Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: MoonShadow on August 18, 2010, 12:28:57 AM

Title: Gblic issues on Asus 701
Post by: MoonShadow on August 18, 2010, 12:28:57 AM
I've attempted to get the linux bitcoin client to run on my Asus 701 netbook, but it just complains about missing gblic libraries.  Installing all of gblic on my Asus would not only take up too much of the flash storage, it seems like it would break a number of things.  The version of linux on the 701 is a bit of a hack, as it is really an embedded device at heart that was intended for kids to play with.  Is there any way someone might be willing to compile a staticly linked linux binary for me to try, or would this just be too large anyway?

If that isn't workable, is there a command prompt or Midnight Commander-like client forthcoming, or am I just too old?

Title: Re: Gblic issues on Asus 701
Post by: sgtstein on August 18, 2010, 12:40:36 AM
Please excuse my dumb question, but what OS is running on this? There are many people who could compile a static binary if we have that information.

Title: Re: Gblic issues on Asus 701
Post by: MoonShadow on August 18, 2010, 01:05:22 AM
Please excuse my dumb question, but what OS is running on this? There are many people who could compile a static binary if we have that information.

As I mentioned, it's a hacked up version of GNU/Linux that Asus used on their older netbooks.

Title: Re: Gblic issues on Asus 701
Post by: BitcoinFX on August 27, 2010, 01:49:54 AM
wow a fellow Asus 701 Eee owner.  :D

I have 2 Asus 701 Eee PC's ! Both are the first 2GB models (which are the hardest to do anything with due to the SD drive space). They were shipped with a custom OS build of Xandros... which is now basically impossible to upgrade without running out of space ! Even if you remove all the apps. :o

If you have a 4GB model then you can follow this guide to enable full Xandros KDE :

Make sure you fix the SSL vulnerability as well, the guide is full of cool stuff.

Don't even attempt this on a 2GB model, because you will need to sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade etc. and even if you remove OpenOffice, FireFox etc, etc you will still run out of space !

I would strongly recommend that you ditch the custom OS and install eeebuntu:

I have installed and run the Eeebuntu 3.0 LXDE Beta1 edition on my 2GB, added / removed some ubuntu repos and turned mine into a Tor Server - lol

I didn't install a swap partition and it has well over 1GB of free space !  8)

This will be your best option for all the correct drivers, repos and max free space.

Good Luck !

P.S. It will give you a headache.

Title: Re: Gblic issues on Asus 701
Post by: EricJ2190 on August 28, 2010, 09:35:33 PM
I managed to get Advanced Desktop on my 2G. I don't remember it being much of a hassle, but it has been awhile since I did it.