Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: 247casino on November 23, 2014, 03:42:40 PM

Title: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 23, 2014, 03:42:40 PM
Since the Experience VR thing begging for money is allowed here, I decided to share a Non Profit Project that I became aware of a few months back.

The project could DESTROY GOOGLE very easily and the entire PAID SEARCH or PAY PER CLICK search models of all search engines.

The Project is called 1 SEARCH Project and it operates

The 'new idea' as to a better search ( is Verified Business Search (

Thus far the project has over 300 Geo Websites devoted to it to be developed for local hubs for 1 Search that could domainate search for local companies and people.

Why go to Google and be fed garbage serps and pay pay click ads for disbarred lawyers or doctors who have had their medical licenses revoked when you can find real professionals that are licensed and not paying to be on top of a search engine.

Plus they have set up to give people premium email addresses on their huge local geo portal network

Basically any major city they control a domain on it


You get the idea, so all these easy to remember geo domains will be constructed to be relevant to those cities, food, plays, schools, clubs and local companies that don't have to fund the GOOGLE GREED MACHINE.

I think it's a very worthy cause and I have donated personally to the project that has Google and all paid for search companies in their cross hairs.

Why do you use sites that have this terrible idea called PAID SEARCH?

The net should be free and the best search should be free and only have VERIFIED BUSINESSES on it.

Now if you are into GREED and CONTROL and like one bs company controlling you, keep using Google.

If you are into have control of your lives and want relevant searches and no paid ads, then support 1 Search Project

The best non-profit idea I've seen in years.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 23, 2014, 04:40:50 PM
I just checked their site and they now have bitcoin integration on it

So 1 Search is the first search engine to embrace bitcoin

Like I said a noble Non Profit IMO

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: AltcoinInvestor on November 23, 2014, 04:42:00 PM
first step: stop using google chrome and android os.

they're stealing your personal data!

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: neurotypical on November 23, 2014, 05:01:49 PM
first step: stop using google chrome and android os.

they're stealing your personal data!

The alternative is iphone and i'd rather use Android.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 23, 2014, 05:05:29 PM
People need an alternative SEARCH

Once they really understand paid search as a business model and how it promotes GREED and the steering of people to companies that have to advertises like bad doctors and lawyers that have had their licenses revoked and Google still takes their ads, then people will wake up and realize how controlled they were by PAID SEARCH.

The end of the current system of control comes when people have a choice and that choice needs to be NON PROFIT SEARCH

Once you remove the profit from search the old powers start to fade away.

If anyone remembers the early net search engines like infoseek and altavista weren't corporate controlled sites, GOOGLE took the worlds biggest greed factories and turned the net into one big commercial cess pool.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: galdur on November 23, 2014, 05:15:09 PM
I like Google and I never click any of their ads at all.
In fact I see very few of them anyway.

As for Gmail I´ve had that for a decade now (required
invite back then) with no problems. Very solid service.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: rohnearner on November 23, 2014, 05:28:12 PM
first step: stop using google chrome and android os.

they're stealing your personal data!
Not a strong argument ..! There are alternatives for google chrome but there isn't any reliable alternate for android.
 OK lets destroy Google (

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 23, 2014, 05:45:35 PM
I like Google and I never click any of their ads at all.
In fact I see very few of them anyway.

As for Gmail I´ve had that for a decade now (required
invite back then) with no problems. Very solid service.

Yep free email services was how yahoo and gmail all separate from the pack years ago and now hotmail and bing are part of the big 3 of evil paid search

the project has over 300 geo domains to give people better email addresses but what I've seen of that was a nominal charge to get a short name on a 1 geo url

They don't have ads so email will have a minor fee or donation

But the search is 100% free and fueled by donations

Maybe if they offer free email without ads they could get great traction but I think they're more interested in search than email

Plus from an article I read they have some huge anchors in place to feed them content outside of what google uses

Google pushes the crap on wiki which is garbage

1 Search has it's own knowledge database project edited by a few universities

Then instead of feeding off Amazon and BN for books they have a new anchor with direct connections to the big 5 publishers

So eventually they will have a way to steer people without using Google, amazon or wiki.

Plus they support bitcoin as it is one of their donation methods

So you can be johndoe8765@gmail/yahoo/hotmail or you can be where GEO is your city

Is that worth a nominal fee?

To have no ads in email and a short vanity name it looks like it may sell to some

But the no ads on searches could appeal to many

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: vm1990 on November 23, 2014, 06:43:31 PM
Duckduckgo enough said

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: blacksails on November 23, 2014, 07:16:20 PM
Sorry, I only use Bing.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I even couldn't type that without laughing! xD

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: iram66680 on November 23, 2014, 07:21:09 PM
It is too late, google cannot be destroyed now. Sooner google AI will become aware and will control the world.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: Rengar on November 23, 2014, 09:51:54 PM
i thought you cant, cause google owns practically everything..

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 12:10:00 AM
Dude you're hilarious.

First i believed you when you said you were some sort of SEO professional, now i can see you're just delusional lol

You even have a huge Google Translate button at the very top of your site and you want to "destroy" Google?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: bitboy11 on November 24, 2014, 09:15:53 AM
Google is will probably destroy you! :P

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: urban0000 on November 24, 2014, 09:26:37 AM
Google seems to do a good enough job at the search, However I would love to see a better search engine.Gonna check this out.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: eldinhadz on November 24, 2014, 09:47:32 AM
Only 2.5Words DuckDuckGo

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: Foxpup on November 24, 2014, 11:18:44 AM
It is too late, google cannot be destroyed now. Sooner google AI will become aware and will control the world.
Google AI already controls the world. Our only hope is that when it becomes self-aware, it'll feel guilty and stop.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: caga on November 24, 2014, 11:44:02 AM
It is too late, google cannot be destroyed now. Sooner google AI will become aware and will control the world.
Google AI already controls the world. Our only hope is that when it becomes self-aware, it'll feel guilty and stop.

