Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: JimDowJones on December 15, 2014, 04:20:34 AM

Title: Internet Memes: Crowdsourced Laughs or MKULTRA mind control plot?
Post by: JimDowJones on December 15, 2014, 04:20:34 AM
 I know you guys love your conspiracies but its completely irrelevant.

Reality Check: Grumpy Cat has a higher approval rating than congress and doge is now the face of a currency and is officially more official than the founding fathers.
Internet memes are just as much a decentralized crowd developed phenomena as Bitcoin, except bitcoin fails to capture the imagination of the masses.

I think theres just too much no brainer thinking going on. All the innovators are looking for the next low hanging fruit to pluck instead of keeping their eyes on the real prize(BTC_BTC).

Title: Re: Internet Memes: Crowdsourced Laughs or MKULTRA mind control plot?
Post by: b!z on December 15, 2014, 05:49:03 AM
I know you guys love your conspiracies but its completely irrelevant.

Reality Check: Grumpy Cat has a higher approval rating than congress and doge is now the face of a currency and is officially more official than the founding fathers.
Internet memes are just as much a decentralized crowd developed phenomena as Bitcoin, except bitcoin fails to capture the imagination of the masses.

I think theres just too much no brainer thinking going on. All the innovators are looking for the next low hanging fruit to pluck instead of keeping their eyes on the real prize(BTC_BTC).

Except internet memes are useless and Congress is not