Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: Maciek on November 15, 2014, 06:47:26 PM

Title: [2014-11-15] OpenBazaar: Bitcoin, Free Trade and Terrible Humans
Post by: Maciek on November 15, 2014, 06:47:26 PM
There is something terrifying yet beautiful about the concept of a truly digital culture. As a father of two young boys I take a stab at guessing what life will be like in 20 years and it actually seems kind of scary. In the last several years we’ve seen selfies, multi-billion dollar companies run by early 20-somethings and despicable crimes and corruption by people we supposedly trusted in positions of authority throughout the political and financial community.

Out of all of this mess rose a dark horse underdog called Bitcoin. Created by an anonymous individual or individuals backed by a passionate community of developers, this promise of financial and electronic freedom has motivated a movement of hackers, nay people, who refuse to settle for the status quo and push the boundaries of what is possible with computing technology. They decided to stop building photo sharing apps or novel ways to sell mobile game in-app purchases with the promise of making it filthy rich. For those that want to change the world Bitcoin is supposedly the panacea.

Miguel Ruiz once said “People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.” In the world of Bitcoin we often fall into an oversimplified argument of what is good and what is evil on either side. Bitcoiners will describe bankers as “banksters” and point out their exploitation of consumers through sub-prime loans or just bad business practice. Banking elites will finger the opposite as drug dealers, child pornographers or havoc reekers focused on destroying the sanity of the financial industry. Who is right? Who will win in the end?

I purposely leave that question for you to answer. I lead a project called OpenBazaar.

Title: Re: [2014-11-15] OpenBazaar: Bitcoin, Free Trade and Terrible Humans
Post by: indiemax on November 15, 2014, 08:27:48 PM
interesting read,wishing the devs the best of luck with such a cool project!

Title: Re: [2014-11-15] OpenBazaar: Bitcoin, Free Trade and Terrible Humans
Post by: hilariousandco on November 18, 2014, 01:38:44 PM
Bitcoiners will describe bankers as “banksters” and point out their exploitation of consumers through sub-prime loans or just bad business practice. Banking elites will finger the opposite as drug dealers, child pornographers or havoc reekers focused on destroying the sanity of the financial industry. Who is right? Who will win in the end?

Like bankers don't do drugs or launder cartel drug money. I'm sure a fair few of them engage in child porn as well, but one thing is for sure: we can't screw up the economy any more than they already have. I'd personally like to think the better and less corrupt system will win.