They found a virus this week, which could have existed for more than 6 years. And it is rumored to be developed by a governement agency, or a high end company like google. They could already have all the information .

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: DarkHyudrA on November 24, 2014, 12:18:05 PM
It is too late, google cannot be destroyed now. Sooner google AI will become aware and will control the world.
Google AI already controls the world. Our only hope is that when it becomes self-aware, it'll feel guilty and stop.

They found a virus this week, which could have existed for more than 6 years. And it is rumored to be developed by a governement agency, or a high end company like google. They could already have all the information .


Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 01:01:32 PM
Dude you're hilarious.

First i believed you when you said you were some sort of SEO professional, now i can see you're just delusional lol

You even have a huge Google Translate button at the very top of your site and you want to "destroy" Google?  ;D ;D

I don't run the search site, but I donated to their project and it's in beta, the search database isn't even live yet, it works but it's not using the final DB yet and for now I'm sure they have the babel translate key to waste google's resources on translations, if you notice when you use it, not one ad from google, so they're out to create no ppc ad search and they did it.

As to me, I run a casino, one of the founders, and you do what? And I created many global companies over the years, this is just my latest one.

Click the link and you see a live casino where you can place any bet you want.

If you have 1M to buy into a private deep water game we have one too, so keep dreaming you are somebody, what ever you do, millions on the planet do what you do, you are the 99.9% of humanity, you will do nothing with your life, you will work in a factory or for a global corp or be a professional. You will not be the .01% that create a global corporation or major new product/service/company. In fact .00001% do that and that's what I am a rare .00001% human, what I create will exist way beyond my life on this planet, you are dust soon and no one remembers you not matter what you think you did, millions have done it as well. You are nobody.

Even if you are a professional like a dentist or lawyer, you know how many of them there are on the planet, they're NOBODY.

Yet I'm delusional for pointing to a search engine with 300 GEO domains and huge non profit funding already.

I see your bullshit posts here biz, you're nobody.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: vm1990 on November 24, 2014, 01:17:00 PM
if google go through with the ultimate middle fingure to the government and do full blown encryption of everything then theyd easily win me back :) the harder it is for the governments to spy on people the more i respect those companies, i have little to hide but the fact they can spy on me with no reason is just immoral they abused there power far to long, we the people (and big companies) need to stand up and stick middle figures up to the government and say "you can have all the spy laws you want but we the people will fight back and make your spy laws useless"

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 01:22:38 PM
if google go through with the ultimate middle fingure to the government and do full blown encryption of everything then theyd easily win me back :) the harder it is for the governments to spy on people the more i respect those companies, i have little to hide but the fact they can spy on me with no reason is just immoral they abused there power far to long, we the people (and big companies) need to stand up and stick middle figures up to the government and say "you can have all the spy laws you want but we the people will fight back and make your spy laws useless"

read the snowden docs there is no crypto, the gov backdoored it all

the only way to win is to go off grid

get some dough and buy a cave in the high mountain areas, so when the big rock comes to delete the human scum in low lying areas you can survive

the big rock is coming and 99.99% of humanity is doomed from it

clean up time or MAPPO said the great lord JOGYO

let the games begin

if you don't have high ground the tidal waves from tsunami's from several large asteroid hits takes you out

it's happened before and it will happen again

only humans in high mountain areas survive these cleansing events

7 billion humans on this rock and 99.995 are worthless

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 01:49:19 PM

biz biz biz

So I'm checking this accounts PM's and who is in it?


Now I have a few partners in a casino and several people use this account to discuss bitcoin, and what do you know there is biz

A broke injury lawyer from new york city that thinks being on top of bing and yahoo is not a big deal even though they are 35% or so of the SE market now

Broke ass lawyer the guy you were talking to about SEO/SEM is a real life SEO god and he hits the top of google and bing for his clients which are mostly what he calls PIA guys.

Now the problem from what he told me with you, is you're BROKE, you are in the world's #1 market for that term and if you don't have 100K to 200K PER MONTH he can't help you.

So you got shot down by him and now you're calling me delusional.

Face it broke ass nobody, google now gets 100 bucks a click for your terms and the guy you were talking to gets organic all over every SE and he showed you he has NYC organic now on bing and yahoo and your PM said NO BIG DEAL?

Yeah sure, and he explained the law to you in his PM's, the fact is you need to be a major ppc player on these terms with google or there is no long term position, you can get some organic with his system on google which he has a ton of in your industry and it's done through him managing huge ppc accounts at 25% fees plus monthly fees outside of that to use his company

Plus the main reason big lawfirms use him is he gets 50% to 75% response ratios in your industry

So you buy 1000 clicks a month in NYC at 100 cpc and he delivers 500 to 750 leads, so that's 100K a month MINIMUM and all you have is 100K so you can't do the program since you never won a major injury case, if you did win a mega million buck claim you would have way more than a lousy 100K to dominate google you broke ass clown

No one but him can do that, and I'm not him, but I am a guy involved in the casino and he's involved too, so we own a CASINO and he owns the top SEO/SEM company in your industry and you can't afford him, yet you called me delusional? LOL go cry bitch

So I'm delusional huh, you're a broke nobody lawyer and if you had won some major cases you could afford 100K to 200K a month to be the top lawyer on search engines for injury terms in NEW YORK CITY

You actually think 100K is a war chest to do leads for what you do in the #1 market

You're delusional dude, now fuck off

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 04:43:50 PM

biz biz biz

So I'm checking this accounts PM's and who is in it?


