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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Bizmark13 on January 02, 2015, 05:12:08 AM

Title: Are there any examples of unsuccessful college dropouts?
Post by: Bizmark13 on January 02, 2015, 05:12:08 AM
So I'm guessing by now that everyone already knows all the college dropouts that later became billionaires. Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Trump, Dell, Ellison, Branson, etc. But where are the examples of unsuccessful ones? The ones that tried to launch a business but failed spectacularly? The ones that went bankrupt? The ones that died under a bridge owing millions in debt? Google doesn't help at all. In fact, searching "unsuccessful college dropouts" just auto-corrects to "successful college dropouts" and even if you override the auto-correct, only the successful ones are shown.

The only one that I can think of which comes close is Mark Karpeles - CEO of Mt. Gox. But he never went to college so I guess he doesn't count.

Title: Re: Are there any examples of unsuccessful college dropouts?
Post by: gogxmagog on January 02, 2015, 09:53:40 AM
There are tons. You simply never hear about them because they are nobodies.
Kind of the inverse applies to pirates of the high seas. You only know about the ones who got caught. The successful ones, in this case, remain anonymous.

Title: Re: Are there any examples of unsuccessful college dropouts?
Post by: Lethn on January 02, 2015, 09:56:50 AM
Yep, pretty much, what the successful ones do demonstrate though is how wrong the stereotype could be, you can also have cases of college dropouts who while didn't become hugely successful did actually end up doing shit with their lives because they had a skillset that was in demand and so on. Probably comes from the economics I study but I honestly believe that skillsets are much more important than a degree, you can't advance civilisation with a piece of paper.

I will say though I think I read somewhere that a higher percentage of CEO's etc. were school/college dropouts which kind of blows away the idea that it's an absolute must you need to go to college/school to be successful.

Title: Re: Are there any examples of unsuccessful college dropouts?
Post by: BitcoinFreak12 on January 03, 2015, 07:52:42 AM
Me :D

I left collage 6 years ago, it was too much propaganda i could not take it.

Now I have a crappy job, trying to make my fortune with BTC, hopefully succeed :)

I dont regret it, if i would have done it till the end, i would be probably in the same position, but also would have lost more money.

So it was a good decision.