Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BTCIndia on November 18, 2014, 01:19:07 PM

Title: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 18, 2014, 01:19:07 PM
I heard some american guy saying this. It came to me as a shock.

What do you think? Is that true?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Elwar on November 18, 2014, 05:21:09 PM
I heard some american guy saying this. It came to me as a shock.

What do you think? Is that true?

Americans are ignorant of many things.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 18, 2014, 05:28:24 PM
You can say that about any group. Bithaters think Bitcoin users need to know everything there is to know about money, investing and math to use Bitcoin. It's not a requirement to be a PhD economist to be a US citizen. Unfortunately, the supposed leaders in their field responsible for directing the financial system are liars and crooks. The problem is the people are either too stupid or misled by propaganda to see it.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Elwar on November 18, 2014, 05:32:24 PM
Don't pat yourself on the back or feel superior to Americans just because of their ignorance.

There are ignorant people all over the world.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Bees Brothers on November 18, 2014, 10:13:29 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "their" financial system.

Do you mean the Federal Reserve/ US. Government financial system?  If so, that is not "my" system, but one I try to avoid despite the force and compulsion used to make me part of it.

I prefer financial systems outside of "their" systems that include things such as bitcoin, precious metals, and other commodities (like honey).

But I have to agree with you, there are many ignorant Americans that think the Federal Reserve/US Govt financial system is their system.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Lauda on November 18, 2014, 10:15:52 PM
Don't pat yourself on the back or feel superior to Americans just because of their ignorance.

There are ignorant people all over the world.

I'm openly going to say that if we looked at the % of ignorant people in a population that America would be No.1.
Most of the sheep population is there although we have a them everywhere.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: nicked on November 18, 2014, 10:35:05 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Nancarrow on November 18, 2014, 10:43:27 PM
I heard some american guy saying this. It came to me as a shock.

What do you think? Is that true?

Saying what?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: axel2078 on November 19, 2014, 03:17:19 AM
I heard some american guy saying this. It came to me as a shock.

What do you think? Is that true?

Saying what?

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.  Where is the original quote??  What was it one of us stupid Americans said that was so shocking?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Flashman on November 19, 2014, 03:25:34 AM
You can say that about any group. Bithaters think Bitcoin users need to know everything there is to know about money, investing and math to use Bitcoin. It's not a requirement to be a PhD economist to be a US citizen. Unfortunately, the supposed leaders in their field responsible for directing the financial system are liars and crooks. The problem is the people are either too stupid or misled by propaganda to see it.

The more I learn about the incumbent financial system the more frightening it is. For accuracy that pic should have a dollar sign dead center.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on November 19, 2014, 03:36:22 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Jocuserious on November 19, 2014, 04:08:19 AM
It should be noted that there are many Americans who are not ignorant to what is going on here.  It should also be noted that there is a ton of money being spent to not only distract our societies with social issues (opportunity cost of attention) but also a ton of money being spent to manipulate the voting process.  Gerrymandering currently favors the GOP (who are hell bent on privatizing the government) and disproportionally allows for Republican election victories.

It's easy to say that, "Americans have no idea what their leaders are doing because their leaders are doing some effed up shite," but it isn't accurate.  Regardless of politics, every one of us has our own life to consider.  We have jobs that we go to, we have families that we want to attend to and we have social lives that we want to maintain.  Somewhere, in the past century, our social lives became extricated from social awareness.  And within that paradigm, it was easy and still is easy to use false information to manipulate people into supporting an irrelevant cause.

Case in point.  I don't know if anyone here has noticed it but during the BP crisis, the news headlines were full of the ongoing issue.  What many people didn't see was that BP bought a crap ton of advertising space on youtube.  Now consider what that means.  When I say consider what that means, I mean try and figure out why they would do that.  It's a simple associative trick to get people to think positively about a topic because they are more interested in the content that they were intending to watch.  The ads were full of positive content like families are great and the environment is a priority.  But I guarantee that 99% of people who were exposed to those ads didn't care - they just wanted to view their content and as a result, they implicitly decided that the issue was not worthy of concern.  The Koch Brothers did the same thing on youtube these past few months with the Keystone Pipeline - highlighting families and American jobs.  Generalized BS that every normal person will nod their head and say, "yeah, that is agreeable."