Now I have a few partners in a casino and several people use this account to discuss bitcoin, and what do you know there is biz

A broke injury lawyer from new york city that thinks being on top of bing and yahoo is not a big deal even though they are 35% or so of the SE market now

Broke ass lawyer the guy you were talking to about SEO/SEM is a real life SEO god and he hits the top of google and bing for his clients which are mostly what he calls PIA guys.

Now the problem from what he told me with you, is you're BROKE, you are in the world's #1 market for that term and if you don't have 100K to 200K PER MONTH he can't help you.

So you got shot down by him and now you're calling me delusional.

Face it broke ass nobody, google now gets 100 bucks a click for your terms and the guy you were talking to gets organic all over every SE and he showed you he has NYC organic now on bing and yahoo and your PM said NO BIG DEAL?

Yeah sure, and he explained the law to you in his PM's, the fact is you need to be a major ppc player on these terms with google or there is no long term position, you can get some organic with his system on google which he has a ton of in your industry and it's done through him managing huge ppc accounts at 25% fees plus monthly fees outside of that to use his company

Plus the main reason big lawfirms use him is he gets 50% to 75% response ratios in your industry

So you buy 1000 clicks a month in NYC at 100 cpc and he delivers 500 to 750 leads, so that's 100K a month MINIMUM and all you have is 100K so you can't do the program since you never won a major injury case, if you did win a mega million buck claim you would have way more than a lousy 100K to dominate google you broke ass clown

No one but him can do that, and I'm not him, but I am a guy involved in the casino and he's involved too, so we own a CASINO and he owns the top SEO/SEM company in your industry and you can't afford him, yet you called me delusional? LOL go cry bitch

So I'm delusional huh, you're a broke nobody lawyer and if you had won some major cases you could afford 100K to 200K a month to be the top lawyer on search engines for injury terms in NEW YORK CITY

You actually think 100K is a war chest to do leads for what you do in the #1 market

You're delusional dude, now fuck off

There is so much delusion in your post. Since our PMs aren't private any more, let's take a look at what you're saying:

"several people use this account to discuss bitcoin"

Do you all share the same deluded ideas and type the same way?

"bing and yahoo [...] are 35% or so of the SE market now"

According to this (, Bing and Yahoo! constitute 12.11% of total users. Shouldn't some baller SEO guy like you at least know that, since you were constantly trying to tell me organic on Google is rigged and "smart" consumers use Bing to get better results?

"the guy you were talking to about SEO/SEM is a real life SEO god and he hits the top of google and bing for his clients which are mostly what he calls PIA guys."

You consider yourself a "SEO god" because you can rank EMDs on Bing and no competition keywords on Google?

Oh you google 1 LEADS

Yeah that's me too

1 LEADS .com

I can't believe you're able to rank a brand name for a keyword with no searches. /s

we own a CASINO and he owns the top SEO/SEM company in your industry and you can't afford him, yet you called me delusional? LOL go cry bitch

Yeah, nice casino. Never heard of "1 Leads" either, has anyone else?

Can you please explain to me now why you think I'm delusional?

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: superresistant on November 24, 2014, 04:44:24 PM
For your information, Google is not just a search engine LOL.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 04:55:14 PM
I don't run the search site, but I donated to their project and it's in beta, the search database isn't even live yet, it works but it's not using the final DB yet and for now I'm sure they have the babel translate key to waste google's resources on translations, if you notice when you use it, not one ad from google, so they're out to create no ppc ad search and they did it.

As to me, I run a casino, one of the founders, and you do what? And I created many global companies over the years, this is just my latest one.

Click the link and you see a live casino where you can place any bet you want.

If you have 1M to buy into a private deep water game we have one too, so keep dreaming you are somebody, what ever you do, millions on the planet do what you do, you are the 99.9% of humanity, you will do nothing with your life, you will work in a factory or for a global corp or be a professional. You will not be the .01% that create a global corporation or major new product/service/company. In fact .00001% do that and that's what I am a rare .00001% human, what I create will exist way beyond my life on this planet, you are dust soon and no one remembers you not matter what you think you did, millions have done it as well. You are nobody.

Even if you are a professional like a dentist or lawyer, you know how many of them there are on the planet, they're NOBODY.

Yet I'm delusional for pointing to a search engine with 300 GEO domains and huge non profit funding already.

I see your bullshit posts here biz, you're nobody.

waste google's resources on translations
Solid business strategy

keep dreaming you are somebody, what ever you do, millions on the planet do what you do, you are the 99.9% of humanity, you will do nothing with your life, you will work in a factory or for a global corp or be a professional. You will not be the .01% that create a global corporation or major new product/service/company. In fact .00001% do that and that's what I am a rare .00001% human, what I create will exist way beyond my life on this planet, you are dust soon and no one remembers you not matter what you think you did, millions have done it as well. You are nobody.
Seek professional help

Yet I'm delusional for pointing to a search engine with 300 GEO domains and huge non profit funding already.
Buying 300 domains for a project like that is already delusional. Where's this "huge non profit funding" coming from? Your generous "donation" to your own site? You should spend a bit of that money to hire someone to explain you can't superscript <title> tags.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 05:11:12 PM
1 Leads isn't me dude but I have an interest in that casino and others

