Title: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: wpgdeez on December 02, 2014, 02:36:52 PM Big thanks to Jtoomin for suggesting that I try the 1.5.10 firmware, I've been hashing for 12 hours now in -18 degree weather and the SP10 is running at a rock solid 1.4 thash, this is a slow corner May batch btw and it's never ran better.
I'm cautiously optimistic that this will keep me hashing through the winter. Here's to hoping that SP20's hit the $400-$500 soon so I could justify buying a few to use up all my PSU's I have lying around from GPU and S1 mining days :D Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: Guy Corem on December 02, 2014, 03:07:30 PM Big thanks to Jtoomin for suggesting that I try the 1.5.10 firmware, I've been hashing for 12 hours now in -18 degree weather and the SP10 is running at a rock solid 1.4 thash, this is a slow corner May batch btw and it's never ran better. Post a picture.I'm cautiously optimistic that this will keep me hashing through the winter. Here's to hoping that SP20's hit the $400-$500 soon so I could justify buying a few to use up all my PSU's I have lying around from GPU and S1 mining days :D Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: wpgdeez on December 02, 2014, 03:43:49 PM Big thanks to Jtoomin for suggesting that I try the 1.5.10 firmware, I've been hashing for 12 hours now in -18 degree weather and the SP10 is running at a rock solid 1.4 thash, this is a slow corner May batch btw and it's never ran better. Post a picture.I'm cautiously optimistic that this will keep me hashing through the winter. Here's to hoping that SP20's hit the $400-$500 soon so I could justify buying a few to use up all my PSU's I have lying around from GPU and S1 mining days :D Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: raskul on December 02, 2014, 05:45:40 PM +7 sounds about right for a very cold outside temp, but i've yet to be convinced it's -18
Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: wpgdeez on December 02, 2014, 11:15:50 PM +7 sounds about right for a very cold outside temp, but i've yet to be convinced it's -18 It was -35 with the wind chill the other day. Got to love Canada! It's physically painful to live here at times :Dhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10325509_10154859033165161_6073604049026867457_n.jpg?oh=2428ae96e2d41c8bf12ab87759bd6743&oe=55040CC1&__gda__=1427335870_2435d9a732f5f75c22cecd4b9b2679e1 Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: wpgdeez on December 02, 2014, 11:36:53 PM Here's a shot as requested of my mining and ASIC stats
https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10380410_10154859033170161_792994811924614987_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10380410_10154859033175161_6202106935946701457_o.jpg Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: zvisha on December 03, 2014, 12:33:25 AM Big thanks to Jtoomin for suggesting that I try the 1.5.10 firmware, I've been hashing for 12 hours now in -18 degree weather and the SP10 is running at a rock solid 1.4 thash, this is a slow corner May batch btw and it's never ran better. Post a picture.I'm cautiously optimistic that this will keep me hashing through the winter. Here's to hoping that SP20's hit the $400-$500 soon so I could justify buying a few to use up all my PSU's I have lying around from GPU and S1 mining days :D It will be trimmed to 0, not to +7. +7 is what the sensor reads. Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: wpgdeez on December 03, 2014, 01:26:05 AM Big thanks to Jtoomin for suggesting that I try the 1.5.10 firmware, I've been hashing for 12 hours now in -18 degree weather and the SP10 is running at a rock solid 1.4 thash, this is a slow corner May batch btw and it's never ran better. Post a picture.I'm cautiously optimistic that this will keep me hashing through the winter. Here's to hoping that SP20's hit the $400-$500 soon so I could justify buying a few to use up all my PSU's I have lying around from GPU and S1 mining days :D It will be trimmed to 0, not to +7. +7 is what the sensor reads. Temp Front / Back T,B 0 °C / 52,63 °C System CPU Load0.74 [1 min] 0.6 [5 min] 0.59 [15 min] AC2DC power=1237[1265], temp=0, leading zeroes=40 L |Vtrm/max |vlt|Wt|Am|DCt|crt|Gh|Ov|ID |aTMP|Freq |Th|Bt|Engn|Wn |ID |aTMP|Freq |Th|Bt|Engn|Wn |ID |aTMP|Freq |Th|Bt|Engn|Wn |ID |aTMP|Freq |Th|Bt|Engn|Wn 0|fff6(fff6)|688|39|57| 64|480|60| 0| 0: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff333| 1: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff312| 2: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff262| 3: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff257 | 4: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff343| 5: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff285| 6: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff318| 7: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff287 1|fff8(fff8)|693|40|59| 56|390|62| 0| 8: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff298| 9: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff307| 10: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff313| 11: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff331 | 12: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff301| 13: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff299| 14: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff313| 15: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff313 2|fffa(fffa)|698|41|59| 60|329|63| 0| 16: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff323| 17: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff299| 18: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff355| 19: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff338 | 20: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff290| 21: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff320| 22: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293| 23: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff305 3|fffa(fffa)|698|41|59| 58|306|63| 0| 24: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff308| 25: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff280| 26: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff320| 27: 77c 555hz( 0/ 0) 7fff337 | 28: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff333| 29: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff297| 30: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff294| 31: 77c 570hz( 0/ 0) 7fff337 4|fff2(fff2)|677|39|57| 61|422|58| 0| 32: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff277| 33: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff323| 34: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff289| 35: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff301 | 36: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff308| 37: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288| 38:107c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288| 39: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff315 5|fff1(fff1)|674|37|55| 61|400|58| 0| 40: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff309| 