It certainly isn't as simple as that.  It's much more.  Religion is a major focal point.  If God wants to destroy the environment and deny same sex marriage then he probably wants to perpetuate destructive energy practices (really, how effing difficult is it for a multi billion industry to just give in and start developing clean energy themselves; they'd be heroes instead of a stain on our future aspirations).  Religion is still a major tool for psychological manipulation whether you want to admit it or not.

I'm not saying that there aren't ignorant Americans.  There are.  But not all of us are.  But I can't do shit when the people with a ton of money pay the people who place the Congressional votes into supporting corporate ventures that oppress the common folk.  I also can't do shit when people unknown decide to stand behind and support an 'officer of the law' who very likely killed a man in cold blood because of race.  I also can't do shit about millions of dollars being spent in the financial community interchanged to the lobbying community.

All I can do is read and watch the train wreck.  I post about it.  I vote. 

For the record, I can support everything I posted above with actual data and sources.  I'm just on a drunk rant right now.

TLDR; It's not funny.  Soime of us are ignorant but it shouldn't be considered a blanket association.  We'll probably have to wait a generation for more progressive minds to replace the dinosaurs and suffer the consequences of it because there is no real social cohesion.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: TinaK on November 19, 2014, 07:21:03 AM
Americans need not follow the rules, but they make rules.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Satosh¡ Slot on November 19, 2014, 08:05:45 AM
I just love this one!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Elwar on November 19, 2014, 09:19:05 AM
You can say that about any group. Bithaters think Bitcoin users need to know everything there is to know about money, investing and math to use Bitcoin. It's not a requirement to be a PhD economist to be a US citizen. Unfortunately, the supposed leaders in their field responsible for directing the financial system are liars and crooks. The problem is the people are either too stupid or misled by propaganda to see it.

You do realize that this chart is saying that Bitcoin is about People who know nothing about math, currency and investing.

It is from where they make fun of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Elwar on November 19, 2014, 09:25:01 AM
I'm openly going to say that if we looked at the % of ignorant people in a population that America would be No.1.
Most of the sheep population is there although we have a them everywhere.

It is all about how good the government propaganda machine is. The US machine is very well funded. But I would say North Korea probably tops the list of the ignorant. I have been to many countries where ignorance is quite common. But the US citizen with access to the Internet and a wealth of knowledge has no excuse.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 10:55:06 AM
Don't pat yourself on the back or feel superior to Americans just because of their ignorance.

There are ignorant people all over the world.

What was that mean guy? Huh!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 10:56:24 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

I wasn't laughing. I'm just curious to know more and understand better about that statement.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: turvarya on November 19, 2014, 11:00:23 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.
What would I need (US)America for?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 11:02:46 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

I'm glad to be part of country where threat of walking on poop exists rather then being shot by psychotic people. Country of mental people!
You dream about freedom, we exercise it on daily basis. LOLz!

I can come with as many as you can about my country. That was not point of discussion in thread.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 11:03:43 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.
What would I need (US)America for?

Simple. Maintain peace and order in world.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: turvarya on November 19, 2014, 12:17:41 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.
What would I need (US)America for?

Simple. Maintain peace and order in world.
Your are talking about the country that invades other countries for their oil.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Lauda on November 19, 2014, 12:44:11 PM
I'm openly going to say that if we looked at the % of ignorant people in a population that America would be No.1.
Most of the sheep population is there although we have a them everywhere.

It is all about how good the government propaganda machine is. The US machine is very well funded. But I would say North Korea probably tops the list of the ignorant. I have been to many countries where ignorance is quite common. But the US citizen with access to the Internet and a wealth of knowledge has no excuse.
Well yeah but the people from there are not to blame. The system is just like that.
The US being a 1st world country and so developed.. there is no excuse. Just look at those long lines for iDevices or BlackFriday (where people get stamped on and fight for things that they don't need).

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 12:58:16 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.
What would I need (US)America for?

Simple. Maintain peace and order in world.
Your are talking about the country that invades other countries for their oil.

I was being sarcastic there. Why is democracy always needed in country which rests on abundance of oil. Why not Somalia? Hahaha!

Democracy is another form of hypocrisy!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: neoneros on November 19, 2014, 12:58:47 PM
I heard some american guy saying this. It came to me as a shock.

What do you think? Is that true?

What did he say? I do not get it!?

And why just Americans? It goes for every country, I think globaly over 90% is ignorant about the Financial system, or at least does not have the influence to take control and do something about it. But thanks to BTC there is a change coming!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 01:02:51 PM
I heard some american guy saying this. It came to me as a shock.

