Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 08:37:51 AM

Title: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 08:37:51 AM

Lets see how fast things are gonna be added to the list.

15/12/2014: Sydney Australia 2 People killed.
16/12/2014: Peshawa Pakistan 145 people killed. OVER 100 CHILDREN.
17/12/2014: Suicide attack in Helman province.. A bank was hit.
18/12/2014: 32 People killed in Nigeria by islamic terrorist group.

If you have anything that should be added to the list, then please write it down :)

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: BitMos on December 18, 2014, 09:35:02 AM
I would like to see the same with rapes and sexual assaults in the usa... charted live, hourly, it could the most freezing thing you could see, when you realize the amplitudes of the problem. it will be pale in comparisons. It's called the domestic enemy and it's the first to eliminate to then be able to concentrate with a clean back on those over seas. any other approach is lie to perpetuate domestic enemy.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:10:50 AM
I would like to see the same with rapes and sexual assaults in the usa... charted live, hourly, it could the most freezing thing you could see, when you realize the amplitudes of the problem. it will be pale in comparisons. It's called the domestic enemy and it's the first to eliminate to then be able to concentrate with a clean back on those over seas. any other approach is lie to perpetuate domestic enemy.

And we could do the same for the middleeast..
It wont look better.. Rather worse..

And what you write has nothing to do with religion.
That is what this thread is focused about.

Even if there is Jewish or Christan attacks, then please write it so I can add it to the list.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: BitMos on December 18, 2014, 10:16:58 AM
okay, how do you define Muslim? because attacks, or act of violence is very clear to me.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:19:31 AM
okay, how do you define Muslim? because attacks, or act of violence is very clear to me.

If you are muslim.
You read the quran.
You pray 5 times a day or what ever the minimum is.

And that the attack is done in the name of Allah.

If you are muslim, you are islamic.
You believe in Islam.

You want Sharia Law.

That kind of shit.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: pitham1 on December 18, 2014, 10:22:50 AM
You could add daily count of muslims killed... in Afghanistan, Palestine, etc...
Would get you thinking.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 10:23:20 AM
IM so sad to see the OP being so IGNORANT.


SO maybe its better to change the topic to Daily count of CIA aggravated attacks you dumb $$$

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 10:24:19 AM
okay, how do you define Muslim? because attacks, or act of violence is very clear to me.

If you are muslim.
You read the quran.
You pray 5 times a day or what ever the minimum is.

And that the attack is done in the name of Allah.

If you are muslim, you are islamic.
You believe in Islam.

You want Sharia Law.

That kind of shit.


Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 10:25:29 AM

DONT BASE YOUR OPINION ON LESS THEN 0.0001 % of the total muslim population.

I swear this forum is filled with children

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:26:19 AM
okay, how do you define Muslim? because attacks, or act of violence is very clear to me.

If you are muslim.
You read the quran.
You pray 5 times a day or what ever the minimum is.

And that the attack is done in the name of Allah.

If you are muslim, you are islamic.
You believe in Islam.

You want Sharia Law.

That kind of shit.


Im not either. I dont believe in religion.
I think its the pest of this world.

Its why those fuckers cant agree on anything in the middleeast. Shia and Sunni.
Its why there is so many problems with Isreal and Palestine (The whole muslim community)

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:28:02 AM

DONT BASE YOUR OPINION ON LESS THEN 0.0001 % of the total muslim population.

I swear this forum is filled with children

Dude.. 0.0001%?

Its way higher.. Well above 5% maybe around 10%.

And writing in capslock is not going to help you.. It makes you look even more desperate to cover your ass.

The Qur’an itself is contradictory on this matter. At some points it will teach, “let there be no compulsion in religion” (Sura 2:256) and at others it will command, “fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)” (Sura 9.5). This contradictory mindset, which reflects the man-made nature of this false religion leads some Muslims to hate anyone that they see as a threat to their faith.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 10:30:56 AM
just by quoting the Quran it doesnt make your smarter, tougher or right.
Releigion is flawed and there is no doubt about it.

But just to gain some post count and gain some popularity on a forum is something what a faggot would do.
Oh wait thats wrong in your relegion.

DO us a favor save some self respect and delete this thread.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: BitMos on December 18, 2014, 10:32:38 AM
my counter argument is the christian pedophile priest... for me, it's a it. And so I would think that classifying this crime, as a Christian attack is wrong. that's why the limitation to act of violence by people shooting allan snakebar, isn't a valid reason to classifiy the attack as "of Muslim". That's why I was saying that limiting on "root causes" to divide the acts of violence is inefficient and dangerous. you know the wolf in sheep clothes? it's just my opinion. track them all to eliminate them alltm or safety firsttm. bold is tougher.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:35:14 AM
just by quoting the Quran it doesnt make your smarter, tougher or right.
Releigion is flawed and there is no doubt about it.

