Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: NeverLoseVision on December 04, 2014, 07:40:57 PM

Title: post deleted
Post by: NeverLoseVision on December 04, 2014, 07:40:57 PM

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 04, 2014, 07:58:18 PM
You might want to look up the Winklevoss twins.

I hear they lost their last money pit so they might be in the market for a new one. You're going to rip someone off. I don't know how, who or when but it will happen.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: DGulari on December 04, 2014, 08:38:35 PM
World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Domain name cybersquatting is rather boring.  Why do you think this is the 'world largest bitcoin project'?  You got lucky one time - very few are stupid enough to believe the domain name means anything.  Look at - they just made a name.  Then, built a great service.  People go to them for the good press and services - not for the name.  If you put good service behind any name, that name will finally be good. is the dumbest asset out there.  why would a VC want to share your stupid domain squatting business which is little more than a rip-off from bad behavior (registering domain with the idea you can extort money from others later).

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: newIndia on December 04, 2014, 08:42:26 PM
This thread does not belong to bitcoin discussion.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: caribbeanbitcoiner on December 04, 2014, 09:05:12 PM
World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Domain name cybersquatting is rather boring.  Why do you think this is the 'world largest bitcoin project'?  You got lucky one time - very few are stupid enough to believe the domain name means anything.  Look at - they just made a name.  Then, built a great service.  People go to them for the good press and services - not for the name.  If you put good service behind any name, that name will finally be good. is the dumbest asset out there.  why would a VC want to share your stupid domain squatting business which is little more than a rip-off from bad behavior (registering domain with the idea you can extort money from others later).

it depends on the keywords. You can earn millions of revenue from ads with the right keyword.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: newIndia on December 04, 2014, 09:20:36 PM
World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Domain name cybersquatting is rather boring.  Why do you think this is the 'world largest bitcoin project'?  You got lucky one time - very few are stupid enough to believe the domain name means anything.  Look at - they just made a name.  Then, built a great service.  People go to them for the good press and services - not for the name.  If you put good service behind any name, that name will finally be good. is the dumbest asset out there.  why would a VC want to share your stupid domain squatting business which is little more than a rip-off from bad behavior (registering domain with the idea you can extort money from others later).

it depends on the keywords. You can earn millions of revenue from ads with the right keyword.

After Panda & Penguin update of Google SERP, this trick does not work anymore. Show me a single underdeveloped site filled with ads that rank well in Google.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: DGulari on December 04, 2014, 09:50:28 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 04, 2014, 09:52:26 PM
World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Domain name cybersquatting is rather boring.  Why do you think this is the 'world largest bitcoin project'?  You got lucky one time - very few are stupid enough to believe the domain name means anything.  Look at - they just made a name.  Then, built a great service.  People go to them for the good press and services - not for the name.  If you put good service behind any name, that name will finally be good. is the dumbest asset out there.  why would a VC want to share your stupid domain squatting business which is little more than a rip-off from bad behavior (registering domain with the idea you can extort money from others later).

First of all, let me kindly address your elementary confusion.

Cybersquatting, according to the United States federal law known as the "Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act", is registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.

Here is a copy / paste explaining the UDRP process from for your further education:

(viii) Specify the trademark(s) or service mark(s) on which the complaint is based and, for each mark, describe the goods or services, if any, with which the mark is used (Complainant may also separately describe other goods and services with which it intends, at the time the complaint is submitted, to use the mark in the future.);

(ix) Describe, in accordance with the Policy, the grounds on which the complaint is made including, in particular,

(1) the manner in which the domain name(s) is/are identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the Complainant has rights; and

(2) why the Respondent (domain-name holder) should be considered as having no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name(s) that is/are the subject of the complaint; and

(3) why the domain name(s) should be considered as having been registered and being used in bad faith

Moving forward:

Premium domain name asset research and analysis, alongside ownership and brokering, is a very rare and lucrative skill set and the foundation to a multi-billion dollar global marketplace that has been thriving for ten consecutive calendar years.

Have you seen the reported Year-To-Date sales reports?

Did you know MILLIONS of dollars trade hands each and every month?