What do you think? Is that true?

What did he say? I do not get it!?

And why just Americans? It goes for every country, I think globaly over 90% is ignorant about the Financial system, or at least does not have the influence to take control and do something about it. But thanks to BTC there is a change coming!

Wow! You're right most of people are ignorant about their financial system and health because of its complexity. Illiteracy is permanent. (Not a,c,d and reading but illetracy about what we outta know)

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: hdbuck on November 19, 2014, 01:44:41 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.
What would I need (US)America for?

Simple. Maintain peace and order in world.
Your are talking about the country that invades other countries for their oil.

I was being sarcastic there. Why is democracy always needed in country which rests on abundance of oil. Why not Somalia? Hahaha!

Democracy is another form of hypocrisy!



Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: V8x8d on November 19, 2014, 02:02:55 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

I'm glad to be part of country where threat of walking on poop exists rather then being shot by psychotic people. Country of mental people!
You dream about freedom, we exercise it on daily basis. LOLz!

I can come with as many as you can about my country. That was not point of discussion in thread.

I have to take my hat off to any Nation that would gold plate it's temples. I would extend the ignorance to the whole Western World though.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 19, 2014, 02:26:50 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

I'm glad to be part of country where threat of walking on poop exists rather then being shot by psychotic people. Country of mental people!
You dream about freedom, we exercise it on daily basis. LOLz!

I can come with as many as you can about my country. That was not point of discussion in thread.

I have to take my hat off to any Nation that would gold plate it's temples. I would extend the ignorance to the whole Western World though.

Can you rephrase your sentence? I wasn't able to understand underlying message.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: allthingsluxury on November 19, 2014, 03:49:21 PM
It's sad how few people are self aware of even their own finances, let alone the dismal state of their national economy.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: hdbuck on November 19, 2014, 03:57:37 PM
It's sad how few people are self aware of even their own finances, let alone the dismal state of their national economy.

this is on purpose. i mean, govs and rulers want you to be stupid and aware-less.. until you die miserably, consumed by transgenic fastfood and lame TV shows.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Piston Honda on November 19, 2014, 04:09:33 PM
America, Fuck Yeah?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 19, 2014, 04:51:54 PM
You can say that about any group. Bithaters think Bitcoin users need to know everything there is to know about money, investing and math to use Bitcoin. It's not a requirement to be a PhD economist to be a US citizen. Unfortunately, the supposed leaders in their field responsible for directing the financial system are liars and crooks. The problem is the people are either too stupid or misled by propaganda to see it.

You do realize that this chart is saying that Bitcoin is about People who know nothing about math, currency and investing.

It is from where they make fun of Bitcoin.

Did you read what I said or just look at the pretty picture?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: saddampbuh on November 19, 2014, 05:59:11 PM
must be so much better in india where half of you don't have running water

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: manselr on November 19, 2014, 06:13:05 PM
Thats why the average joe doesnt care about Bitcoin, they are happy as long as they can use their dollars to do shopping and the sun rises every morning.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: ninjaskip on November 19, 2014, 06:27:25 PM
Ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: cyberpinoy on November 19, 2014, 06:33:17 PM
must be so much better in india where half of you don't have running water

Ironically India is one of the top 5 Importers and users of Gold. they gold plate everything, one man even had a shirt entirely made of gold, even the buttons. As I read thru this thread I noticed a lot of you condemning a lot of people from different nations. Much like the water problem this gentleman seems to speak about in India, you have to wonder is it the people who live there at fault or the government running those cities who do not have access to water at fault? As far as the people crapping in the street, ask again (well this one can go both ways tho) is it only the persons fault crapping in the street, or could it be that the city government is allowing it to continue.

Much like the financial system anywhere in any country you have no idea what is really going in. In the Philippines 92% of their Gold and copper and silver is stolen by the chinese, why because the Governors get a handout to turn a blind eye. is this the citizens of Philippines fault, no and what is this doing to their financial system? KILLING IT, any system backed by gold is ruined when 92% of your domestic mined ore is freely given to another country.

The people of a country can not control what their government does, scream democracy all you want, the stupidity lies in the hands of the leaders not the people forced by law to abide by the laws they make. We vote them in, are you sure about that? And even if we did vote them in money speaks much louder than votes.

It is not the citizens of a country that are ignorant, it is the leadership of the country those in positions of power that control the people living there that makes them look ignorant.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: AGD on November 19, 2014, 06:38:33 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

For what?

