Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cuddaloreappu on November 21, 2014, 05:06:56 AM

Title: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on November 21, 2014, 05:06:56 AM

From my almost an year old observation and experience I feel there is a sort of cold war being waged between 2 kinds of people!

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet and be used for buying drugs, childporn and whistle blowing and care much about anonymity.
No matter how hard you try you cannot hide the fact Satoshi is political and bitcoin came into existence as a political tool hence satoshi wrote

"Yes, [we will not find a solution to political problems in cryptography,] but we can win a major battle in the arms race and gain a new territory of freedom for several years."

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.
They have to take this positions since they have invested millions into the ecosystem and are waiting for the network effects to unfold big and they least care about anonymity or the principles of how and why bitcoin came in first place.

There is a  silent cold war happening and a clash is imminent!

TLDR: For every app like Circle  there will be a Darkwallet...

The future in this path could be dangerous! may even compromise the security and foundations of bitcoin in the fight!

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: BTCIndia on November 21, 2014, 05:37:41 AM
Techie saying to capitalist- This is our move--Ukhaad lo!


Developed countries saying to under developed countries--Ukhaad lo!


Advanced government saying to under-advance governments-Ukhaad lo!

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 21, 2014, 05:40:33 AM
You are on the right track, but it isn't yet a war. It is a paradigm shift where idealists and opportunists must learn that they are looking at different halves of the same coin. They must realize they have a common enemy and that Bitcoin needs them both to work together to defeat that enemy.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on November 21, 2014, 06:04:45 AM
You are on the right track, but it isn't yet a war. It is a paradigm shift where idealists and opportunists must learn that they are looking at different halves of the same coin. They must realize they have a common enemy and that Bitcoin needs them both to work together to defeat that enemy.

Thanks for telling me I am on right track..nice to get +1 from legendary...

Can you please tell me who the enemy is..

 State or FED  or Greed or what?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 21, 2014, 06:31:51 AM
The common enemy is ignorance and fear of progress.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 21, 2014, 06:41:06 AM
Thanks for letting me know that I have to pick one of these two very specific choices. Here I thought all along that anyone could use Bitcoin for any reason they like. Gosh... silly me.
Bitcoin is a game with rules. They are very broad, but absolute. You don't have to play the game, but you do have to follow the rules if you do play. That's the whole idea of transparency. The OP probably didn't intend to form a dichotomy, but was trying to be broad and inclusive regarding general interests in Bitcoin. You don't have to pick sides, but it behooves you to see the nuances of blockchain assets.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Alonzo Ewing on November 21, 2014, 07:10:49 AM
This market anarchist wants financial privacy, predictable money supply, and free trade among all people of the world. 

Why would anyone want to buy coffee with Bitcoin?  We already have centralized systems that work well for that kind of thing.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 21, 2014, 07:16:04 AM
This market anarchist wants financial privacy, predictable money supply, and free trade among all people of the world. 

Why would anyone want to buy coffee with Bitcoin?  We already have centralized systems that work well for that kind of thing.
Good for you, mate. When you say *We* who exactly are you speaking for?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on November 21, 2014, 07:16:35 AM
Thanks for letting me know that I have to pick one of these two very specific choices. Here I thought all along that anyone could use Bitcoin for any reason they like. Gosh... silly me.
Bitcoin is a game with rules. They are very broad, but absolute. You don't have to play the game, but you do have to follow the rules if you do play. That's the whole idea of transparency. The OP probably didn't intend to form a dichotomy, but was trying to be broad and inclusive regarding general interests in Bitcoin. You don't have to pick sides, but it behooves you to see the nuances of blockchain assets.

there it is... you clearly said my intentions...

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Lethn on November 21, 2014, 07:27:52 AM
This market anarchist wants financial privacy, predictable money supply, and free trade among all people of the world.  

Why would anyone want to buy coffee with Bitcoin?  We already have centralized systems that work well for that kind of thing.

As an Anarchist I resent these statements that have been made about Anarchists, not just you in particular because the OP did it as well, I don't necessarily want/need anonymity but that's a nice feature, what I want is a currency that is free from the state and central banks and can be traded freely without restrictions and there are people who are actively trying to prevent that through groups like the Bitcoin foundation. Thankfully though, it's seems that there are currencies like Darkcoin etc. that are stepping in to fill that kind of gap that Bitcoin seems to be leaving, I haven't seen any moves yet by Gavin to take away the freedom Bitcoin gives but I'm not holding my breath.

So long as we're free to exchange our Bitcoins anywhere in the world and not have anyone interfere with transactions based on our I.P address etc. I at least am happy, though obviously I can't speak for all Anarchists since they all have very different opinions.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 21, 2014, 07:56:38 AM
This market anarchist wants financial privacy, predictable money supply, and free trade among all people of the world.  

Why would anyone want to buy coffee with Bitcoin?  We already have centralized systems that work well for that kind of thing.

