Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Wallet for Android => Topic started by: crazy-pilot on December 27, 2014, 09:22:52 AM

Title: Android Bitcoin client, can't add new addresses
Post by: crazy-pilot on December 27, 2014, 09:22:52 AM

I noticed it a while back but I have so many wallets I didn't bother, but, on Android Bitcoin client, can't add new addresses. Even on one device with 2 receiving addresses.

Anyone have an idea? Is this a version bug? Since i've noticed it one two different systems, one phone and one tablet.

Title: Re: Android Bitcoin client, can't add new addresses
Post by: Andreas Schildbach on January 06, 2015, 09:07:14 PM
Don't worry about manually managing addresses. Since version 4, each received payment automatically gets a fresh address, to protect your privacy.

Title: Re: Android Bitcoin client, can't add new addresses
Post by: SebastianJu on January 25, 2015, 04:55:17 PM
Personally i dont like the new wallet. Its something like Ubuntu did. Once it was a good OS, then they decided to go mainstream and create something for the average stupid user who only can handle windows. At the end even a pro cant find certain settings so that you take a different OS at the end.

Now the wallet seems to go the same way. No way to see your receiving addressed or add one as a pro. No way to chose a pro behaviour. So you only has the choice to take the top code for receiving coins. Im grown enough to know if i need a new receiving address or if i, in the worst case, want to type manually the new address because i cant copy it to the other system for some reason. Adding risk of typos.

And now i wanted to send remaining coins in my wallet back to my own wallet. As usual i only wanted to put in 100btc and the wallet fills in the coins i can send, because i actually have less. But it doesnt do this anymore. Only claims this doesnt work. Doesnt tell me how much i have, tells my how much less i have. So it awaits me to calculate? I go back to see my amount of coins, i need to remind them, go back and the receiving address is gone of course.

Then i remind the amount. Still i have to try the numbers on each decimal in order to withdraw all coins. I do it till i have every satoshi, then i scan the address with qr-code and... my amount is gone again. Completely stupid.

Really... its no fun using the wallet anymore. It makes live harder. If this doesnt change ill use another wallet. A friend of mine already did this because of this paternalism.

Title: Re: Android Bitcoin client, can't add new addresses
Post by: Andreas Schildbach on March 25, 2015, 03:36:04 PM
I don't understand your issue with emptying your wallet. If you're entering more than you have, it should ask you if you want to send the entire wallet. You can also use Options > Empty wallet to empty your wallet. No need to remember the amount from the main screen.

Title: Re: Android Bitcoin client, can't add new addresses
Post by: SebastianJu on March 27, 2015, 12:46:45 PM
I don't understand your issue with emptying your wallet. If you're entering more than you have, it should ask you if you want to send the entire wallet. You can also use Options > Empty wallet to empty your wallet. No need to remember the amount from the main screen.

Last time i tried that it didnt work. It only showed me that i dont have enough coins and how many i miss. At least i could calculate it with that value. I didnt know the option, i will test it. And ill check out if it still works what you said. It worked before, yes, but this question doesnt pop up anymore. At least thats what i found last time.