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: RodeoX on November 19, 2014, 06:40:39 PM
If we understood economics and money we'd be shitting our pants.  :D

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: ninjaskip on November 19, 2014, 06:42:05 PM
If we understood economics and money we'd be shitting our pants.  :D

Is the Bitcoin Foundation run by a pedophile bro?

Just curious.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: RodeoX on November 19, 2014, 06:43:23 PM
If we understood economics and money we'd be shitting our pants.  :D

Is the Bitcoin Foundation run by a pedophile bro?

Just curious.
Oh it's common knowledge here that all BF members are pedos. Which is to say no.  :)

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: ninjaskip on November 19, 2014, 06:44:12 PM
If we understood economics and money we'd be shitting our pants.  :D

Is the Bitcoin Foundation run by a pedophile bro?

Just curious.
Oh it's common knowledge here that all BF members are pedos. Which is to say no.  :)


Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 19, 2014, 08:17:41 PM
If we understood economics and money we'd be shitting our pants.  :D

Is the Bitcoin Foundation run by a pedophile bro?

Just curious.
Oh it's common knowledge here that all BF members are pedos. Which is to say no.  :)

That's the great thing about American organizations - they allow everyone a voice. God bless Murrika!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: mercistheman on November 19, 2014, 11:47:10 PM
Short sighted folks see "us vs. them"... intelligent people think beyond boarders.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: hdbuck on November 19, 2014, 11:53:30 PM
Short sighted folks see "us vs. them"... intelligent people think beyond boarders.

obviously, typical american imperialism moddo. ^^

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on November 20, 2014, 08:05:04 PM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

I'm glad to be part of country where threat of walking on poop exists rather then being shot by psychotic people. Country of mental people!
You dream about freedom, we exercise it on daily basis. LOLz!

I can come with as many as you can about my country. That was not point of discussion in thread.

Freedom is requires accepting its concomitant dangers/price of eternal vigilance and eschewing the supposed safety of slave societies where the people are not allowed to exercise their natural right of armed self defense.

The real problem with walking on poop isn't just that it's disgusting and reflects a primitive backwards culture.

The danger of poop (and rats) everywhere is that such a lack of sanitation spreads disease.

Most people in both America and India are ignorant of esoteric topics like "their Financial System."

The difference is that Americans can afford such a luxury, along with safe drinking water, clean air, indoor plumbing, etc.

OTOH India will be stuck in the middle ages until it goes through a phase of free market capital accumulation like America did from ~200 to ~100 years ago.

I'm sure you will coming running to America for help (again) when China decides to reclaim Arunachal Pradesh and kicks your asses at the Line of Control (again):


During the conflict, Nehru wrote two desperate letters to U.S. President John F. Kennedy...

"Dear JFK, please help our shitty backwards country where people have plenty of time and money to decorate buses with gaudy shiny crap, but can't be bothered to do much of anything in the way of making progress, like building roadside rest areas or otherwise fixing dangerous/deadly public health issues.  We promise to repay you with snotty remarks about how funny ignorant Americans are."

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: mojosavage on November 21, 2014, 04:13:40 AM
Why is it such a knee jerk reaction for people in other countries to trash America?  I mean when did we become the poster child for everything wrong in the world but everyone gives a pass to the really terrible countries!?!  Even better is when they overlook the obvious problems in their own country to trash talk us.  Take the log out of your own eye before pointing out the speck in mine.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 21, 2014, 06:02:57 AM

OTOH India will be stuck in the middle ages until it goes through a phase of free market capital accumulation like America did from ~200 to ~100 years ago.

We're actively working on free market mechanism. But, I believe, education and liberalization must progress hand in hand. Nationless currency is disturbing balance of such progress. And as far as free market philosophy is concern, America has learned it hard way in 2008 that state managed capitalism is better than Washington consensus of free trade. Wait and watch how effective your learning is!

We wish to grow with peace not like other countries thriving on war economy. If we wanted to grow being parasite on other countries then, India would have shined 10,000 years ago.

I'm sure you will coming running to America for help (again) when China decides to reclaim Arunachal Pradesh and kicks your asses at the Line of Control (again):

Of Course, we'll come to you because you proclaim yourself as leader and peace-maker of world. And fact is, you failed every time to keep peace. I know what I'm about to say is irrelevant, but I remember watching show on RT few years back when Obama became president. It shown all american president and their promises. In short, promise was to keep "peace in world" and thereafter they displayed all wars President made. Then they asked question, Will Obama break this legacy? I was so happy to see it and I believe he surely would. I was such a naive. Now, I've my answer when I've better understanding international politics.