As an Anarchist I resent these statements that have been made about Anarchists, not just you in particular because the OP did it as well, I don't necessarily want/need anonymity but that's a nice feature, what I want is a currency that is free from the state and central banks and can be traded freely without restrictions and there are people who are actively trying to prevent that through groups like the Bitcoin foundation. Thankfully though, it's seems that there are currencies like Darkcoin etc. that are stepping in to fill that kind of gap that Bitcoin seems to be leaving, I haven't seen any moves yet by Gavin to take away the freedom Bitcoin gives but I'm not holding my breath.

So long as we're free to exchange our Bitcoins anywhere in the world and not have anyone interfere with transactions based on our I.P address etc. I at least am happy, though obviously I can't speak for all Anarchists since they all have very different opinions.

The profit mongers are going to be disappointed when they finally get Bitcoin fully regulated, institutionalized, mainstream, blacklisted and ready for the average John Q Public. John doesn't want or need a difficult to use Western Union replacement. Cash already works for him for small and anonymous purchases (ask any street corner drug dealer or prostitute) and he understands cash. Credit/debit cards fill in the rest. No, the fringe element in society is keeping Bitcoin alive and we'll stop using it in favor of something the profit mongers haven't destroyed.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Lethn on November 21, 2014, 08:02:29 AM
We're all in this for profit, but the point is that a decentralised and unregulated currency is going to be far more profitable than another digital dollar, once you take away the decentralised and open source nature of Bitcoin that's it's value gone, it was specifically created to get round the banking system and if the banks take over it then it's pointless as a currency.

We've all seen the dollar and we all understand how it works, what interests people about Bitcoin is the fact that you only to download some software onto your PC in order to use it and that's it.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Fuserleer on November 21, 2014, 08:12:27 AM
I think if you want to break it down into 2 halves then you are close, but you can simplify further

One half of the camp is a bunch of idealists.  The other half of the camp is a bunch of realists.

The problem is that the realists know what need to be done, and try to do it, yet get beaten down constantly by the idealists because it doesn't meet their opinion.   The idealists just sit around all day, preaching about unachievable ideals, ramming opinions down every throat they can, with absolutely no grasp on reality regarding how to get there (if they did, they would also be realists) so then never actually get up and do anything.

You have a tiny 3rd camp which are people with both attributes, but between them they can never get enough momentum to affect an change and recruit realists that do, nor can they be heard over the ever vocal idealists.

Stalemate...which is where we are at with very little forward momentum IMO.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Lethn on November 21, 2014, 08:14:31 AM
It's hardly idealism, the simple fact is if we give ground and change the source code to suit the needs of regulators that's when Bitcoin will end up failing, you can insitute what kind of tax rules are to be placed on it all you like, just don't go saying things like "Yes we'll change the way the public ledger works" and so on because the first time I see a "Full Name" or "Country" field on my Bitcoin wallet I'm transferring everything.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Fuserleer on November 21, 2014, 08:17:26 AM
It's hardly idealism, the simple fact is if we give ground and change the source code to suit the needs of regulators that's when Bitcoin will end up failing, you can insitute what kind of tax rules are to be placed on it all you like, just don't go saying things like "Yes we'll change the way the public ledger works" and so on because the first time I see a "Full Name" field on my Bitcoin wallet I'm transferring everything.

I don't think that argument even comes into play.

I think its more to do with that fact that at the beginning, the 3rd camp (i just edited above) was a lot larger, and that is what got us here because being both they know how to compromise.

Now we are in a position, where the 2 majorities constantly squabble, and its all or nothing for we end up stuck.

If we could get back in the position where the 3rd camp is the majority, then we could do a fine job of working with various bodies to push forward, instead of having to speculate on extremes like you present above.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: turvarya on November 21, 2014, 08:34:32 AM
It's hardly idealism, the simple fact is if we give ground and change the source code to suit the needs of regulators that's when Bitcoin will end up failing, you can insitute what kind of tax rules are to be placed on it all you like, just don't go saying things like "Yes we'll change the way the public ledger works" and so on because the first time I see a "Full Name" or "Country" field on my Bitcoin wallet I'm transferring everything.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Who wants to change the source code to suit the needs of regulators?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 21, 2014, 08:58:54 AM
Who wants to change the source code to suit the needs of regulators?

Wouldn't large miners (who basically control the network) have to comply with any provision issued to them (including modified code with whatever rules regulators think of to code in there)? Regulators don't bother with this just yet, as they see that Bitcoin is too small and fading away by itself to become irrelevant due to its flaws, and it's cheaper for them socially to just wait it out. But if it didn't fade away and began to grow to threaten the fiat system, be sure, they'd issue this license in a heart beat.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Jybrael on November 21, 2014, 09:08:14 AM
Well the war hasn't started yet and hopefully won't for some time but in the end I do agree it is inevitable.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Bagatell on November 21, 2014, 09:57:19 AM
This thread reminds me of the committee of blind men inspecting an elephant.  :D

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: turvarya on November 21, 2014, 10:00:19 AM
Who wants to change the source code to suit the needs of regulators?

