Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: deliants on December 17, 2014, 06:52:51 PM

Title: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: deliants on December 17, 2014, 06:52:51 PM
Formatted my PC, forgot to back dat shit up.  :-\
Trying to use pywallet to scan for recovery, but need some help with the --recov_outputdir parameter

Used wmic tool to get the name of the drive and so far i got this –-recover –-recov_size 120Gio –-recov_device \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 -–recov_outputdir ???

tried \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0\pywallet which gave me errors when it completed, anyone able to help me out?

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: 548845 on December 17, 2014, 06:59:44 PM
Formatted my PC, forgot to back dat shit up.  :-\
Trying to use pywallet to scan for recovery, but need some help with the --recov_outputdir parameter

Used wmic tool to get the name of the drive and so far i got this –-recover –-recov_size 120Gio –-recov_device \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 -–recov_outputdir ???

tried \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0\pywallet which gave me errors when it completed, anyone able to help me out?

Have you tried R-Studio or any other recovery software?
I have personally tried R-Studio before and was able to recover stuff that was gone 2 formats ago.
But that was years ago, don't know how good it is now.
I am guessing it should be better now.

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: Meuh6879 on December 17, 2014, 08:05:59 PM
format = OK
format & install = BOUUUMMM

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: deliants on December 17, 2014, 08:23:09 PM
wasnt much there, little over 0.5bc so not a biggie. still an annoyance as i probably have to mine for a year to make up with this difficulty. only have 500ghs :\

gonna fiddle around some more with r-studio, not quite sure how it works yet. did a scan, proceeded getting annoyed going through each recovery block individually to search.
any suggestions to the --recov_outputdir parameter appriciated for a try.

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: btchris on December 17, 2014, 09:05:07 PM
wasnt much there, little over 0.5bc so not a biggie. still an annoyance as i probably have to mine for a year to make up with this difficulty. only have 500ghs :\

gonna fiddle around some more with r-studio, not quite sure how it works yet. did a scan, proceeded getting annoyed going through each recovery block individually to search.
any suggestions to the --recov_outputdir parameter appriciated for a try.

It's just a directory name where a wallet.dat file with the recovered keys will be created. You shouldn't choose a directory that's on the same drive that your trying to recover keys from. If you only have one drive, you could plug a USB stick in and use it as the outputdir (e.g. "--recov_outputdir e:\" or similar).

(edited to add: also you may want to move this thread over to the Tech Support forum... the "move thread" link is towards the bottom left)

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: deliants on December 17, 2014, 09:19:19 PM
i understand what the parameter does, its just that --recov_outputdir d:\ is not a valid option and gives me the error "A mandatory option is missing"

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: btchris on December 17, 2014, 10:10:18 PM
That's odd... when I try this, it works fine for me. Is this exactly what you're running?

Code: --recover --recov_size 120Gio --recov_device \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 --recov_outputdir d:\

You are on Windows, correct? Are you running it from an elevated ("Run as administrator") command prompt? Are you running the same version as I am (downloaded Sept 8th or later from (

Also, is your hard drive less than 120 gigabytes in size?

Title: Re: dat wallet loss, windows pywallet --recov_outputdir parameter?
Post by: deliants on December 17, 2014, 10:39:08 PM
I have no idea whats going on, for some reason it worked perfectly when i copy pasted yours. Mine looked _exactly_ the same but gave me argument error.

Cheers  ;D