Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: hdd3go on December 27, 2014, 05:44:52 PM

Title: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: hdd3go on December 27, 2014, 05:44:52 PM
Something about Bitcoin in 2014:
1,never back to $1,000
2,Dell,MS,Paypal accept Bitcoin preliminary
3,We got more and more Bitcoin ATM
4.Mtgox gone

And what about in 2015?

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Meuh6879 on December 27, 2014, 05:49:50 PM
massive introduction of "BITCOIN ACCEPTED HERE" with side of PayPal ...  ;D

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: elephantas1 on December 27, 2014, 05:51:24 PM
What will Botcoin be in 2015?
I think it will be worth nothing

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on December 27, 2014, 05:52:26 PM
my guess is that we will not have to pull out our moon boots until 2016

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: wesk1212 on December 27, 2014, 06:40:23 PM
Botcoin hahahaha bitcoin is done look at it stanle for almost half year at 300 400. Fuck it

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: botany on December 28, 2014, 12:34:24 AM
my guess is that we will not have to pull out our moon boots until 2016

In anticipation of the block reward halving, there may be a bull run in end-2015 itself.  ;D

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: 1Referee on December 28, 2014, 01:14:34 AM
I think 2015 will be quite the same as the last months of this year.

Unless something big will happen, which I doubt, nothing will happen.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Rub3n on December 28, 2014, 01:15:35 AM
For the guy mentioning the price is stable, and that it would be negative, please leave :D

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Beliathon on December 28, 2014, 02:21:43 AM
100... million.. dollars! *pinky to mouth*

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Jerrietg on December 28, 2014, 04:39:31 AM
What will Botcoin be in 2015?
I think it will be worth nothing
;D forgive he , he always use botcoin but not bitcoin
lol :D

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: itsAj on December 28, 2014, 04:40:39 AM
Thanks for the joke thread  :'(

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Zendikar on December 28, 2014, 04:49:47 AM
Hopefully back up to $1,000+ :D maybe

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: itsAj on December 28, 2014, 04:53:12 AM
Something about Bitcoin in 2014:
1,never back to $1,000
2,Dell,MS,Paypal accept Bitcoin preliminary

Thats why I call it a joke thread. No offense op.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: resya on December 28, 2014, 05:06:09 AM
No one really knows what gonna happen in 2015, but I predict it will be much better than 2014. If you treat bitcoin as investment, I think BTC will settle to $310-$320 by the end of the year, then pump start of 2015

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: kenji on December 28, 2014, 05:10:28 AM
whre can i buy botcoins? :o

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: hdd3go on December 28, 2014, 05:18:29 AM
Something about Bitcoin in 2014:
1,never back to $1,000
2,Dell,MS,Paypal accept Bitcoin preliminary

Thats why I call it a joke thread. No offense op.

Sorry if you find any mistakes please tell me and I will correct it.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: pungopete468 on December 28, 2014, 09:24:54 AM
The price of Bitcoin will continue to stagnate along with other commodities until the next global economic crisis. The outcome depends on the circumstances with regard to how the next crisis is handled by the institutions; the price may rally or it may fall steeply. If TBTF banks use depositor funds to cover deficits (bail-ins) then virtual currencies and precious metals will likely rally in price and relative value in the months following (until the eventual demise of our economic system.) If the banks are allowed to collapse there will be an unprecedented price discovery period for the market and the purchasing power of virtual currencies and precious metals will likely collapse with everything else until confidence is established; the conversion rate may increase, but the purchasing power will likely be less than it is today. A collapse of the worlds financial institutions would be a life altering event for billions of people. The question is ultimately, what will gain value fastest in a post-collapse economy?

Brace yourself because the show is just starting. The recent price collapse of crude oil has already started the wheels in motion. It's like watching a tsunami spread across the ocean; it just looks like a ripple moving quickly across the deep sea, but as it approaches the shoreline the magnitude of the impending disaster will become more obvious. It takes some time to impact the market, but like a tsunami the most damaging effects are usually felt long after the triggering event occurred...

Buy or Sell, it doesn't matter; the value of your investment is what's at risk and you will face the loss of value in every category no matter the outcome... It's nearly comical as if we were all rats scurrying for shelter on a sinking ship...

I'd rather be in silver than Bitcoin at the moment. I expect that confidence in digital assets will be a hard pill to swallow for many average consumers unless the fed can somehow give the can another kick to buy us a few more years under our current monetary system...

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: bigtimespaghetti on December 28, 2014, 09:56:01 AM
The price of Bitcoin will continue to stagnate along with other commodities until the next global economic crisis. The outcome depends on the circumstances with regard to how the next crisis is handled by the institutions; the price may rally or it may fall steeply. If TBTF banks use depositor funds to cover deficits (bail-ins) then virtual currencies and precious metals will likely rally in price and relative value in the months following (until the eventual demise of our economic system.) If the banks are allowed to collapse there will be an unprecedented price discovery period for the market and the purchasing power of virtual currencies and precious metals will likely collapse with everything else until confidence is established; the conversion rate may increase, but the purchasing power will likely be less than it is today. A collapse of the worlds financial institutions would be a life altering event for billions of people. The question is ultimately, what will gain value fastest in a post-collapse economy?

Brace yourself because the show is just starting. The recent price collapse of crude oil has already started the wheels in motion. It's like watching a tsunami spread across the ocean; it just looks like a ripple moving quickly across the deep sea, but as it approaches the shoreline the magnitude of the impending disaster will become more obvious. It takes some time to impact the market, but like a tsunami the most damaging effects are usually felt long after the triggering event occurred...