Wouldn't large miners (who basically control the network) have to comply with any provision issued to them (including modified code with whatever rules regulators think of to code in there)? Regulators don't bother with this just yet, as they see that Bitcoin is too small and fading away by itself to become irrelevant due to its flaws, and it's cheaper for them socially to just wait it out. But if it didn't fade away and began to grow to threaten the fiat system, be sure, they'd issue this license in a heart beat.
When it is a change, that changes how the blockchain works, you would need a hard fork. Users/miners would just have to stay on their old version to not accept it.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 21, 2014, 10:09:56 AM
Who wants to change the source code to suit the needs of regulators?

Wouldn't large miners (who basically control the network) have to comply with any provision issued to them (including modified code with whatever rules regulators think of to code in there)? Regulators don't bother with this just yet, as they see that Bitcoin is too small and fading away by itself to become irrelevant due to its flaws, and it's cheaper for them socially to just wait it out. But if it didn't fade away and began to grow to threaten the fiat system, be sure, they'd issue this license in a heart beat.
When it is a change, that changes how the blockchain works, you would need a hard fork. Users/miners would just have to stay on their old version to not accept it.

Alright, users and small miners would stay on their old fork, but large miners that control the network would have to comply with the regulations or shut down operations. Eventually users would have to either sell their Bitcoins (sell them on the old or new fork) or switch to and stay on the new regulated fork as well. What's wrong/impossible with this picture I just drew?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Fuserleer on November 21, 2014, 10:32:17 AM
The real concern with what you suggest there is that users that had Bitcoin on the pre-fork chain can spend them on both the new & old forked chains.

If the majority migrate to the new hard-fork, then it's not really an issue, because the old protocol dies, but if we end up with 2 large sets of users on each, then you can double spend previous BTC on both.

Obvious way around that is of course to have everyone run both the old and new chains and cross reference between each, but then that adds a whole new level of technical complexity to an already tricky non-technical problem.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 21, 2014, 10:41:42 AM
Either way sooner or later Bitcoin is f*cked. Large miners are the weak point. Centralization and regulation is inevitable in PoW if it ever grows big enough.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: turvarya on November 21, 2014, 11:31:06 AM
The real concern with what you suggest there is that users that had Bitcoin on the pre-fork chain can spend them on both the new & old forked chains.

If the majority migrate to the new hard-fork, then it's not really an issue, because the old protocol dies, but if we end up with 2 large sets of users on each, then you can double spend previous BTC on both.

Obvious way around that is of course to have everyone run both the old and new chains and cross reference between each, but then that adds a whole new level of technical complexity to an already tricky non-technical problem.
Nobody will cross-reference two chains. That just doesn't make sense.

Who wants to change the source code to suit the needs of regulators?

Wouldn't large miners (who basically control the network) have to comply with any provision issued to them (including modified code with whatever rules regulators think of to code in there)? Regulators don't bother with this just yet, as they see that Bitcoin is too small and fading away by itself to become irrelevant due to its flaws, and it's cheaper for them socially to just wait it out. But if it didn't fade away and began to grow to threaten the fiat system, be sure, they'd issue this license in a heart beat.
When it is a change, that changes how the blockchain works, you would need a hard fork. Users/miners would just have to stay on their old version to not accept it.

Alright, users and small miners would stay on their old fork, but large miners that control the network would have to comply with the regulations or shut down operations. Eventually users would have to either sell their Bitcoins (sell them on the old or new fork) or switch to and stay on the new regulated fork as well. What's wrong/impossible with this picture I just drew?
Why would a miner in Siberia care about a regulation made in the US?
Is there a statistic about, where most miners are? I don't think, they are in US.

Btw. that's exactly why some many people hates US-citiziens. A lot of them just don't realize that there is also an economy that is not controlled by your government, which is especially stupid, when you are talking about bitcoin.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Soros Shorts on November 21, 2014, 12:30:09 PM

Alright, users and small miners would stay on their old fork, but large miners that control the network would have to comply with the regulations or shut down operations. Eventually users would have to either sell their Bitcoins (sell them on the old or new fork) or switch to and stay on the new regulated fork as well. What's wrong/impossible with this picture I just drew?

I could be wrong, but I would imagine that the coins in the new fork would have lesser value than the old fork. For example, if I have relatives living in a "terrorist" country and the new fork does not allow me to remit them money, why would I even use the new fork?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 21, 2014, 12:36:08 PM

Alright, users and small miners would stay on their old fork, but large miners that control the network would have to comply with the regulations or shut down operations. Eventually users would have to either sell their Bitcoins (sell them on the old or new fork) or switch to and stay on the new regulated fork as well. What's wrong/impossible with this picture I just drew?

I could be wrong, but I would imagine that the coins in the new fork would have lesser value than the old fork. For example, if I have relatives living in a "terrorist" country and the new fork does not allow me to remit them money, why would I even use the new fork?

Well, for starters, let's imagine that 90% of the hashing power (large miners) switches to the new fork to comply with regulations, where would that leave the old fork? It would make each new block arrive in 2-hour intervals, the difficulty retarget would arrive in 2016 blocks in the worst case, that would be 5 months to wait for normal 10-min blocks or even longer (can't remember how much the max retarget downwards in Bitcoin is allowed). Where would that put the credibility of Bitcoin? In short, it would be a total mess.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: countryfree on November 21, 2014, 01:04:27 PM
From my almost an year old observation and experience I feel there is a sort of cold war being waged between 2 kinds of people!

