Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: peonminer on December 24, 2014, 09:38:47 AM

Title: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: peonminer on December 24, 2014, 09:38:47 AM
says ...

You are Paycoin

Hello Everyone,

I think you’ll agree with me when I say that the last few weeks have been incredible to be a part of. Now, we find ourselves at a nexus - a point in time where decisions are made that will affect the outcome of everyone’s efforts - hopefully for results that we can enjoy for years to come; and, it’s all about how this community pulls together to turn Paycoin into something that can truly change the crypto industry and the world.

We are now stakeholders in what can become a global currency well suited for the long term prospects, of not only us as the early adopters, but for generations of people beyond us. As with anything new, it will require a fresh outlook and new thinking.

For a long time, miners have had to focus on “getting what’s theirs”, and that made sense given the landscape. There were many bad companies out there, promising quick ROI’s and profits, only to never deliver on the promises they made. GAW stepped in and changed that; for the first time, many of you finally did realize ROI’s and profits. - but because of circumstances in the industry creating an unsustainable arms race, the model we offered to our miners needed to adapt.

It’s now time for a new way of thinking, it’s no longer just about an “ROI”.

I have heard a lot of people speculate about how we will help manage the $20 goal we have for Paycoins. I have read comments that range from, “GAW will use the FIAT supply to help manage the market” to, “This is great, I can buy Paycoins cheap and cash them out when Paybase comes online.”

One comment is what we intended, the other is not. Allow me to explain a little further.

Economics 101

Let me remind what the entire value of Paycoin was: stability.

Let’s start with this:
“No system ever devised can handle every person using it simultaneously - there are limits. Paybase is no different.”

Consider a highway system. If everyone jumped on the highway at the same time, what would happen? The traffic would slow, and eventually (quickly) stop.

Consider any stock exchange. If everyone sold their stock at the same time, what would happen? The exchange would crash.

Now let’s consider Paycoin and Paybase. When we set up the CAF (Coin Adoption Fund), it was never meant to “cash” everyone out at the same time. In fact, it’s not only the opposite of what we intended, it’s also the opposite of what you, the shareholders, would want. After all, for the CAF to do its job, it needs to be sustainable and stable - and staking and using Paycoin as a currency is the means to that end.

Paycoin is not like a stock where you just buy low and sell high. The entire dream - the dream we all share - is a stable currency that the rest of the world may participate with us in. How will that happen with people looking to game the system, only looking to make a quick buck?

It’s our goal that most everyone involved with making Paycoin work should do well from the smallest miner to the people here at GAW that are making this happen. We all should - we believed in the vision and learned from the past and helped mold Paycoin into what it represents today - a way forward.

GAW is doing its part, now the Paycoin community needs to make a decision about where we will go from here. Do we want Paycoin to be something we participated in for a few months, or do we want to be able to hand over the reins of Paycoin to succeeding generations of people to grow with? The decisions we make today will steer this ship in whichever direction we choose.

Back to brass tacks - we have talked about this “floor” for a long time. What does it mean? Does it mean you can always sell your paycoins at $20 or does it mean we will work together to create a market that makes Paycoins worth at least that? It’s both. GAW can accomplish this with everyone working in the same direction with the same goals.

The floor is created and sustained by using a combination of our buying power and our funds (derived from the CAF) to help pull the market up at strategic times when selling pressure is at its highest. But, the value of Paycoin has to exist because people believe it has value and are willing to stake (and spend) their coins over the long term. Staking and spending are two of the most important methods of refilling the CAF, and, therefore, sustaining the value of Paycoin.

The First Market Maker

Paybase is the first market maker for Paycoin and here is how it works:

As new customers join Paybase to use its rich feature set, they will be purchasing Paycoins, which we source and buy in the marketplace, which in-turn raises the price of Paycoin. Paybase makes a market for Paycoin - not the other way around. Paybase was built to help stabilize the market. It will automatically find exchanges that low sell orders for Paycoin and buy them first to lift the price to stabilize it.

This is something no crypto currency has ever had: A powerful market maker, like Paycoin, focused on creating adoption and stability. More market makers are coming, it will not just be Paybase, many more are on the way.

So what does this come down to?

Josh, “Will I get my $20 for my XPY when Paybase opens?”

Here is the bottom line:

Will GAW use its resources to help ensure you can use your Paycoins in Paybase at a $20 value? YES
Will everyone be able to rush and sell every Paycoin they own at the same time for $20? NO
Will I need to sell every Paycoin I have to ensure I get $20 for each one? NO

I’ve laid out the value proposition that Paybase and Paycoin represent many times, and now you have a good understanding of the sustainability features we’ve created to ensure the market keeps up with the price of Paycoin that customers of Paybase will be spending to be a part of the amazing set of tools we have built-in to the market maker, Paybase.