It is estimated that only 20 - 40% of sales are reported to media outlets leaving millions of dollars trapped under NDA's and private transactions.

Reported Sales 2014:

Reported Sales 2013:

Reported Sales 2012:

Reported Sales 2011:

Reported Sales 2010:

Global Historical TOP reported SALES list via another source:

Moving forward:

You, like many misinformed others, have turned this conversation into a "domain name" conversation about "speculating". Our portfolio, for your information, receives tens-of-thousands of page views and thousands of highly-targeted global visitors each-and-every-month with a $0.00 advertising and marketing budget exclusively by the ownership of our premium assets. Microsoft, among countless others, have conducted global academic studies and proven domain bias in SEO and PPC. Period. There is no snake oil. There is no hype. There is no maybe-kinda-sorta. Numbers don't lie. People do. Premium domain names are generic, intuitive, category or industry-defining, and represent a timeless competitive advantage in ANY and EVERY industry or niche on Earth. If you don't agree, it simply means you do not understand. I am by no means suggesting you "need" a generic domain asset to be successful, but rather stating (with conviction) that owning a premium domain asset will supply ANY project with a solid foundation and a consistent wave of advantages along the development path and will undeniably elevate the brands valuation pre-and-post divestment.

And for the record, we didn't "get lucky once with BitcoinWallet(.com)", we have been involved in millions of dollars of premium domain name asset transactions. And for your information, we have fielded numerous six-figure inquires even prior to our PR release.

So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply. The consistent negative and unprofessional tone in the forums is appalling. If anyone has ANY negative comments, or, genuine questions or concerns regarding our hard work and the release of our developments, please feel free to discuss any issues on a professional level - in private via direct message.

Very sincerely,

Hello everyone.

I am a professional media consultant, developer, and investor.

This is my first post on BitcoinTalk and I wanted to share some research.

Just food for thought...


On May 5th 2011 a woman by the name of "Michelle Szabo" registered the domain names "" and "".

Is this the wife, sister, or cousin of the rumored inventor of Bitcoin?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

Here are a few other interesting domain name asset registrations with dates.


Ps: A small donation would be greatly appreciated for the six hours of work! = private registration on 4/12/2013 = Ankur Bansal on 11/24/2013 = Martin Naylor on 11/24/2013 = Fraser Burt on 4/11/2013 = FirstBrain IT on 6/9/2011 =  Ricky Florido on 3/22/2013 = Brian Kempner on 2/26/2013 = Bit-Pay, LLC on 8/30/2012 = private registration on 8/13/2012 = Tom Longson on 9/19/2012 = private registration on 6/14/2011 = private registration on 6/28/2010 = Sally Rich on 6/28/2010 = private registration on 11/16/2010 = Lifestyle Optimizer on 3/18/2012 = Stephen Gornick on 11/19/2010 = Stephen Gornick on 11/22/2010 = private registration on 12/5/2013 = Matthew Green on 5/13/2013 = private registration on 5/11/2012 = Epik, Inc on 7/29/2012 = private registration on 5/10/2011 = private registration on 10/15/2010 = private registration on 10/15/2010 = Omnipire Corporation on 9/21/2012 = John Gainor on 6/19/2013 = Epik, Inc on 12/18/2010 = private registration on 4/11/2011 = Chadwick Miller on 7/13/2010 = Eduardo Jesus Fernandez Corrales on 4/12/2011 = private registration on 2/19/2011 = private registration on 5/9/2011 = Epik, Inc on 6/24/2013 = private registration on 5/3/2011 = Kendall Saville on 12/31/2010 = Stein Galen on 12/31/2010 = Matthew Klein on 8/5/2013 = Jennifer Dromon on 4/22/2011 = Bradley Wyse on 7/26/2010 = private registration on 5/2/2011 = private registration on 5/2/2011 = LLC on 4/22/2011 = private registration on 6/6/2011 = private registration on 6/19/2011 = private registration on 5/11/2011 = private registration on 11/7/2010 = private registration on 10/13/2010 = private registration on 5/30/2011 = Domain Specifics LLC on 4/12/2012 = private registration on 11/24/2010 = private registration on 5/03/2011 = private registration on 5/2/2011 = Noorinet? on 10/2/2011 = Matthew Courtney on 11/26/2010 = Epik, Inc on 6/15/2012 = Richard Vialoux on 11/26/2010 = private registration on 12/6/2010 = private registration on 11/26/2010 = private registration on 11/28/2010 = private registration on 5/3/2011 = Victor Suarez on 3/8/2013 = private registration on 3/28/2013 = private registration on 11/24/2010 = Eric Swanson on 7/13/2010 = DigiCoast on 11/26/2010 = Lewis Bowker on 4/17/2011 = DigiCoast on 12/28/2010 = The Life And Times of Robert Sama on 6/15/2011 = private registration on 4/19/2011 = private registration on 11/24/2013 = TradeBTC on 10/20/2011 = Dietzer? on 6/18/2011 = Payward, Inc on 8/22/2011 = private registration on 11/26/2010 = Epik, Inc. on 4/25/2011 = Mark Karpelès (Tokyo) on 12/22/2009 = Fred Madrid on 5/17/2011 = Coleman Parker Taylor Private Equity Ltd. on 6/3/2011 = private registration on 5/3/2011 = Jennifer Dromon on 4/23/2011

