 2014, 02:16:53 PM
i am happy to confirm i just received my excalibur 5 - i was order number 2075 - thank you mat and marc coumans - happy 2015 to all!  :-*

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Amph on December 29, 2014, 02:45:38 PM
are those even profitable? with that wattage they will barely make roi

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on December 29, 2014, 04:11:50 PM
are those even profitable? with that wattage they will barely make roi
This is whit most miner the case i am afraid..not only MAT

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: blastinbob on December 30, 2014, 08:16:41 PM
Anybody do the firmware update I found the update but not from MAT site the site seems smoked forbidden errors all over like the pages are gone need some help figuring out how to update firmware.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on February 08, 2015, 10:11:09 PM
Has anyone tried to flash an alcheminer firmware?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on February 09, 2015, 07:36:04 PM
Has anyone tried to flash an alcheminer firmware?
Yes, a friend of mine did, the alcheminer firmware is superior

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: marcoman22 on February 09, 2015, 07:50:10 PM
Has anyone tried to flash an alcheminer firmware?
Yes, a friend of mine did, the alcheminer firmware is superior

How much increase in performance over the old one.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on February 13, 2015, 01:02:53 PM
how did you flash it?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on February 13, 2015, 01:09:31 PM
Also the only open port on my miner is ssh (22). And i dont have the login. Anybody have that? or how do i factory reset it?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on February 14, 2015, 08:08:27 AM
Also the only open port on my miner is ssh (22). And i dont have the login. Anybody have that? or how do i factory reset it?
You sure you want go go down that road? The gain is minimal and the powerdrain gets up.
And there can go things wrong, if so MAT can`t help you anymore.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on February 15, 2015, 07:11:52 PM
MAT has gone bankrupt so there will be no new support from them. I managed to get it working. Will update to Alcheminer this week. This miner uses ubuntu and the only files it changes are located in the admin home folder. So there is no chance of a brick. It is still linux so it should be easy to do it manually. Will post my findings here.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on February 15, 2015, 08:28:44 PM
Did the upgrade now. Preliminary results are much faster and more stable. Will post a how to later for all. went from version 1.09 web and 1.05 miner to 1.10 web and 1.14 miner.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: grantycoiner on February 20, 2015, 05:33:24 PM
Hello miners
I have a MAT excalibur 5 that I need firmware update for it. HELP me pleas
It is runin on version 1.09 web and 1.05 miner and is not hashing correctly..

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on February 20, 2015, 07:58:34 PM
Start bidding on three original MAT Excalibur and Titanium brochure  :D

Shipping Worldwide this unique peace of scam propaganda.

Funds from this sale will be used to buy drugs and alcohol to forget this ass rape.

Accepted payment: Bitcoin, also Lottocoin, Moon etc. etc.. and shitcoins (if i get the wallets to work)

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 05, 2015, 09:02:35 PM
Running an Alchemist 256 box right now the unit is very loud but very well built.

Has software issues though , i think it needs some work on the miner code to improve effiency and pool performance.

Seeing a 20-30% reject rate and alot of failed getworks  on Vardiff pools

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 06, 2015, 02:41:09 AM
Interesting stuff I found this snippet of code in the miner that is curoious ? seems like a specific flag for ghash-io

 if not self.isRunning:
            if ('' in stratum_host):
                self.proxy = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/python', 'stratum-mining-proxy/', \
                                                '-o', stratum_host, '-p', stratum_port, '-gp', getwork_port , \
                                                '-cu', username, '-cp', password, '-pa', 'scrypt', \
                                                '-nm', '-q'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
                self.proxy = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/python', 'stratum-mining-proxy/', \
                                                '-o', stratum_host, '-p', stratum_port, '-gp', getwork_port , \
                                                '-cu', username, '-cp', password, '-pa', 'scrypt', \
                                                '-nm', '-cd', '-q'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
            self.isRunning = True

I checked the default stratum proxy code and there is no flag -cd in the default code, and it seems to be removed if you are using which the Alcheminer recommends kind of strange to me

anyone know of a remote debugging tool I could use to step through the code as the miner runs and look at current variable values ?  The os is debian/Linux

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on March 10, 2015, 04:56:43 PM
I have tried a few pools and wemineltc gives 12% rejects but only gives abort 5%.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 10, 2015, 05:01:11 PM
I have tried a few pools and wemineltc gives 12% rejects but only gives abort 5%.
Cant get it to work on Ghash-io , it starts mining then hash rate goes to from 250k to nothing in about 15 minutes.

I have a detailed post on litecoin talk

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on March 10, 2015, 05:15:01 PM
I also had problems for a week but it started working again yesterday.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 10, 2015, 05:50:08 PM
I also had problems for a week but it started working again yesterday.

