Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: chicken65 on November 01, 2014, 01:54:49 PM

Title: Save Copy?
Post by: chicken65 on November 01, 2014, 01:54:49 PM

Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: shorena on November 01, 2014, 09:24:30 PM

Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?

For electrum? Just make sure you have your seed somewhere (e.g. on paper)

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: PolarPoint on November 01, 2014, 09:27:11 PM
The location of your wallet file should be on the title bar of the electrum window. That is your wallet file you need to backup. But I would prefer to keep the 12 word seed safely locked somewhere.

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: pooya87 on November 02, 2014, 06:32:07 AM
Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?
you can do several things in electrum to backup your wallet and/or addresses
1. to backup wallet: goto file > save copy > [type in a desired name for your wallet backup and choose location] click save
2. another way: goto wallet > seed > [enter password if you have set one before] ok > [write down the seed in a secure place]
3. for private keys: goto wallet > private keys > export > [enter password if you have set one before] ok > save

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: El Emperador on November 09, 2014, 09:50:37 AM
On Electrum is enough to copy the seed to restore the wallet.
I suggest to write down on paper.

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: Sasha00 on November 12, 2014, 06:12:51 PM
I'm interested in a backup export purse Electrum. Export purse needed after each inbound transaction or only once? Noticed that after the transaction size varies purse.

Meня интepиcyeт peзepвный экcпopт кoшeлькa в Элeктpyм. Экcпopтиpoвaть фaйл кoшeлькa нyжнo пocлe кaждoй вxoдящeй тpaнзaкции или тoлькo oдин paз? Зaмeтил чтo пocлe тpaнзaкций paзмep кoшeля измeняeтcя.

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: jonald_fyookball on November 13, 2014, 03:34:00 AM

Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?

For electrum? Just make sure you have your seed somewhere (e.g. on paper)

correct, electrum is deterministic wallet.  safely store your 12 word seed and don't share it!

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: Muhammed Zakir on November 16, 2014, 12:16:10 PM
I'm interested in a backup export purse Electrum. Export purse needed after each inbound transaction or only once? Noticed that after the transaction size varies purse.

Meня интepиcyeт peзepвный экcпopт кoшeлькa в Элeктpyм. Экcпopтиpoвaть фaйл кoшeлькa нyжнo пocлe кaждoй вxoдящeй тpaнзaкции или тoлькo oдин paз? Зaмeтил чтo пocлe тpaнзaкций paзмep кoшeля измeняeтcя.

Only once, no matter how many transactions it has, you just want to save the seed/phrase.

Toлькo oдин paз, нeзaвиcимo oт тoгo, cкoлькo cдeлoк oн имeeт. Bы пpocтo xoтитe cдeлaть peзepвнyю кoпию фpaзa или мнeмoники

P.S. Для pyccкoгo языкa, иcпoльзoвaть мecтнyю дocкy:


Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: pooya87 on November 16, 2014, 02:14:15 PM

Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?

For electrum? Just make sure you have your seed somewhere (e.g. on paper)

correct, electrum is deterministic wallet.  safely store your 12 word seed and don't share it!
seed only restores the addresses but the wallet file restores addresses and also any tag you have too,

Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: Muhammed Zakir on November 16, 2014, 03:08:32 PM

Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?

For electrum? Just make sure you have your seed somewhere (e.g. on paper)

correct, electrum is deterministic wallet.  safely store your 12 word seed and don't share it!
seed only restores the addresses but the wallet file restores addresses and also any tag you have too,

Yes, you are right and also with wallet files, you can also save imported address(es). In the near future, maybe someone will find a new feature where the seed will change when an address is imported and thus protecting it. I hope, we can see that soon! :)


Title: Re: Save Copy?
Post by: jonald_fyookball on November 17, 2014, 02:01:40 AM

Hi Folks
it should be easy to backup a wallet right?
Except I cannot find anything that suggests backup.

Im assuming Save copy is the wallet data?

For electrum? Just make sure you have your seed somewhere (e.g. on paper)

correct, electrum is deterministic wallet.  safely store your 12 word seed and don't share it!
seed only restores the addresses but the wallet file restores addresses and also any tag you have too,

Yes, you are right and also with wallet files, you can also save imported address(es). In the near future, maybe someone will find a new feature where the seed will change when an address is imported and thus protecting it. I hope, we can see that soon! :)


I doubt that will happen anytime soon.  Electrum supports importing addresses but this is not really meant to be used this way most of the time.  The nature of the deterministic seed and the way it calculates various addresses using elliptic curve points doesn't mesh at all with the idea of importing any address you want.  So, in it's current structure, you will never be able to use the seed to restore imported addresses. It would have to be radically redone in a way that I can't even imagine.