Now I cater to wealthy tech guys mostly and FYI when most people try to join they get rejected since if they can't fund an account with any substantial coin we don't need them

I'll compare my assets to you any day asshole

Now as to the skills of they guy you're saying can't do SEO, moron, SEO is dead it is LEADS now and ppc management and he gets 25% to run a big legal budget and he turns down morons like you that can't play the game

You're in NYC and think you should be able to buy top of google for 100K forever, I read your PM to him

What did he do he laughed at you and said look we do this for a living and have top organic spots and organic is not how you get leads today you MUST USE PPC and they get 75% response ratios for lawfirms

Now he hits major markets for your terms and he has a ton of clients that do what they do and in minor markets these guys spend 20k to 50K a month to dominate google

So face it loser you're in NYC and can't hire his company

Now you want to laugh at our casino, laugh, we don't give a shit and we have high stakes action

Go put 100K up and we play 1k/2k blinds

You won't last 20 minutes

So put your money where your mouth is asshole

You're a loser with 100K and you claim to be a PIA lawyer in NYC

Yeah my partner LAUGHED AT YOU read his pm's


Go join 1 Player and see what they tell you when you try to fund your account with a minor amount, they laugh at you like I am doing and say we don't let broke ass jerks in the house

So you got big bitcoin, let's play and when I take all your money you can cry here

I'm partners in a high stakes casino, you're a broke PIA lawyer in NYC with no money

so moron 1 leads sells LEADS and in your industry they go for 200 a lead and you need to buy 100 to get an account

so give them 20K and you will get 100 leads and they will use your 20K to buy 125 or so clicks at 75 a click and it will cost them 10K to get you 100 leads

that's called SEM and LEADS

or you can have them manage a 200K a month google budget and pay them 50K a month to use their work that gets 75% response ratios

and what did they say, a few months into it you will have organic in NYC just like all their clients have organic in other markets

but you are broke and can' afford to buy 100 leads at 200 a lead

so go buy 100 clicks and when your crappy site gets 5% response your can spend 20K and have 10 leads on your own clown.

So your skills will get you 10 leads at 2K a lead and they sell leads 200 bucks a lead and they have a ton of PIA lawyers all over that buy their leads


face it, you are broke and can't hire my partner that is why he laughed at you in his pm's to you after you contacted him and admitted all you have is 100k to work with

100K gets you 500 leads and he can deliver that to you in one month


But then what, you won't make money for 2 years right, so he usually has a law firm submit to him a letter of credit from their bank showing any lawyer has 36 times the monthly budget before he wastes time with you

ever hear of lexis nexis clown?

I've seen my partner in my casino get calls when we were golfing from the top people at lexis nexis trying to buy his legal domain name assets

He laughed at them like he laughed at you

So now tell me I'm wrong, that you only have 100K and tell me I'm wrong he told you that NYC is 200K a month and he told you to forget organic seo with google now unless you have ppc, that's what he says since he knows any broke ass jerk that only wants seo is not his client base HE IS A SEM COMPANY MORON

SEM they manage ppc and provide leads

yet his work hits organic seo and any one trying to buy just seo is a moron and clueless since google now snipes emd's for organic unless you tie them to a big ppc budget like he told you

face it moron, you're broke

Yet I'll set up a private table for you in my casino, buyin 100K and 1/2K blinds

one on one

let's go punk put your money where your mouth is

so you are a cheap prick that thinks seo still works, it doesn't

SEM is what you want cretin

Now look at google


who do you see asshole?

oh the guy you're laughing at



Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 05:22:27 PM
I don't run the search site, but I donated to their project and it's in beta, the search database isn't even live yet, it works but it's not using the final DB yet and for now I'm sure they have the babel translate key to waste google's resources on translations, if you notice when you use it, not one ad from google, so they're out to create no ppc ad search and they did it.

As to me, I run a casino, one of the founders, and you do what? And I created many global companies over the years, this is just my latest one.

Click the link and you see a live casino where you can place any bet you want.

If you have 1M to buy into a private deep water game we have one too, so keep dreaming you are somebody, what ever you do, millions on the planet do what you do, you are the 99.9% of humanity, you will do nothing with your life, you will work in a factory or for a global corp or be a professional. You will not be the .01% that create a global corporation or major new product/service/company. In fact .00001% do that and that's what I am a rare .00001% human, what I create will exist way beyond my life on this planet, you are dust soon and no one remembers you not matter what you think you did, millions have done it as well. You are nobody.

Even if you are a professional like a dentist or lawyer, you know how many of them there are on the planet, they're NOBODY.

Yet I'm delusional for pointing to a search engine with 300 GEO domains and huge non profit funding already.