41: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff315| 42: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff290| 43: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff273 | 44: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff287| 45: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff312| 46: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff298| 47: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff320 6|fff6(fff6)|688|41|60| 55|2f3|60| 0| 48: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff290| 49: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff310| 50: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff292| 51: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff313 | 52: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff303| 53: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff308| 54: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff274| 55: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff298 7|fff3(fff3)|680|37|55| 65|3c0|59| 0| 56: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff301| 57: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293| 58: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff264| 59: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff298 | 60: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff336| 61: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff290| 62: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff306| 63: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff315 8|fff2(fff2)|677|39|57| 62|360|58| 0| 64: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff266| 65: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff261| 66:107c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff276| 67: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff263 | 68: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff279| 69: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff275| 70: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff296| 71: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff287 9|fff1(fff1)|674|37|55| 64|3f0|58| 0| 72: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 57ff273| 73: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff280| 74: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff301| 75: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff309 | 76:107c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff319| 77:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff296| 78: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293| 79: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293 10|fff4(fff4)|682|38|57| 64|2f0|59| 0| 80: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff317| 81: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff317| 82: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff275| 83: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293 | 84: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff265| 85: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff318| 86: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293| 87: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff297 11|fff6(fff6)|688|39|56| 65|300|59| 0| 88: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff335| 89: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff343| 90: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff309| 91: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff246 | 92: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff320| 93: 77c 450hz( 0/ 0) 7fff256| 94: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff313| 95: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff327 12|fff6(fff6)|688|41|59| 60|480|62| 0| 96: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff292| 97: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff318| 98: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff297| 99: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff303 |100: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff308|101: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288|102: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff334|103: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff291 13|fff2(fff2)|677|36|53| 63|380|57| 0|104: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff307|105: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff273|106: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff282|107: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff327 |108: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff304|109: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288|110: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff305|111: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff277 14|fff5(fff5)|685|39|57| 63|350|59| 0|112: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff298|113: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff284|114: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff265|115: 77c 525hz( 0/ 0) 7fff311 |116: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288|117: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff246|118: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff306|119: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff293 15|fff4(fff4)|682|39|57| 60|360|60| 0|120: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff252|121: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff289|122: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff283|123: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff280 |124: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff272|125: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff304|126: 77c 540hz( 0/ 0) 7fff346|127: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff272 16|fff1(fff1)|674|39|58| 64|400|57| 0|128: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff276|129: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff255|130: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff297|131: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff279 |132:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff265|133:107c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff304|134:107c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff289|135: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff260 17|ffee(ffee)|666|35|53| 71|350|56| 0|136: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff318|137: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff311|138: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff290|139: 77c 450hz( 0/ 0) 7fff254 |140: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff289|141: 77c 450hz( 0/ 0) 7fff252|142: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff280|143: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff310 18|fff2(fff2)|677|39|58| 66|370|58| 0|144: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff272|145: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff280|146: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff266|147: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff300 |148: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff253|149: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288|150: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288|151: 77c 510hz( 0/ 0) 7fff247 19|ffee(ffee)|666|37|55| 68|340|57| 0|152: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff249|153: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff292|154: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff310|155: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff283 |156: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff295|157: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff282|158: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff271|159: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff275 20|ffef(ffef)|669|38|56| 76|450|57| 0|160: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff262|161:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff265|162:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff263|163:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff301 |164: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff245|165: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff240|166: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff262|167: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff289 21|ffed(ffed)|664|37|56| 73|2f0|56| 0|168: 77c 450hz( 0/ 0) 7fff262|169:107c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff232|170:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff294|171:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff288 |172:107c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff304|173:113c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff251|174:107c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff286|175:107c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff257 22|ffec(ffec)|661|35|54| 72|430|56| 0|176: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff253|177:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff281|178:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff261|179:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff296 |180: 77c 450hz( 0/ 0) 7fff291|181: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff278|182: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff250|183: 77c 450hz( 0/ 0) 7fff256 23|ffef(ffef)|669|37|56| 73|360|57| 0|184: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff287|185: 77c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff282|186: 77c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff312|187: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff294 |188:107c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff277|189:107c 495hz( 0/ 0) 7fff297|190:107c 480hz( 0/ 0) 7fff289|191: 77c 465hz( 0/ 0) 7fff257 [H:HW:1420Gh/Th:1420Gh/W:1420Gh,W:930,L:24,A:192,ER:1420,EP:1222,MMtmp:1] Pushed 543 jobs , in queue 75 jobs! wins:56001[fp:0], leading-zeroes:40 idle:0/0 :) Adapter queues: rsp=78, req=251 Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: raskul on December 03, 2014, 07:51:34 AM +7 sounds about right for a very cold outside temp, but i've yet to be convinced it's -18 It was -35 with the wind chill the other day. Got to love Canada! It's physically painful to live here at times :Dhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10325509_10154859033165161_6073604049026867457_n.jpg?oh=2428ae96e2d41c8bf12ab87759bd6743&oe=55040CC1&__gda__=1427335870_2435d9a732f5f75c22cecd4b9b2679e1 brrrrrrr . ok. i believe you! Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: Guy Corem on December 03, 2014, 08:20:31 AM +7 sounds about right for a very cold outside temp, but i've yet to be convinced it's -18 It was -35 with the wind chill the other day. Got to love Canada! It's physically painful to live here at times :Dhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10325509_10154859033165161_6073604049026867457_n.jpg?oh=2428ae96e2d41c8bf12ab87759bd6743&oe=55040CC1&__gda__=1427335870_2435d9a732f5f75c22cecd4b9b2679e1 brrrrrrr . ok. i believe you! Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: raskul on December 03, 2014, 08:25:10 AM +7 sounds about right for a very cold outside temp, but i've yet to be convinced it's -18 It was -35 with the wind chill the other day. Got to love Canada! It's physically painful to live here at times :Dhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10325509_10154859033165161_6073604049026867457_n.jpg?oh=2428ae96e2d41c8bf12ab87759bd6743&oe=55040CC1&__gda__=1427335870_2435d9a732f5f75c22cecd4b9b2679e1 brrrrrrr . ok. i believe you! I am putting off going out to work this morning as there is ice on the car and i can't find my windscreen scraper. just gonna use a blade from an antminer to scrape it. :o Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: Guy Corem on December 03, 2014, 08:42:50 AM ... ;Djust gonna use a blade from an antminer to scrape it. :o Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: mavericklm on December 03, 2014, 08:46:15 AM :))))))) trusty old antminer ;D
Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: Biffa on December 03, 2014, 10:10:47 AM ... ;Djust gonna use a blade from an antminer to scrape it. :o Damn thing will probably still hash afterwards. :o Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: raskul on December 03, 2014, 12:42:47 PM ... ;Djust gonna use a blade from an antminer to scrape it. :o Damn thing will probably still hash afterwards. :o the car? or the blade? :D now there's a novel idea. wonder if I can install a hashboard to the electrical circuit on my car... plug in a wifi dongle on the dashboard and hash-while-u-drive™ Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: RoadStress on December 03, 2014, 12:53:28 PM now there's a novel idea. wonder if I can install a hashboard to the electrical circuit on my car... plug in a wifi dongle on the dashboard and hash-while-u-drive™ Yes! The free electricity holy grail was just discovered! Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: raskul on December 03, 2014, 01:25:25 PM now there's a novel idea. wonder if I can install a hashboard to the electrical circuit on my car... plug in a wifi dongle on the dashboard and hash-while-u-drive™ Yes! The free electricity holy grail was just discovered! not entirely free with the price of fuel @ £1.17/litre Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: RoadStress on December 03, 2014, 01:40:36 PM now there's a novel idea. wonder if I can install a hashboard to the electrical circuit on my car... plug in a wifi dongle on the dashboard and hash-while-u-drive™ Yes! The free electricity holy grail was just discovered! not entirely free with the price of fuel @ £1.17/litre Isn't that energy wasted anyway? Title: Re: Spondoolies SP10 works in cold weather with firmware 1.5.10 (test version) Post by: raskul on December 03, 2014, 01:41:24 PM now there's a novel idea. wonder if I can install a hashboard to the electrical circuit on my car... plug in a wifi dongle on the dashboard and hash-while-u-drive™ Yes! The free electricity holy grail was just discovered! not entirely free with the price of fuel @ £1.17/litre Isn't that energy wasted anyway? as a member of the Green Party, I totally agree. |