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be a product of the Darknet and be used for buying drugs, childporn and whistle blowing and care much about anonymity.

Your description of anarchists is wrong.

I'm possibly a true anarchist, and as an anarchist I can't speak for others, otherwise I wouldn't be an anarchist, but I've burned my social security card in 1991, and few people can make such a claim.

I support BTC because I favor a currency which can keep my business out of the sight, and out of the knowledge, of all governments (I travel a lot), with all its tax men and various regulators who tell people how to do things.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on November 21, 2014, 03:36:10 PM
Updated post with some pictures and edits based on comments by anarchists here

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: spooderman on November 21, 2014, 05:17:43 PM
Shit thread is shit.

Thanks for sticking to the rule of always mentioning anonymity and child porn, drugs and darknet in the same sentence.

They must never not be associated! Freedom (privacy) is dangerous!

I think you may like this OP:

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 21, 2014, 05:25:04 PM
We're all in this for profit, but the point is that a decentralised and unregulated currency is going to be far more profitable than another digital dollar, once you take away the decentralised and open source nature of Bitcoin that's it's value gone, it was specifically created to get round the banking system and if the banks take over it then it's pointless as a currency.

We've all seen the dollar and we all understand how it works, what interests people about Bitcoin is the fact that you only to download some software onto your PC in order to use it and that's it.

We're not all in this for profit. There are much better high risk investments out there if profit is your main concern. Profit will happen eventually as more and more users enter the system. Many use Bitcoin because it empowers them. Bitcoin could slowly take the funding away from governments worldwide and place it in the hands of the people creating a very gradual bloodless revolution. At first Bitcoin should be kept small and made strong. All of the bugs need to be worked out. Then gradually over decades Bitcoin is used to barter between parties for all goods and services. Of course that won't happen because profit whores are handing it over to their beloved governments to regulate and control. This will work against them eventually because there's already a fully controlled electronic transfer system in place. Why create just another type of ACH/EFT system? There's nothing special about that. Who will use it? I will use something else and invest in real estate.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 21, 2014, 07:03:18 PM
Who wants to change the source code to suit the needs of regulators?

Wouldn't large miners (who basically control the network) have to comply with any provision issued to them (including modified code with whatever rules regulators think of to code in there)? Regulators don't bother with this just yet, as they see that Bitcoin is too small and fading away by itself to become irrelevant due to its flaws, and it's cheaper for them socially to just wait it out. But if it didn't fade away and began to grow to threaten the fiat system, be sure, they'd issue this license in a heart beat.
When it is a change, that changes how the blockchain works, you would need a hard fork. Users/miners would just have to stay on their old version to not accept it.

Alright, users and small miners would stay on their old fork, but large miners that control the network would have to comply with the regulations or shut down operations. Eventually users would have to either sell their Bitcoins (sell them on the old or new fork) or switch to and stay on the new regulated fork as well. What's wrong/impossible with this picture I just drew?

You have the incentives wrong. Your mistake is starting with the premise that miners control the network. They don't. The economic majority controls the network. If the economic majority doesn't agree with a change, it won't happen (or last for long).

Let's imagine a scenario where a large percentage of the global hash rate wants to implement a change which a large percentage of the economic interests do not want.

This group of miners forks Bitcoin. Everyone who has bitcoins at this point now have coins on two chains. They don't want the new forked coins, so they immediately start selling them. The price of the coins on the fork starts to plummet (a majority is selling). If those sellers happen to find buyers for their forked coins, they will now have additional funds which they might use to purchase actual bitcoins. There will be massive (we are assuming an economic majority here) downward pressure on the price of the forked coins, and possible upward pressure on the price of actual bitcoins.

You are a miner. You have costs. You may even be in debt for hardware. Are you going to mine the forked coins which are rapidly decreasing in value or bitcoins which are at worst holding at the same value and possibly even increasing in value?

This scenario can of course go the opposite way, if the economic majority wants the change, they will liquidate their actual bitcoins and possibly use the proceeds to purchase additional newly forked coins.

The point is, the miners are at the whim of those who value the coin. If they try to force changes on the economic majority, they will quickly find themselves mining worthless coins. Prohibition can not stop economic forces (typically quite the opposite). If mining is outlawed, then outlaws will mine. If a coin is valued, people will find a way to mine it, regardless of any legal hurdles.

If you're a large mining farm, you're going to mine whatever fork the regulations dictate, if regulations force you to go bankrupt, well, then you will go bankrupt. That's the nature of large businesses, they are easily targeted and regulated. Bitcoin is just too small now, so they don't bother, the whole market cap of Bitcoin is pocket change to them at this point, it's politically not worth raising hell about. The economic majority may as well support the new regulated fork, and the network will keep humming along. But will this new fork be any different from fiat?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: J3VVL on November 21, 2014, 07:44:55 PM
~ Pranksters vs. da Banksters!!! :-D muuhahaha

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Meuh6879 on November 21, 2014, 07:46:26 PM
hobbyist ----------> industrial application ------------> people


Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 22, 2014, 01:05:07 AM
You have the incentives wrong. Your mistake is starting with the premise that miners control the network. They don't. The economic majority controls the network. If the economic majority doesn't agree with a change, it won't happen (or last for long).