I am confident with the support of the community staking, spending and evangelizing their experiences, we are in for great times ahead of us.

How can I help Paycoin help Me?

So what do you do?

First, it’s ok to sell what you need to. There is no crime in that, we all have to live.

Do your best to use and hold Paycoin. I know it’s going to take a bit for you to be able to use it everywhere. It will require some degree of patience, but the power of our dedicated company and an incredible community will make Paycoin spread like wild fire. It’s already happening!

Our job is to fill in the gaps: use our reserve to “manage” the gaps, bring on many new merchants to try out, make cool things like debit cards that tie in to your account, and make things simple to use.

We will build all the systems we can to help. We will provide the tools to help get the job done. We will make contests to promote new businesses accepting Paycoin. We will build team Paycoin to help organize team efforts to grow Paycoin adoption. We will create websites to create resources to spread the word for Paycoin. We will fund nonprofits that support Paycoin. (spoiler alert) - We will may even buy an ad during your favorite sports event of the year…

We all have a responsibility to make Paycoin different. We’re all here because we see the future. We know getting in on a global currency this early is far more important and valuable than any short term gains that can be made from trading today.

So let me be clear. If the only reason you’re in this is to buy low, sell high, and get rich quick, then there is no place for you here. Paycoin is bigger than that. We’re not here to give speculators a spectacle. We’re here to change the world.

Are you with us?


Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: TinEye on December 24, 2014, 01:30:18 PM
Its not going to stay at $20. It will be lucky to stay at $2.

They are dreaming about it lasting generations, great bit of humor there ;D

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: Sir Alpha_goy on December 24, 2014, 01:34:00 PM

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: Sir Alpha_goy on December 24, 2014, 01:35:15 PM

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: FeedTheBaby on December 24, 2014, 02:19:11 PM
Sounds like a number of things.

The start of a backout on supporting the price?:
So let me be clear. If the only reason you’re in this is to buy low, sell high, and get rich quick, then there is no place for you here. Paycoin is bigger than that. We’re not here to give speculators a spectacle. We’re here to change the world.

The start of possibly "blaming" traders who "take advantage" of the obvious chance to make money on a corp backed push in price?:
I have read comments that range from, “GAW will use the FIAT supply to help manage the market” to, “This is great, I can buy Paycoins cheap and cash them out when Paybase comes online.”

I completely agree with him on this:
Consider any stock exchange. If everyone sold their stock at the same time, what would happen? The exchange would crash.

Preemptive destruction play as a way out?:
The entire post seems to hint at that.

So many red flags, some truth.

The smart play as the ceo would have been to scoop up as many dumped coins as possible, to take them off the table first THEN pumped. Its cost effective to allow those who want out, to throw their coins at you. Less to prop up later. 5 days until paybase is launched (with a high chance of that also getting delayed until after the new year), most likely means there will be some cheap coins (cheap as in relative and lower than its current price)

Also take into account those selling at the current price to get in lower later. 5 days and uncertainty is a long time to wait.

I will say this though. Made $750ish in 3 hours while taking a nap yesterday, so they get a bit of love from me. About 3 days worth.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: siampumpkin on December 24, 2014, 02:30:54 PM
He doesn't want the customers to dump their coins so he can dump his first. Plain and simple. Josh is a criminal and hopefully will get his in the end.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: suchmoon on December 24, 2014, 05:25:08 PM
The smart play as the ceo would have been to scoop up as many dumped coins as possible, to take them off the table first THEN pumped. Its cost effective to allow those who want out, to throw their coins at you. Less to prop up later.

You have to keep in mind that HashStakers are producing (or pulling out of the pre-mine, who knows) and putting into the market a lot of new coins at a 0.972% daily interest rate. Although to be fair, we don't know how many HashStakers are there so the actual amount of selling pressure is anyone's guess.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: peonminer on December 24, 2014, 06:27:04 PM
Paycoin wins the award for best scam 2014!

So ridiculous to see it all play out.

