Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: bbit on November 12, 2014, 05:31:55 AM

Title: Avatar ?
Post by: bbit on November 12, 2014, 05:31:55 AM
When can we swap out our picture in our profile ?

I know it was disabled with the BTCforum was hacked but can we have day that is announced to allow us to clean up our accounts here ? THANKS!

Title: Re: Avatar ?
Post by: ScreamnShout on November 12, 2014, 05:53:52 AM
It has been said that we can change/add avatars to our accounts when the new forum comes out, which is scheduled to be released early next year.

If you want to have your avatar removed you can PM theymos and it has been said that he will accommodate such requests.

Title: Re: Avatar ?
Post by: Dare on November 13, 2014, 05:40:39 AM
To quote myself from the last time this came up (yes, it's been asked at least this many times):

Any progress?

Please turn off this forum! The avatars are the only advantage over a mailing list. This is bitter but true. Give something better a chance. Give up!

I'm pretty sure that avatars will be disabled until at least the new forum is out and being used - as theymos has stated it was removed due to an exploit made possible by avatars and though I believe the exploit has been patched he is not keen on restoring the functionality.

From what I've heard, pretty much. The exploit involved uploading a php script instead of an image into an executable directory, then using it to put some (slightly) malicious Javascript into the forum's MOTD so that it ran on every page. I followed the troubleshooting and analysis through IRC while it was being fixed immediately after the hack, but it seems that avatars may be disabled for a while anyway.

Though the exploit used has been patched, it's been long enough that I suspect new avatars may remain disabled until the new forum software is put into place, but those who had them before the hack like me were able to keep them (though we can't change our avatars either).

Official response on the ETA of the new forum:

Q: Why doesn't the forum let me add an avatar?
A: The forum was hacked some time ago. It is thought that the avatars were used as a means of injecting malicious code into the forum. Even though the vulnerability was patched, the avatars will be disabled until a new forum software ( is released.

Q: So when is the new forum software coming?
A: Well, according to theymos, some time after February 2015.

When will the software be finished?

About one year from now.