Let's imagine a scenario where a large percentage of the global hash rate wants to implement a change which a large percentage of the economic interests do not want.

This group of miners forks Bitcoin. Everyone who has bitcoins at this point now have coins on two chains. They don't want the new forked coins, so they immediately start selling them. The price of the coins on the fork starts to plummet (a majority is selling). If those sellers happen to find buyers for their forked coins, they will now have additional funds which they might use to purchase actual bitcoins. There will be massive (we are assuming an economic majority here) downward pressure on the price of the forked coins, and possible upward pressure on the price of actual bitcoins.

You are a miner. You have costs. You may even be in debt for hardware. Are you going to mine the forked coins which are rapidly decreasing in value or bitcoins which are at worst holding at the same value and possibly even increasing in value?

This scenario can of course go the opposite way, if the economic majority wants the change, they will liquidate their actual bitcoins and possibly use the proceeds to purchase additional newly forked coins.

The point is, the miners are at the whim of those who value the coin. If they try to force changes on the economic majority, they will quickly find themselves mining worthless coins. Prohibition can not stop economic forces (typically quite the opposite). If mining is outlawed, then outlaws will mine. If a coin is valued, people will find a way to mine it, regardless of any legal hurdles.

If you're a large mining farm, you're going to mine whatever fork the regulations dictate, if regulations force you to go bankrupt, well, then you will go bankrupt. That's the nature of large businesses, they are easily targeted and regulated.

You are saying that regulators are going to force a particular fork to be legal and others to be illegal based purely on what? If that happened and I were a miner, I would sell my equipment and get out of mining before it happens again.

Bitcoin is just too small now, so they don't bother, the whole market cap of Bitcoin is pocket change to them at this point, it's politically not worth raising hell about. The economic majority may as well support the new regulated fork, and the network will keep humming along. But will this new fork be any different from fiat?
This can be done with anything in a dictatorship. They could make your blood type currency. You should be careful what you wish for.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Fuserleer on November 22, 2014, 02:07:35 AM
They can't force either to be legal or illegal, and even if they did, it wouldn't be enforceable anyway.

What they can do is make/commission changes to Bitcoin that suit them and create a fork themselves, which implements all of the measures they want in place.  Then endorse THAT Bitcoin fork to the public at large, its still "Bitcoin" in principle, so it can be marketed as such (plus who's going to sue them?  The foundation?)

Aside from the fact that the public would have no idea technically whats going on, I'd imagine that members of the public, including ones that were/are skeptical, would be more likely to use this Bitcoin derivative as it has the backing of the state (hell, they could go as far as secure deposits against loss as per the regular financial system).  

What you possibly end up with is a mass exodus of new users into the system, as they now feel safe.  Miners will follow the money, more users = more fees to collect, thus more profitable.  Before you know it, the original BTC fork is suffering, and the new one is blooming.  

Then you'll get the scenario that Holliday suggests, along with some dishonest users spending BTC on both forks that they had before the split.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Monica80 on November 22, 2014, 02:15:24 AM
You are on the right track, but it isn't yet a war. It is a paradigm shift where idealists and opportunists must learn that they are looking at different halves of the same coin. They must realize they have a common enemy and that Bitcoin needs them both to work together to defeat that enemy.

And the above needs to be posted as a sticky :)

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on November 22, 2014, 02:17:43 AM
You are on the right track, but it isn't yet a war. It is a paradigm shift where idealists and opportunists must learn that they are looking at different halves of the same coin. They must realize they have a common enemy and that Bitcoin needs them both to work together to defeat that enemy.

And the above needs to be posted as a sticky :)

He's giving out pearls here for sure

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Monica80 on November 22, 2014, 02:29:50 AM

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Beliathon on November 22, 2014, 05:58:58 AM
It's hardly idealism, the simple fact is if we give ground and change the source code [...words]
It doesn't matter if you change bitcoin's sourcecode. If the changes aren't desirable to most people, adoption of that update won't occur and people will stick with the old version. A natural self-interested democracy solves the problem.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 22, 2014, 07:34:32 AM
You are saying that regulators are going to force a particular fork to be legal and others to be illegal based purely on what? If that happened and I were a miner, I would sell my equipment and get out of mining before it happens again.

I am not interested in details, based on what doesn't matter, I am just saying this can be easily done if Bitcoin becomes large enough to be a threat.

This can be done with anything in a dictatorship. They could make your blood type currency. You should be careful what you wish for.

You sound like you're in denial. Every time someone tells people what has a high likelihood to happen based on history and they don't like the bitterness of facts, they start blaming the messenger, sticking their collective heads in the sand, that's denial at its best. Do I need to remind you how many times democracies have turned into dictatorships when they were economically devastated?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Lethn on November 22, 2014, 09:36:23 AM
It's hardly idealism, the simple fact is if we give ground and change the source code [...words]
It doesn't matter if you change bitcoin's sourcecode. If the changes aren't desirable to most people, adoption of that update won't occur and people will stick with the old version. A natural self-interested democracy solves the problem.