"Yeah bros we got u @ $20 per coin on (last) Friday!"
"Sorry bros I know I fucked up the wallet two days in a row and secretly moved millions of excess paycoins to the blockchain and into my wallet, but I'm not telling you that. Really I mean, hey! Paybase will be open Monday."
"So yeah paybase isn't opening today. But I will support the price with GAW's $ and keep the market at .035"
"Yeah, me again bros, u know, Josh, GAWCEO, the dude surrounded with strippers, coke, Ferraris, all while I chill on my yacht. Paid for by paycoin investors... Anyway...I'm not going to be supporting the price on the market!"
"Say brobros, since I'm not supporting the market anymore, let's all watch at the spectical as the worth of every paycoin literally halves!"
"Me again bros, yeah so actually I'm not gonna give you $20 cash or BTC for your paycoins you spent thousands on to stake for months. LULZ, but I'm still gonna half ass promise you can spend them on my shit portal for Chinese junk! Why? Because I'm awesomeeeee and y'all suck for hurting paycoin. Its all your fault. *smacks investors* How dare you think I was telling the truth!"
*all while viciously dumping thousands of XPY on *
"Me again brobros. So yeah, if you want paycoin to work, you're going to have to do that shit yourself. I mean, SHUTUP AND GIVE ME MORE MONEY. I mean, we're a community!!!! Let's do this together!" *200 btc sell wall appears on the market*
"Oh, BTW, I'm on vacation now! So happy holidays to all of you who just lost out due to my huge dump I took on all of you."

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: cloverme on December 24, 2014, 07:06:56 PM
Its not going to stay at $20. It will be lucky to stay at $2.

They are dreaming about it lasting generations, great bit of humor there ;D

Agreed, the only way they could keep it at $20 is if they secured the value with another commodity (silver/gold/plat) and a buy back program where you locked in your purchase for a specific value.  The paycoin community (prior to gaw) is up in arms because now all the marketcap numbers are in flux, no is really sure what the true market cap is once GAW got their hands on it. The market will determine the true value, right now, there's not much value because there's no use case for the coin. That could change over time, but right now the cart is before the horse.  For the coin to be successful, they need to start finding ways to get a community (outside of gaw) to accept it. To me, bitcoin is still king... I think they would have done better to adopt another coin already established where the develops are struggling for greater support.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: Sumo on December 24, 2014, 07:41:17 PM
So this coin is dead now? ???

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: marcoman22 on December 24, 2014, 08:08:55 PM
Why do people always fall for these type of scams despite so many warnings ?

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: flapman1 on December 24, 2014, 09:08:28 PM
This Josh fellow is clever: he's never actually promised the $20 per 1 Paycoin offer directly as far as I've been able to read.  Others have left off the lawyer words and run with it and GAW wasn't overly in a hurry to pull them back.  People love to think they'll get something for nought.  With this statement Josh erases any accusations of a scam in the legal sense.  He's more-or-less directly telling the world that the $20.00 bit will never happen.  The naive, etc. will keep pumping up his coin and GAW will summarily dump on the lot of them.  No illegalities as nothing was ever promised and any doubts re the lack of a promise were handled right there on their forum in that long post of his.

He doesn't want the customers to dump their coins so he can dump his first. Plain and simple. Josh is a criminal and hopefully will get his in the end.
A criminal has to commit a crime to be called that, i believe he hasn't done it yet.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: Alkhara on December 24, 2014, 09:12:29 PM
This Josh fellow is clever: he's never actually promised the $20 per 1 Paycoin offer directly as far as I've been able to read.  Others have left off the lawyer words and run with it and GAW wasn't overly in a hurry to pull them back.  People love to think they'll get something for nought.  With this statement Josh erases any accusations of a scam in the legal sense.  He's more-or-less directly telling the world that the $20.00 bit will never happen.  The naive, etc. will keep pumping up his coin and GAW will summarily dump on the lot of them.  No illegalities as nothing was ever promised and any doubts re the lack of a promise were handled right there on their forum in that long post of his.

He doesn't want the customers to dump their coins so he can dump his first. Plain and simple. Josh is a criminal and hopefully will get his in the end.
A criminal has to commit a crime to be called that, i believe he hasn't done it yet.

They actually slipped and said Gaw will BUY BACK your XPY for $20 on Paybase.

They edited their post to say they will MANAGE your XPY for $20 on Paybase.

That was a huge red flag, I should have dumped then. But oh well I dumped just now. Still profit from mining.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: pawel7777 on December 25, 2014, 02:12:14 PM
Things aren't looking pretty for XPY on coinmarketcap today

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: favelle75 on December 28, 2014, 08:30:16 PM
Its not going to stay at $20. It will be lucky to stay at $2.

They are dreaming about it lasting generations, great bit of humor there ;D

Can you please let me know when its $2?  Thanks.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: peonminer on January 02, 2015, 08:38:17 PM

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: old fart on January 03, 2015, 01:28:43 AM
Its not going to stay at $20. It will be lucky to stay at $2.