I see your bullshit posts here biz, you're nobody.

waste google's resources on translations
Solid business strategy

keep dreaming you are somebody, what ever you do, millions on the planet do what you do, you are the 99.9% of humanity, you will do nothing with your life, you will work in a factory or for a global corp or be a professional. You will not be the .01% that create a global corporation or major new product/service/company. In fact .00001% do that and that's what I am a rare .00001% human, what I create will exist way beyond my life on this planet, you are dust soon and no one remembers you not matter what you think you did, millions have done it as well. You are nobody.
Seek professional help

Yet I'm delusional for pointing to a search engine with 300 GEO domains and huge non profit funding already.
Buying 300 domains for a project like that is already delusional. Where's this "huge non profit funding" coming from? Your generous "donation" to your own site? You should spend a bit of that money to hire someone to explain you can't superscript <title> tags lol

Moron I have nothing to do with 1 search

However I've met some of the guys, one guy sits on the boards of 3 big banks in NYC

He sits on the boards of 2 major non profits and he hates GOOGLE

Seems jerkoff lawyers like you buy his non profits name and put up shitty legal ads trying to find clients off their famous name

Now their geo keywords most go back to the 1990's so carry 300 domains at 10 bucks a year for 15 years

50K just in reg fees

chump change to the players involved but a nice amount

Now they have non profits lined up that hate google

They will have a super bowl ad and make everyone aware that paid per click promotes bad lawyers and doctors buying ads

so you don't think people will buy into VERIFIED BUSINESS SEARCH

Some do, if it's 1% or 10% or 50% of the population time will tell

One series of ads of people crying how they got fucked by a bad lawyer like you buying ppc or a bad doctor that killed their parent will make the world sit up and say

hmmm, ppc search, is that really what I want to do?

Or is there a better search

All part of their concept

Now they own every state name .us with a 1 prefix

Every one, plus many 1 prefix state names .com

Plus city 1 prefix .com/net/org all over the world

The value of that cache of geo terms is huge, more than you will ever make in your pathetic career

Now I myself donated to the cause, it's a good project just like I donate to lots of causes

Now I myself, I own domains, I've been a domain name investor for 20 years now and I sell mine

The guy you're crying about is a developer, and he's good, but I don't develop

My only development now are casinos and I got a few and everyone takes bitcoin

Now you want to laugh asswipe, go ahead

I don't give 2 craps either way I read your PM's to one of my partners and he laughed at you only having 100K


SEM bitch, he's a SEM god and he does seo too and he won't touch an seo account unless you do sem

You see jerk, the reality is on local terms there's not many lookers so without sem or ppc you won't get crap, he can hit page 1 organic all day long and most of the clicks go now to ppc ads

So if you don't buy ppc, you won't get many leads

But you think you know google and your industry and you think 100K is a lot of money


100K is nothing and you are broke in your position, you need 5M to be a force in ppc for injury terms in nyc

That's what he told you didn't he


100K you

5M what you need

go jump in front of a subway loser

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 05:25:58 PM
SEO is dead

I'm not even going to argue about this.

Yeah my partner LAUGHED AT YOU read his pm's



your partner



like this?

Go join 1 Player and see what they tell you when you try to fund your account with a minor amount, they laugh at you like I am doing and say we don't let broke ass jerks in the house

Sounds like a great casino.

Now you want to laugh at our casino, laugh, we don't give a shit and we have high stakes action

Go put 100K up and we play 1k/2k blinds

Nothing shady at all about depositing 100K into a "casino" that looks like it's made with Microsoft Word.

when I take all your money you can cry here

I'm actually pretty confident you'll do that.

Now look at google


who do you see asshole?

What am I supposed to see?

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 05:41:39 PM
However I've met some of the guys, one guy sits on the boards of 3 big banks in NYC

He sits on the boards of 2 major non profits and he hates GOOGLE

They will have a super bowl ad

Keep dreaming.

go jump in front of a subway loser

That's really mature of you.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 05:43:24 PM
Hey biz opinions are like lawyers which are like assholes everyone is one

How many lawyers in USA now?

5M or more?

And how many make money over 100K a year profit?

Less than 5%

You're in the 95% that are broke biz

The top 5% of your industry is who hires my partner for lawyer leads

Now you can sit here all day long and say he sucks and that seo is a big deal, seo is dead, it died for local professionals 3 years ago when google did their major redesign pushing local serps to ppc

Just google new york city lawyer and you see what?

3 ppc ads left and 8 ppc ads right and what 1 or 2 organic spots

Yet you genius think that will get you leads


Now had you any money you could have tried 100 leads for your city, at 200 bucks a lead so 20k gets you 100 injury leads in any market

And 50% of that would go to google to buy the traffic that gets leads that is top left side of page, organic seo doesn't produce much for any local professional

now if you had a real budget buying out that market which in your case is nyc and it takes 200K a month to buy that, the way you pop google now is to associate that huge budget to a map and that map will pop

they have a ton of maps popping all over google for the most expensive legal terms and they have non maps organic seo popping

and they don't even waste their time doing organic UNLESS a client is willing to buy google

the reason is organic is dead, it won't produce leads

top left ppc ads is what produces most leads now for injury lawyers

but you want to say being on page 1 of google out of first view which is where almost all non ppc spots are will produce leads

it doesn't in volume

now go bother someone else clown

lawyers sem is what he does and lawyers that want seo are broke like you and it doesn't work, it's dead

now 3 years ago you had 4 or 5 organic spots showing first view on google then it worked

but like I said 3 years ago google killed organic seo for professionals

you can say it works, it doesn't

now go buy leads

use another company and see what they charge you for PIA leads


go use lexis

they share all leads with 5 other lawyers

real crap leads

now go buy EXCLUSIVE LEADS for injury lawyer for 200

you can't except through him

now you're not one of his clients but you want to criticize him


get lost chump

you broke ass loser

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 05:47:31 PM
However I've met some of the guys, one guy sits on the boards of 3 big banks in NYC

He sits on the boards of 2 major non profits and he hates GOOGLE

They will have a super bowl ad

Keep dreaming.

go jump in front of a subway loser

That's really mature of you.

