Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: 0x3d on December 11, 2014, 11:25:54 PM

Title: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: 0x3d on December 11, 2014, 11:25:54 PM
I asked Amazon a few hours ago (in german, translated below):


When will we be able to pay with Bitcoins at Amazon now that Microsoft is on board?

Their response:

Good evening, Mr. <censored>

Thanks for contacting

Unfortunately for the time being we don't offer the payment method "Bitcoin". accepts Visa, Mastercard/Eurocard and American Express (including prepaid cards from those brands) as well as direct debit and payment on invoice. Thanks for your understanding.

However, we do monitor the development, events and applications of new payment methods very closely. Customer feedback is also evaluated regularly at so we can adjust our processes to your wishes.

We're constantly looking to improve our customer's experience and to that end I have forwarded your e-mail to the responsible department and I thank you for your suggestion.

Should you have any more questions, [blah blah blah]

So apparently they haven't been bugged enough just yet, hence my call to whoever reads this:

Send a message to Amazon, even as short as mine above will do the trick.

Don't try emailing them directly, you'll get a silly automatic reply telling you to use their pretty damn well hidden contact form while being logged in. Here's the direct link ( so go on and tell them what we want!

Of course the more merchants you bug about Bitcoin the better but Amazon sure seems the most important target for now. It'll only take a few seconds to do this and the "ROI" should be incredible.

Vive la cryptoluçion!

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: shorena on December 11, 2014, 11:50:19 PM
I asked Amazon a few hours ago (in german, translated below):
to that end I have forwarded your e-mail to the responsible department and I thank you for your suggestion.

From personal experience: they did not. It looks like a boilerplate answer and whoever answers 1st level mails will not be able to forward it someone important enough to make that decision anway. Dont bother, you will just start to annoy poorly paid students if you send to many mails.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: 0x3d on December 12, 2014, 12:34:21 AM
That sure was boilerplate but even if my contact didn't forward my message I'm pretty sure they do run some kind of keyword-based analytics on the feedback they get. Simple to implement yet very powerful in what you get out of it so I guess we can be pretty sure every mention of Bitcoin in their direction counts in a way or another.

However you put it: The more we encourage them, the sooner we'll get what we want, as simple as that.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Flashman on December 12, 2014, 01:13:58 AM
Picket then....





Oh and cheapskates, if you're reusing  placards, at least flip the posterboard and start fresh, "Amagox, where's our coins?" will probably just confuse them.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: 0x3d on December 12, 2014, 02:20:42 AM
Like so?

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Braedo on December 12, 2014, 02:27:28 AM
Done! They cant ignore the inevitable.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: cyberpinoy on December 12, 2014, 03:04:07 AM
Yea Please keep pushing another coin dumping merchant to accept bitcoins that is exactly what we need. The fact they already do not want to use it means by users forci8ng them with a flood of emails begging like children to add bitcoins shows our community to be both childish and pushy, thuis they will (like you do with any child) give you what you want but at your expense by dumping the coins continuously and pushing the value down even farther. Rather than begging a coin dumping merchant to incorporate bitcoins why dont you use the bitcoins you have, get some other bitcoin enthusiasts and open your own merchant website where you only accept bitcoins for payment? Then  if you want to get Amazons attention cal the site and make it exactly like Amazon but for Bitcoins and maybe even a few other coins of choice.

Pushing a merchant who has no idea what bitcoin is, who researched very little and does not understand the bitcoin market is killing us, because all they are doing is dumping the coins as fast as they get them in fear they will lose value. If we have our own merchant site that is strongly advertised well put together and comparable to places like Amazon we dont need them.

We need to STOP depending on other businesses to carry us thru, we need to start making our own decisions , we need to come together as a real community and start securing our own dreams and stop sitting on our asses with our hands out expecting others to do the work and fill our pockets. It is clear the developers are one tracked on the protocol that is not broken and also are sitting on their asses when it comes to a demand for bitcoin. They also want someone else to do the work for them while they concentrate on the protocol. Sometimes in business if you want to succeed you have to think outside the box and get your hands a little dirty with some hard work.