Buy or Sell, it doesn't matter; the value of your investment is what's at risk and you will face the loss of value in every category no matter the outcome... It's nearly comical as if we were all rats scurrying for shelter on a sinking ship...

I'd rather be in silver than Bitcoin at the moment. I expect that confidence in digital assets will be a hard pill to swallow for many average consumers unless the fed can somehow give the can another kick to buy us a few more years under our current monetary system...

I think you need your own thread pungo :-)

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: inca on December 28, 2014, 09:57:45 AM
The price of Bitcoin will continue to stagnate along with other commodities until the next global economic crisis. The outcome depends on the circumstances with regard to how the next crisis is handled by the institutions; the price may rally or it may fall steeply. If TBTF banks use depositor funds to cover deficits (bail-ins) then virtual currencies and precious metals will likely rally in price and relative value in the months following (until the eventual demise of our economic system.) If the banks are allowed to collapse there will be an unprecedented price discovery period for the market and the purchasing power of virtual currencies and precious metals will likely collapse with everything else until confidence is established; the conversion rate may increase, but the purchasing power will likely be less than it is today. A collapse of the worlds financial institutions would be a life altering event for billions of people. The question is ultimately, what will gain value fastest in a post-collapse economy?

Brace yourself because the show is just starting. The recent price collapse of crude oil has already started the wheels in motion. It's like watching a tsunami spread across the ocean; it just looks like a ripple moving quickly across the deep sea, but as it approaches the shoreline the magnitude of the impending disaster will become more obvious. It takes some time to impact the market, but like a tsunami the most damaging effects are usually felt long after the triggering event occurred...

Buy or Sell, it doesn't matter; the value of your investment is what's at risk and you will face the loss of value in every category no matter the outcome... It's nearly comical as if we were all rats scurrying for shelter on a sinking ship...

I'd rather be in silver than Bitcoin at the moment. I expect that confidence in digital assets will be a hard pill to swallow for many average consumers unless the fed can somehow give the can another kick to buy us a few more years under our current monetary system...

Excellent post. But i have found betting on disaster to not be a great investment strategy over the years. Never underestimate the ability of central banks to use their primary tool - the money printer. Or get another central bank to use theirs and provide buying pressure when required.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Q7 on December 28, 2014, 10:30:16 AM
Come on try not to paint such negative outlook for the coin. I wouldn't compare it to a scam run by a bot. I mean anything can still happen. Try to look at the positive side. Microsoft for a starter. Next waiting for paypal integration. Hopefully another big giant corporation or retailer announcing bitcoin acceptance. And on the price, I see a strong support at certain level, so nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: jertsy on December 28, 2014, 10:37:33 AM
I don't think we will see $1000 this year.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: xDan on December 28, 2014, 10:49:58 AM
Further year of HODLing in anticipation of a moon shot that doesn't come :(

Slow decrease and oscillating around $100.

Gavin Andresen and all Bitcoin Foundation members are put on trial for fomenting anarchy.

Bitcoin is superseded by trading of blockchain based virtual pokemon cards.

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: slushee on December 28, 2014, 01:07:10 PM
Bircorn in 2015?

Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: NotLambchop on December 28, 2014, 02:18:01 PM
...Never underestimate the ability of central banks to use their primary tool - the money printer. Or get another central bank to use theirs and provide buying pressure when required.

>Invests in Bitcoin, which does nothing but print money, currently inflating the coin supply @~14% a year
>grumbles about central banks printing money

No wonder you're broke.


Title: Re: What will Botcoin be in 2015?
Post by: Valerian77 on December 28, 2014, 05:44:40 PM
What happened so far?

Financial Services Executives:

Amex CEO Kenneth Chenault said: "The protocol of bitcoin is going to be important."

Richest man in the world, Bill Gates: "Bitcoin is better than currency."

Virgin Founder and CEO, Richard Branson: "I have invested in bitcoin because I believe in its potential, the capacity it has to transform global payments is very exciting."

Former Citigroup CEO, Vikram Pandit: "The reason I like the concept of virtual currency is because it's spawning a lot of innovation and thinking about how you transfer money around the world, how you store money, all those kinds of things."

Jamie Dimon's lieutenant and global head and managing director at JPMorgan’s transactions services unit,Paul Camp, who joined Circle this week even after his boss mused, “The question isn’t whether we accept it, [but rather] do we even participate in people who facilitate Bitcoin?”

eBay President John Donahue: "I think there are two sides of it, the investment side and the digital currency side," he continued in the interview, which aired Thursday. "I'm more interested in the digital currency side about how you and I can exchange value seamlessly using technology."

PayPal mafia member Reid Hoffman: "I think it's an incredible system that's created a ledger that is across – a distributed ledger across the whole world for it can be money but it can also be other things."


Companies accepting bitcoin:

Microsoft - Second largest company in the world.

Dell - Fortune 100 company.

Dish - Fortune 500 company.

Overstock - First billion dollar company to accept bitcoin.

Expedia - World's largest travel site.

United Way - World's largest charity.

Wikipedia - Fifth most popular website in the world.

Wordpress - Top digital content platform in the world.


Companies integrating bitcoin into their products:

Paypal / Braintree - Payments giant with 160 million users globally.

Stripe - Top mobile payments platform.

Intuit - Quickbooks and Mint product integrations.

NCR - Multi-billion dollar payments company.

Square - Multi-billion dollar payments leader.


Honestly - who expected MS, Dish or Expedia?

What will happen in 2015? The lists will grow until there will be one hit which will make the balloon explode ...