They are dreaming about it lasting generations, great bit of humor there ;D

Can you please let me know when its $2?  Thanks.

It's $5.31 now and at the rate it's dropping at I'd say it will be at $2 in another 4 days.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: nomoreheroes7 on January 03, 2015, 01:31:07 AM
Its not going to stay at $20. It will be lucky to stay at $2.

They are dreaming about it lasting generations, great bit of humor there ;D

Can you please let me know when its $2?  Thanks.

It's $5.31 now and at the rate it's dropping at I'd say it will be at $2 in another 4 days.


Goddamn crypto is hilarious.

I'd give it 2 more days.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: peonminer on January 03, 2015, 07:30:35 AM

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: Hollowman338 on January 03, 2015, 08:12:00 AM
NXT and SuperNET.

You know, if you're looking for a real future

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: unusualfacts30 on January 03, 2015, 08:20:20 AM
It seems like only people hating on XPY are Bitcoin supporters. They're forgetting that interest in crypto/bitcoin is limited. Look at Bitcoin it's dying and it'll be dead very soon just like all the digital currency that came before it. If anyone thinks that public hasn't heard about bitcoin they're living in fairly land. In fact majority of population have heard/lost/invested in bitcoin and found out that it was nothing but a HUGE ponzi scheme.

People who have 10 BTC invested in XPY are the same ones who have 50 BTC in their wallet and both are related to each other. If they lose interest in crypto it'll also affect how they look at BTC. It's related to each other.

Honestly, You're making BTC look bad by making it a war between BTC and crypto.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: Hollowman338 on January 03, 2015, 08:24:20 AM
XPY is a shitbox and always was

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: kekek on January 03, 2015, 08:25:24 AM
It seems like only people hating on XPY are Bitcoin supporters. They're forgetting that interest in crypto/bitcoin is limited. Look at Bitcoin it's dying and it'll be dead very soon just like all the digital currency that came before it. If anyone thinks that public hasn't heard about bitcoin they're living in fairly land. In fact majority of population have heard/lost/invested in bitcoin and found out that it was nothing but a HUGE ponzi scheme.

People who have 10 BTC invested in XPY are the same ones who have 50 BTC in their wallet and both are related to each other. If they lose interest in crypto it'll also affect how they look at BTC. It's related to each other.

Honestly, You're making BTC look bad by making it a war between BTC and crypto.
What war? People are criticizing XPY because there is plenty to criticize.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: TrianglePythagoras on January 03, 2015, 08:30:38 AM
Is it $0.50 yet?  Everyone seems to be hitting on it hard.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: unusualfacts30 on January 03, 2015, 08:37:30 AM
It seems like only people hating on XPY are Bitcoin supporters. They're forgetting that interest in crypto/bitcoin is limited. Look at Bitcoin it's dying and it'll be dead very soon just like all the digital currency that came before it. If anyone thinks that public hasn't heard about bitcoin they're living in fairly land. In fact majority of population have heard/lost/invested in bitcoin and found out that it was nothing but a HUGE ponzi scheme.

People who have 10 BTC invested in XPY are the same ones who have 50 BTC in their wallet and both are related to each other. If they lose interest in crypto it'll also affect how they look at BTC. It's related to each other.

Honestly, You're making BTC look bad by making it a war between BTC and crypto.
What war? People are criticizing XPY because there is plenty to criticize.

Some are but majority is only criticizing it because if it succeeds it'll change how people look at crypto FOREVER. There is huge interest in XPY. 10,000 weekly orders. Someone mentioned somewhere that he is trying to take over btctalk and lot of bitcoin supporters don't want it to happen because it'll damage bitcoin in huge way. Think about all the traffic btctalk gets and if it goes to hashtalk then btctalk will be dead in few years.

It's not as simple as it looks. Go around the internet and look at comment section under all articles regarding XPY. Who the hell are those people? I have never seen so many people trying so hard to bring one crypto down. Obviously they aren't just some random people who're just trying to share their views. Nobody has that much time to go around and talk shit about a coin they aren't invested in. How many coins out there get that much hate? NONE. All of them are bitcoin supporters and only handful are sharing their views.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: kekek on January 03, 2015, 08:45:17 AM
It seems like only people hating on XPY are Bitcoin supporters. They're forgetting that interest in crypto/bitcoin is limited. Look at Bitcoin it's dying and it'll be dead very soon just like all the digital currency that came before it. If anyone thinks that public hasn't heard about bitcoin they're living in fairly land. In fact majority of population have heard/lost/invested in bitcoin and found out that it was nothing but a HUGE ponzi scheme.