The complete lack of development of this coins demand causes real investors to look at other options. As the Developers it is their job to do everything involved in developing that coin INCLUDING creating and supplying for a demand for it that is worth a shit. Coin dumping merchants do not create a demand, gambling sites are not a demand, the tradable market is not creating a demand. To be honest nothing they have done has honestly secured a "REAL" demand for this coin. This in itself is a problem, because High dollar investors look for an investment that will compliment their portfolio, and just like any currency they research no REAL investor is going to invest in a currency that does not have some kind of a demand for it. PERIOD, no matter if you like it or not those my friends are the FACTS.  Until this coin tells an investor, "Yes if you buy this coin there will be an increase in value around this time of year because people need it to buy this", they have no interest in our coin. All you are getting now are the low income, low volume inexperienced traders hoping to get rich quick so they can invest in something more high dollar. We dont need or want those anymore.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: 0x3d on December 12, 2014, 03:21:29 AM
So what makes you so sure they're not going to keep the Bitcoins?

This only a few hours old: (

So a whopping 50% of BitPay's merchants already recognized the advantages of NOT converting BTC into anything else.

Amazon wouldn't be where it is today if there were only morons sitting on top and that's why I'd say they got the tech-part figured out long ago... But when you're a multinational empire you're gonna make pretty damn sure that your lawyers got it all figured out as well before jumping in.

The artificial delays from New York, Washington, Brussels and whatnot are what's really holding us up! Amazon, on a larger scale, is just a tool helping us to exert some pressure on these guys.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Sellers on December 12, 2014, 04:51:29 AM
Give it time and they'll have it:)

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Q7 on December 12, 2014, 06:00:13 AM
It seems more like an automated copy and paste reply which they use back the same to everybody requesting for bitcoin to be accepted. But never mind. If the "testing the water" approach by microsoft does go through, we should start seeing widescale adoption without us asking them to....

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: botany on December 13, 2014, 08:17:50 AM
If enough people ask them to, maybe we will go beyond the automated response stage.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: bitbaby on December 13, 2014, 10:51:42 AM
It will take time and I don't know if everyone asking them to accept will make it happen. But maybe if actual buyers while purchasing an item talks to the support and tells them that they're having trouble with the other payment instruments and they would prefer Bitcoin as a payment method, that might push them into the right direction.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Levitron on December 13, 2014, 11:00:31 AM
To the people complaining about more merchants

If this gets to amazon think of the millions of people who were not aware of bitcoin, would now be aware of it so how is that a bad thing

Looks like cyberpinoy is overthinking this

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Daniel91 on December 13, 2014, 10:45:35 PM
It will take time and I don't know if everyone asking them to accept will make it happen. But maybe if actual buyers while purchasing an item talks to the support and tells them that they're having trouble with the other payment instruments and they would prefer Bitcoin as a payment method, that might push them into the right direction.

Very good point.
If they receive just a few request, this will not impress them much.
But, if many people complain them about other payment processors and ask them about possibility to add BTC, they will surely consider this option seriously.
Let's hope this will happen soon but one man can't do this alone, many of us have to follow and support :)

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Kimowa on December 13, 2014, 10:52:11 PM
Amazon knows what we want. With big corporate enterprises like Microsoft accepting BTC it is an inevitability but we need to communicate with them to give them first receiver benefits for company adoption. We should talk with these companies if enough people express interest we cannot -not- suceed.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: GigiNo1 on December 13, 2014, 11:22:10 PM
I think it is a matter of time before all big players start to accept Bitcoins. Microsoft is already on the train. Who's next?

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Minecache on December 13, 2014, 11:31:13 PM
I asked Amazon a few hours ago (in german, translated below):
to that end I have forwarded your e-mail to the responsible department and I thank you for your suggestion.

From personal experience: they did not. It looks like a boilerplate answer and whoever answers 1st level mails will not be able to forward it someone important enough to make that decision anway. Dont bother, you will just start to annoy poorly paid students if you send to many mails.

I got similar email last year. Looks like Amazon are sitting on their developers hands.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: malaimult on December 13, 2014, 11:38:00 PM
If enough people ask them to, maybe we will go beyond the automated response stage.
I think a better way to get large merchants like amazon to accept bitcoin would be to spend bitcoin at merchants that accept bitcoin. This would show other merchants who have not yet started to accept bitcoin to see what a success accepting bitcoin is, as well as the potential cost benefits

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: gjgjg on December 13, 2014, 11:51:35 PM
There's also this :

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: 0x3d on December 14, 2014, 11:31:21 AM
Thanks gjgjg, wasn't aware there was already a somewhat successful petition going. And thanks to all who wrote to Amazon. "Wer will nochmal, wer hat noch nicht?" ;)

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: cyberpinoy on December 14, 2014, 01:35:38 PM
To the people complaining about more merchants