That's what I'm hoping will be the case, it's a good thing it's been released open source so far, but it would be a shame to see Satoshi's creation ruined by internal politics.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: DiamondCardz on November 22, 2014, 11:10:51 AM
The OP raises some good points but the "anarchocapitalists" exist both in Bitcoin and USD. If Bitcoin does become large the government will find a way to crack down on people who use Bitcoin for illegal purposes. Silk Road 1.0 & 2.0 both prove this.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: oda.krell on November 22, 2014, 11:39:41 AM
Not a bad post, OP.

I think the solution, whether intended/desired or not, will be that Bitcoin (or another cryptocurrency, if Bitcoin is ever to be replaced as the "default" crypto) will turn out similar to the Internet as a whole: easy to use for the average consumer, but an absolute nightmare from a privacy standpoint. With substantial effort and technical knowledge on the other hand, you can mask your activity on the Internet and prevent eavesdropping on your sensitive information: Tor/I2P, VPNs, strong end-to-end encryption, sufficient knowledge of your own system to make attacks via vulnerabilities unlikely.

I can see something similar for cryptos then: Bitcoin will be monitored and nothing like what the early nerds were hoping for. It will also be the crypto used by 95% of the population. Another privacy centered crypto will take the niche role of (near) anonymous transactions, and it'll be a constant battle between developers aiming to secure it against privacy invasion and and governments trying break into it.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: El Emperador on November 22, 2014, 11:55:41 AM
I think one of the many strenghts of Bitcoin and Cryptocoins in general is that users aren't flagged by just one political and philosophical thought, but there are people with different ideas who use Bitcoin anyway.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: turvarya on November 22, 2014, 01:01:44 PM
They can't force either to be legal or illegal, and even if they did, it wouldn't be enforceable anyway.

What they can do is make/commission changes to Bitcoin that suit them and create a fork themselves, which implements all of the measures they want in place.  Then endorse THAT Bitcoin fork to the public at large, its still "Bitcoin" in principle, so it can be marketed as such (plus who's going to sue them?  The foundation?)

Aside from the fact that the public would have no idea technically whats going on, I'd imagine that members of the public, including ones that were/are skeptical, would be more likely to use this Bitcoin derivative as it has the backing of the state (hell, they could go as far as secure deposits against loss as per the regular financial system).  

What you possibly end up with is a mass exodus of new users into the system, as they now feel safe.  Miners will follow the money, more users = more fees to collect, thus more profitable.  Before you know it, the original BTC fork is suffering, and the new one is blooming.  

Then you'll get the scenario that Holliday suggests, along with some dishonest users spending BTC on both forks that they had before the split.
I would definitely use both forks. I don't see, what is dishonest about that

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Soros Shorts on November 22, 2014, 01:15:03 PM

I am not interested in details, based on what doesn't matter, I am just saying this can be easily done if Bitcoin becomes large enough to be a threat.

Just because it can be done doesn't mean that it will be done. And it doesn't mean that the regulators will get everything they want when they try. The fact is that it is difficult for a single government to regulate a distributed peer to peer currency. I am keen to watch them try and see how the whole thing plays out. We will need to fight it out and the outcome will depend on where the rubber meets the road, not on hypothetical possibilities.

Are you are suggesting that we just bail out now and sell our coins because of a potential threat? Or are you going to propose countermeasures?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 23, 2014, 07:02:51 AM
You are saying that regulators are going to force a particular fork to be legal and others to be illegal based purely on what? If that happened and I were a miner, I would sell my equipment and get out of mining before it happens again.

I am not interested in details, based on what doesn't matter, I am just saying this can be easily done if Bitcoin becomes large enough to be a threat.

This can be done with anything in a dictatorship. They could make your blood type currency. You should be careful what you wish for.

You sound like you're in denial. Every time someone tells people what has a high likelihood to happen based on history and they don't like the bitterness of facts, they start blaming the messenger, sticking their collective heads in the sand, that's denial at its best. Do I need to remind you how many times democracies have turned into dictatorships when they were economically devastated?
How does it feel to always live in fear? Many democracies do fail. Does that mean they are not worth fighting for?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 23, 2014, 11:07:15 AM
Are you are suggesting that we just bail out now and sell our coins because of a potential threat? Or are you going to propose countermeasures?

Yes, look for a more secure and intervention-proof crypto technology, Bitcoin is too vulnerable and easy to strike at its core.

How does it feel to always live in fear? Many democracies do fail. Does that mean they are not worth fighting for?

Wtf are you talking about? Either you know what will happen and act to put countermeasures against it or you simply are scared and hope it doesn't happen. What I am talking about is really that simple. Bitcoin is PoW = vulnerable and flawed and can be taken down easily if there is a political will to take it down. Period.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 23, 2014, 01:34:15 PM
Bitcoin is PoW = vulnerable and flawed and can be taken down easily if there is a political will to take it down. Period.
Who's political will do you fear?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: devphp on November 23, 2014, 02:06:45 PM
Bitcoin is PoW = vulnerable and flawed and can be taken down easily if there is a political will to take it down. Period.
Who's political will do you fear?

