Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Digital goods => Topic started by: blure on December 25, 2014, 10:53:18 AM

Title: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: blure on December 25, 2014, 10:53:18 AM
The Domain is  

If you're in the coin business this is your domain

asking for
BTC1000.00  :o

Make me an offer..

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: voephilis on December 25, 2014, 02:14:20 PM
1000 BTC for this domain? :o Or 1000 Dollar in Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: blure on December 25, 2014, 10:26:02 PM
1000 BTC for this domain? :o Or 1000 Dollar in Bitcoin?

If I wanted SKRILLA A.K.A. $$ I would have put my listing on Ebay...  ;D

At first I was going to ask 200btc, however after learing that "COIN" is going to be the NASDAQ ticker for the bitcoin trust. I figured I'd ask for a little more. Plus, there are 25 + bitcoin addresses with over 40,000 bitcoins or more. BTC1000.00 BTC is chump change for a BTC millionaire.

My digital asset for Your digital asset...

or serious offers accepted..

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: minifrij on December 25, 2014, 11:15:18 PM
Lol @ all these wannabe domain dealers with their shitty domains.

This domain isn't too awful, but anyone that buys this for even $1000 is an idiot.
New TLDs are not worth $320,000, no matter the domain.

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: blure on December 26, 2014, 01:17:15 AM
Thanks for your input ... it's not 320,000 USD that I am asking for, its BTC1000.00 Apparently you don't understand online currency or domain name investing..
Calling someone an idiot that might be interested in purchasing a domain is quite rude. However when Marc Ostrofsky purchased the domain in 1994-95 for $150,000 he was called an idiot also. Later he sold in 1999 for $7.5 million.  

I believe a domain is worth only what someone is willing to pay. Do I believe my domain is worth BTC1000.00? Not likely
However, It doesn't hurt to ask now does it?

Besides I am not asking for $$$ I am asking for Bitcoin. What good is bitcoin if your not buying or selling with it. Who is to say that the value of bitcoin will stay the same? The value of bitcoin has dropped all year. While, the value of domain names have increased year upon year. So..


P.S. sold for $100,000 USD  nTLD, sold for 50,000.

I am not a wantabe domain dealer, this is actually the first domain I've ever tried to sell.

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: master-P on December 26, 2014, 02:58:37 AM
I don't think these new gTLD domains are worth what some people are asking for. Seeing more and more of these. Although they can be nice and brandable, they simply do not hold the same value as a classic .com or .net  domain. Something like would still be worth more than a gTLD domain like this.

Anyway, good luck with your sale. I just think it will be hard for you to sell it at your current asking price.

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: blure on December 26, 2014, 03:11:32 AM
I don't think these new gTLD domains are worth what some people are asking for. Seeing more and more of these. Although they can be nice and brandable, they simply do not hold the same value as a classic .com or .net  domain. Something like would still be worth more than a gTLD domain like this.

Anyway, good luck with your sale. I just think it will be hard for you to sell it at your current asking price.

I believe you're right, and you have a good point.

Thanks.. P

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: jokerboy on December 26, 2014, 03:18:35 AM
You want too much ! Sorry but no one buy this domain for 1000 BTC.

Title: Re: Domain Name for sale ..
Post by: blure on June 22, 2017, 11:04:21 PM
Thank You so much... This domain name is no longer for sale..

all traffic from the domain name was forwarded over to this tread. Traffic as of July 1, 2017 will point to

 ;D ;D ;D ::)

 ;) ;) ;)