--------------------- > = Sunny Ray (speaker at conference below) = Sathvik V? on 10/2/2013 (actual conference this month in Bangalore, India) = Carll Hoffman on 8/26/2011 (backed by Google Ventures) = Bitcoin Investment Trust (Launched by SecondMarket) = private registration on 4/9/1999 (wow @ date and backed by $9m in funding) = private registration on 12/6/2010 = Shakil Khan on 5/4/2008 = private registration on 6/24/2011 = private registration on 5/20/2011 = private registration on 2/25/2011 = Vassilis Vatz on 5/8/2013 = Jonathan Waller on 1/1/2013 = private registration on 4/1/2013 = Mark Karpelès (Tokyo) on 1/2/2007 (interesting) = CoinBase, Inc on 7/2/2011 (backed by $6.11m in funding) = private registration on 6/17/2011 = on 11/15/2004 (interesting date, backed by $2.1m in funding) = private registration on 1/4/2008 (wow) = Mark Karpelès (Tokyo) on 3/30/2000 (double wow) = private registration on 8/18/2008 (triple wow) = Nicholas Szabo on 6/6/2012 = Jennifer Dromon on 4/22/2011

Donations: 1F9Yy3EkYjtxsGTJovU1GEaUZTxhJPCyFX

Seriously, you needed to solicit 0.00273841 BTC ($1.02 USD at today's exchange rate) to augment the millions you've already made?

When you shot yourself in the foot, was it only a flesh wound or did it require stitches?

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: Flashman on December 04, 2014, 09:59:41 PM
Roll up, roll up, join the domain name circle jerk...

Meanwhile if you have an actual product, go with a unique name.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 04, 2014, 10:12:40 PM
Roll up, roll up, join the domain name circle jerk...

Meanwhile if you have an actual product, go with a unique name.

You mean like these?

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: sobitcoin on December 04, 2014, 10:19:31 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 04, 2014, 10:23:26 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Title: Re: post deleted
Post by: 548845 on December 04, 2014, 11:23:06 PM

Put up or Shut up!

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: sobitcoin on December 04, 2014, 11:40:52 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Probably dumb comment of the day, lol, what is a Zerlan? Googled it and cannot seem to find...

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 04, 2014, 11:47:03 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Probably dumb comment of the day, lol, what is a Zerlan? Googled it and cannot seem to find...

It's one of those slimy little creatures that lives at the bottom of the ocean sucking the blood from dead fish.

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: 548845 on December 04, 2014, 11:49:50 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Probably dumb comment of the day, lol, what is a Zerlan? Googled it and cannot seem to find...


OK, this is a Josh Zerlan: (
Some have actually called it as a virus for Bitcoin but unfortunately that hasn't been confirmed yet, so we do NOT know for certainty  ::) ::) ::)

May I ask if your intergalactic travel here was comfortable?
(Sorry don't want to sound like an ass - which I probably do - but I can NEVER be a bigger ass than who????)  

