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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: hellojpg on November 02, 2014, 04:24:51 PM

Title: World of Warcraft Need Rootkit Macro
Post by: hellojpg on November 02, 2014, 04:24:51 PM
I was banned because I used a macro recorder to automate pressing buttons in the game.

I used automation for the priest and paladin:

Disc/Holy Priest lvl 90(boosted):

Power Word: Shield -

The macro was set to cast at random delays so that I would always no matter in what situation have a constant bubble on me without even thinking about it and some security from detection.

Prayer of Mending -

The random delay was increased (wont say dont want to give information to blizzard).

Fear Ward -

Again set the random delay.

Holy Paladin lvl 90:

Arcane Shield -

Now this is awesome a paladin gets protection from plate + arcane bubble all I had to do was let the macro run and I would constantly have an absorb shield active at all times without the need to think about recasting spam/harrassment spells to my displeasure.

They most of detected api calls or something without coming from the keyboard in their fagget software Warden.  In all my macros I used a random delay so... something else must of triggered the ban.

Eny1 can eny1 create a kernel rootkit macro recorder that can hide from these "api calls"?

I can pay in Bitcoin ofcourse.

I'm fedup with those cunts scanning my shit I didn't even modify the blizzfag code.  They probably scan what websites you visit and dns cache I need something secure so I can play the game again without the need to press so many buttons.

If to no avail I can always play on a public liberated server free from blizzfag oppression.

Hopefully there will be a decentralized from of World of Warcraft in the future now that the blockchain technology is king at this point in time if we work together we can end draconian state and draconion software interesting times indeed and there will be no one to prosecute using blockchain.

I was banned just before the prepatch of WOD I am gutted as my dieorha.

The only other safe way I can think of is to make a hardware bot that presses the buttons on a fixed keyboard at random delays on buttons that are "out of the way" of the finger playing area.

Title: Re: World of Warcraft Need Rootkit Macro
Post by: lissandra on November 02, 2014, 04:44:18 PM
the purpose of this thread? are you trying sell your WoW account?

Title: Re: World of Warcraft Need Rootkit Macro
Post by: elliwilli on November 02, 2014, 06:04:22 PM
it says about this in the TOS, but of course you did not read it.

Title: Re: World of Warcraft Need Rootkit Macro
Post by: b!z on November 02, 2014, 06:26:01 PM
oppression? draconian state?

you agreed to the ToS when you signed up for the game lol

Title: Re: World of Warcraft Need Rootkit Macro
Post by: fast2fix on November 04, 2014, 01:43:23 PM
I did not agree I pretended to agree I couldn't give a steaming pile of shit what it says.

Howether... I am willing to pay 200 bitcoin for a kernel rootkit macro recorder.

why pee pole so dumb I rill hath to consult mr gates about this...
what 200 bitcoins for a macro recorder that's too much lol.. you should put in $ sign :P