Thanks maybe i will give it another shot, I only get around 7 or so coins a day on WmeinLTC and i was getting near 9 on Ghash-io due to the lower rejects.

thanks for the tip.

I still feel the miner uses way too much power for its hashrate.  I noticed that even when it is not mining (i.e having connection issues) the wattage use does not change at all.

That leads me to belive the ASICs are constatly throttled up even when the have no work to do which is really innefficent.

Tthe code needs to be fixed to allow for easier changing of chip frequencies and also issues with Vardiff pools.

The fact that the miner does not work on any multipool due to its issues with Vardiff is a big problem. 

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on March 10, 2015, 05:55:56 PM
I checked the stratum code a little and alcheminer changed three files in the stratum proxy. They added a parameter called check difficulty which is the -cd paramater that is not present in any other codes on github. I think it will be easy to rewrite slush0 version 1.56 to support this miner. Will try a few things tomorrow. We should also replace -pa scrypt with only -st.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 10, 2015, 07:43:10 PM
I checked the stratum code a little and alcheminer changed three files in the stratum proxy. They added a parameter called check difficulty which is the -cd paramater that is not present in any other codes on github. I think it will be easy to rewrite slush0 version 1.56 to support this miner. Will try a few things tomorrow. We should also replace -pa scrypt with only -st.

That sounds like a plan.  i noticed that -pa and the -cd as well.  They might be doing some stuff custom with the proxy code which makes it hard to modify the code safely withoute at diff comparision with version 1.3 of Slush0 first to make sure its identical.

I created a backup of the code but another issue is we might have to install some packages (newer versions of dependencies) on the liniux install witch has the potential to mess up the miners OS. 

The box does not have a USB drive so I cant see a way to restore the OS from backup if something gets screwed up.

what are the three files that were changed ?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on March 11, 2015, 07:34:49 AM
Alcheminer lowers price tag

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on March 11, 2015, 04:46:25 PM
i Updated to this stratum proxy:

I had to rewrite a few things and move some functions from the old alcheminer stratum.

I have gotten theese stats so far:
Since: 2015/3/11 13:56:54, accepted / rejected: 1385 / 103  17:42:20

So it is handling vardiff much better now. But will need to run 24hours to make sure it is working better.

Will try to check what is improved in slush0 proxy (couldnt get that one to work) and se if i can merge it.
Then i might start looking at pool failover and a mail function when a pool fails. If i get the time that is.

I am thinking about accepting donations later if i start to put some time into it. But all releases will be free for all.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 11, 2015, 06:12:23 PM
i Updated to this stratum proxy:

I had to rewrite a few things and move some functions from the old alcheminer stratum.

I have gotten theese stats so far:
Since: 2015/3/11 13:56:54, accepted / rejected: 1385 / 103  17:42:20

So it is handling vardiff much better now. But will need to run 24hours to make sure it is working better.

Will try to check what is improved in slush0 proxy (couldnt get that one to work) and se if i can merge it.
Then i might start looking at pool failover and a mail function when a pool fails. If i get the time that is.

I am thinking about accepting donations later if i start to put some time into it. But all releases will be free for all.

Those changes sound great, and those stats are far better than what i've experienced lately !
 they are doing a promotion for a free miner for software development Ive been in conversations with the CEO.

along with accepting donations
I can probably get you a free miner if those changes work all we would have to do is pay for the shipping around .9BTC

did you have to add any additonal liniux libraries ? I know slush0 uses some newer libraries
for inastance version 1.56 uses agrparse

PM me me when you are able.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: shoggot on March 11, 2015, 10:33:16 PM
Some more stats from wemineltc:
Since: 2015/3/11 13:56:54, accepted / rejected: 3523 / 271

Now the reject rate is the same as has with a locked difficulty. Will try clevermining also.

I did find an easy way to swtich to a backuppool if the stratum proxy fails to connect 10 times. Will try to make two failover pools.
It will be more work to get it to swtich back, but it can be done by restarting the miner och pressing stop and then go.
The backuppools have to be written manually in two files so it wont work from the homepage till i make changes to it.
Will test it tomorrow or on friday hopefully.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Marvell1 on March 11, 2015, 11:17:57 PM
Some more stats from wemineltc:
Since: 2015/3/11 13:56:54, accepted / rejected: 3523 / 271

Now the reject rate is the same as has with a locked difficulty. Will try clevermining also.