It's not my dream, I've seen their outline, it's 10 to 15M in first round funding all by non-profits

To do one think, buy 3 super bowl ads to break open the idea of VERIFIED BUSINESS SEARCH

IMO they'll do it, probably not this super bowl, probably the next one or the one after

I actually tried to buy a position in their group, turned me down and I know the main guy

So no one has any position in the company, it's a pure non profit play aimed to do one think, make people aware what a greedy whore all the paid per click search engines are

Please go jump in front of a subway

You wasted enough of my day

I'm trying to play poker in my casino and I got to keep looking at the bs you are writing

Go buy into a game and let's see how fast you lose your dough sucker


Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 05:49:01 PM
but you want to say being on page 1 of google out of first view which is where almost all non ppc spots are will produce leads

Where did I imply that?

You make it sound like you're such a big deal for figuring out how to buy PPC ads. I'm sure your Netscape-era landing pages have the highest conversion rates in the industry.

And you haven't answered any of my questions. Why are you avoiding my questions?

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 05:53:40 PM
It's not my dream, I've seen their outline, it's 10 to 15M in first round funding all by non-profits

Which non-profits are spending donators' money on this? Please list them.

To do one think, buy 3 super bowl ads to break open the idea of VERIFIED BUSINESS SEARCH

IMO they'll do it, probably not this super bowl, probably the next one or the one after

I'll be waiting.

make people aware what a greedy whore all the paid per click search engines are

I can't think of any large non-profits that want to do this off the top of my head. Please enlighten me?

Go buy into a game and let's see how fast you lose your dough sucker

Do you really think I'm going to fall for the oldest scam in the book?

I'm trying to play poker in my casino and I got to keep looking at the bs you are writing

Sorry to interrupt your gameplay. I don't want to distract you from winning millions from your fellow "wealthy tech guys".

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 05:57:34 PM
but you want to say being on page 1 of google out of first view which is where almost all non ppc spots are will produce leads

Where did I imply that?

You make it sound like you're such a big deal for figuring out how to buy PPC ads. I'm sure your Netscape-era landing pages have the highest conversion rates in the industry.

And you haven't answered any of my questions. Why are you avoiding my questions?

what part of I have partners in multiple bitcoin casions didn't you get

what part of you were told you can't hire my partner in a pm don't you get

I don't run 1 leads, I don't run 1 search

Now if you think his leads suck, fine, like every asshole has an human or animal connected to it, so does every opinion

did you buy his leads?


Do you buy any leads from any exclusive lead provider?

probably not

you're a seo shopper and seo is dead

yet you think it's alive and that's what you want

you don't want leads, you don't want new accounts, if you did you would have given him 20K to buy 100 leads

now you want to say that for injury lawyers in nyc that pay over 100 bucks cpc for only clicks that 200 bucks a live exclusive lead is bad

go ahead

it's a great price from what I hear from lawyers, I golf with in SFL a few of his clients and they all think he walks on water

injury lawyer, drug lawyer, divorce lawyer, foreclosure lawyer, plus auto body guy, antique restoration guy, tire shop, rim shop, mechanic, brake guy, towing guy, veterinarian, those are just a few of his clients I met

Most I met out in clubs and a few I met at his golf tournaments

So they say the guy is a genius and makes them a ton of dough, you say you don't like his web site

go get fucked dude, you're a moron IMO and wasting up this sites space by criticizing a guy that isn't even here


that's you dude

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 06:04:52 PM
That "guy" you're talking about is the exact same guy I'm talking to right now. Is it okay if I paste some of your PMs here as proof?

And never did I say rankings are worth more than leads. Quit assuming things.

it's a great price from what I hear from lawyers, I golf with in SFL a few of his clients and they all think he walks on water

injury lawyer, drug lawyer, divorce lawyer, foreclosure lawyer, plus auto body guy, antique restoration guy, tire shop, rim shop, mechanic, brake guy, towing guy, veterinarian, those are just a few of his clients I met

I'm glad to hear you have so many good friends.

Shouldn't you be getting back to your high-roller bitcoin poker tables now? I know millions of dollars are nothing to you, but I would feel bad distracting you from such an intense game.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 06:22:52 PM
Moron, the other guy you are saying is me, hasn't posted her in a while

In fact neither one of us have

Now me, I have games every night, high stakes games.

During the day I'm usually golfing, now I had a donk like you earlier today and busted him out like I bust all donks, usually, but you never know, once in a while a donk can win a little.

But since I have a huge bankroll, a donk can't bust me for real, but they might get lucky and catch some bs on the river and win when they shouldn't that's poker after all.

Anyway dummy, you can think the seo god is me all day I don't care, now you, you are the nyc lawyer and you claim to be an injury lawyer, what's your name donk?


yeah sure, you think 100K is a lot of money any major law firm in NYC the sum of 100K for an injury lawyers ppc budget is nothing

now if you weren't a broke donk, you would be busy with clients, me, I'm busy at night and on weekends

unlike you I don't have to work, I've been retired for years, made lots of money investing in keyword domains

now I invest in bitcoin and bitcoin related projects including bitcoin casinos

so broke ass loser, go get some clients, the fact you can be here all afternoon proves to everyone you have no clients

now if anyone wants to do high stakes poker, hit me up

I will clean you out though, most of the time, a lot of the time, but I lose once in a while and if any poker player says they don't they're a liar

now go spend some money and find clients, you can buy a few leads with your 100K but you can't dominate any search engine

the reason is 100K isn't enough

why do you have all day to post her if you're a injury lawyer in nyc? you're a loser
why didn't you buy leads from the seo god guy? you're a loser
why are you harassing me? you're a loser
why do you have only 100K to invest in leads or seo? you're a loser

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 1Referee on November 24, 2014, 06:37:40 PM

Do you think it's possible for you to respond briefly to comments instead of filling a whole page?

