Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: alpha_one_x86 on November 13, 2014, 10:52:00 AM

Title: Storage crypto currency
Post by: alpha_one_x86 on November 13, 2014, 10:52:00 AM

I wish have public but firmed backup of my MMORPG database, because I have fear to be closed.
Then I wish know if exist a crypto currency to store data, drop the old data storage (I can with my private key drop my uploaded file to remplace it and be smaller the storage requirements), the data is not keep on all client but distributed (then not raid1 ou but raid5/6 like).


Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: superresistant on November 13, 2014, 12:24:27 PM
But wait, why do you need a crypto for this ?
What are you looking for exactly ?

I mean what are the requirements/criteria  ?

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: alpha_one_x86 on November 13, 2014, 01:04:10 PM
Yes to pay the storage. Why don't pay one person directly? To don't implicate it and prevent legal problem to this person.

The person who store the data will be paid.
With the rewards it will buy item into my game (or buy another stuff if a store accept this crypto currency).
Usage distributed replication like raid5/6 not raid1.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: belmonty on November 13, 2014, 01:35:06 PM
Both Burst coin and Storj coin have announced they intend to develop decentralized storage facilities, but I don't know if either of them have actually done it yet.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: mthompson362 on November 13, 2014, 01:43:09 PM
Both Burst coin and Storj coin have announced they intend to develop decentralized storage facilities, but I don't know if either of them have actually done it yet.
As far as I know, Burst is PoC, which is interesting in itself but won't allow for decentralized storage. If I missed some info about Burst, could you link me to where you read about this? I am interested.  
Storj on the other hand is a blockchain-based decentralized cloud storage platform. We currently have a working early version of our file-sharing application MetaDisk available at ( and we expect our DriveShare application, which will allow users to rent out their excess hard drive space to the network, to be out by the end of this year. Take a peek at ( if you would like to see how far we are!
Some links for more info: ( ( ( (

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: belmonty on November 13, 2014, 02:04:14 PM
I got my information from the OP of the Burst coin announcement thread.

File storage(disclaimer: still figuring out a good way to do this. this will take a while.)

That's all I know about it.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: superresistant on November 13, 2014, 06:24:18 PM
Storj have a good potential but it is not released yet.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: alpha_one_x86 on November 13, 2014, 06:41:37 PM
Then I will follow this project. But I give a look to tahoe-LAFS too.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: mstfck on November 13, 2014, 10:44:42 PM
Datacoin is an alternative

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: belmonty on November 13, 2014, 10:50:22 PM
I got my information from the OP of the Burst coin announcement thread.

File storage(disclaimer: still figuring out a good way to do this. this will take a while.)

That's all I know about it.

I asked if the file storage facility was functional yet on the Burst coin thread, and was told it's not ready yet in the reply quoted below.

File storage(disclaimer: still figuring out a good way to do this. this will take a while.)

Forgive my ignorance because I'm new to burst, but can you use the coin to store files yet?

Not as of yet

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: balu2 on November 13, 2014, 10:55:15 PM

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: evok3d on November 13, 2014, 11:46:16 PM
Datacoin failed as it would cause blockchain bloating. Storj has the lead so far in terms of what you mentioned:

You can read about burst as well, which can accomplish the same thing, though in their case i believe a decentralized file sharing rather than storage would be better:

As mentioned by datacoin

As soon as Datacoin is a STORAGE, blockchain will be HEAVY. Max 1 year blockchain size is 1Mb * 60 mins * 24 hours * 365 days = 513.28 Gb;all


Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: mstfck on November 13, 2014, 11:54:05 PM
Datacoin failed as it would cause blockchain bloating. Storj has the lead so far in terms of what you mentioned:

You can read about burst as well, which can accomplish the same thing, though in their case i believe a decentralized file sharing rather than storage would be better:

As mentioned by datacoin

As soon as Datacoin is a STORAGE, blockchain will be HEAVY. Max 1 year blockchain size is 1Mb * 60 mins * 24 hours * 365 days = 513.28 Gb;all


Isn't Storj storing data in Datacoin blockchain, but only stores metadata in the Storj blockchain?

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: super3 on November 13, 2014, 11:55:52 PM
No we abandoned Datacoin when it forked. The API we built just got updated today.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: toldy on November 16, 2014, 08:33:19 PM
Storage is the easy part, but what about bandwidth and traffic?

