Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: commandrix on December 13, 2014, 05:03:51 PM

Title: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: commandrix on December 13, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Got into a discussion on Facebook about cryptocurrencies and the person I was going back and forth with about it called cryptocurrency a "weird Libertarian thing." Got a laugh out of me. Really it's only "weird" because a lot of people still aren't used to the idea that they can just carry their money around on their tablet instead of keeping it in the bank or in a leather wallet. I got a good blog entry out of it, anyway.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Flashman on December 13, 2014, 05:50:15 PM
Weird is a good word, makes people curious....

Why else are we pounded with all the "one weird trick" type ads?

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: franky1 on December 13, 2014, 06:08:22 PM
when people say that bitcoin is weird..

reply with
if you think that having value stored in something that is not a bank is weird. then ill show you how greatly weird bitcoin is.
this picture holds enough information to securely store $4,725,000,000* without a bank, third party or expensive security being needed

*rough value of current bitcoins in circulation

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Built on December 13, 2014, 06:28:44 PM
Bitcoin is going more and more mainstream I dont think politics has anything to do with it

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: wachtwoord on December 13, 2014, 06:54:48 PM
I'm a weird Libertarian thing ;)

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: teukon on December 13, 2014, 07:18:38 PM
Good.  I like weird libertarian things.  Far more wholesome than the usual authoritarian things.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on December 13, 2014, 08:53:38 PM
Sounds like something a weird conservative or liberal would say.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: MicroGuy on December 13, 2014, 09:21:23 PM
Bitcoin is liberal (see Bitcoin Foundation for details), while most altcoins are conservative.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: shawshankinmate37927 on December 13, 2014, 10:46:02 PM
Bitcoin is liberal (see Bitcoin Foundation for details), while most altcoins are conservative.

Liberals depend on the ability to create and confiscate money in order to buy votes.  Bitcoin eliminates their ability to do either of those two things.  Society shifting to Bitcoin would be a liberal's worst nightmare.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: leopard2 on December 14, 2014, 01:19:31 AM
Bitcoin is liberal (see Bitcoin Foundation for details), while most altcoins are conservative.

Liberals depend on the ability to create and confiscate money in order to buy votes.  Bitcoin eliminates their ability to do either of those two things.  Society shifting to Bitcoin would be a liberal's worst nightmare.

Conservatives depend on the ability to extort people to make the rich even richer and to finance their own evil actions.

Not sure what is weird about being libertarian; people who say that must be indoctrinated to the point of mental illness.  ;)

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: MicroGuy on December 14, 2014, 02:04:45 AM
Bitcoin Foundation = Liberal.  :D

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Q7 on December 14, 2014, 03:11:41 AM
You can't blame them, most people don't understand the concept and the idea behind cryptocurrencies until we explain it to them. There are even weirder comments that I've heard so far, so I guess this one should be okay.  ;D

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: jeffersonian2012 on December 14, 2014, 06:55:44 AM
In my estimation, usually those "weird libertarian things" actually work! A little bit of common sense would go a long way in today's society.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: edward_cullen on December 14, 2014, 12:37:49 PM
I'm not a libertarian and I support Bitcoin. Bitcoin itself doesn't have political affiliations, just the ideal first appealed more naturally to people who lean towards libertarianism.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Voidlord on December 14, 2014, 01:05:33 PM
Cryptocurrencies is still a kind of "weird libertarian thing" (in fact you could switch this definition with any "buzzy", controversy title)
when, around 10-15%♥ of consumers will use crypto-networks (without knowing it ?), then i think Cryptocurrencies will become "the information technology revolution".

♥: source: Diffusion of innovations, Everett Rogers.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Flashman on December 14, 2014, 03:38:16 PM
Everyone is a libertarian, when they finally notice that something they hold dear has been intruded upon....

So if they're not yet, they've either...

i) Got a very narrow and shallow range of things that they give a shit about and .gov really hasn't managed to make inroads on these yet.
ii) Got really dark rose colored shades with massive blinkers on the side.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Zer0Sum on December 14, 2014, 04:27:10 PM
Everyone is a libertarian, when they finally notice that something they hold dear has been intruded upon....

So if they're not yet, they've either...

i) Got a very narrow and shallow range of things that they give a shit about and .gov really hasn't managed to make inroads on these yet.
ii) Got really dark rose colored shades with massive blinkers on the side.

Most people are slugs who make $20/hour then go home and watch TV...
And listen to the same music they listened to 30 years ago...
But think they are cool and interesting and up on the latest things.

These people will never use Bitcoin.

That's why it's easy for the Canadian govt to pass Draconian anti-prostitution laws in 2014...
Which dramatically expanded police powers all the way into your bedroom.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: inBitweTrust on December 14, 2014, 04:33:41 PM
These people will never use Bitcoin.

Everyone that uses the internet will eventually use bitcoin whether they realize it or not.

Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"

The Internet is still a libertarian / anarchist thing. Those that deny this don't understand the principles which define anarchism and how they correlate to the internet.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies Still A "Weird Libertarian Thing"
Post by: Flashman on December 14, 2014, 04:53:18 PM
Everyone is a libertarian, when they finally notice that something they hold dear has been intruded upon....

So if they're not yet, they've either...

i) Got a very narrow and shallow range of things that they give a shit about and .gov really hasn't managed to make inroads on these yet.
ii) Got really dark rose colored shades with massive blinkers on the side.

Most people are slugs who make $20/hour then go home and watch TV...
And listen to the same music they listened to 30 years ago...
But think they are cool and interesting and up on the latest things.

I think i) covers them.

That's why it's easy for the Canadian govt to pass Draconian anti-prostitution laws in 2014...
Which dramatically expanded police powers all the way into your bedroom.

Yah, that just replaced one kind of fucked up with a whole new kind of fucked up. Sure the women aren't directly criminalised now, but the way it's worded, seems you can be busted for selling them groceries. (Any kind of "profiting" off them.)