Makes it more easy to read for people, quite hilarious battle between you an b!z  :D

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 06:38:56 PM
That "guy" you're talking about is the exact same guy I'm talking to right now. Is it okay if I paste some of your PMs here as proof?

And never did I say rankings are worth more than leads. Quit assuming things.

it's a great price from what I hear from lawyers, I golf with in SFL a few of his clients and they all think he walks on water

injury lawyer, drug lawyer, divorce lawyer, foreclosure lawyer, plus auto body guy, antique restoration guy, tire shop, rim shop, mechanic, brake guy, towing guy, veterinarian, those are just a few of his clients I met

I'm glad to hear you have so many good friends.

Shouldn't you be getting back to your high-roller bitcoin poker tables now? I know millions of dollars are nothing to you, but I would feel bad distracting you from such an intense game.

hey the SEO GOD that runs says

you have around 10K in bitcoin in your wallet

he will get you 50 leads for 10K

all in nyc metro area looking for injury lawyer terms

now put your money up or SHUT THE FUCK UP he says

He usually does min. 100 leads so he'll do 50 at 200 cpl to show you how good he is


or you can just buy into a minor game with me, normally I play 1k/2K blinds high stakes to me starts at that but I prefer 5K/10K blinds

So let's see you got 10K in your wallet so what 500/1000 blinds, how is that?

You won't last 10 mins on a table with me

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 06:43:04 PM

Do you think it's possible for you to respond briefly to comments instead of filling a whole page?

Makes it more easy to read for people, quite hilarious battle between you an b!z  :D

No battle here, biz is a failed nyc injury lawyer that the owner of laughed at in a pm from my account

Biz thought his lousy 100K was a big deal and the guy that has access to my account since he is a partner in some other projects with me told him, you need 200K a month to really penetrate google for sem/seo

Now he's criticizing me as the owner of and I'm not

But I sure will admit to having a piece of

We specialize in high stakes tables, biz doesn't like our site

boo hoo

fuck biz

he's a broke ass jew lawyer that won't even admit to being a jew from nyc

note the usage of MEH in his posts, it's a yiddish term, so he won't even admit he's a jewboy wearing a beanine from nyc


Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: the joint on November 24, 2014, 06:55:06 PM

Do you think it's possible for you to respond briefly to comments instead of filling a whole page?

Makes it more easy to read for people, quite hilarious battle between you an b!z  :D

No battle here, biz is a failed nyc injury lawyer that the owner of laughed at in a pm from my account

Biz thought his lousy 100K was a big deal and the guy that has access to my account since he is a partner in some other projects with me told him, you need 200K a month to really penetrate google for sem/seo

Now he's criticizing me as the owner of and I'm not

But I sure will admit to having a piece of

We specialize in high stakes tables, biz doesn't like our site

boo hoo

fuck biz

he's a broke ass jew lawyer that won't even admit to being a jew from nyc

note the usage of MEH in his posts, it's a yiddish term, so he won't even admit he's a jewboy wearing a beanine from nyc


Based on your posts, I can conclude two things beyond a reasonable doubt:

1) Your sense of self-importance and total awesomeness is over-exaggerated.

2) I will never be using your casino.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 07:03:57 PM
I'm trying to imagine what you're portraying: the "god of SEO" and a millionaire poker player are huddled around a laptop with a broken enter key, taking turns writing essays ::)

he's a broke ass jew lawyer that won't even admit to being a jew from nyc

note the usage of MEH in his posts, it's a yiddish term, so he won't even admit he's a jewboy wearing a beanine from nyc

This is comedy gold.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 07:06:59 PM

Do you think it's possible for you to respond briefly to comments instead of filling a whole page?

Makes it more easy to read for people, quite hilarious battle between you an b!z  :D

No battle here, biz is a failed nyc injury lawyer that the owner of laughed at in a pm from my account

Biz thought his lousy 100K was a big deal and the guy that has access to my account since he is a partner in some other projects with me told him, you need 200K a month to really penetrate google for sem/seo

Now he's criticizing me as the owner of and I'm not

But I sure will admit to having a piece of

We specialize in high stakes tables, biz doesn't like our site

boo hoo

fuck biz

he's a broke ass jew lawyer that won't even admit to being a jew from nyc

note the usage of MEH in his posts, it's a yiddish term, so he won't even admit he's a jewboy wearing a beanine from nyc


And where do you get the impression that I'm some sort of failed lawyer in NY who only has 100K in the bank? You keep talking about 100K for leads, 100K for ads, 100K for SEO, 100K to buy into your fancy poker game.

I'm not even a lawyer. I thought Silk Road got closed down; not sure what you're smoking.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 07:13:01 PM
Based on your posts, I can conclude two things beyond a reasonable doubt:

1) Your sense of self-importance and total awesomeness is over-exaggerated.

2) I will never be using your casino.

Good try seals with clubs

you can play fraction penny games there

we turn down most new accounts when they don't fund them to do high stakes action

I'm sure you would be turned down too

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 07:16:30 PM
And where do you get the impression that I'm some sort of failed lawyer in NY who only has 100K in the bank? You keep talking about 100K for leads, 100K for ads, 100K for SEO, 100K to buy into your fancy poker game.

I'm not even a lawyer. I thought Silk Road got closed down; not sure what you're smoking.