But just to gain some post count and gain some popularity on a forum is something what a faggot would do.
Oh wait thats wrong in your relegion.

DO us a favor save some self respect and delete this thread.

This is the off topic section, where debate is free.

This is not under any law that is against Freedom of Speech.

I can write whatever I wish, so can you.

This wont get deleted unless a mod of this forum thinks its not appropriete.

Religion is flawed, and its so flawed that it costs an insane amount of lives every single day.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: BitMos on December 18, 2014, 10:37:21 AM
I can write whatever I wish, so can you.


Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:37:39 AM
my counter argument is the christian pedophile priest... for me, it's a it. And so I would think that classifying this crime, as a Christian attack is wrong. that's why the limitation to act of violence by people shooting allan snakebar, isn't a valid reason to classifiy the attack as "of Muslim". That's why I was saying that limiting on "root causes" to divide the acts of violence is inefficient and dangerous. you know the wolf in sheep clothes? it's just my opinion. track them all to eliminate them alltm or safety firsttm. bold is tougher.

There is not many christian priests that are pedophiles.. They are allowed to have sex.
Its the catholic priests.. And yes, that is a huge problem..

But then I can ask how its possible that all the way down to 7 year old muslim girls are married away to men that are well above 18 years old.
They are forced into it and cant get out of it.
If they try, then they get beaten, or even killed.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:38:46 AM
I can write whatever I wish, so can you.


And I do see your text under your name..

So I want to ask if this is just another round of trolling for you or if this is a serious debate.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: BitMos on December 18, 2014, 10:46:32 AM
But then I can ask how its possible that all the way down to 7 year old muslim girls are married away to men that are well above 18 years old.
They are forced into it and cant get out of it.
If they try, then they get beaten, or even killed.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 10:49:44 AM
But then I can ask how its possible that all the way down to 7 year old muslim girls are married away to men that are well above 18 years old.
They are forced into it and cant get out of it.
If they try, then they get beaten, or even killed.

Drones are a blessing and a curse..

They work great.. But sadly civilians dies too sometimes.. But that is how it is in a war.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 10:55:23 AM
Please someone HELP the OP get his head out of his own ass.

He thinks he has the answer to everything.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 11:40:46 AM
Please someone HELP the OP get his head out of his own ass.

He thinks he has the answer to everything.

This is a debate.
Not me preaching to you what is wrong and what is write.

If you have something to add to this, then do it instead of these small shit posts.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Spendulus on December 18, 2014, 12:58:27 PM
Please someone HELP the OP get his head out of his own ass.

He thinks he has the answer to everything.

This is a debate.
Not me preaching to you what is wrong and what is write.

If you have something to add to this, then do it instead of these small shit posts.

Just go to  This site details the some 25,000 jihad attacks since 9/11. 

 Regarding selection - "We only include incidents of deadly violence that are reasonably determined to have been committed out of religious duty - as interpreted by the perpetrator. "

Weekly Jihad Report
Dec 06 - Dec 12
 Jihad Attacks:    48
 Allah Akbars*:    9
 Dead Bodies:    501
 Critically Injured: 819

Monthly Jihad Report
November, 2014
 Jihad Attacks:    284
 Countries:    23
 Allah Akbars:    41
 Dead Bodies:    2515
 Critically Injured:  2700

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 01:09:03 PM
Please someone HELP the OP get his head out of his own ass.

He thinks he has the answer to everything.

This is a debate.
Not me preaching to you what is wrong and what is write.

If you have something to add to this, then do it instead of these small shit posts.

Just go to  This site details the some 25,000 jihad attacks since 9/11. 

 Regarding selection - "We only include incidents of deadly violence that are reasonably determined to have been committed out of religious duty - as interpreted by the perpetrator. "

Weekly Jihad Report
Dec 06 - Dec 12
 Jihad Attacks:    48
 Allah Akbars*:    9
 Dead Bodies:    501
 Critically Injured: 819

Monthly Jihad Report
November, 2014
 Jihad Attacks:    284
 Countries:    23
 Allah Akbars:    41
 Dead Bodies:    2515
 Critically Injured:  2700


Did not know that...