I did find an easy way to swtich to a backuppool if the stratum proxy fails to connect 10 times. Will try to make two failover pools.
It will be more work to get it to swtich back, but it can be done by restarting the miner och pressing stop and then go.
The backuppools have to be written manually in two files so it wont work from the homepage till i make changes to it.
Will test it tomorrow or on friday hopefully.

clevermining is a multipool so that should be a good test , numbers look good still  ;D

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Cryptozillah on March 28, 2015, 08:08:06 PM
I am thinking of buying a used Mat 256Mhs scrypt miner.
The seller is asking 1970usd including 3xpsus, cables and shipping to me.

Is that a descent price for one of these miners today ?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on March 30, 2015, 08:38:20 AM
I am thinking of buying a used Mat 256Mhs scrypt miner.
The seller is asking 1970usd including 3xpsus, cables and shipping to me.

Is that a descent price for one of these miners today ?
Hello 970 USD is a bit expensive for a used device.  Check the price from a Alcheminer (a MAT 256MHs scrypt miner= a Alcheminer 256)  brand new its $999.

For a used MAT miner whit no change of returning it when its broken, i guess 400-450USD would/should be oke.

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: AliassailA on May 21, 2015, 03:44:41 AM
hi guys,

how do you update your mat excalibur 5 miners manually??

i try to load the alcheminer update via the standard web interface way but it wont do it??

any ideas or help would be great.

Ditto I know its an old thread but I would love to be able to play around with the settings. It just doesnt feel right if you cant tweak it ???

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Afts on June 01, 2015, 08:27:31 PM
hi guys,

how do you update your mat excalibur 5 miners manually??

i try to load the alcheminer update via the standard web interface way but it wont do it??

any ideas or help would be great.

Ditto I know its an old thread but I would love to be able to play around with the settings. It just doesnt feel right if you cant tweak it ???

Same here! I had the extreme luck of receiving my excalibur 5 the day before MAT announced bankruptcy, I must have been one of the last units to ship. Guess I ordered just early enough in this big lotto.

I'd love to be able to update the firmware, tried with alcheminer but it didn't work.. Anyone can help with this?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on June 01, 2015, 09:53:08 PM
hi guys,

how do you update your mat excalibur 5 miners manually??

i try to load the alcheminer update via the standard web interface way but it wont do it??

any ideas or help would be great.

Ditto I know its an old thread but I would love to be able to play around with the settings. It just doesnt feel right if you cant tweak it ???

Same here! I had the extreme luck of receiving my excalibur 5 the day before MAT announced bankruptcy, I must have been one of the last units to ship. Guess I ordered just early enough in this big lotto.

I'd love to be able to update the firmware, tried with alcheminer but it didn't work.. Anyone can help with this?
Witch coin do you mine?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Afts on June 02, 2015, 01:03:26 AM
I have only been mining on clevermining in the last couple months...

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: lifeforcepools on June 04, 2015, 09:42:58 PM
I mine here: - I always know which coin is paying the best - ALWAYS!

in all my testing I've found that the machine does best with a fixed diff of 36,684

I own two of them and they're running on my pools.

and we have a number of other members running mat machines also.

I recently shut down lifeforce pools since I opened to interface with so miner could know the most profitable coin all the time and switch coins at any time from their browser or smart phone since there's always 8 to 10 coins vying for the most profitable spot

by the way - if any of you want to ssh into your mat machines as root - I know the password.

pm me and you'll need to send me a picture of your machine with today's date and your screen name on the sheet  - I'm not going to make it easy for someone to hack someone else's machine. - you know?

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on June 20, 2015, 12:06:50 AM
My private pool  now open for all miners  :)

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Rabinovitch on June 20, 2015, 03:22:05 AM
Check the price from a Alcheminer (a MAT 256MHs scrypt miner= a Alcheminer 256)  brand new its $999.

For a used MAT miner whit no change of returning it when its broken, i guess 400-450USD would/should be oke.

Do not trust to this site. 96 MH/s miner is more expensive there than 256 MH/s. (

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Zeta0S on July 03, 2015, 07:16:34 AM
Check the price from a Alcheminer (a MAT 256MHs scrypt miner= a Alcheminer 256)  brand new its $999.

For a used MAT miner whit no change of returning it when its broken, i guess 400-450USD would/should be oke.

Do not trust to this site. 96 MH/s miner is more expensive there than 256 MH/s. (
Yah noticed that to lol

Title: Re: First Impressions - 250 MH/s Excaliber Miner
Post by: Rabinovitch on July 30, 2015, 10:35:33 AM
I spent several hours last night for experiments with the pools and for updating OS and miner SW on Excalibur 5...  :-\

Everything is OK, I did it.  :) Now it's in the test run at Wemineltc.

Later I will perform an upgrade of cooling system - re-applying the thermal compound and gluing a little heatsinks on the ASIC chips itself. Once those little heatsinks will arrive.

Here they are: (

I have ordered 256 pcs.  ::)