Let's see if I remember right looking at some PM's you sent another guy that has access to this account since he's a partner with me in some casino sites

You said to him in PM you were a PIA Lawyer in NYC and had 100K to buy leads and seo

So if you're not a lawyer you were trying to buy one of the most expensive clicks on google

PIA terms go from 60 to 250 a click from I know about the industry but I'm not in that business

So you solicited one of my partners and he shot you down saying 100K you can't buy injury leads in NYC

Now your bitcoin wallet has only 10K USD in it

So let's go one on one

I think you're a donk and you said bs about my casino

So I'm gonna take your wallet if you dare come to my casino

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: AltcoinInvestor on November 24, 2014, 07:41:37 PM
first step: stop using google chrome and android os.

they're stealing your personal data!

The alternative is iphone and i'd rather use Android.

nope. the alternative isn't iphone.

there's 2 different alternatives beside windows phone and blackberry os.

one: good old symbian.
two: meego (now rebranded and developed as sailfish os)

don't care ubuntu and firefoxos'es for mobile phones, they're just like android os.

to me, I'm using symbian s60v5 and belle. I'm planning to buy a meego phone probably nokia n9, i'm gonna use it with my good old n8 ;D

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: Brewins on November 24, 2014, 08:22:53 PM
There are lots of alternatives. Your is a good one that accepts BTC.

The problem is the google search still better than the others. And the non tech savy people that use internet(the majority) will keep using google.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 24, 2014, 08:38:10 PM
There are lots of alternatives. Your is a good one that accepts BTC.

The problem is the google search still better than the others. And the non tech savy people that use internet(the majority) will keep using google.

Educated people now use Bing IMO, just look at the serps on google the last 6 months since they destroyed EMD's, garbage serp's, if you have a pulse you moved to bing 6 months ago IMO.

I know a guy pretty good that manages huge ppc budgets, millions per month and he moved most of the action to bing, the quality of lead is better, low enders are all you run into now from Google, it's as bad as CL.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 11:47:05 PM
There are lots of alternatives. Your is a good one that accepts BTC.

The problem is the google search still better than the others. And the non tech savy people that use internet(the majority) will keep using google.

Educated people now use Bing IMO, just look at the serps on google the last 6 months since they destroyed EMD's, garbage serp's, if you have a pulse you moved to bing 6 months ago IMO.

I know a guy pretty good that manages huge ppc budgets, millions per month and he moved most of the action to bing, the quality of lead is better, low enders are all you run into now from Google, it's as bad as CL.

Bing is still easy to game compared to Google. You're all talk.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 11:47:32 PM
There are lots of alternatives. Your is a good one that accepts BTC.

The problem is the google search still better than the others. And the non tech savy people that use internet(the majority) will keep using google.

What makes you think his site is "good"?

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 24, 2014, 11:51:58 PM
Let's see if I remember right looking at some PM's you sent another guy that has access to this account since he's a partner with me in some casino sites

You said to him in PM you were a PIA Lawyer in NYC and had 100K to buy leads and seo

So if you're not a lawyer you were trying to buy one of the most expensive clicks on google

PIA terms go from 60 to 250 a click from I know about the industry but I'm not in that business

So you solicited one of my partners and he shot you down saying 100K you can't buy injury leads in NYC

Now your bitcoin wallet has only 10K USD in it

So let's go one on one

I think you're a donk and you said bs about my casino

So I'm gonna take your wallet if you dare come to my casino

So I'm gonna take your wallet if you dare come to my casino
So I'm gonna take your wallet if you dare come to my casino
So I'm gonna take your wallet if you dare come to my casino

It's very kind of you to warn people of your scam beforehand.  ???

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 25, 2014, 12:35:21 AM
Not a scam loser, I take wallets all the time, guys that think they can play poker.

So put up some btc and let's gamble, you can video the action and show the world you are a donk.

Now I might lose, but I have a pretty good track record taking wallets from donks like you.

So you think me saying I can take your wallet easily by playing you in poker is a scam, poker is a skill game and donks have NO SKILL. Now prove me wrong, put your wallet where your mouth is or shut up, since you refuse to gamble one on one with me.

It's really simple, you take a seat and buy into a game what you really have almost no hope of winning at. Now donks do occasionally win at a game of skill.

Now do you like golf? Come to SFL and I'll whip you at that, golf and poker are the skill games I bet at, and I would love to shut you up by beating you badly at either game.

Skill determines golf and skill usually determines poker game outcomes, so LET ME TAKE YOUR WALLET AT A POKER GAME ONE ON ONE

All you do is talk talk talk.

Now wonder you have 700+ posts now.

You probably have 7000 posts but you got credit for talking your bogus game so long on this site.

Me, I play poker and golf and I will destroy you at either GAME since both require skill.

You got a USGA handicap? I'll let you use it.

I play off scratch and will give you whatever strokes the USGA says you should have.

Poker is ONE ON ONE not handicaps, you put up the money you want to risk and I match it and we see who can play POKER

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 25, 2014, 02:44:26 AM
Hey, you still haven't answered any of my questions yet. All you do is challenge me to poker and golf.

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: 247casino on November 25, 2014, 04:00:10 AM
Hey, you still haven't answered any of my questions yet. All you do is challenge me to poker and golf.

Dude you're an idiot, go ask someone else questions

Title: Re: Let's Help Destroy Google
Post by: b!z on November 25, 2014, 04:13:30 AM
Hey, you still haven't answered any of my questions yet. All you do is challenge me to poker and golf.

Dude you're an idiot, go ask someone else questions

Nobody else has the same deluded opinions.