I don't. But holders of Bitcoin should.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cbeast on November 23, 2014, 02:07:58 PM
Bitcoin is PoW = vulnerable and flawed and can be taken down easily if there is a political will to take it down. Period.
Who's political will do you fear?

I don't. But holders of Bitcoin should.
Neither do we.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: J3VVL on November 23, 2014, 03:44:50 PM
Not a bad post, OP.

I think the solution, whether intended/desired or not, will be that Bitcoin (or another cryptocurrency, if Bitcoin is ever to be replaced as the "default" crypto) will turn out similar to the Internet as a whole: easy to use for the average consumer, but an absolute nightmare from a privacy standpoint. With substantial effort and technical knowledge on the other hand, you can mask your activity on the Internet and prevent eavesdropping on your sensitive information: Tor/I2P, VPNs, strong end-to-end encryption, sufficient knowledge of your own system to make attacks via vulnerabilities unlikely.

I can see something similar for cryptos then: Bitcoin will be monitored and nothing like what the early nerds were hoping for. It will also be the crypto used by 95% of the population. Another privacy centered crypto will take the niche role of (near) anonymous transactions, and it'll be a constant battle between developers aiming to secure it against privacy invasion and and governments trying break into it.

ya sure ~ until an EMP or solar flares start messing up the grid! :-D lol

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: TippingPoint on November 23, 2014, 05:23:39 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: J3VVL on November 23, 2014, 05:39:27 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.

bitcoin was created to disrupt the current system ... shit got real and the creator disappeared! lol go figure!!! :-D

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on November 23, 2014, 05:42:26 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.

I think this requires some deep thinking, its ultimately a tussle between idealism and money..

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on November 23, 2014, 05:47:25 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.

bitcoin was created to disrupt the current system ... shit got real and the creator disappeared! lol go figure!!! :-D

That wouldn't matter to the creator (that word makes me think of Satoshi carrying a cross wearing a crown of thorns lol). They don't prosecute the CEO of Colt Firearms when someone commits murder with a Colt.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: blumangroup on November 23, 2014, 05:56:30 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.

bitcoin was created to disrupt the current system ... shit got real and the creator disappeared! lol go figure!!! :-D
The creator (aka satoshi) disappeared because the amount of attention Bitcoin was receiving would amount to him getting doxxed which he did not want.

To respond to the OP, I really do not think it matters what ideology is of anyone who uses, works on (improves), invests in (or even attempts to attack) Bitcoin is. People have the freedom to believe in whatever they want and there is no rule that everyone must follow the same cult.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: scarsbergholden on November 23, 2014, 06:20:56 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.
I agree with this (however I don't agree that both categories of people are so stubborn that they would not want to admit that Bitcoin benefits (and can continue to benefit) both groups of people. I would say that Bitcoin can and will benefit both groups of people and both groups will each be a large set of Bitcoin's userbase.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: yayayo on November 23, 2014, 06:51:20 PM
I agree that there are different kinds of people involved in the bitcoin sphere with a part of them being more libertarian and another part being more of the opportunistic investor type.

However I'm not sure that these two groups will necessarily have to be in a state of war. I think both con coexist. Being libertarian and pro-anonymity does not rule out endorsing profitability - and vice versa.

In my opinion Bitcoin is designed as a decentralized, pseudonymous, trustless system which will automatically lead to a shift towards more libertarian values, because controlling such a system is expensive and will have adverse effects on the system's efficiency. Opportunistic investors will certainly not support governmental control of Bitcoin if it hurts the system's efficiency and profitability.

Ultimately all parties will realize that there is much more to gain than to loose from the decentralization and full fungibility of Bitcoin. The wind of change that stems from Bitcoin is much too strong to build walls...


Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: J3VVL on November 23, 2014, 07:31:40 PM

The first are some  Anarchocapitalist, anarchist and some techno libertarians who want bitcoin to be away from banks and government regulations and be  a product of the Darknet

The second kind is the Venture capitalist and industrialist who want to make bitcoin an Apolitical instrument or neutral technology thereby making it consumer friendly for grandma and kids.

Both categories of users benefit from the presence and growth of the other catagory.  But they might not want to admit it.

bitcoin was created to disrupt the current system ... shit got real and the creator disappeared! lol go figure!!! :-D
The creator (aka satoshi) disappeared because the amount of attention Bitcoin was receiving would amount to him getting doxxed which he did not want.

To respond to the OP, I really do not think it matters what ideology is of anyone who uses, works on (improves), invests in (or even attempts to attack) Bitcoin is. People have the freedom to believe in whatever they want and there is no rule that everyone must follow the same cult.

who knows what happened to satoshi?

either he shut up on his own or was shut up by someone else?

i believe bitcoin was created as a revolutionary alternative to the current system not just another cybertool to be exploited by the wall street vampires! =\

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: cuddaloreappu on November 24, 2014, 08:07:34 AM
I agree that there are different kinds of people involved in the bitcoin sphere with a part of them being more libertarian and another part being more of the opportunistic investor type.