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: sobitcoin on December 04, 2014, 11:54:55 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Probably dumb comment of the day, lol, what is a Zerlan? Googled it and cannot seem to find...


OK, this is a Josh Zerlan: (
Some have actually called it as a virus for Bitcoin but unfortunately that hasn't been confirmed yet, so we do NOT know for certainty  ::) ::) ::)

May I ask if your intergalactic travel here was comfortable?
(Sorry don't want to sound like an ass - which I probably do - but I can NEVER be a bigger ass than who????)  

Ahhh, I see, haha thanks for the laugh.  Is Butterfly Labs still operational? Seems like quite the shady operation, I haven't really seen any specifics other than they defaulted over half of the orders?

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: 548845 on December 04, 2014, 11:59:38 PM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Probably dumb comment of the day, lol, what is a Zerlan? Googled it and cannot seem to find...


OK, this is a Josh Zerlan: (
Some have actually called it as a virus for Bitcoin but unfortunately that hasn't been confirmed yet, so we do NOT know for certainty  ::) ::) ::)

May I ask if your intergalactic travel here was comfortable?
(Sorry don't want to sound like an ass - which I probably do - but I can NEVER be a bigger ass than who????)  

Ahhh, I see, haha thanks for the laugh.  Is Butterfly Labs still operational? Seems like quite the shady operation, I haven't really seen any specifics other than they defaulted over half of the orders?

Yes they are still ripping people off AFAIK.
Though I could be wrong.
I haven't really spent any money on them but I have been following their "progress"...

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: sobitcoin on December 05, 2014, 12:07:10 AM
So in closing, I hope this post shed some light on the topic but I would kindly ask you not to reply.

Very sincerely,
not reply?!  - ha -- Fuck you! That would be stupid.  

Do you think I am going to let you publish a huge list of misinformation and conclude with: 'don't reply'?  Why can you put forth your bullshit, and others are expected to stay silent?  Let me answer: it is because you are a troll cybersquatter who sits on domain names and tries to extract money from people who actually are building nice internet businesses.  Domain name squatting isn't clever.  The spirit of the whole thing is quite bad.  It arises only from a mere quirk in the registration rules and trademark laws.  The nature of what you are doing is corrupt and foul.  You are a pig.  

Go learn to write some code and build something nice for bitcoin rather than sitting around trying to swipe thousands from people just because you ran to the registration desk before they did.

Lost interest in the largest Bitcoin project in the world after

  • Visiting a website that doesn't even have a logo that renders correctly.
  • Listening to you tell the people you're asking funding for, how to conduct themselves when they communicate. Have yet to see another organization call the people they seek funding from "appalling".

Best of luck in your extraordinary project. 

Renderings aside, hence my take echoing yours. Like we need more Zerlans in the Bitcoin community.  ::)

Probably dumb comment of the day, lol, what is a Zerlan? Googled it and cannot seem to find...


OK, this is a Josh Zerlan: (
Some have actually called it as a virus for Bitcoin but unfortunately that hasn't been confirmed yet, so we do NOT know for certainty  ::) ::) ::)

May I ask if your intergalactic travel here was comfortable?
(Sorry don't want to sound like an ass - which I probably do - but I can NEVER be a bigger ass than who????)  

Ahhh, I see, haha thanks for the laugh.  Is Butterfly Labs still operational? Seems like quite the shady operation, I haven't really seen any specifics other than they defaulted over half of the orders?

Yes they are still ripping people off AFAIK.
Though I could be wrong.
I haven't really spent any money on them but I have been following their "progress"...

Yeah, a person loses to much time and money if you were to follow ALL of the scams circulating unfortunately. Although if what I recall is correct, BFL is running a sham, not sure how they're in operation still unless someone took over?

Title: Re: World's Largest Bitcoin Project Now Seeking Venture Capital
Post by: botany on December 05, 2014, 08:04:56 PM

Ahhh, I see, haha thanks for the laugh.  Is Butterfly Labs still operational? Seems like quite the shady operation, I haven't really seen any specifics other than they defaulted over half of the orders?

All their efforts to buy out websites which criticized them were in vain.
Finally, the Federal Trade Commission shut them down.