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 01:09:19 PM
Op. You are a sad sad person.  Probably lonely and a natural hater who didn't get their mothers love.
I want to see you start a post of israels torture rape and misconduct of Palestinians kids and people.

And about short posts. Your shitty post to get your ratings high. I wish you suffer the same fate as these people so I can ridicule you and start a post to get my count High

Oh and you should still save some face you ass licking piece of crap AND delete this post for generalising agisnt Muslims will not get you anywhere in life.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 01:17:15 PM
Op. You are a sad sad person.  Probably lonely and a natural hater who didn't get their mothers love.
I want to see you start a post of israels torture rape and misconduct of Palestinians kids and people.

And about short posts. Your shitty post to get your ratings high. I wish you suffer the same fate as these people so I can ridicule you and start a post to get my count High

Oh and you should still save some face you ass licking piece of crap AND delete this post for generalising agisnt Muslims will not get you anywhere in life.


Haters gonna hate.

Bitch what about you just fuck off?

Go to the site where that other guy just posted some stats from.. I did not know that site.. But shit its scary to see that its way worse than I thought.

You can leave this thread any moment you want..
If you dont like it and you disagree, then come with some arguements that are valid instead of doing personal attacks.

Fuck religion. Fuck Islam, Christianity and every single other kind of religion.

No one made you other than the particles and atoms you are made of.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Jarx on December 18, 2014, 01:29:07 PM
I'm pretty sure OP is 15 year old (at least brain old).  Congratulations! You're the first on my ignored list.

Also, don't spend your time by attacking to religions. Do something useful for you.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 02:05:14 PM
I'm pretty sure OP is 15 year old (at least brain old).  Congratulations! You're the first on my ignored list.

Also, don't spend your time by attacking to religions. Do something useful for you.

Well said.

He probably belives in atoms cuz one of his high school friends thinks Its cool.

Go back to your mia

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: mudiko on December 18, 2014, 02:15:43 PM
nice topic i will keep following it

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 02:20:48 PM
I'm pretty sure OP is 15 year old (at least brain old).  Congratulations! You're the first on my ignored list.

Also, don't spend your time by attacking to religions. Do something useful for you.

Well said.

He probably belives in atoms cuz one of his high school friends thinks Its cool.

Go back to your mia

I believe in whats proven..That you are made of particles and we dont know how the world started.. Other than some explotion/chain reaction ocoured 4 billion years ago.


Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 02:21:52 PM
nice topic i will keep following it

There you go. Another fool in a stupid world. What's so nice about racisim.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 02:23:17 PM
nice topic i will keep following it

There you go. Another fool in a stupid world. What's so nice about racisim.


I have no problem with people has a different skin colour than me.
I just dont like religion because its doing so much harm.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Smack That Ace on December 18, 2014, 02:26:56 PM
Dude I'm sure you must get this a lot from your mom and your chuckecheese friends that your an effin buzz kill.

Thanks for ruining my day

Please help yourself and delete this topic.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Hamuki on December 18, 2014, 02:36:43 PM
Dude I'm sure you must get this a lot from your mom and your chuckecheese friends that your an effin buzz kill.

Thanks for ruining my day

Please help yourself and delete this topic.

What is it about you and deleting this thread?

And again.. Personal insults..

You are calling me a kid... Go back to school and learn some more before throwing shit at others.

You ruined your own day by staying here.
No one is forcing you to stay here and read this.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: superSTAR777 on December 18, 2014, 03:18:27 PM
no idea they are highly cruel nature

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Wilikon on December 18, 2014, 04:36:23 PM

Lets see how fast things are gonna be added to the list.

15/12/2014: Sydney Australia 2 People killed.
16/12/2014: Peshawa Pakistan 145 people killed. OVER 100 CHILDREN.
17/12/2014: Suicide attack in Helman province.. A bank was hit.
18/12/2014: 32 People killed in Nigeria by islamic terrorist group.

If you have anything that should be added to the list, then please write it down :)

This website keeps the exact score since 9/11.

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: superSTAR777 on December 18, 2014, 05:13:02 PM
Please someone HELP the OP get his head out of his own ass.

He thinks he has the answer to everything.

lol not really ...

Title: Re: Daily count of Muslim attacks.
Post by: Spendulus on December 18, 2014, 06:37:00 PM
Please someone HELP the OP get his head out of his own ass.

He thinks he has the answer to everything.

lol not really ...
I just come from a local Starbucks that has in the last several  years been virtually taken over by Muslims, as they have populated that area. 

Frankly I don't think I'm going to run into any that think there isn't a problem with atrocities by the violent few in their midst.