If this gets to amazon think of the millions of people who were not aware of bitcoin, would now be aware of it so how is that a bad thing

Looks like cyberpinoy is overthinking this

Looks like Levitron is underthinking this, everytime merchants Dump a big amount of coins the value drops, and right now merchants are dumping every 2 weeks :) look at the charts :) Altho you feel millions of people will be "aware" of them it does not mean they will "BUY" them. Why do pople on Amazon need to buy bvitcoins to shop on Amazon? they dont they can use their cash Awareness does not equal buyers. Amazon has bills to pay and they can not do this with Bitcoins, they do not understand bitcons and have no real use for them, by forcing them to use them you are just promoting another dumping merchant and we already have enough of those. You see everytime your merchant dumps a big amount of our coins the value drops.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: gjgjg on December 14, 2014, 09:18:48 PM
To the people complaining about more merchants

If this gets to amazon think of the millions of people who were not aware of bitcoin, would now be aware of it so how is that a bad thing

Looks like cyberpinoy is overthinking this

Looks like Levitron is underthinking this, everytime merchants Dump a big amount of coins the value drops, and right now merchants are dumping every 2 weeks :) look at the charts :) Altho you feel millions of people will be "aware" of them it does not mean they will "BUY" them. Why do pople on Amazon need to buy bvitcoins to shop on Amazon? they dont they can use their cash Awareness does not equal buyers. Amazon has bills to pay and they can not do this with Bitcoins, they do not understand bitcons and have no real use for them, by forcing them to use them you are just promoting another dumping merchant and we already have enough of those. You see everytime your merchant dumps a big amount of our coins the value drops.

It's a pretty inevitable part of the process man, unless we get a breakthrough explosion into new territories the existing ones will continue to gain more merchant support which will lead to more selling...  but also new users too. 
Either way more merchs mean more buyers will come along at some point. But price dips can't be avoided right now.
In the mean time we'll just have to live with the price climing slowly instead of get rich quick over night.

Anyway, if ur concerned with more mass adoption then price drops are not a problem. You're obviously more interested in what makes price goes up rather than what is good for bitcoin as a whole 

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: dimsky on December 15, 2014, 10:23:50 AM
If you really want to buy from amazon (Germany, France, UK), it's always possible to buy an EGifter Amazon giftcard with BTC and redeem it on site. I've just bought one and gifted it via email.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: Jamie_Boulder on December 15, 2014, 10:29:07 AM
Their loss not ours, also they would just introduce a fee where it's not even worth using BTC.

Title: Re: Call for action - Tell Amazon what we want!
Post by: cyberpinoy on December 15, 2014, 11:52:41 AM
To the people complaining about more merchants

If this gets to amazon think of the millions of people who were not aware of bitcoin, would now be aware of it so how is that a bad thing

Looks like cyberpinoy is overthinking this

Looks like Levitron is underthinking this, everytime merchants Dump a big amount of coins the value drops, and right now merchants are dumping every 2 weeks :) look at the charts :) Altho you feel millions of people will be "aware" of them it does not mean they will "BUY" them. Why do pople on Amazon need to buy bvitcoins to shop on Amazon? they dont they can use their cash Awareness does not equal buyers. Amazon has bills to pay and they can not do this with Bitcoins, they do not understand bitcons and have no real use for them, by forcing them to use them you are just promoting another dumping merchant and we already have enough of those. You see everytime your merchant dumps a big amount of our coins the value drops.

It's a pretty inevitable part of the process man, unless we get a breakthrough explosion into new territories the existing ones will continue to gain more merchant support which will lead to more selling...  but also new users too. 
Either way more merchs mean more buyers will come along at some point. But price dips can't be avoided right now.
In the mean time we'll just have to live with the price climing slowly instead of get rich quick over night.

Anyway, if ur concerned with more mass adoption then price drops are not a problem. You're obviously more interested in what makes price goes up rather than what is good for bitcoin as a whole 

Please read my first post and explain what in there says anything other than a lot of crap that will be nothing but GOOD for bitcoin? I dont want a short term increase I want a high stability. I dnt want us to destroy the coin to the point it is gone. The value drops to low NO ONE WIL MINE IT, no miners means no transactions being processed. And no matter how the people want to ignore it, that time is rapidly closing in a lot faster than the chance it will hit 1000 dollars a coin next year :) we dont need a quick fix we need a permanent solution, we need stability WE NEED A DEMAND!!!!!!