Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: trumpetx on May 19, 2011, 09:33:12 PM

Title: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on May 19, 2011, 09:33:12 PM
It's been about 3 weeks since I've released an update for MinerStatus which is related to me doing some moonlighting work for pay.  YAY for getting paid.

I should be finishing this up very soon, and I wanted to put a call out for feature requests & pools to include in my next release (lots of new pools have popped up!)

If you're not familiar with Miner Status, you can download it for your Android phone from the Android Market:

I have plans on adding some Mt. Gox trading calls, but I'm hesitant to do so because this would involve my application storing some of your mt.gox info.  I'd honestly rather not do that due to obvious calls for me being a haxxorz.  This "feature" will be delayed until I can figure out how to do this securely and without you having to trust me.  This might not be possible.

What other features do you all want?

What other pools do I need to add (please note: additional pools will need some sort of JSON stat page for me to query.) ?

As always, donations (see sig) help to convince me to work on this project more.  I've only received 1 btc donation so far (thanks!), more would be neato.  I don't need to get rich, but if you're a satisfied customer, throw .1 btc my way whydontcha.

Quick QR Code download link:

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: kseistrup on May 19, 2011, 09:55:43 PM

What other features do you all want?

Alarm when a miner fails for prolonged time.  Or is it already there?


Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on May 20, 2011, 04:09:34 AM

What other features do you all want?

Alarm when a miner fails for prolonged time.  Or is it already there?


Consider it on the list!

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: de4l on May 20, 2011, 06:10:09 PM
not really necesarry, but if you're looking for suggestions, maybe a hash-rate graph to see if you're getting hash-rate thrashing (usually indication of temperature issues)

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on May 20, 2011, 08:15:49 PM
not really necesarry, but if you're looking for suggestions, maybe a hash-rate graph to see if you're getting hash-rate thrashing (usually indication of temperature issues)

This is hard/impossible from my application because I'm getting data from each pool's JSON web service.  Pools tend to provide average values over time so the "status" isn't the exact hashrate your card is providing.

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: mrspike on June 05, 2011, 01:11:54 AM
I would like to see all of the options at btcmine added to the client.

particularly Current statistics for user and Current statistics for user miner.

I don't have a lot ton of coin but I sent you a little. More twice what others are asking for similar apps on the market. (at least at todays rate)

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on June 05, 2011, 02:51:26 PM
I'll add some of those options today and get an update out tonight.

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on June 06, 2011, 02:52:50 AM
I have some code in, but it's not fully tested... it'll probably be another day or so before I get this update out.  I'm changing how I get JSON data from each pool to support multiple URL's per miner.

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: mrspike on June 07, 2011, 05:34:19 PM
Thanks for all the work on this, I will toss you some more coin when it comes in. I check this app about 20 times a day as it is and am interesting in seeing how it will end up.

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on June 08, 2011, 12:35:04 PM
This update will be pushed out tomorrow (Thursday) - I got caught up in finishing Jeremiah ( ) on netflix the past couple of days :)

Title: Re: MinerStatus - Call for update requests
Post by: trumpetx on June 12, 2011, 09:34:09 PM
This feature is complete and pushed out to the Android Market.