I just started reading about driveshare (storj) today.

How many teenagers are going to rent out their empty hard drive space, only to have their parents screaming at them for using up all of their high-speed account traffic?  

Most people don't realize that there are GB/month limits.   A storj node serving files could easily max out someone's account, couldn't it?

Also, concurrent users, is there a way to limit them so the entire pipe isn't consumed by file transfers?

Imagine trying to watch a youtube, and because of your maxed out connection you can't.   So you end up shutting down your storj node while you watch youtubes, and then turn it back on again.

I haven't played with any storj software yet, so all of these comments may not pertain to the software they're currently building. I just wanted to give a heads up ahead of time.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: drkman on November 16, 2014, 09:07:23 PM

You can read about burst as well, which can accomplish the same thing, though in their case i believe a decentralized file sharing rather than storage would be better:


Vericoin is developing a decentralized cloud storage for its users with a potential utorrent type file sharing network as well and it will be a SuperNET feature.  Early 2015 expected timeframe and code is up on github.  Latest SuperNET GUI shots here and it will be reskinned more for SuperNET.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: super3 on November 16, 2014, 09:49:44 PM
Storage is the easy part, but what about bandwidth and traffic?

I just started reading about driveshare (storj) today.

How many teenagers are going to rent out their empty hard drive space, only to have their parents screaming at them for using up all of their high-speed account traffic?  

Most people don't realize that there are GB/month limits.   A storj node serving files could easily max out someone's account, couldn't it?

Also, concurrent users, is there a way to limit them so the entire pipe isn't consumed by file transfers?

Imagine trying to watch a youtube, and because of your maxed out connection you can't.   So you end up shutting down your storj node while you watch youtubes, and then turn it back on again.

I haven't played with any storj software yet, so all of these comments may not pertain to the software they're currently building. I just wanted to give a heads up ahead of time.
Micropayments. I would recommend reading our whitepapers.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: toldy on November 16, 2014, 10:21:09 PM
Most people don't realize that there are GB/month limits.   A storj node serving files could easily max out someone's account, couldn't it?

Also, concurrent users, is there a way to limit them so the entire pipe isn't consumed by file transfers?

Micropayments. I would recommend reading our whitepapers.

I have browsed through the whitepapers, and didn't see bandwidth throttling, concurrent sessions, etc specifically addressed.

The micropayments section you quoted (found in the storj whitepaper) references two magazine articles, neither of which discuss bandwidth throttling or concurrent sessions.

While I do understand that the micropayment protocol allows for contracts, the bitcoinmagazine article said "code to enable micropayments is being actively developed by core bitcoin developers" and then referenced (which hasn't been changed in 8 months).

Is there something in the whitepapers you can reference that talks about nodes limiting their bandwidth resources as user configurable option?

I did see this screenshot:

Would be nice to see what is behind that settings button.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: super3 on November 17, 2014, 03:02:26 AM
Bitcoinj has the only working implementation of micropayments. By doing a pay per byte(s) you ensure you get a fair trade.

Those running DriveShare can use an application like to have fine control over their bandwidth for now.
One of our higher priority items is getting the kind of rate limiting stuff people want. By time it gets to average users you should have that control.

Executable is here if you want to see the current settings:

Note: Its just the GUI, so don't ask me why its not working. ;)

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: toldy on November 18, 2014, 01:56:44 AM
Those running DriveShare can use an application like to have fine control over their bandwidth for now.
One of our higher priority items is getting the kind of rate limiting stuff people want. By time it gets to average users you should have that control.

Thanks, that makes sense.   Yes, it will be important to addess the issue in a FAQ or similar when DriveShare gets released so kids don't abuse their internet connections running up huge bills. :)

Also if they are in a situation where they are sharing internet with the rest of the house/apartment/school, etc, they will need something like that for sure.

I also found on here too that has those pretty graphics and toggles that would make most people happy: (

If DriveShare 2.0 has the same sort of functionality and reporting for controling and reporting bandwidth usage, I think it would be a huge success.

Title: Re: Storage crypto currency
Post by: thelonecrouton on November 18, 2014, 02:05:14 AM