During the conflict, Nehru wrote two desperate letters to U.S. President John F. Kennedy...

"Dear JFK, please help our shitty backwards country where people have plenty of time and money to decorate buses with gaudy shiny crap, but can't be bothered to do much of anything in the way of making progress, like building roadside rest areas or otherwise fixing dangerous/deadly public health issues.  We promise to repay you with snotty remarks about how funny ignorant Americans are."

He might have written or asked for help. I don't doubt is, knowing we were weak and we are weak country. So, next question comes, how did John F. Kennedy respond to such request?

Ek spritual lounde Ohso say gand faat gayi thi, bhenchodo aur leadership ka gyan de kay forum mein maachuda rahe hoon!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Flashman on November 21, 2014, 01:24:07 PM
Call this a social thought experiment, rather than an analogy...

Teacher walks into class one morning, and says to the kids. "I really can't be bothered yelling at you any more, do whatever the hell you want"

It does not take genius level intellect to infer that it will be a virtual riot in a very short time.

Thus when western nations promise to stay out of the rest of the world's business, the fear of reprisal for being assholes to their neighbors is removed. Maybe they should have periods to "get it out of of their system" but blaming the west for intervening or not intervening is beside the point.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: gadman2 on November 21, 2014, 04:46:23 PM
Pictures of cats on the Internet.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: SimonBeCoinin on November 21, 2014, 06:11:57 PM
Define Ignorant.

That is trickier than it sounds as there are many facets, layers and complexities to the American financial system or any modern financial system for that matter.  How it runs, how it is run, the factors behind it, the factors influencing it.

It is almost impossible to really 'understand' the financial system thoroughly so I'm going to hazard a guess and say that most people are far more ignorant of the machinations of their financial system than they would like to believe and I'm going to include myself in that, along with most of the rest of the people sucking air right now.

Are Americans 'more' ignorant?  Who knows.  I've met some serious morons and I've met some extremely smart folks along the way here in the US of A, and I imagine that's the truth of it in most places....

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: BTCIndia on November 22, 2014, 12:38:36 PM
Pictures of cats on the Internet.

More ignorant are those cats whose pictures are there on internet. :D

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: iCEBREAKER on November 22, 2014, 06:31:32 PM
He might have written or asked for help. I don't doubt is, knowing we were weak and we are weak country. So, next question comes, how did John F. Kennedy respond to such request?

You can tell how JFK responded by simply observing the fact that Arunachal Pradesh is still part of India, and not Chinese territory.

"Might have asked?"  Nehru definitely asked for help, several times actually.  Do you not have Google in your dung hut?  The cowardly use of the "might have" hedge phrase demonstrates your aversion to historical facts which conflict with your personal and national prejudices.

It is beyond dispute that India was getting it's butt kicked by the Chinese, and ran to the US for help despite being "non-aligned."


As Indian defenses crumbled in the face of the Chinese assault, Prime Minister Nehru sent two highly sensitive and remarkable letters to President Kennedy.

On October 20, 1962, China launched a massive offensive at several points along the NEFA border and to the west in the Ladakh area of north-east Kashmir. The offensive caught the Indian government by surprise. Caught flat-footed, the Indian military forces suffered a series of local defeats and were driven back from their forward positions.

India was reeling. It had become obvious that they had no answer to China’s offensive. As the U.S. Ambassador to India, John Kenneth Galbraith, put it, the Indian government “is currently in disarray.” From the Indian perspective, it was a war going badly.

The Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, had written to Kennedy several times before.

But on November 19, 1962, he sent two letters, one shortly after the other, that went far beyond previous requests for help.

Asking for help was not something that was easy for Nehru to do. For one thing, India was a leader of the non-aligned movement. As such, it had assiduously avoided getting drawn overtly into either the Western or Soviet orbit of the Cold War. For another, there was the matter of personal pride.

Now please, continue to be an ingrate and heap scorn on the nation which came to your country's aid in its hour of need.

It's OK, we're used to it!   :)

As soon as we make it safe, you start talking shit about how awful the warlike Americans are.

Maybe next time we should leave your troops to freeze or die from Chinese bullets on the McMahon line?

Nah, then we'd be no better than your nasty caste based society of superstitious monkeys...