People who have 10 BTC invested in XPY are the same ones who have 50 BTC in their wallet and both are related to each other. If they lose interest in crypto it'll also affect how they look at BTC. It's related to each other.

Honestly, You're making BTC look bad by making it a war between BTC and crypto.
What war? People are criticizing XPY because there is plenty to criticize.

Some are but majority is only criticizing it because if it succeeds it'll change how people look at crypto FOREVER. There is huge interest in XPY. 10,000 weekly orders. Someone mentioned somewhere that he is trying to take over btctalk and lot of bitcoin supporters don't want it to happen because it'll damage bitcoin in huge way. Think about all the traffic btctalk gets and if it goes to hashtalk then btctalk will be dead in few years.

It's not as simple as it looks. Go around the internet and look at comment section under all articles regarding XPY. Who the hell are those people? I have never seen so many people trying so hard to bring one crypto down. Obviously they aren't just some random people who're just trying to share their views. Nobody has that much time to go around and talk shit about a coin they aren't invested in. How many coins out there get that much hate? NONE. All of them are bitcoin supporters and only handful are sharing their views.

Okay lets break this down, (Kind of wish hashtalk is up so I could copy what I wrote there)

People are coming out in numbers because this is a coin created by a multimillion dollar company, of course it's getting more attention than any other coin, and yeah there are people in the crypto community who are concerned about XPY and GAW. Many of these people have a good reason, for instance the alleged threats of legal action against theymos, the purchasing of just to have it redirect to paybase, the purchasing of coinswap pissed many off especially when it was alleged that GAW ordered them to close half the markets, the $20 floor disappearing in seconds, the list goes on.

EDIT Oh look it's up again
(from this thread where dumbasses thought there was a war):

Honestly there is no coordinated attack.

Are there Pumps and Dumps? Yeah it happens with every single coin in existence.
Are people bashing the coin? Yeah, again this happens with everything else.
Are people bashing GAW and Josh? Yeah, again people have always done that.
Are people mad about XPY? Yeah, and many of them have a good reason because imo the launch of this coin was preceded by what can only be described as arrogance.

Did GAW purchase just to have it redirect to paybase? Yeah. it's a giant middle finger to bitcoin, and all the people who are searching for it too. They basically made it more difficult (which imo is a bad way of advertising considering this is more likely going to piss people off more than make them use the service)

Are there allegations that GAW ordered for coins to be delisted from coinswap? Yeah, and so far they have yet to be addressed. This alone could easily anger people because to many that looks like GAW is trying to eliminate any competitors by using their capital.

Was there a floor promised? Yeah, Josh went on record saying that it wouldn't fall below ten. Of course now we know this isn't the case , and many of the people who invested based on this claim have a right to be disappointed.

If a coin cannot sustain itself against criticism then it shouldn't be throwing stones.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: rokkyroad on January 03, 2015, 09:12:09 PM
Yes. There is lots of blame being thrown around. The truth IMO:

Gaw brought down Paycoin all by itself. Gaw made promises they did not keep or intend to keep imo. The resulting dump by angry holders ensued.

You can't blame btctalk, reddit, twitter, or the man-in-the-moon for that.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: suchmoon on January 03, 2015, 11:08:46 PM
Don't pay attention to unusualfacts30. He/she is just repeating the script handed out on hashtalk - BTC bagholders, XPY haters yadayadayada. Being able to project their misery on someone else probably makes it easier for them to swallow all the other lies they've been fed.

There is no conspiracy against XPY among "Bitcoin supporters". There might be some dislike for shady companies and their dishonest arrogant asshole "leaders" though.

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: btckold24 on January 04, 2015, 05:03:02 AM
I picked up .20 btc more at .011 figure I am already in at .04 for a bunch I may as well try and average down at .01 and hope it pops up

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: peonminer on January 08, 2015, 08:18:02 PM

Title: Re: The Wolf of GAW Street
Post by: pawel7777 on January 08, 2015, 10:19:13 PM
It seems like only people hating on XPY are Bitcoin supporters.

Maybe you should research a bit more. (

Litecoin, Dogecoin, Blackcoin and Neoscoin requested to be delisted from Coin-Swap. The move follows the recent announcement of Josh Garza's Paybase’s acquisition of the cryptocurrency exchange.

Also XPY was removed from ShapeShift.

How often do you see altcoin devs boycotting exchange or alt exchange boycotting coin? Wondered why?