Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: S.Boxx on November 20, 2014, 02:35:40 PM

Title: Is Bitcoin the meaningful organizing principle that will save us....
Post by: S.Boxx on November 20, 2014, 02:35:40 PM
The Dark Enlightenment suggests that more is needed to sustain civilization than just efficient markets and a bandit-free expressway. What's been discovered is that the people in the civilization must share something in common besides self-interest, even if there is mutual gain. Without a meaningful organizing principle (like faith, blood, or vision of the future), civilization degenerates into pure consumer society, creating generations of selfish, entitled, atomized individuals with no motivation to sacrifice and build for the common good.

Is Bitcoin the meaningful organizing principle that will save us from a pure consumer society?

Edit for clarity:
Will the Bitcoin Revolution(vision of the future) help unite us together and give us motivation to sacrifice and build a society for the common good.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin the meaningful organizing principle that will save us....
Post by: chennan on November 20, 2014, 03:00:01 PM
Not really. The anonymity of bitcoin make dark net thriving.  In cryptocurrency space there is no central parties Who are controlling ppl's life. So ppl can do whatever they like. So The central gov forces the citizens to follow the moral standard expressed by the law. We can't live without the central gov at the moment.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin the meaningful organizing principle that will save us....
Post by: Billbags on November 20, 2014, 04:24:07 PM

If Bitcoin is a true revolution then as adoption gets much more widespread, I could see a large section of civilization rising from the naive and selfish life of passive consumerism and pulling together with common sense to demand for a better society.

If Bitcoin would turn out to be just a movement, then little will change and society will remain conditioned to obey and will never question authority or how governments control the people through surveillance and threats of violence.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin the meaningful organizing principle that will save us....
Post by: franky1 on November 20, 2014, 04:40:48 PM
right now we are definetly in a bitcoin consumerism spectrum. i have talked to many people crying out for their local stores to accept bitcoin, but when asked if they personally done anything to motivate their local store.. i hear silence.

bitcoin has become the armchair activist that wants all of the benefits of self management of their wealth, without permission. but too afraid or too lazy to be truly active in getting bitcoin beyond the innovation stage. simply waiting for other people to do it for them.

bitcoin has soo much potential in itself to do alot of good, but the people using it dont realize it is them that have to do the hard work.. after all bitcoin has no arms or legs or a voice.. its just code