Title: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: Tyger on November 28, 2014, 07:37:32 PM Hey guys,
I was scouting transactions when i found this: https://blockchain.info/nl/address/1GzPKPcGHhEPu8tWuSWF1rxyJwmvczAjQE (https://blockchain.info/nl/address/1GzPKPcGHhEPu8tWuSWF1rxyJwmvczAjQE) according to blockchain, this address gives out more then it received. You can see 1.2btc going in (first transaction) and at least 20btc going out (second transaction). Can anyone explain this? Title: Re: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: e1ghtSpace on November 28, 2014, 07:41:04 PM For me the same amount that went in has gone out. It was probably just a glitch or you read it wrong.
Title: Re: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: franky1 on November 28, 2014, 07:42:33 PM its not a fault of bitcoin.. it's a fault of the websites display
basically if you own a wallet with 20 addresses, blockchain.info may only show one. here is a better display of that transaction https://blockchain.info/tx/66301b8ea62ad1c51f836362a4ccda50b4d40321cce8d825981dbb6614a88d43 Title: Re: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: MadGamer on November 28, 2014, 08:05:54 PM Or maybe some transactions has simply been made off chain ? :o
Title: Re: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: shorena on November 28, 2014, 09:22:44 PM -snip- Can anyone explain this? Looks fine to me. https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/address/1GzPKPcGHhEPu8tWuSWF1rxyJwmvczAjQE Title: Re: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: wadili89 on November 28, 2014, 09:42:41 PM This is a type of anonymity functionality. If not mentioned, the change of a transaction goes to a different address in the same wallet. Next time there is a transaction, it can take from that address too ao it may look like the original address sent out more.
Title: Re: More going out the wallet that it has available? Post by: ScryptAsic on November 29, 2014, 12:26:27 AM When I look at it on blockchain.info, it looks like ~1.24 btc are transferred to the address, then the same amount leaves the address.
Some block explorers will attempt to display the estimated amount of bitcoin actually transferred from multiple addresses (eg the sum of the inputs minus the output that it thinks is the change address) and this amount will be displayed on every address that is sending bitcoin for that transaction |