However I'm not sure that these two groups will necessarily have to be in a state of war. I think both con coexist. Being libertarian and pro-anonymity does not rule out endorsing profitability - and vice versa.

In my opinion Bitcoin is designed as a decentralized, pseudonymous, trustless system which will automatically lead to a shift towards more libertarian values, because controlling such a system is expensive and will have adverse effects on the system's efficiency. Opportunistic investors will certainly not support governmental control of Bitcoin if it hurts the system's efficiency and profitability.

Ultimately all parties will realize that there is much more to gain than to loose from the decentralization and full fungibility of Bitcoin. The wind of change that stems from Bitcoin is much too strong to build walls...


may be moderates on both sides can co exist...but extremes do not , if you look at the trailer for dark wallet on you tube you can see they state that the bitcoin foundation exist to compromise the core value of bitcoin..

How can you coexist with this sort of contrasting opinions

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Lethn on November 24, 2014, 08:51:31 AM
The problem is with the Bitcoin foundation is like with many organisations they seek to to subvert the law or in this case the very logic Bitcoin follows for their own ends, one of the greatest things about cryptocurrencies is it follows logic and mathematics so everybody knows what is going to happen to the currency, if it can be changed on a whim then it will be just like other fiat currencies. Yes yes, I know about the safe guards of open source and I agree with that but if you think the Bitcoin foundation and the whitehouse isn't working to undermine that then I think you're all pretty naive, Bitcoin is making the U.S government and many others look like assholes, especially bankers, just because it uses actual mathematics to dictate it's money supply rather than someone at a desk throwing a few extra billion at their friends.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on November 24, 2014, 08:53:12 AM
Free market trumps all, central banks, massively over-extended govts and their mega-bank co-conspirators are about to be treated to the harshest of lessons from the highly-suspect  attempted central planning of the economies of the world. A lesson from recent history taught by none less than the worst failures of communism.

The monetary systems are broken, the major banks are technically bust and the sovereign debt loads are maxxed to the point where the entire productive GDP of the world is simply being sucked up by the interest on existing debt and stagnating in pools of a select few uber-wealthy entities who simply haven't the intellectual or informational capacity to allocate effectively the capital resources they now control ... the death spiral of a moribund centrally planned economy is already well advanced.

Enter Bitcoin and crypto currencies. Free market will choose the best money available, that money will be fully fungible, any VC/opportunists betting against that outcome and plumping in with more-of-the-same broken electronic monetary systems will inevitably be losers, morally, technically and financially. In the fires of economic collapse are where bitcoin's properties will be forged, not some grimy, grey hearing room full of parasitical regulatory industry posers.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on November 24, 2014, 08:55:28 AM
Bitcoin is making the U.S government and many others look like assholes, especially bankers, just because it uses actual mathematics to dictate it's money supply rather than someone at a desk throwing a few extra billion at their friends.

... and how were they not already AH's? Bitcoin is the bad guy for holding up the mirror?

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: Lethn on November 24, 2014, 11:19:08 AM
Bitcoin is making the U.S government and many others look like assholes, especially bankers, just because it uses actual mathematics to dictate it's money supply rather than someone at a desk throwing a few extra billion at their friends.

... and how were they not already AH's? Bitcoin is the bad guy for holding up the mirror?

It's because it's a genuine alternative, so of course Bitcoin is going to be the bad guy for threatening their monopoly, yes we knew they were already assholes, but Bitcoin is revealing just how much of a bunch of assholes they are.

Title: Re: I feel, Bitcoin is torn in a cold war between two kinds of people!
Post by: yayayo on November 25, 2014, 12:05:04 AM
I agree that there are different kinds of people involved in the bitcoin sphere with a part of them being more libertarian and another part being more of the opportunistic investor type.

However I'm not sure that these two groups will necessarily have to be in a state of war. I think both con coexist. Being libertarian and pro-anonymity does not rule out endorsing profitability - and vice versa.

In my opinion Bitcoin is designed as a decentralized, pseudonymous, trustless system which will automatically lead to a shift towards more libertarian values, because controlling such a system is expensive and will have adverse effects on the system's efficiency. Opportunistic investors will certainly not support governmental control of Bitcoin if it hurts the system's efficiency and profitability.

Ultimately all parties will realize that there is much more to gain than to loose from the decentralization and full fungibility of Bitcoin. The wind of change that stems from Bitcoin is much too strong to build walls...


may be moderates on both sides can co exist...but extremes do not , if you look at the trailer for dark wallet on you tube you can see they state that the bitcoin foundation exist to compromise the core value of bitcoin..

How can you coexist with this sort of contrasting opinions

The Bitcoin Foundation is not necessary for Bitcoin at all. They're just a self-proclaimed marketing entity that does not represent the entire Bitcoin community.

Multiple versions of Bitcoin Core have been developed without a foundation. Programmers don't need a foundation to code. Bitcoin makes individual and project-specific donations easier than ever before. There is no need for the administrative overhead of a foundation. It just wastes resources. Both sides can agree on that.