During the 1962 border conflict, it was the US that came to India's rescue and there were plans to send the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier to the Bay of Bengal to support India against a possible Chinese invasion.

Many of my generation remember vividly how then American President John F Kennedy had become one of the most popular figures in India -- so much so that most paan shops, (the true barometer of public opinion in India) routinely had Kennedy's photograph alongside the familiar one of Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi.

The prompt and generous American response to Indian needs at the time of military reverses against the Chinese in October/November 1962, had a deep impact on the Indian psyche.

When the Indian situation became particularly desperate, US Air Force squadrons in the Philippines were alerted; through its contacts in Warsaw, the US conveyed its resolve to the Chinese to come to India's assistance.

C-130 Hercules aircraft carried out drops of arms and ammunition supplies as well as essential clothing to Indian soldiers on the battlefront.

The Chinese declared a 'unilateral cease-fire' on November 21, 1962 and announced that it would withdraw from captured territory of Arunachal Pradesh.

Nehru's handling of the crisis and panic reactions were in marked contrast to the cool and confident Kennedy. The generous and prompt response by JFK made him an icon in India.

We Americans see the pattern here.  We use our nasty brutish guns to rescue some backwards country where the citizens peasants are unarmed domesticated cattle, then afterwards they either forget or resent the people who saved them.

If the Indian gov't and culture respected/protected the right to keep and bear arms, China wouldn't be able to invade and push you guys around like so many helpless chickens.  Enjoy your smug, unearned sense of superiority!

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: leopard2 on November 23, 2014, 12:42:11 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

While some the residents started using the newly built toilets, majority continued to practice their age old tradition by sitting right outside the toilet and defecating, sometimes accompanied by domestic animals. The dog and the master pooped together and that my friend is the equality we were unceasingly searching for.

Hilarious, thanks for sharing  :D

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: axel2078 on November 23, 2014, 05:36:28 AM
Short sighted folks see "us vs. them"... intelligent people think beyond boarders.

No, intelligent people think beyond borders.  Hahahaha.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 23, 2014, 08:50:16 AM
Laugh it up. It's great sport to make fun of America.....until you need us.

Haters hate because they jealous.

I'd be extremely jealous too, were I to be stuck in a stinky country where people still crap in public like animals:

While some the residents started using the newly built toilets, majority continued to practice their age old tradition by sitting right outside the toilet and defecating, sometimes accompanied by domestic animals. The dog and the master pooped together and that my friend is the equality we were unceasingly searching for.

Hilarious, thanks for sharing  :D

That is so nasty. It would be hard to casually talk to my neighbor after seeing his turtle poking its head out.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Jamie_Boulder on November 23, 2014, 09:30:36 AM
There's a few things more funny..

One of them is this topic.

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Baghead on November 23, 2014, 10:19:08 AM
Don't pat yourself on the back or feel superior to Americans just because of their ignorance.

There are ignorant people all over the world.

I am in England and i have to agree with you, most nations do not understand individually, its a plan for the world, as daddy bush said a plan for a 'New world order' they are ignorant and you are not?

Then maybe you should put your energy into helping them understand as you are clearly aware of the scam, it's nice to help

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: hdbuck on November 23, 2014, 02:09:56 PM
Don't pat yourself on the back or feel superior to Americans just because of their ignorance.

There are ignorant people all over the world.

I am in England and i have to agree with you, most nations do not understand individually, its a plan for the world, as daddy bush said a plan for a 'New world order' they are ignorant and you are not?

Then maybe you should put your energy into helping them understand as you are clearly aware of the scam, it's nice to help

did you said NWO? shhhh we are not supposed to talk about it..

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: Mellnik on November 23, 2014, 02:16:54 PM
I can remember some american politic woman saying "FUCK THE EU".

Title: Re: Anything more funny than Americans ignorant about their Financial System?
Post by: hdbuck on November 23, 2014, 03:05:48 PM
I can remember some american politic woman saying "FUCK THE EU".

yup noland bitch about the ukranian crisis that NATO was loosing. hence fuck it just leave it, even if they started it ^^

this is how these guys think. messing up countries with pseudo democratic propaganda, send spies and enable riots. then let them kill each other and enjoy pop-fuckin-corn (like they did in all the arabic countries). distribute weapons here and there... easy.

like if they really care.

lukilly the US managed to put their hands on all the Ukranian gold ( so thoughtful ;D